H1N1 vaccine: think twice

Pierre said:
If you have stories, links, reports etc.. about deaths, injuries, damages, forced vaccination, blatent propaganda etc.... about the H1N1 vaccine in your area or everywhere, feel free to put a link here so i can put it in the blog.


Here's a couple I didn't see on your blog.

[quote author=http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/11/07/Beware-of-the-New-Useless-and-Dangerous-Vaccines-in-the-Works.aspx]Will Anyone in Their Right Mind Actually Buy Into These Three New Vaccines?

When Will You Say “Enough!”?

It is time to stop the sickness that is the corporate and health agency agenda.

What will it take for you to say “enough already!”

I reached that point a long time ago, but when I saw this next announcement, I said it out loud again.

VeriChip shares tripled after the company announced it had secured exclusive license to two patents they will use to help them develop implantable virus detection systems in humans.

The biosensor patents are held by Receptors LLC. These biosensors can allegedly detect viruses such as swine flu, bird flu, SARS, and other biological threats such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This technology will be combined with VeriChip's implantable radio frequency identification devices (RFID) to develop “virus triage detection systems.”

According to a white paper published by VeriChip on May 7, 2009, this triage system will provide “multiple levels of identification.” The first level will identify the agent as virus or non-virus, the second level will classify the virus and alert the user to the presence of pandemic threat viruses, and the third level will identify the precise pathogen.

To some this may sound like a good idea, but to me this seems like it could be a prescription for massive government intrusion and loss of personal freedom.

Who’s going to be checking you for your “viral load,” and when, for example? And where will your natural immunity, and/or the function of your immune system be taken into account?

Folks, viruses are all around us, all the time, and you may be a carrier of a virus, but that does not mean that you will get sick. Your immune system, if it is in good working order, will address and eliminate the threat of the virus.

And, should you be found to be a carrier, then what? Would you be told to take medication even if you’re not sick?

Personally, this is an area into which I think our health care system should not go.

...if you have any faith in science, you should know that researchers have already proven that your lifestyle choices overrule your genetic predispositions. And an ever-growing group of scientists have also started demonstrating that your mind directs your genetic expression, a field now known as epigenetics.


PreventDisease.com calls Fauci out in their article "H1N1 Expert Says Scientists are Clueless About Immune Reactions to Vaccinations."

"America's leading promoter of getting vaccinated for the H1N1 flu, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has admitted knowing nil about how human immunity responds to vaccinations.

"This is what honest intelligent vaccine critics have been saying all along," said Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard-trained emerging diseases expert. "Dr. Fauci's statement evidences the fraud and ignorance underlying vaccination programs in general," Dr. Horowitz said. "Fauci admits being clueless about the fundamentals of immunity operating bioenergetically or electro-genetically, not chemically, that vaccine proponents criminally neglect to prosper by poisoning people."
Thanks for this huge ressource of information, Pierre!
I added the blog's link on Pouvoir & Psychopathie.
Hello Pierre, here is one for you. It 's in french but I will try to translate it today for your blog.

Grippe A (H1N1) - Les effets secondaires du vaccin
Les autorités de la santé publique du Canada rapportent que 36 réactions graves pourraient être associées au vaccin contre la grippe A (H1N1), dont un possible décès. Ce taux est moins élevé que celui qu'on observe lors de la vaccination contre la grippe saisonnière.

Sur 6,6 millions de doses de vaccin contre la grippe A (H1N1) distribuées en date du 7 novembre, 36 réactions graves sont survenues peu après l'administration du vaccin, dont un décès au Québec chez un octogénaire.

Toutes ces réactions graves sont survenues après l'administration du vaccin avec adjuvant.

Les autorités de la santé enquêtent sur le décès, qui est survenu au cours des trois dernières semaines, afin de vérifier s'il a vraiment été causé par le vaccin. Les autorités québécoises n'ont pas voulu donner plus de détails pour préserver la vie privée de la famille. Pour le Québec, en date du 17 novembre, on compte 23 réactions graves associées à la vaccination.

Selon le Dr David Butler-Jones, directeur national de la Santé publique du Canada, ces réactions graves sont de deux types:

choc anaphylactique
convulsions fébriles
Les autorités incluent dans la catégorie des réactions graves celles qui entraînent l'hospitalisation, l'invalidité ou même le décès de la personne vaccinée.

La plupart des réactions anaphylactiques surviennent dans les 15 minutes qui suivent l'administration du vaccin.

Dans les campagnes de vaccination contre la grippe saisonnière, ces réactions surviennent chez une personne vaccinée sur 100 000.

La réaction la plus fréquente est une douleur au bras à l'endroit de l'injection. Les autres réactions légères les plus courantes sont:

mal de tête
réaction allergique
Forte réponse immunitaire

Par ailleurs, le vaccin a provoqué une réponse immunitaire, c'est-à-dire la production d'anticorps contre le virus, chez 94 % des personnes vaccinées. Cette réponse survient chez 60 à 80 % des personnes vaccinées contre la grippe saisonnière.

En date du 17 novembre, 198 personnes sont mortes au Canada depuis le début de la pandémie en avril dernier, selon le Dr David Butler-Jones.

Dans l'ensemble du Canada, 20 % de la population a déjà reçu le vaccin.

Nouvelles consignes pour la vaccination

Dans certaines régions de l'Ontario, la vaccination est dès maintenant offerte à tous, plusieurs semaines plus tôt que prévu.

En Alberta, les personnes de 75 ans et plus peuvent maintenant se faire vacciner.

En Saskatchewan, la vaccination sera offerte dès cette semaine aux élèves, jusqu'en 12e année, et à tous ceux qui ont des maladies chroniques.

La vaccination des malades chroniques a commencé au Nouveau-Brunswick, sans distinction d'âge.

À Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, les personnes âgées et les adultes en santé devraient pouvoir se faire vacciner à la fin de la semaine.

I will let you know any follow up on this story or others as the vaccination continue.

Kept on you are doing a great job Pierre, A plus Claude
Vaccines which have been approved by the responsible government authorities for vaccination against the alleged H1N1 Influenza A Swine Flu have been found to contain nano particles. Vaccine makers have been experimenting with nanoparticles as a way to “turbo charge” vaccines for several years. Now it has come out that the vaccines approved for use in Germany and other European countries contain nanoparticles in a form that reportedly attacks healthy cells and can be deadly.

Thank you for all of this guys!

Thank you Buddy for the article. Thank you manitoban for "theflucase.com" (great source of info indeed)

Thank you Lúthien for the link on Pouvoir & psychopathie. Thank you Laurentien / Claude for the article: that's great if you are able to translate it (where did you find this article?) and thank you StrawMan for the nanoparticles article, even if it's already on the blog ;) _http://h1n1vaccinethinktwice.blogspot.com/2009/11/nano-particles-used-in-untested-h1n1.html

Thank you Laurentien / Claude for the article: that's great if you are able to translate it (where did you find this article?)

You are welcome Pierre, Here is the translation in English of the article, I'm from Quebec and I got it from my internet explorer. Will keep a eye open for more and any follow up on this one.

H1N1 FLU- The After-effects of the Vaccine.

Public health officials in Canada reported 36 cases of serious reactions and possibly one death associated with the H1N1 flu vaccine. This rate is less than that associated with the seasonal flu vaccination.
Up till November 7, 6.6 million doses of the H1N1 vaccine were distributed in Canada. Thirty-six cases of serious reactions were reported shortly after the administration of the vaccination. An eighty year old woman died after the vaccination in Quebec.
All serious reactions were experienced by people who had received vaccines with adjuvant.
Health authorities are investigating the death in Quebec to determine if the vaccine was the real cause of death. Quebec authorities do not want to give too many details in the case so as to protect the privacy of the family. In Quebec, up till 17 November, there have been 23 serious reactions associated with the vaccination.
According to Doctor David Butler-Jones, director of Canadian Public Health Association, there are two types of serious reactions:
• anaphylactic shock
• convulsions

Authorities consider that serious reactions are ones that lead to hospitalization, invalidity and even death in the vaccinated person.
Most anaphylactic shock reactions took place within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine.
In the regular seasonal flu campaign one person in 100,000 will have a serious reaction.
The most frequent reaction is pain at the injection site. The other most common side effects include:
• nausea
• dizziness
• headache
• fever
• allergic reaction
Strong immune response
The vaccine provokes a strong immune response, the production of antibodies against the virus, in 94% of the people vaccinated. This response is 60% to 80% for the people vaccinated for the seasonal flu.
As of the 17 November, Dr David Butler-Jones says that in Canada 198 people have died since the beginning of the pandemic which started last April.
So far in Canada, 20% of the population has been vaccinated.
Nice translation Laurentien. Can you provide the source please? What is the website where you have found this article?

Thanks Puck and Evey for sharing it.
Another one: http://www.parents.fr/parent/grossesse/fin-grossesse/actualites/vaccin-contre-la-grippe-a-une-femme-enceinte-perd-son-bebe/(gid)/219557

The news is only available in French (for now):

France: A pregnant woman and health professional who had received a shot of Pandemrix (with adjuvant) lost her baby 2 days after the injection. According to the AFSSAPS, the woman was 38 weeks (8,5 months) pregnant and presented typical post-vaccination symptoms. "Two days after the vaccination, she had strong contractions and the doctors realised that the foetus' heart had stopped beating", explained M. Marimbert, Head of the AFSSAPS [French Health Products Safety Agency]. An investigation is in process".
(20th November 2009)

NOTE: In France, it's recommended to vaccinate pregnant women with the vaccine WITHOUT adjuvant.
One of the adjuvants in Pandemrix, polysorbate 80, sounds like a likely culprit in this case, Luthien.


Can these two threads be merged?
Thanks for the link, Pierre could sure use the info presented in that thread. I merged the 2 threads - the one you linked to being older, it appears first in the thread.

Sorry Pierre here is the source.

Health officials across Canada are being asked to hold back a batch of swine flu vaccine that appears to be causing higher rates of severe allergic reactions.

Here is another one that you may like to use Pierre, so far they didn't gave any number of peoples affected whit severe reaction neither if there was any death related to this batch. I will kept you inform as the story develop, it came on the news this morning. Glade that the translation please you, it was mostly translated by my wife who is anglophone.
found this page with some graphs from various sources (to check of course):
It is about the various "successful" vaccintation programs of the past. The statistics tend to demonstrate that the sicknesses were in regression (due to a better hygien and alimentation) when the vaccinations have been introduced. In some cases Vaccination retarded this regression.

For example : Diphteria in Australia : http://www.vaclib.org/sites/debate/images/diphtheria.gif
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