Heart palpitations and muscle spasms in dogs

I'm glad to hear that you figured out what was wrong and that the mistake was reversible (or at least treatable) -- sorry that it happened in the first place, but it's good news that Sebastian is recovering and that your other dogs weren't affected more seriously. Hugs to Sebastian :hug2:
Shijing said:
I'm glad to hear that you figured out what was wrong and that the mistake was reversible (or at least treatable) -- sorry that it happened in the first place, but it's good news that Sebastian is recovering and that your other dogs weren't affected more seriously. Hugs to Sebastian :hug2:

Ditto! That was a close call. Speedy recovery to all the doggies.
Z said:
It might be a good idea to take stools to the vet for worm eggs screening instead of routinely giving medication, in my experience healthy and well fed adult dogs rarely suffer from worms, and if you must Drontal Plus (Bayer) is the safest option for your dogs.

Drontal is what we've always used before. After this experience, I think we'll test first next time.
Aaargh, what a wormy adventure all of you had to go through! Thanks God and the hard-working on this puzzle, the dogs future looks much more brighter now.

On a side note, I´ll add that whenever I had sick dogs-cats-birds, I noticed they behave in such a submissive way that it has always been heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time to me because you know they are suffering but they will still show you how much they appreciate your presence and care, like expressing one of the many humble faces of Mother Nature. So I can imagine how much you must feel relieved by now. :hug:
Nancy2feathers said:
So glad to hear Sebastian is doing better! :)

Same here. Gads, what a nightmare. Hugs to Sebastian, you all and all of the other puppers.
Oh mah gah! SO very glad that the problem was figured out and that Sebastian is doing better! Whew!
This thread really shows the power of networking and thanks to our resident vets for unraveling the puzzle so quickly!! Speedy recovery to Sebastian and all the other doggies. :flowers:
Yup. I admit, I was feeling pretty hopeless but now, all doggies are on detox supplements and appear to be doing fine.

Chu talked to the vet and he IS aware of the collie/sheltie problem and they should have gotten the Drontal. He was a bit doubtful because Sebastian's neurological symptoms showed up only after about a week, but Chu said that both Sebastian and Cherie had been vomiting the day after receiving the medicine and Cherie wouldn't eat for two or three days. My guess would be that the reason for the delay was that their diet was somewhat protective.

In any event, we've added some peas and carrots to their raw meat and bone broth dinners. They aren't complaining!
pumpkin seems to be beneficial for stool consistency and my dogs love it raw
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