Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade

Pretty sure this woman is trolling, she's just very good at it - i hope! She says "Even if we would bomb Russia we'd still have too many people, too much pollution", which to me is a knowing comment highlighting the attacks on Russia and the death loving mentality pursued by both the MIC and the environ-mentalists. As well as "we only have a few months" before the end of the world due to the climate crisis - even AOC corrects her on that, although she doesn't correct her comment about eating babies, but then maybe she was a little flustered or even thought the woman may have a point...Her speech pattern is a little off, but i'd suspect that's part of the act.

Added: I think the trolling does a great job of highlighting just how warped AOC supporters, and the others referred to in her comments, are.

По моему мнению даже подобный троллинг это уже за гранью всего разумного, не говоря о том что это может быть и не троллингом вовсе. А вообще Грета, поедание детей и троллинг, эти три нитки "удачно" увязываются в одно: если поедать детей, то начните с Греты.

In my opinion even such a trolling this already beyond just a reasonable, not to mention that this may be and not trolling at all. And at all the eating children, Greta, and trolling, these three example "aptly" are links in one thing: if to eat children, then start your with Greta.
Although I know that one day of weather is not 30 years of averages, here is one little sign inviting people in Southern parts of Sweden and Denmark to look out the window and ask themselves if global warming is really the best explanation or if more might be involved than CO2.

The first frost came already on October 5th in the evening, at least in Denmark. and by the early morning the 6th of October, the comparatively strongest first frost this early in 24 years was measured reaching -2,7 C. In other words the first frost of the season hasn't been this cold for more than two decades, or eight years before Great Thunberg was even born DMI blace cold polar air moving down.

From the Swedish weather service, for the 6th of October there is an illustration of the deviations between the normal temperature and measured SMHI - Dygnsmedeltemperaturens avvikelse från den normala, 6 oktober 2019 | SMHI In some places it was 9 degrees below.

On Greta Thunberg Nobel Peace Prize Favorite After UN Visit there is
Climate activist Greta Thunberg is the betting favorite to win the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize following an impassioned address to world leaders last month at the United Nations.

Paddy Power lists Thunberg at -175 in its latest assessment of potential Nobel Peace Prize recipients. The winner will be announced at 6 a.m. ET Oct. 11 at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway. Thunberg, 16, would become the youngest Nobel laureate of all time and has been given a serious edge by European bookmakers. Betting on the Nobel Prize and politics is not available in the United States.
Greta Thunberg makes a speech to the UN three weeks before the Nobel Prize is awarded. How likely is that? It can only have been on the initiative of her handlers to arrange for her Nobel Prize campaign speech. Okay, she has not yet received it, but the intention must have been there to strengthen her odd with the speech she gaves, right? The reality show has become reality.

Recalling what I found in an earlier post there is little surprise and quoting Morningstar:
“The last thing to reiterate is the emotion – not the information … so the people that are going to lead this rebellion are going to be young people, 14 & 15 year olds …omg – a 14 year-old is in tears, right?, on television, about what’s happening…
Thus, a key strategy for XR was (and continues to be) “How to engage with younger people – youth mobilisation, talks in schools/colleges, figuring out how to engage on ‘youth’ social media.” [Source ]
And a hint: Sweden received the earliest snow in 20 years four days before Greta held her speech at the UN. (Video is embedded with the picture)

I'm seeing a dangerous trend forming, especially with the up-surge of these "Climate Change" protests now veering for recognition. These Climate Change protests are being scheduled on some of the same dates, and near locations of other organizations holding rallies?
A push to co-opt other movements for their purposes is in line with the drive to create a mass movement mentioned in an earlier post. Another possibility is that Climate Change protests are used to take the heat off other subjects. I think that happened in my country during election this year.
That Russian pundit video was great: told the plain, unvarnished truth. "Political pedophilia"!!

And I notice that a lot of folks picked up on the same thing that occurred to me: the Children's Crusade. Who said it first?

You have to know history to even think of it.
I'm seeing a dangerous trend forming, especially with the up-surge of these "Climate Change" protests now veering for recognition. These Climate Change protests are being scheduled on some of the same dates, and near locations of other organizations holding rallies?

Take for instance, after weeks and months of the Paris YV staging protests, denoting serious and factual social concerns - violence, arrests and Police abuse have followed. Now add a Climate Change protest going on at the same time. Where is the dividing line and if one group gets really out of hand, how does that affect the other group, that might be conducting a non-violent, peaceful demonstration?

Good point! What does the FFF nonsense do to genuine protests? How do the Yellow Vests react - does all of that divide them? I haven't followed how all this plays out in France, but it seems logical that the Yellow Vests are being drowned out by the climate activists...?
And I notice that a lot of folks picked up on the same thing that occurred to me: the Children's Crusade. Who said it first?

You have to know history to even think of it.

I noticed that too. After a (very) quick search, these were the oldest articles I could find, both from 23 March 2019:

'Sorry, this is an emergency': Climate protesters block streets around the world
Climate change activists protest at the Wall Street Bull in Lower Manhattan during Extinction Rebellion protests in New York City, New York, U.S., October 7, 2019. REUTERS/Mike Segar
Thousands of climate-change protesters took to the streets in cities around the world on Monday, launching two weeks of peaceful civil disobedience to demand immediate action to cut carbon emissions and avert an ecological disaster.

In London, police arrested 217 activists from the Extinction Rebellion group as they blocked bridges and roads in the city center, and glued themselves to cars, while protesters in Berlin halted traffic at the Victory Column roundabout.

Dutch police stepped in to arrest more than 100 climate activists blocking a street in front of the country’s national museum and there were similar protests in Austria, Australia, France, Spain and New Zealand.

“SORRY that we blocked the road, but this is an emergency,” declared placards held by activists in Amsterdam.

In New York’s financial district, protesters spattered the Wall Street Bull and themselves with fake blood and lay prone around the sculpture to evoke their fears of a deadly environmental catastrophe.

The protests are the latest stage in an global campaign for tougher steps against climate change coordinated by Extinction Rebellion, which rose to prominence in April when it snarled traffic in central London for 11 days.

Police chiefs said last week they would mobilize thousands of officers to handle the protests in London and that anyone who broke the law, even as part of non-violent civil disobedience, would be arrested. On Saturday, officers used a battering ram to enter a building in south London where activists had been storing materials to use during the protests. Eight people were arrested during the raid.

Slideshow (14 Images)
'Sorry, this is an emergency': Climate protesters block streets around the world
Thousands of climate-change protesters took to the streets in cities around the world on Monday, launching two weeks of peaceful civil disobedience to demand immediate action to cut carbon emissions and avert an ecological disaster.
This reminds me of the XR notes, saying two weeks should be enough to make an impact. And thinking about the target being young people, this is a way to circumvent the efforts of educators after WW2 who debated and discussed how to avoid a repeat by educating young people to be knowledgeable, considerate, critical and reflective. Successful or not by now appealing to people who even physiologically have not matured to pamic about CO2, to go into a state of emergency, this is an attempt to create a mob. Below I pick up from where I left in an earlier post:

In Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade I quoted part of the following excerpt, by Cory Morningstar and this is about the creation of Extinction Rebellion:
Here, it is critical to remind oneself, that this is the XR mass organizing model for the mobilization of a global citizenry. Consider between the official launch on October 31, 2018 , in the UK, to December 6, 2018, it grew to over 130 groups, across 22 countries. By January 29, 2019, the Extinction Rebellion groups spanned across 50 countries. On April 27, 2019 XR reported they were nearing 400 branches globally.

The global expansion is being led by Margaret Klein Salamon [Source ], founder of The Climate Mobilization, who launched the Extinction Rebellion US Twitter account on October 31, 2018 – the same day as the launch of Extinction Rebellion in the UK. The Extinction Rebellion demands are not only complementary to The Climate Mobilization’s emergency strategy now in motion; they are a mirror image of it with the slogan, “Tell the Truth”. [Further reading: The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The House is On Fire! & the 100 Trillion Dollar Rescue, ACT IV ]
Margaret Klein Salamon, is @climatepsych and Climate Mobilization @mobilizeclimate It turns out that Ezra Silk @ezrasilk also is a founder and his Twitter account explains: "Director of Strategy & Policy and Co-Founder of The Climate Mobilization.". Salamon appears to be is inspired by or linked up with among others: @billmckibben founder of @paulgilding founder of Climate Emergency in Australian, @algore AGW Politican and @jeLovelock Environmentalist

On the page of Documents Library — The Climate Mobilization there are various policy reports and papers. They order them under two heading, Envisioning the Mobilization and Climate Psychology and Movement Strategy they contribute to explaining the plan and how they intend to realize it.
Envisioning the Mobilization
The U.S. can eliminate net greenhouse gas emissions at wartime speed, contribute to a global effort to restore a safe climate, and reverse ecological overshoot through massive WWII-scale mobilization. Here’s how.
Example demonstration plans using proven policies and emerging technologies to outline a clear pathway for moving key sectors of a local economy to zero fossil fuel consumption.
An open source template for how a movement based in climate truth could build power sufficient to start an emergency mobilization against climate change.
Climate Psychology and Movement Strategy
Explores the transformative power and strategic necessity of speaking the truth about climate change.
Explains the psychological foundation of our strategy and approach.
We are already in a climate emergency—national economic mobilization is the only sane way to fight climate change, secure our future, and rebuild democracy.
Advisory board member and climate strategy scholar Philip Sutton lays out why a strong climate declaration is needed – at the local government level – and what it can do
Advisory board member Paul Gilding explains WWII economic mobilization as an analogy for climate action.
Ezra Silk and Margaret Salamon Klein have written The Case for Climate Mobilization mentioned above. Here they argue for a wartime like economy, similar to that during WW2 in US, but redirected and updated to fight off the rise of CO2 and global warming. This paper also reads like an argument to convince people they should force their leaders to impose upon them a totalitarian state, because there is no clear end in sight for their forced measures, to bring down CO2. I read 10 years, but we know a group of people who have come to power and been there for some time, like to remain there. They will invent reasons for their need to remain, in fact even more than before. NATO is one such example, In US politics there are other examples. Besides, there is at least one study that argues new systems of government achieved through mass mobilization last longer, one reason being that in the process of getting to power, the organizers behind the mobilization learn to administer the management of large groups of people.

In The Transformative Power of Climate Truth Salamon writes:
Thus far, we have altered the climate change discussion both within the Democratic Party and the larger climate movement. After months of organization and action by TCM, Bernie Sanders advocated for a WWII-scale climate mobilization effort on the campaign trail. In addition, profoundly, through our work with Russell Greene, the Democratic platform now officially acknowledges the existence of the climate emergency and the need for a WWII-scale climate mobilization. Promising a summit during the first 100 days of the next administration to chart a new climate course. And finally, climate leaders, notably Bill McKibben and Naomi Klein, are also calling for mobilization efforts.
She also states that in case Hillary Clinton had won, they would have made a one year campaign, but then Trump came ...
In the event of a Clinton win, our plan was to launch a “Year For All Years” campaign that would have organized across sectors—business, labor, religious groups, universities, veterans and the military, and civil society—demanding that the Democrats follow through on their promises for the summit and for emergency mobilization.
The election of Donald Trump and a Republican Congress came as a knockout blow to our already extremely ambitious agenda of initiating a WWII-scale climate mobilization in one year.

In the paper on "Leading the Public into Emergency Mode" the author Margaret Klein Salamon writes about the Green New Deal that many point in it come from their Victor Plan which is written by Ezra Silk and has a Preface by Margaret K. Salamon
In February, 2019, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey introduced a House Resolution 109, Recognizing the Duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal calling for a 10-year “National, social, industrial, and economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal” that achieves zero emissions, 100% renewables, full employment, a just transition for workers and frontline communities. As of May, 2019, 104 house representatives and 12 Senators co-sponsored this resolution, including most of the top Democrats contending for the presidency in 2020.
So far the Green New Deal has not gained ground, because many people understand that the policies lead to a more totalitarian state.
Beware Agenda 21 And Its Green New Deal: Plundering The World Under The Guise of 'Sustainable Development'
The Far Left's Green New Deal has more in common with Mao's Cultural Revolution than FDR's New Deal
The Green New Deal has its roots in the genocidal goals of the Club of Rome and 1001 Trust
Republican senator Tom Cotton: Media was 'Stalin-like' in Ocasio-Cortez Green Deal cover up
The 10 most insane requirements of the Far Left's Green New Deal

'I'm the boss': 'Petulant child' AOC slammed for 'arrogant' dismissal of Green NewDeal critics
Green New Deal is a power grab attempt and would have 'No Effect' on climate change - Study
Ocasio-Cortez botches 'Green New Deal' unveiling
Progressive darling Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez calls for taxing the wealthy up to 70% to fund 'Green New Deal'
'No English' says AOC when asked for details of Green New deal
Roseanne Barr goes on YouTube rant against AOC and her Green New Deal
"Mass death": Greenpeace co-founder calls Ocasio-Cortez "pompous little twit" for Green New Deal
Another billboard goes up in Times Square blistering AOC over Green New Deal
AOC's Green New Deal goes down in flames, taunted with cartoons on Senate floor
Study: Gasoline prices under the Green New Deal would reach $13 per gallon

The previously quoted paragraph about the Green New Deal continues:
While Ocasio-Cortez was a candidate, she signed The Climate Mobilization’s “Pledge to Mobilize”, committing to organize with others to spread the truth of the climate crisis and build the power necessary to start maximal intensity mobilization. Ocasio-Cortez has subsequently called for trillions of dollars in investments for that Green New Deal so that it can mobilize on the scale of WWII. Since their inception, The Justice Democrats, who recruited and supported Ocasio-Cortez’s election, have been interested in a 10 year mobilization to transform our energy sector. The Climate Mobilization and myself have been dialoguing about this program — which became the Green New Deal — for years. It contains many elements of our Victory Plan.
Very likely a lot of attention in the US 2020 campaign will be on climate, even to the exclusion of many other important issues, as it happened in some countries in Europe in 2019. The New Green Deal climate mobilizer, from what I can read, hope to win the 2020 elections in the US through the people they have sponsored and who have committed to work for them. The publicity around Greta Thunberg might help achieve the goal.
Ezra Silk and Margaret Salamon Klein have written The Case for Climate Mobilization mentioned above. Here they argue for a wartime like economy, similar to that during WW2 in US, but redirected and updated to fight off the rise of CO2 and global warming. This paper also reads like an argument to convince people they should force their leaders to impose upon them a totalitarian state, because there is no clear end in sight for their forced measures, to bring down CO2. I read 10 years, but we know a group of people who have come to power and been there for some time, like to remain there. They will invent reasons for their need to remain, in fact even more than before. NATO is one such example, In US politics there are other examples. Besides, there is at least one study that argues new systems of government achieved through mass mobilization last longer, one reason being that in the process of getting to power, the organizers behind the mobilization learn to administer the management of large groups of people.

Wow. A couple of things come to mind: 1) As so often in history, this movement seems to be driven by Jews, i.e. the "Jewish mindset" as an outgrowth of repressive and authoritarian Jewish culture, as explained by Laurent Guyénot. 2) It's a textbook color revolution, only it's done domestically. 3) Anyone who has read "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg (article) should immediately regocnize the red flags (haha) when the wartime economy is mentioned (both WW1 and WW2). "Wartime economy" is pretty much an euphemism for open fascism in America.
This is an upper-middle-class death cult. This is a millenarian movement that might speak of science, but which is driven by sheer irrationalism. By fear, moral exhaustion and misanthropy. This is the deflated, self-loathing bourgeoisie coming together to project their own psycho-social hang-ups on to society at large.

Just a short opinion piece I read this morning that felt like a breeze of fresh air in all the madness.
"Wartime economy" is pretty much an euphemism for open fascism in America.
Thunberg is talking for someone, and here are two quotes that are as if out of the policy papers from The Climate Mobilization that I listed in the last post::
“How do you solve landing on the moon for the first time? How do you solve a war? I’m sure as soon as we recognise that we are in a climate emergency, we’ll find solutions.”— Greta Thunberg in UK Parliament

“We need to change the system, as if we were in crisis, as if there were a war going on.” [Source]

The above is an article by Cory Morningstar from a volume II about Greta Thunberg, which has been the main subject Morningstar has focused in her articles during this year and available on the above page or on The volume, I mentioned before but without a picture is available as Kindle and paperback:

In Morningstar has a description of what she think was the beginning steps of Greta Thunberg including names I already posted in list form:
On August 20, 2018, Ingmar Rentzhog, the founder and CEO of We Don’t Have Time posted the “lonely girl” tweet. The tweet featured Greta Thunberg. This was the first day of her climate strike. She sat on a sidewalk and said nothing beside a sign. Just two months prior, social media accounts had been created in her name. Rentzhog, whose tech corporation is partnered with Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, tagged five Twitter accounts: Greta Thunberg, Zero Hour (youth movement), Jamie Margolin (the teenage founder of Zero Hour), Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, and the People’s Climate Strike Twitter account.

The third person to respond to Rentzhog’s tweet was We Mean Business co-founder Callum Grieve. Grieve responded to Greta with a personal message adding the hashtag #WeDontHaveTime. We Mean Business represents 477 investors with 34 trillion USD in assets. [July 4, 2019] The founding partners of We Mean Business are BSR, CDP, Ceres, The B Team, The Climate Group, The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group (CLG), and the WBCSD. Together, these organizations represent the most powerful – and ruthless – corporations on the planet, groups salivating to unleash 100 trillion dollars to fuel the fourth industrial revolution. To save a global economic system teetering on collapse.
I don't know if the numbers are that large, but a lot of money and power for sure:

In which is n "Addendum to The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent series, Volume II" there is:

No, this was not co-optation. This was and is PR. A brief timeline:

  • 2009: G20 gathering in London: The world’s major economies come together to stem the global financial panic triggered by the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market in the US (and subsequent unprecedented bailouts for corporations and banks). They assure society that they will establish a more stable growth path going forward.
  • 2009: UN works on the prospect of a Global Green New Deal to reboot the global economic system. It simultaneously works on tools to assign monetary value to all nature, global in scale, with the goal of creating new markets (TEEB – later to be absorbed by the Natural Capital Coalition).
  • 2009-2019: In the years that followed the 2009 assurances to contain panic in markets and salvage a battered financial system, growth – crucial to keeping the capitalist economic system afloat – failed to find a firm footing.
  • 2011: IMF: “We have entered what I have called a dangerous new phase… today, we risk losing the battle for growth. With dark clouds over Europe, and huge uncertainty in the United States, we risk a collapse in global demand. This challenge could not be more urgent. In our interconnected world, we are all on one boat. Any thought of decoupling is a mirage.” — The Path Forward—Act Now and Act Together, opening address to the 2011 Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, managing director, International Monetary Fund
  • 2014: Global economy continues to spiral downward. “Capitalism is in danger of falling apart”, Al Gore, Generation Investment, The Climate Reality Project
  • 2014: Purpose (PR arm of Avaaz): Language of “green economy” is killed in order to save “green economy”. They will build it, but they won’t say they are building it.
  • 2014: People’s Climate March. The march was organized by GCCA/TckTckTck (co-founded by 20 NGOs including, Avaaz, Greenpeace), the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Climate Nexus (a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors), (incubated by the Rockefeller Foundation), the Rasmussen Foundation and USCAN.
  • 2014: We Mean Business is launched. Created with the assistance of many including then UNFCCC executive secretary Christina Figueres, Purpose (PR arm of Avaaz), and Greenpeace.
  • 2015: Global Youth Summit takes place (Keynotes: UN Figueres, Kumi Naidoo Greenpeace, McKibben), Climate Strike website is created.
  • 2015: The Paris Agreement largely attributed to Christina Figueres comes into fruition. [Further reading: This Changes Nothing – Clive L. Spash]
  • 2015: Mission Innovation (Breakthrough Energy, Bill Gates, Richard Branson et al.) partners with 23 states and the EU. Similar coalitions and partnerships follow (Under 2C, The Climate Group, etc.).
  • 2017: World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab: “Capitalism is in crisis”
  • 2018: A teleconference led by a Free representative with Climate Reality Project (Al Gore’s NGO) proposes a large climate march. Greta Thunberg partakes in this call as well as others that transpire. The idea of a strike is presented. Thunberg is receptive
  • May 2018: Ingmar Rentzhog, founder and CEO of We Don’t Have Time, is featured at a climate event with Greta’s mother Malena Ernman.
  • June 2018: Greta Thunberg social media accounts are created.
  • Summer/Fall 2018: The Green New Deal (promoted by UN in 2009) is resurrected.
  • July 2018: The Climate Group, co-founder of We Mean Business, promotes This Is Zero Hour climate strikes in the US utilizing the hashtag #WeDontHave Time [“Join the youth revolution!”]
  • August 20 2018: Greta sits on a sidewalk with a sign. Rentzhog discovers “the lonely girl”. We Don’t Have Time, partner of The Climate Reality Project, and Global Utmaning (Global Challenge) are interconnected by board relationships.
  • August 20 2018: On the first day of strike, the third person to respond to the “lonely girl” plight on Twitter is We Mean Business co-founder Callum Grieve. He adds the hashtag #WeDontHaveTime and tags five additional accounts: The Climate Museum, Youth Climate March LA, This is Zero Hour Ft. Lauderdale, Greenpeace International, and the UNFCCC, the “official Twitter account of UN Climate Change”.
    We Mean Business represents 477 investors with 34 trillion USD in assets. [July 4, 2019]
    The founding partners of We Mean Business are BSR, CDP, Ceres, The B Team, The Climate Group, The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group (CLG), and the WBCSD. Together, these organizations represent the most powerful – and ruthless – corporations on the planet, groups salivating to unleash 100 trillion dollars to fuel the fourth industrial revolution – pushed by the World Economic Forum.
    Grieve is the co-founder and director of Counter Culture, a brand development firm specializing in behavioural change campaigns and storytelling. He also created Climate Week NYC for The Climate Group. Grieve has coordinated high-level climate change communications campaigns and interventions for the United Nations, the World Bank Group, and several Fortune 500 companies.
    Grieve also manages the Every Breath Matters campaign founded by Christiana Figueres, the former UNFCCC Executive Secretary credited with the Paris Agreement. Every Breath Matters “champions” include Leonardo DiCaprio and Greta Thunberg.
    The co-founder of Counter Culture is head of climate initiatives at the World Economic Forum, and former campaign director of the We Mean Business RE100 initiative led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP.
  • August 20 2018: Also on the first day of the strike – the “lonely girl” plight is shared Sasja Beslik, international financial expert (WEF), head of Sustainable Finance, Nordea Bank.
  • Fall 2018: New Deal for Nature and Voice For The Planet campaigns commence. Exploiting an increasingly anxious citizenry, utilizing emotive images and language, these campaigns are in fact, not to “save nature”, rather, they are to monetize nature, global in scale.
  • September 1 2018: Only 12 days after her first day sitting on a sidewalk, Greta is featured in The Guardian.
  • September 2018: The largest-ever philanthropic investment to combat climate change is announced by ClimateWorks, largest recipient of climate philanthropy in the world.
  • September 26 2018: Thunberg appears at a seminar organized by The Climate Reality Project and Global Utmaning (Thunberg’s father denies any relationship or affiliation with Global Unmanning).
  • September 26 2018: The Climate Finance Partnership – a vehicle for blended finance – is unveiled at the One Planet Summit.
  • October 31 2018: Launch of XR global expansion is highlighted by The Guardian and endorsed by an array of liberal celebrity signatories.
  • XR global expansion takes place in partnership with The Climate Mobilization Project.
  • January 3 2019: “Global economic growth ‘now in free fall'”
  • January 2019: Christiana Figueres brings Greta Thunberg to Davos where they share accommodations.
  • January 2019: International media amplifies “The House is on Fire” Thunberg speech delivered at WEF. The message and delivery mirror the stratagem laid out in The Climate Mobilization (XR partner) paper “Leading the Public into Emergency Mode: A New Strategy for the Climate Movement.” (“Imagine there is a fire in your house.”)
  • January 2019: Davos, Switzerland – “Standing outside in the pitch-black cold at the World Economic Forum on January 23, 2019, a panel including Future Earth and partners announced to a live audience their intent to launch an Earth Commission.”
  • February 2019: Joint event with European Commission president and Thunberg where it is announced that 25% of the EU budget will go to climate change initiatives. Unbeknownst to the public, this decision was made in 2018.
  • July 2019: Business For Nature is launched. The coalition founders are We Mean Business, the World Economic Forum, The Nature Conservancy, WWF, the Natural Capital Coalition, the World Resources Institute, the IUCN, The Food and Land Use Coalition, Confederation of Indian Industry, Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE), Tropical Forest Alliance, and the International Chamber of Commerce.
  • August 2018 to Summer 2019: An international media assault on the populace featuring Greta Thunberg, adored and promoted by the ruling classes, corporations, institutions, World Bank and finance – this is coupled with apocalyptic media saturation. In effect – the multiple ecological crises which have been increasing over decades, is now being fully exploited as a means to manufacture consent. Corporations and institutions seek 100 trillion dollars for “climate solutions”. The unlocking of pensions is identified as a prime target.
  • August 2018 to Summer 2019: The emergence of a green fascism. Those criticizing the said solutions or “movements” designed by the ruling class for our collective consumption are ridiculed and subjected to hate.
  • August 2018 to Summer 2019: Western “environmentalism” creates demand for the further plundering of the planet in order to “save” the climate – in essence, a globally mobilized de facto green lobby group. The planned “climate” infrastructure eyes the Global South. The scale is massive: equates to the building of a New York City – every single month for the next forty years. Despite the fact that this cannot be squared with protection of biodiversity or the climate, the populace clamours for those in power (who are responsible for the crisis) to “do something” and align with the suicidal Paris Agreement.
  • February 20 2019: We Mean Business and Global Optimist (founded by Christiana Figueres, funded by We Mean Business), highlight the reaction to the climate campaign now well underway: “People are desperate for something to happen”.
  • April 2019: The Rockefeller Foundation closes its 100 Resilient Cities initiative, joins the Atlantic Council to launch a new center. [Explored in Volume II, Act VII]
  • June 13 2019: The World Economic Forum – representing the richest and most powerful people on the planet – forms a partnership with United Nations.
  • July 2019: “US philanthropists vow to raise millions for climate activists” – The Climate Emergency Fund is launched. Serving on the board is founder Bill McKibben and Margaret Klein Salamon founder and executive director of The Climate Mobilization (partner to Extinction Rebellion) and author of the paper “Leading the Public into Emergency Mode: A New Strategy for the Climate Movement.”
  • September 2019: Greta Thunberg sails across the ocean in a yacht to attend the United Nations Climate Action Summit organized and led by We Mean Business and the World Economic Forum (now partnered with the United Nations).
  • September 16 2019: The Financial Times unveils its largest campaign since 2009: The New Agenda – a re-booting of the capitalist system
  • September 18 2019: Conservation International and the *Food and Land Use Coalition finance the “Natural Climate Solutions” promotional video featuring Guardian’s Monbiot and Greta Thunberg. The video reaches more than 1 billion people in less than 24 hours. [*Member foundations include ClimateWorks, the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation, Good Energies, and Margaret Cargill.
  • September 19 2019: WEF releases promotional video featuring Greta Thunberg for “Voices For The Planet”. This is the WEF-WWF campaign for the financialization of nature, global in scale (payments for ecosystem services) that accompanies the “New Deal For Nature” promoted by WWF, CI, The Natural Capital Coalition, TNC, etc.. Supported by Greenpeace,, etc. who are not yet publicly promoting it.
  • September 20 2019: Global Climate Strikes take place.
  • September 2019: Many smaller NGOs, including those from the Global South oppose the WEF-UN Partnership. Avaaz, Greenpeace, 350, etc. are conspicuously absent from the signatories.
  • September 26 2019: The UN calls for a Global Green New Deal (bailout).
  • September to October 2019: Arnold Schwarzenegger arranges a Tesla for Greta to tour Canada and visit Standing Rock reservation.
The article by Morningstar begins with a picture of The Financial Times from September 16, that is very telling considering this is just a a week before Thunberg is in New York, I decided not to cope that picture, but found a similar which also has the back page which explains more what they have in mind. The picture I found on Blog: The big read–and how to display it | García Media
I want to ask, what do you think it is going to be the next topic of grand display? I think something pro AI + universal living wage and anti manufacturing industry and paid jobs. Maybe next year?
That Russian pundit video was great: told the plain, unvarnished truth. "Political pedophilia"!!

And I notice that a lot of folks picked up on the same thing that occurred to me: the Children's Crusade. Who said it first?

You have to know history to even think of it.
Nicolas Taleb made up a good word for it: pedophrasty.

Definition: Argument involving children to prop up a rationalization and make the opponent look like an asshole, as people are defenseless and suspend all skepticism in front of suffering children: nobody has the heart to question the authenticity or source of the reporting. Often done with the aid of pictures.

Can also describe the exploitation of babies by professional beggars who rent them from their parents and use them as potent appendage in their trade (remember that children tend to grow and need to be replaced).


Pedophrasty is effective as it provides arguments to strike before the evidence is formed. People are moved into “doing something”.
Pedophrasts prey on our maternal (and paternal) instincts.

Pedophrasty has its most effects on actors, journalists and similar types who are intellectually insecure, deprived of critical judgment, and afraid of being classified as violators of some norm of political correctness
. For instance, pedophrasty has been commonly used in the Syrian war by such propagandists as Julian Roepke continuously supplying the German public with pictures of dead children. Or the various lobbies hired by Saudi Barbaria (and allies), such as the Middle East Institute in Washington DC, to promote Sunni Islamist policies under the cover of “think tanks”.

Example: The Nayirah testimony, a false congressional testimony by 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah (she turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S.) was a bit responsible for tipping the US into the war. Nayirah claimed that she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators a Kuwaiti hospital, and leave the babies to die. Nobody dared to question the veracity of her claims. Her claims, it turned out, were all fabrications; but it’s too late to reverse the war.
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