Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

trobar said:
Hello Gandalf,

I have completed the editing of one of the SOTT radio programs. I have attached it herewith without asking if this is the proper way to submit it. Please let me know if I should submit in a different manner. :huh:

Hi trobar,

Thanks fro helping but that show has already been done:

So the best way to avoid that is to join the yahoo group and the transcribers' team.
New transcript available on SOTT (Show #78, 93, 104 and 106 for "Behind the Headlines"). :dance: :cheer: :bacon:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the USA shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
New transcript/summary available on SOTT (Show #14 "Health and Wellness"). :dance: :cheer: :bacon:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the USA shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
New transcript/summary available on SOTT (Show #20 "The truth Perspective" and show #2 "Healt and Welness" ). :dance: :cheer: :bacon:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the USA shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
New transcript/summary available on SOTT (Show #17 "The truth Perspective"). :dance: :cheer: :bacon:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the USA shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
New transcript/summary available on SOTT (Show #1 "Health and Wellness show"). :dance: :cheer: :bacon:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the USA shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
New transcript/summary available on SOTT (Show #6, 11, 16 "The truth Perspective"). :dance: :cheer: :bacon:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the USA shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
Oh good, I really enjoyed the one with Aguirre. Will share! Thank you!
New transcript available on SOTT (Show #113 "Behind the Headlines"). :dance: :cheer: :bacon:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the USA shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
Just querying as to what the transcribing entails. And the general process that is taken to do it. I'm assuming it's a repeatedly listen and transcribe, possibly with some software to slow down the speed and snipped sections? And then uploaded where it is then again re listened to and proof read/altered?

If someone who's had experience with either could give a brief over view of how it's done that would be great :), as me and my partner are interested now that we have more organised and spare time.
lainey said:
My only language is English as well. You can help by transcribing the SOTT talk radio shows or proof reading the transcriptions that are already completed. When you become a member of the group there is a data base for the English transcriptions of the shows on a handy table which lets you know which stage each of the transcripts is at. So you just choose one from the table, let everyone else know what you intend to do then find it on the database (if its proof reading) or create a new file (if it's transcribing the latest show). And get cracking! It's dead easy once you do your first one. Believe me I had about 4 false starts getting my head round the system before I got it right. Just ask for any help you need. FWIW each radio show is about 2 hours long so proofreading should take just over that depending on the quality of the transcription so that's a good place to start. Transcribing an actual show took me a lot longer than I anticipated so you would need to be aware of that before you got started. I might be awfully slow but it took me on average 2 hours for every 10 minutes I transcribed. Still, there is no deadline on how long you can take for each task and there is a great sense of achievement when you hear Joe say "well that's it for this weeks show"... hahaha well for me anyway! I hope this helps you.

Well this helps my previous post :). I'd like to participate in the proof reading if possible, as It didn't fully register how long it would take to do a full session :o
Huxley said:
Well this helps my previous post :). I'd like to participate in the proof reading if possible, as It didn't fully register how long it would take to do a full session :o

Hi Huxley,

Thanks you for your offer.

An invitation to join the group has just been sent to you.

Please post a little intro as soon as you have joined the group. And once in the group, don't hesitate to ask your questions. A transcriber will be happy to answer them.

And as you know, please remember the following note which is very important for all translators/transcribers :

"Notice to all those interested in volunteering to do translations: We would also like to strongly suggest that you participate regularly in the forum. As you can imagine, translating SOTT/QFS/FOTCM/Cass material also requires a desire to work on the self. This project, believe it or not, is a very useful tool for us all, as we learn a lot about ourselves, networking and the material itself while doing it. But most of the networking and work on the self needs to be done in the forum. The more you participate, the more you learn and the more other members learn with you! "
New transcript available on SOTT (Show #17 "Health and Welness"). :dance: :cheer: :bacon:

See this table for the direct link for the European shows:,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444

See this table for the direct link for the USA shows:,31252.msg561681.html#msg561681

See this table for the direct link for the Health and Wellness shows:,31252.msg574684.html#msg574684

Thanks so much for all the volunteers that are doing such a great job. :clap:
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