Couldn’t find a thread for the latest Health & Wellness show, Beyond the Pump: Getting to the heart of the matter. It was quite an information-packed session so I thought I would highlight some of the points covered:
It's definitely worth listening to the show a second time to capture all the information shared. Didn’t catch all the references but the one I got was Rudolf Steiner’s The Heart is not a Pump.
- It was surprising to hear that the heart might not actually act as a pump, but that blood is driven by its own biological momentum, and the structure of the ventrical walls, being thicker on one end and thinner on the other, give it a conical shape which creates a vortex that causes the spin that propels the blood in the vessels.
- The heart is connected to the brain via the vagus nerve through neural pathways, stressing out the importance of breathing exercises and doing EE. It also acts as an endocrine gland which produces a peptide (ANP) that controls the body water and fat, and also secretes as much oxytocin as the brain, the “love hormone” that induces feelings of caring and appreciation for others.
- The variability of the heart beat is key to well-being. A higher heart rate variability is actually an indication of a healthy and properly functioning system. An interesting proposition discussed in the show was that variability is driven by the heart interacting with other organs in the body and external factors. A stressed person has a lower variability which could be a symptom of the body closing off and being unable to respond to signals from the surrounding environment.
- I was also impressed to learn that the electromagnetic field of the heart is multiple times stronger than the brain’s (up to 5,000 times stronger!); it can be sensed strongly at least 3 feet away from the body and goes on indefinitely. It was shown in an experiment that a person’s alpha brain waves synchronized with another person’s cardiac waves when holding hands, and the same was seen at a close distance when there was no physical contact. I wonder if that can also happen at a distance, say when talking to someone on the phone?
- The above remarks point to a strong connection between the heart and EM radiation which can disturb the body’s own field, and that exposure to external EM fields such as cell phone and wi-fi signals can have a negative impact on the overall physiological coherence of the body.
It's definitely worth listening to the show a second time to capture all the information shared. Didn’t catch all the references but the one I got was Rudolf Steiner’s The Heart is not a Pump.