H&W Show: High Intensity Training with Drew Baye

Thank You for the idea! Will try magnesium oil, especially that Dr. Mark Circus mentioned it in the amazing show. Currently making sure taking the powder at night before exercise always helped my heart to remain symptom-free. Otherwise I got chest tightness and needed to stop mid-exercise. Since on iodine protocol the palpitations went away and after every exercise I put DMSO on top of my head, on thinning hair, these must be contributing for recovery as well. Can't wait to feel the magnesium oil on my always sensitive skin! I noticed when I get a good amount of sun with slight sunburn, my skin gets less irritated by various plastics containing shirts that have those cheap "rough stingy threading". Also eyeing hemp shirts to try out first time in life, just never had enough money to plan for and buy them.

No problem, you mention having sensitive skin and I soon found out that if I have any cuts or scratches where applying the magnesium oil, BEWARE! :scared: it sure gets itchy! (it has also been noted that if you are magnesium deficient then it will be irritating when you first apply the oil...)

Lilou mentioned https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,37664.msg561552.html#msg561552...
If you have magnesium oil in a spray bottle, you can spray it on your legs, arms, belly, back. It is not really an oil, it is a brine and very salty (it feels a bit slimy). So avoid any mucous membranes, open cuts and your eyes. I sometimes put it on my neck, but not my face. If you have sensitive skin, it could be diluted more with pure water.

To alleviate that problem of any reaction with cuts or scratches and still get a regular dose, when necessary I've applied it to my armpits instead :)
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