In my search for natural remedies against COVID, I became aware of the plant Artemisia through a reference in the medical journal. Interestingly, it is a German physician, Dr. pharm. Hans-Martin Hirth, who dedicated his life to this plant and founded the organization
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anamed - Action Natural Medicine in the Tropics.
We should not only wish for health, but fight for it as a right.
- Kofi Annan
Anamed works in the field of development aid. Its main focus is the promotion of self-responsible, self-empowered, sustainable health and nutrition care accessible to all, with the help of natural medicine knowledge gained in 35 years in the tropics and worldwide. This happens in the responsibility before God and in his order. The communication of this knowledge takes place in particular through international, regional and local seminars and training measures. All the following statements are to be understood as the basis of a fruitful discussion, into which we thus contribute our experiences and views.
Anamed, the campaign Natural Medicine in the Tropics, was founded in 1985 by the German pharmacist Dr. Hans-Martin Hirt in connection with African healers. Over the years, a large number of other committed collaborators in many countries in Africa and other continents were added.
1994 is the founding year of the association "anamed international e.V.", registered in Germany and based in Winnenden near Stuttgart. Its aim is to support the activities of anamed.
Who are we...
Anamed international is a Christian organization. Our work is based on the example of Jesus: John 9:1-7 describes how Jesus used locally available resources to heal a blind man. anamed seminars are open to people of all denominations and faiths.
It all started in a jungle village...
... in what was then Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
From 1985 to 1991, pharmacist Hans-Martin Hirt spoke with hundreds of local healers about the possibilities and limits of therapy with medicinal plants. Doctors and development workers joined in to find ways to improve the disastrous health care system. The results were recorded in the book "Natural Medicine in the Tropics".
And became an international movement....
This book is now being used all over the world. The movement that emerged from this is called "Aktion Natürliche Medizin" (anamed). Currently there are 35 anamed groups in fifteen countries. To support them, the association "anamed international e.V." was founded in Germany in 1994.
Medicinal plant research
Creation delights us with 500,000 flowering plants. About 10% of these are used in traditional medicine, and 40,000 of them grow in the tropics. About 10,000 have already had their effects scientifically described, according to a WHO census...and the rest of 30,000? Wait for your research results, dear collaborator!!!
Anamed has described 60 medicinal plants in more detail in its literature. But to understand a single medicinal plant even approximately a whole human life is necessary. The plant that has caused the most feedback is the plant
Artemisia annua. That is why the pharmacist Dr. Hans-Martin Hirt decided to dedicate most of his life to this plant, exemplifying the richness of creation. However, research on this plant proved to be completely impossible, as the wild forms of this plant have extremely different active ingredient contents. He has therefore settled on a non-genetically modified subspecies of this plant, and calls it Artemisia annua anamed, or abbreviated A-3.
By mid-2020, Artemesia was being discussed in the media as a way to combat COVID.
Corona-Kräutersirup diffamiert: Afrika-Aufstand gegen WHO
In Germany, no references to this plant are found in connection with COVID.
„Ein gefährlicher Irrweg“
"A dangerous aberration"
WHO rejects all herbal presentations of Artemisia for the treatment of malaria.
In a June 2012 statement on the efficacy of "non-pharmaceutical forms of Artemisia annua L." against malaria, the World Health Organization (WHO) rejects the use of A. annua in any form, including tea, for the treatment or prevention of malaria [19]. Four reasons are given: Unpredictable drug content, underdosing, recrudescence, and risk of resistance. These problems differ depending on the point of view.
In 2015, this plant was awarded the Nobel Prize
When I came by chance to the site of Anamed and Dr. Hirth, I was very surprised what results the private research of a visionary brought to light. This concerned not only COVID but also extremely important treatment protocols for malaria, cancer and HIV, among others.
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Dr. Hirth has made publicly available a database of documents in several languages describing accurate use of Artemisia for COVID as well.