Has anyone seen or heard of a plane just disappearing?

Feeling the need to see the sky... yup, seems to be something for certain events?? just your eyes fall "when must to." It is not the first time, it's like when you feel you're being watched. And in turn, your gaze is deposited precisely on who watching you.

Two weeks ago I was watching a beautiful sunset and I felt the need to take a picture, but I lost interest in that moment. Already happened to me several times, it feels like an intuition. Within minutes, I see something very long and silver but not the current ship of the "cigarette" model, and neither completely a disc.Part lower flat, curved at the top.

This object was sufficiently voluminous and the light feature that distinguishes them, not was in function, so I could see the ship silver oval, with a dark side according to the position of the sun and its brightness on the surface. Then, 3 lights lit powerful and simply disappeared in an incredible way, there was no movement, simply vanished in a way that left me out of my head, a little dizzy. A few minutes later, two military aircraft arrived to intercept a possible violation of airspace. There was nothing. And I have curiosity for know as is handled such events here, militarily.

On another experience, someone has felt that's was erased few minutes or perhaps hours, of the day? If you talk to a person even for 20 minutes and then wanted to get some sleep, and when you waking, this person does not remember anything of the talk with you, even, this conversation never happened for the person?
I remember back in December 2010 i had been reading the wave series for about a year. Most of it stuck in my mind quite clearly, including the transcript containing the strobe lights & suspect plane. So imagine my disbelief when it happened to me! To read the highly strange accounts of someone I'd never met is one thing, but to then experience something similar? So it was a week or so before Christmas & i had just finished work around 08:50/09:10. The sky was very clear with only 1 or 2 small puffy white clouds about which were nowhere close to each other. (Sorry i don't know the name of clouds, couldn't get into that signs piece on different clouds a while back) I turned the corner from the building i had left (a large university complex) & had only been walking for a matter of seconds when i looked up at the sky, observing how quiet & still (& bright) the day was. Suddenly i noticed a commercial airliner moving at what i assumed was normal cruising speed, though it was flying awfully low & i automatically kept watching it. Now, there was a building across the street from me that i was about to cross which was only 2-3 storeys tall, whilst this supposed plane was so low i swear i could have hurled a coin at it - admittedly if i had had double the the throwing arm of a world-record holding Olympic javelin thrower. Anyway this "plane" decided that it was going to just vanish regardless that it was being observed at such close quarters, which it then did. Funny thing was that as soon as this encounter began, i started to do as Laura said she had done by looking at the "plane", then immediately to the left & right of it & back again. Since it's an easy thing to do ( it was real low & there was no direct sunlight or any such thing so as to cause eye strain) i had no need to take my eye off of it. Well as it was about an inch away from passing by the building, i felt/"knew" that something was going to happen. I calculated that its trajectory & speed would take it past this small building in under 5 seconds & as i said, i felt something was happening which led me to quickly cross the street & around the corner of the building. I looked up & yep, the damn thing was gone! I nearly burst out laughing right there. I quickly checked myself mentally (all this happened in under 20 seconds) & realized the impossibility of a commercial airliner (or any mundane aircraft) doing that.

To compound that first encounter i then saw the same thing on the other side of the university when i was at the bus stop. WITH PEOPLE AROUND ME. (people just don't look up do they?) Now this next one was just days later & vanished behind a cloud - with nothing else near it on either side! For the next 18 months i saw similar occurrences with only the 2nd & 3rd times (3rd was 2 streets behind the 1st time from the uni) that made me question my eyes etc. When i moved house i saw it another 5-6 times easily, my head as if being controlled to look up & become more incredulous each time. The last 3 or 4 times (about a year or so actually) i suddenly started to worry about 4D as the C's had said that you'll see them "if they want you to" osit. This coincided with the whole sleep paralysis seeing-with-your-eyes-cosed thing which was an epic struggle to say the least. The last time i saw this action i just got frustrated with it & decided not to let my eyes get drawn upwards again. Which could be dangerous now with all the fiery chunks of space rock being attracted to certain energy types of places/people disintegrating & whatnot. Especially if I've got mostly pathological family members around. Yikes!
Re: Disappearing Planes...

H-KQGE, thank you for sharing. Your post caught my attention, and in reading through the thread and seeing SethianSeth's mention of orange pulsing lights as per below excerpt

SethianSeth said:
I seem to remember Laura talking about this in one of the Wave Series. Is this a common occurrence among those that keep their eyes peeled to the sky? I mean, it certainly isn't orange pulsing lights or black boomerangs. Still, It remains quite puzzling...

that, at the risk of being divergent or off-topic, it might be interesting to some on the forum for me to recount what I originally posted this past Wednesday, 7/10/13, in a SoTT commentary titled 'Sightings of Strange Phenomena':


"About 10 years ago, I had a sighting from my front porch. It was distant, a red light that seemed to hang in place effortlessly and perpetually (for probably about 10 minutes), after which it suddenly streaked horizontally at a tremendous speed and blinked out. I've seen plenty of whitish "shooting stars" that streak downward, usually diagonally, but never have I ever witnessed anything like I had that night.

Then 3 weekends ago, on Saturday, June 22, my girlfriend and I, upon coming home from Mannheim, PA, for the Celtic Fling weekend festival at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire, spotted a medium spherical orange light hanging suspended up and off over woods to our left. It was like a glowing and spinning, phosphorescent orange sphere.

It could have been ball lightning perhaps, but it gave us a real spine-tingling, goose-bumpy kind of fright (we are both extremely sensitive to EMF and subtle phenomena).

Very eerie stuff, and what was even more crazy and disturbing was that a little further on down the hilly and winding back roads outside of Gibraltar, there was a horizontal and linear array of flashing white pinpricks of light just above the treeline, also on the left. They flashed in a strobing effect, something that reminded me of what the Cs referred to as a hypnosis inducing method for masking 4D activities. EXTREMELY FREAKY and, needless to say, these phenomena literally sent shivers up and down our spines and necks.

If not for being so late and the fact that we were so exhausted, we probably would have tried to find a place to park and spy what was going on; however, having read both John Keel and LKJ, we consider ourselves as being forewarned and therefore forearmed and uninterested in signalling these craft, unwise actions that typically give rise to further episodes of high strangeness.

We have already had our fair share of "attacks" in the past, and even now, strange goings-on like military craft fly-overs, especially close helicopter hovering activity and monitoring, seem to indicate someone has an interest in an affinity for the area in which we reside..."

Thanks Again, H-KQGE [and to SethianSeth, all other post participants, and to Jason (ocean59)]
Session 18 November 1995

A: Depends upon whether or not there is another source.

Q: (T) Another source such as?

A: ELP, for example.

Q: (L) What is "ELP?"

A: Extremely Low Pulse.

Q: (T) ELF, Extremely Low Frequency, and ELP, Extremely Low Pulse - is this the same thing?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (T) This would be an external pulse or frequency?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Would it be originating from the source of the strobe?

A: No. They act in unison.

Q: (T) Two separate sources acting in unison?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And this process prevents us from seeing something, such as craft flying in our skies at any given time?

A: Or maybe see them as something else.

Q: (L) Now, we have to stop for a minute because I want to tell you something. In the past few months, I have really been watching the sky carefully every opportunity I get. On 3 or 4 separate occasions I have seen what I thought was an ordinary airplane, and I would watch it carefully and then scan to the left or right, and when I looked back at the place where this plane should be, based on observable speed and direction, there would be NOTHING there. I have stood there and searched and searched and found nothing. These things just VANISHED. I knew I had seen it, I knew I wasn't crazy, I knew it couldn't have gone away that completely - and having it happen several times has just really unsettled me. What are the implications of this, other than the fact that we could be completely overflown at all times for any number of purposes and be, as a mass of people, completely unaware of it?

This morning (07.40AM) I observed a plane overhead through my roof light, and just started thinking about what the Cs had been saying recently about missing flight MH370 and these 'glitches'. After less than 10 seconds or so, I went to look for the plane. It was no longer there. The skies here in the English midlands were quite clear and especially where the plane was heading (South East from the North West). I had no strobe lighting on, laptop etc. I have had a few 'High Strangeness' experiences, but not for a few years. A few minutes later, I watched another high altitude plane fly over on an almost identical flight path, and from where I was sat initially, which took a couples of minutes before the plane went out of view.

Something else I noticed that may be relevant was the only contrails visible were in that NW/SE direction. A couple of evening ago, the contrails were criss crossing the sky as usual. So I wonder if there was some cometary fragment / EM path? ELP is electromagnetic as I understand.

Session 14 June 2014

(Perceval) Over a period of five days in a few different countries, and at different times planes "disappeared" for a few seconds.

(L) Well, I know that.

(Perceval) It was NATO exercises, probably. And they don't want to talk about it.

(L) And it says the first disappearance problems coincided with NATO conducting electronic warfare exercises in Hungary. And they reported that on June 7th. During the exercises, NATO was reportedly using devices that can interfere with enemy radar according to the Telegraph. German air traffic control stated they were trying to identify the cause of the outages... So there's a little bit of confusion with these stories here, and I'm wondering is this actually what was going on? That NATO was conducting planned military exercises, whose goal was the interruption of radio communication frequencies? Is that actually what they were doing?

A: No, not even close!

Q: (Pierre) Was it some density glitch?

(L) Were these hyperdimensional or 4D bleedthrough glitches?

A: Yes. Just like Flight 370.

I could not see any reference as to a 'missing plane' in the media as per MH370, but it occurred to me that 'if' this incident was a '4D bleedthrough' of sorts, it is possible that in some other 'reality' they experienced a 'radar glitch' or sorts for a few minutes. John Keel attributed the 'UFO phenomena' as EM type manifestations - so as the EM is intensifying here it seems probable that such ' high strangeness' will become more common. In Operation Trojan Horse, these manifestations took many forms, some very bizarre. Anybody else had any 'disappearing' planes experiences recently?
I watched the russian tv documentary film recently about the Malaysian plane. The experts stated that each modern plane have a lot of transmitters installed including those in engines (in case of emergency they are supposed to send out the signals at a particular frequency, something like 37,5 Khz - can't remember the value exactly). So as everybody remember, the Chinese claimed that they picked up that signal and sent the rescue ships to that area. What they saw- flashing UFOs coming out of water and circling around the fleet for about 20 minutes. I bet they didn't expect such turn of events ;)
Re: Disappearing Planes...

Leòmhann said:
H-KQGE, thank you for sharing. Your post caught my attention, and in reading through the thread and seeing SethianSeth's mention of orange pulsing lights as per below excerpt

SethianSeth said:
I seem to remember Laura talking about this in one of the Wave Series. Is this a common occurrence among those that keep their eyes peeled to the sky? I mean, it certainly isn't orange pulsing lights or black boomerangs. Still, It remains quite puzzling...

that, at the risk of being divergent or off-topic, it might be interesting to some on the forum for me to recount what I originally posted this past Wednesday, 7/10/13, in a SoTT commentary titled 'Sightings of Strange Phenomena':


"About 10 years ago, I had a sighting from my front porch. It was distant, a red light that seemed to hang in place effortlessly and perpetually (for probably about 10 minutes), after which it suddenly streaked horizontally at a tremendous speed and blinked out. I've seen plenty of whitish "shooting stars" that streak downward, usually diagonally, but never have I ever witnessed anything like I had that night.

Then 3 weekends ago, on Saturday, June 22, my girlfriend and I, upon coming home from Mannheim, PA, for the Celtic Fling weekend festival at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire, spotted a medium spherical orange light hanging suspended up and off over woods to our left. It was like a glowing and spinning, phosphorescent orange sphere.

It could have been ball lightning perhaps, but it gave us a real spine-tingling, goose-bumpy kind of fright (we are both extremely sensitive to EMF and subtle phenomena).

Very eerie stuff, and what was even more crazy and disturbing was that a little further on down the hilly and winding back roads outside of Gibraltar, there was a horizontal and linear array of flashing white pinpricks of light just above the treeline, also on the left. They flashed in a strobing effect, something that reminded me of what the Cs referred to as a hypnosis inducing method for masking 4D activities. EXTREMELY FREAKY and, needless to say, these phenomena literally sent shivers up and down our spines and necks.

If not for being so late and the fact that we were so exhausted, we probably would have tried to find a place to park and spy what was going on; however, having read both John Keel and LKJ, we consider ourselves as being forewarned and therefore forearmed and uninterested in signalling these craft, unwise actions that typically give rise to further episodes of high strangeness.

We have already had our fair share of "attacks" in the past, and even now, strange goings-on like military craft fly-overs, especially close helicopter hovering activity and monitoring, seem to indicate someone has an interest in an affinity for the area in which we reside..."

Thanks Again, H-KQGE [and to SethianSeth, all other post participants, and to Jason (ocean59)]


I live in PA and your post caught my attention. I have always wanted to go to Celtic Fling weekend festival at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. I am in Reedsville, PA near State College. I had thought about mentioning some UFOs on this thread earlier but I have only had one day where I have seen white jets that left short contrails and then just disappeared. There were two separate times on that same day (one would have been enough). For some reason I did not write in my dream/UFO diary so I can't remember the exact date or time of day.

I went back to my diary and was surprised that I have about 20 entries for UFOs. I won't list them all but just a few more peculiar ones. Most of my observations are from our screened-in deck on the back of our house facing towards NE and State College.

07/29/2013: Starting at 1:07 AM from the deck I saw what at first looked like a bright star but I noticed that it was blinking or pulsating so I got the binoculars to get a better look since I wasn't wearing my glasses. It was practically stationary but very gradually descended moving slightly to the right towards Milroy. It was so slow that I moved a chair to face it and at times braced the binoculars on the chair arm or screened porch post. As it got lower I had to move to see around the neighbor's tree. I went to the outside steps for awhile to get a better look. The lights on it were red, white and greenish. They seemed to alternate but it was difficult to be sure. It was so slow I don't know how it could have been even a helicopter. It made no sound that I could detect. It gradually moved down and towards the ridge and slighty back to the left before moving over the ridge towards Coopers Gap and out of sight. It was 1:48 AM when it moved out of sight. That is about 41 minutes altogether. It's the longest time I have ever observed a night time object."

10/11/2013: "Sitting on the deck it was cloudy but a very bright object kind of popped out to the right of Coopers Gap. It started very slowly moving towards Coopers Gap. I had Judy come out to see it and she had the binoculars. It got faster and even came towards us fairly close to the highway and then got really bright. It then seemed to dim and get smaller with a green blinking light on the left and and a red light on the right similar to a regular plane. It moved back towards the mountain and to the right getting smaller until it went out of sight over the mountain."

04/26/2014: "Sitting on the deck out of the 'blue” at 11:48 PM I saw a bright star sized white light show up a little to the right of Coopers Gap and mid-way up from the ridge and Vega? It only appeared for 3 or 4 seconds and went out. Wow! No plane or helicopter for sure. It was the shortest display I have ever seen. I was just wondering about sharing some “spiritual” experiences on the forum just before I saw it."

I live near a small airport and I see many small ordinary planes and I try to only note the lights and sights that are not quite normal looking, but I could be mistaking my observations for normal craft so to speak. Hopefully this speaks to anyone with similar sightings. At least we do look at the sky a bit and try to be observant.

goyacobol :huh: :cool2:

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