Jedi Master
I want to talk a little about this health care bill because I may be a little confused about why people are so furiated over this here is the article from sott.
I am suggesting it is because of the tax's the federal govermnent is making us pay.
I just wanted to know if you all feel the same way? This Vanderboegh guy does seem to have an agenda and nobody else seem to have a problem with it except
these tea party protestors and Vanderboegh.
I am suggesting it is because of the tax's the federal govermnent is making us pay.
"The central fact of the health-care bill is this, and we find it tyrannical and unconstitutional on its face," Vanderboegh said. "The federal government now demands all Americans to pay and play in this system, and if we refuse, we will be fined, and if we refuse to pay the fine, they will come to arrest us, and if we resist arrest . . . then we will be killed. The bill certainly doesn't say that, but that's exactly and precisely what is behind every bill like this."
federal government should not have the ability to command us to buy something that it decides we should buy," Vanderboegh said.
I just wanted to know if you all feel the same way? This Vanderboegh guy does seem to have an agenda and nobody else seem to have a problem with it except
these tea party protestors and Vanderboegh.