Gurdjieff "...he temporarily took the place of our soul and so a magnetic bond had to be formed with him" and Counter Transference


The Force is Strong With This One
I almost mechanically swallowed a carrot this mourning reading the seeming impartial, and exhaustive: J.G. Bennett's Interpretation Of The Teachings Of G.I. Gurdjieff [A Study Of Transmission In The Fourth Way].pdf (PDF mirror) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive - Spiritual Psychology chapter

If you thought Counter Transference (CT) is sticky, well,
"Mr Gurdjieff once said that the soul, which has to be awakened in us, will be connected with the physical body by a magnetic bond. Through his work with us he temporarily took the place of our soul and so a magnetic bond had to be formed with him"
- Thomas and Olga de Hartmann, Our Life With Mr Gurdjieff (definitive edition), p.41.he HEC and the ―magnetic bond must be taken as a way of describing the kesdjan body.

Are there ways Gurdjieff dissolved CT?

Is this an "external salvation" ? carrot With Mr Gurdjieff"s stick?
Just call me Lazarus from now on, until Mr. Charming kisses me. Or is it the kiss of my counter transferring introjected Christ?

Will the teacher or student's Higher Emotional center alarm us when control is overridden, i.e. does The Guidance show us discernment when magnetized?

What about the ways he DID cast nets for the dangers of CT, as well as analyzing Gurdjieff's own Transference and comparing it to Jung's?

Are these refined Lizzy thought forms?

Could we enjoy these mind techs in our own Lizard aikido?
Is it related to:
"Q: I get it! So, it is the magnetite in the body, that collects and holds the charge, and it has absolutely nothing to do with an external substance {it is a metaphor} at all! Is that it? A: You are getting “warmer.” Q: Am I right, we need more iron for magnetite, or am I completely off base here?
A: You are right, but, do not underestimate the significance of that just delivered! What better deception than to divert the meaning of alchemy, by focusing upon substance, then addicting those souls bound to 3rd density to the substance? Q: Okay, it is the magnetite that acts as a conduit. And the concentration is upon the substance, that is, the magnetite. Let me conjecture that the thing that is believed to be distilled out of the alchemical operations is magnetite, is that correct? A: No, because no need, if not deceived by other efforts". - "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

Is there a relationship of Gurdjieff's Magnetic nurturing of the soul and various empowerment rituals of Tibetan Buddhism? These are probably related, but as far as I know, these are not for cultivating a "soul" but are specialized transmissions of various archetypal deities, later followed up by the practitioner performing the relevant practice visualizing that deity, being it, and importantly dissolving it each session.

Furthermore, the author of the above research did much work on the subject of transmission. Where did Gurdjieff get his information? The Science?
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Is this an "external salvation" ? carrot With Mr Gurdjieff"s stick?
If you read more about Gurdjieff, you'll see that he projected a lot of materialism onto the Tradition. The de Hartmanns' account should be considered in that light - not necessarily 'wrong', but more of an allegory for processes that neither the teacher nor students fully understood, though effectively practised.

Are these refined Lizzy thought forms?

Is there a relationship of Gurdjieff's Magnetic nurturing of the soul and various empowerment rituals of Tibetan Buddhism?
Not in any sense you are thinking about.

Furthermore, the author of the above research did much work on the subject of transmission. Where did Gurdjieff get his information? The Science?
Have you read Laura's Secret History of the World? Most of the answers are there. The Tradition goes back to Atlantis, even to the time of the 'Fall'.
If you read more about Gurdjieff, you'll see that he projected a lot of materialism onto the Tradition. The de Hartmanns' account should be considered in that light - not necessarily 'wrong', but more of an allegory for processes that neither the teacher nor students fully understood, though effectively practised.


Not in any sense you are thinking about.

Have you read Laura's Secret History of the World? Most of the answers are there. The Tradition goes back to Atlantis, even to the time of the 'Fall'.
Yes I have read it and the rest of the volumes as well but thank you very much for what I think you're pointing out is that I could find the link between Atlantean knowledge and
Gurdjieff's science?
You may find this session about Gurdjieff's teachings (and their limitations) useful:
I deeply thank you for this clarifying course correction in these murky waters. I would appreciate any suggestions for searching these transcripts. Should I use the transcript search function and or Google search like site: search then the search term? Another kind person here suggested the latter on another subject, and correct me if I got it wrong.
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If you thought Counter Transference (CT) is sticky, well,
"Mr Gurdjieff once said that the soul, which has to be awakened in us, will be connected with the physical body by a magnetic bond. Through his work with us he temporarily took the place of our soul and so a magnetic bond had to be formed with him"
- Thomas and Olga de Hartmann, Our Life With Mr Gurdjieff (definitive edition), p.41.he HEC and the ―magnetic bond must be taken as a way of describing the kesdjan body.

Are there ways Gurdjieff dissolved CT?
I recommend maybe one question or 1-3 questions per thread. I don’t want to put limitations here but for organization and for the sake of the asker/poster I am sure you want all your thoughts/questions answered and we are not asking what’s 2+2 here these are very complex multi nested answers to these questions I will for one attempt to answer the above first question you have.

What I gather from this quote is “awareness” once one’s awareness (knowledge B/C influences grows mixed with experience) our awareness/soul/consciousness within our body as G says creates a “Bond” the word Bond here is very important to understand once something bonds/fuses it means no separations for example one can’t separation the second layer of paint from the 3rd it that is what I believe he means in my knowing.

What Thomas is saying is that the IMPACT or as G likes to say the IMPRESSION he had on Thomas/them was so impactful that G took place of or strongly impacted their soul/awareness/conscousness.

Words are import in “The Work” and to answer your actual question I would insert the word “blocked” or “impervious” to TC. TC if I understand it correctly is when a therapist or teacher takes on emotions/feelings/thoughts of students or patients. I would say G was evolved enough to recognize TC when it’s happening what it is but STOP IT in its tracts when he wanted to.

Yes, G had his limitations however I equate G’s knowledge and accomplishments and teaching to the Principal of a school . Is the Principal the Superintendent of the district? No but it’s objective that the Principal had a very successful teaching career and has a lot of knowledge. If you assimilate 50% of Gs wisdom/teachings into your knowledge/being you will be successful in reality I know I maybe have 50% of his knowledge/wisdom/teachings and I am better for it

G’s work and concepts have saved my life, helped with my evolvement towards STO/low entropy and has lead me to success in this reality in the areas of this reality that are more or less controllable. The “luck” “timing” aspect of this reality well that is out of our Free Will decision making ability to control… Look forward to engaging with you
Last edited:
I almost mechanically swallowed a carrot this mourning reading the seeming impartial, and exhaustive: J.G. Bennett's Interpretation Of The Teachings Of G.I. Gurdjieff [A Study Of Transmission In The Fourth Way].pdf (PDF mirror) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive - Spiritual Psychology chapter

If you thought Counter Transference (CT) is sticky, well,
"Mr Gurdjieff once said that the soul, which has to be awakened in us, will be connected with the physical body by a magnetic bond. Through his work with us he temporarily took the place of our soul and so a magnetic bond had to be formed with him"
- Thomas and Olga de Hartmann, Our Life With Mr Gurdjieff (definitive edition), p.41.he HEC and the ―magnetic bond must be taken as a way of describing the kesdjan body.

Are there ways Gurdjieff dissolved CT?

Is this an "external salvation" ? carrot With Mr Gurdjieff"s stick?
Just call me Lazarus from now on, until Mr. Charming kisses me. Or is it the kiss of my counter transferring introjected Christ?

Will the teacher or student's Higher Emotional center alarm us when control is overridden, i.e. does The Guidance show us discernment when magnetized?

What about the ways he DID cast nets for the dangers of CT, as well as analyzing Gurdjieff's own Transference and comparing it to Jung's?

Are these refined Lizzy thought forms?

Could we enjoy these mind techs in our own Lizard aikido?
Is it related to:
"Q: I get it! So, it is the magnetite in the body, that collects and holds the charge, and it has absolutely nothing to do with an external substance {it is a metaphor} at all! Is that it? A: You are getting “warmer.” Q: Am I right, we need more iron for magnetite, or am I completely off base here?
A: You are right, but, do not underestimate the significance of that just delivered! What better deception than to divert the meaning of alchemy, by focusing upon substance, then addicting those souls bound to 3rd density to the substance? Q: Okay, it is the magnetite that acts as a conduit. And the concentration is upon the substance, that is, the magnetite. Let me conjecture that the thing that is believed to be distilled out of the alchemical operations is magnetite, is that correct? A: No, because no need, if not deceived by other efforts". - "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

Is there a relationship of Gurdjieff's Magnetic nurturing of the soul and various empowerment rituals of Tibetan Buddhism? These are probably related, but as far as I know, these are not for cultivating a "soul" but are specialized transmissions of various archetypal deities, later followed up by the practitioner performing the relevant practice visualizing that deity, being it, and importantly dissolving it each session.

Furthermore, the author of the above research did much work on the subject of transmission. Where did Gurdjieff get his information? The Science?
Hello Enki,

I have been reading your post with great attention. You seem very practical and seeking for very practical answers/suggestions.

I don't know if I understood you well, but it could be that you are researching on the topic "building a soul through magnetization". Let me know if this is correct, before I write a complete noodle!

I am willing to ask you a question as well, if I may, please: you asked about "battling Lizzies": is this because you are under attack and you need to defend - or - is this just a basic search for info about the topic? Thank you!

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