Hank Wesselman PhD - An Encounter with a Jinn

These deceptions are the many tests to determine if the traveler can “see through” and navigate the path.

In Muslim case I don't think it has anything to do with seeing but with keeping your belief in what you're told - obedience through fear.
dannybananny said:
These deceptions are the many tests to determine if the traveler can “see through” and navigate the path.

In Muslim case I don't think it has anything to do with seeing but with keeping your belief in what you're told - obedience through fear.

If what you think about Islam is true, then that is very sad. Obedience through fear... textbook example of tyranny. This reminds me of the latin proverb "Primus in orbe deos fecit timor"- fear first made gods in the world. People fear what they do not understand.
Denis said:
If what you think about Islam is true, then that is very sad.

It is true of all monotheistic religions. In fact, it's true of all 'external power over' religions or spiritual traditions.
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