Higgs Boson Finally Found?

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Deleted member 8431


"We have a discovery," Heuer said at the seminar. "We have observed a new particle consistent with a Higgs boson."

Although preliminary, the results show a so-called five-sigma of significance, which means that there is only a one in a million chance that the Higgs-like signal the teams observed is a statistical fluke.

So it seems like they may have finally found it after decades of research. Good ol' Peter must be quite excited. Hope this didn't gave him a heart attack.

Now I *still* don't know why they call it the 'God Particle' as we all know it was a misstranscription of the 'Goddamned Particle'. Can't they quit with sensationalism already and missinformation? That could lead to unecessary arguments as seen in the comment section. Anyways...

So one step closer to UFT? Perhaps. Now the fun part will be to try to understand what gravity is all about.

To recapitulate what the C's have said concerning quantum gravity is that "there are no gravitons, they are merely electrons in a time vaccum". They have also said that the string theory is no good.

Electrons within a time vaccum? :shock:

This one has been working my mind since I ever read it.

So what do you think? What's the next big step?
If this "discovery" was significant, the scientists wouldn't be allowed to have done it. A project of nine billions dollars cannot be concluded without the approval of the PTB. The sensationalism and the ultramediatisation of this discovery sounds like an expensive distraction. As Laura pointed out in the Wave series, every scientist who is getting too close to a working UFT is killed or rendered insane, because the hyperdimensionnal reality became evident.
Polonel said:
If this "discovery" was significant, the scientists wouldn't be allowed to have done it. A project of nine billions dollars cannot be concluded without the approval of the PTB. The sensationalism and the ultramediatisation of this discovery sounds like an expensive distraction. As Laura pointed out in the Wave series, every scientist who is getting too close to a working UFT is killed or rendered insane, because the hyperdimensionnal reality became evident.

I agree. Even though I'm not an expert, I figure that the "God particle" is not so mysterious at all. I expect the physics community to look for the "Ultra-God particle", once the "God particle" is found, and on it goes. :rolleyes:
Polonel said:
If this "discovery" was significant, the scientists wouldn't be allowed to have done it. A project of nine billions dollars cannot be concluded without the approval of the PTB. The sensationalism and the ultramediatisation of this discovery sounds like an expensive distraction. As Laura pointed out in the Wave series, every scientist who is getting too close to a working UFT is killed or rendered insane, because the hyperdimensionnal reality became evident.

I understand and agree as well.

A "five-sigma" case refers to 99.999% probability (hence one chance is a million to be wrong).

But yeah, that could just be another hit of sensionalism à la Stephen Hawkin who is obsessed with his idea of proving that there is no God for instance and that the big bang is solely "an inevitable concequence of the laws of physics, no more, no less". It is finite and was formed out of nothing (one mainstream ideology).

It's like: "Hey boys, we have finally figured out everything after thousands of years of research, zillions of dollars of investments and with our very objective (corrupted) minds and it appears that our universe has really only randomly created itself from nothing. From now on any other theory will be instantly discredited and laughed at. Good night loosers!"

The problem is all about the real UFT and what it reveals. It must have been actually discovered (figured out) a looong time ago like the C's suggest but kept in the safe by the Secret Government. Einstein had mostly figured it out and I'm pretty sure Tesla too (Philadelphia Experiment for instance). And many more.

Stay tuned for more excitement!

Yes, Tesla was pretty close and it is very dangerous work to come out with any kind of illuminating or liberating information, because we are meant to be slaves (even genetically speaking).

JayMark said:
Electrons within a time vaccum? :shock:

Well, if you consider that there is a timeless dimension, then the electrons are not really in a "vacuum" but they coexist with us. I heard a rather useful analogy once by Andrew Parr; different "times" are like spokes on a bicycle wheel. So, imagine that the timeless particles are sitting in the center of the wheel, from where one can observe all the time-bound happenings but still remain outside of them in a way...

I think Aristotle said something quite profound when he said God is too simple for us to understand. We have complicated so many areas of study and are so hesitant to access information in a truly direct way. So, on the note of simplicity, I was reading on Quantum Mechanics and after reading a confounding sentence quite a few times, this question sank into my brain: why is it that some particles have mass and others do not? The simple (and probably overlooked) answer would be: because they choose to...

Everything we want to know, we already do; we just have to REMEMBER it.
Lisyl said:
Yes, Tesla was pretty close and it is very dangerous work to come out with any kind of illuminating or liberating information, because we are meant to be slaves (even genetically speaking).

Hello Lisyl,

Would you please say more about how we are meant to be slaves even genetically speaking?

Thank you.
Polonel said:
If this "discovery" was significant, the scientists wouldn't be allowed to have done it. A project of nine billions dollars cannot be concluded without the approval of the PTB. The sensationalism and the ultramediatisation of this discovery sounds like an expensive distraction. As Laura pointed out in the Wave series, every scientist who is getting too close to a working UFT is killed or rendered insane, because the hyperdimensionnal reality became evident.

The impression I get from trying to understand this Higgs Boson and the Higgs Field is that there is no talk of dimensions or the nature of a universal framework of some kind, or at least an hypothesis along those lines when they talk of these things. It's like everything is projected onto one plane like some kind of flatland or something like that.

They speak of the Higgs field and how particle mass interacts with it. Then they speak of the Higgs boson as if it's a particle but from what I understand its more like a virtual particle that only lasts for a brief period of time. So what is this 'time' here?. Even when you talk about mass, time is involved. You have Force = mass times acceleration which means mass= force divided by acceleration when the equation is rearranged. So 'time' is involved here when defining mass because of acceleration being in the equation. Then, for me, that begs the question, what is the nature of time? Is time a dimension? What is the nature of the framework that makes up the Higgs Field, if there is one? Does it have dimensions? What is a dimension? These kinds of questions cross my mind when pondering on the Higgs field and Higgs boson. So IMO it might be that they want us to think of the deeper realities as no more then some kind of projection on a 2 dimensional plane and that everything can be explained that way kinda like what Newton did in separating space and time which I think really takes our attention away from the deeper realities and the higher dimensions. .
Lisyl said:
Yes, Tesla was pretty close and it is very dangerous work to come out with any kind of illuminating or liberating information, because we are meant to be slaves (even genetically speaking).

I read an article some time ago about the Philadelphia experiment. Apparently, what Tesla did to render the ship invisible was he operated, tuned and synchronized three EM generators. If I remember, one field was synchronized with galactic sun, one with our sun, one with our planet and everything was finely adjusted/tuned. That was right down the UFT in application only that he knew this would go wrong if conscious beings were to undergo the experiment on the ship. Surey enough, that's what happened. Some people even got stuck into the anti-matter universe. No space, no time. Just a void. Poor guys.

That's a big hit if we check what the C's and Ra say about physics. We really live, I think, in a universe of electromagnetic nature. EM force is the 'energy expression' of gravity. So I think that strong and weak forces are also of electromagnetic nature. Only gravity isn't. It is the primal, fundamental force. Ra said that the basic quanta of matter are photons and that added vibration and spin (to remain in simple terms) give rise to their distinct properties. That is, as I see it, thought binding to primal matter. Our awarness/consciousness affects gravity to give rise to our 3D world (matter/fields/forces).

Well, if you consider that there is a timeless dimension, then the electrons are not really in a "vacuum" but they coexist with us. I heard a rather useful analogy once by Andrew Parr; different "times" are like spokes on a bicycle wheel. So, imagine that the timeless particles are sitting in the center of the wheel, from where one can observe all the time-bound happenings but still remain outside of them in a way...

The C's have said if I remember correctly about electrons that they are "borrowed from 7D".

Electrons are fundamental as their configuration around the quarks dictates the element's reactivity and potential to create compounds. Carbon's configuration make it an ideal candidate to form extremely long, complex and stable chains which are at the base of our very life. Chemistry is moslty all about electromagnetism.

I think Aristotle said something quite profound when he said God is too simple for us to understand. We have complicated so many areas of study and are so hesitant to access information in a truly direct way.

Well said.

In simple terms, I view God as the One Infinite and Perfect Creator. But I don't think we can possibly immagine how it feels to be One until we get there (7D).

So, on the note of simplicity, I was reading on Quantum Mechanics and after reading a confounding sentence quite a few times, this question sank into my brain: why is it that some particles have mass and others do not? The simple (and probably overlooked) answer would be: because they choose to...

Primal matter is sleeping consciousness. But it is part of our physical reality. Understanding about the Logos as described by Ra helps in understanding how 'matter works'. Short wave cycle includes reincarnation so we have been 1D, 2D and now we are 3D. But outside the illusion of time, we still are everything. Knowledge, at one point, remains. At the 5D, this muct be crystal clear. Contemplation of your soul path, experiences and knowledge.

Everything we want to know, we already do; we just have to REMEMBER it.

Yes. Evolution for me is kind of that. Remembering who we are and ultimately remembering that we are all the One Infinite Creator.

The only 'problem' is that we are being manipulated (we accepted the 4D STS 'offer') and dumbed down for the purpose of control. Ignorance endangers. But Knowledge is there. It's up to us to reach it, comtemplate it and apply it.
JayMark said:
I read an article some time ago about the Philadelphia experiment. Apparently, what Tesla did to render the ship invisible was he operated, tuned and synchronized three EM generators. If I remember, one field was synchronized with galactic sun, one with our sun, one with our planet and everything was finely adjusted/tuned. That was right down the UFT in application

No offense intended at all, but that rather sounds like a load of hooey. Who wrote this article?

jm said:
We really live, I think, in a universe of electromagnetic nature.

I think that's a given and generally accepted in the mainstream - even outside such sources as Ra and the C's.

jm said:
The C's have said if I remember correctly about electrons that they are "borrowed from 7D".

If you could post the session excerpt that would be a big help - it's generally a good idea when paraphrasing the C's, not only for clarity's sake, but to make sure your interpretation is correct.
anart said:
No offense intended at all, but that rather sounds like a load of hooey. Who wrote this article?

I will try to find it back and post it.

There was a lot more physics discussed in the article so what I just said was perhaps way too simplistic.

Further investigation need to be done. I'll see what I can do to find it back and see how it relates to what we know.

I think that's a given and generally accepted in the mainstream - even outside such sources as Ra and the C's.

That's right. I didn't meant to pretend the contrary.

If you could post the session excerpt that would be a big help - it's generally a good idea when paraphrasing the C's, not only for clarity's sake, but to make sure your interpretation is correct.

Yes! And of a big help to me too! I just found it and I misinterpreted. It was protons. But anyhow, there is a lot of usefull information concerning electrons and electricity.

The bold part is where I got confused. But the whole article is quite worth to read/read again.

Thanks for the help.

Laura said:
March 15, 1997

Frank, VG, Alice, Ark, Laura

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And what name shall we use this evening?

A: Torra.

Q: And where do you transmit from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) In the natural state, we know that a photon can have an interaction which causes it to split into positron and an electron. In the natural state, do electrons come from photons?

A: No.

Q: Okay. In the natural state, where do electrons come from?

A: Aether boundary with material continuum.

Q: Where does the proton come from?

A: 7th density.

Q: So, a proton comes from seventh density, but the electron does not.

A: Not mutually exclusive.

Q: In a substance that conducts electricity, say an electrical wire, you have a circuit where, essentially, electrons get passed from atom to atom along this pathway. And, yet, they don't run out, and they don't really get used, it is only the resistance that causes heat that causes the incandescence...

A: Gravity center of planet is also "window" to all other density levels and dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged atoms "ground" in order to pass on to other planes through gravity binder.

Q: Getting back to my question of the passing of electrons along a circuit: what force is it that initiates the passing of one electron to another atom that manifests as electricity?

A: Electrical energy is merely "tapped," collected, trapped, then channeled.

Q: If it is tapped, where is it tapped from?

A: Collecting electrons.

Q: What is a collecting electron?

A: Not "a" collecting electron. It is collecting them.

Q: What is collecting the electrons?

A: The utilizers. Electrons are "free" energy.

Q: Okay, but where... I am thinking that in an electrical circuit, the electrons that are there, are the ones that are started with, the ones that are passed along, and the ones that are still there when the circuit is broken and the passing of electrons stops. Am I wrong?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay... then...

A: There is no beginning or end.

Q: Then electricity is, in essence, a flow of electrons?

A: Yes.

Q: You say they are tapped. Where are they tapped from? What is the source of these free electrons?

A: All materials. All matter. All aether.

Q: The electrons of the conductor itself are being passed along, and this is the manifestation of the flow of electricity?

A: Maybe.

Q: In what sense am I not correct?

A: Limiting concept to "conductor."

Q: Electrical energy will be present in everything. But in some particular substances, such as those things we call conductors, the electrical energy is, as you said, collected, trapped and channeled, which then is a useful activity because it creates light and runs machines and so forth...

A: Primitive.

Q: Okay. It is primitive. We understand that. When electricity moves in what would be considered a superconductor, how is it different from an ordinary conductor, such as a copper wire?

A: Accelerates flow, thus separating electrons, thus "exciting" process.

Q: What qualities does the superconductor have that contributes to this accelerating of flow?

A: Cycling magnetic pulse.

Q: What creates a cycling magnetic pulse?

A: Matter within gravity vacuum.

Q: How do you create a gravity vacuum?

A: In this case, it is created unintentionally as a byproduct of superconductivity.

Q: You said that a superconductor separates the electrons, thus exciting the flow. What do you mean by separating?

A: From each other.

Q: How is that different from a normal electric flow?

A: Not as widely separated.

Q: Is this separation of electrons a key to this process?

A: Yes.

Q: What additional conditions or qualities contribute to the separating of electrons?

A: Ask yourself now, what conditions define a superconductor?

Q: (L) What defines a superconductor? (A) Zero resistance. (V) Is that without gravity? (A) No heat. (L) How does one achieve zero resistance?

A: Artificial construct.

Q: Do you mean that it is an artificial idea, or that the only thing that would have zero resistance would be something that is artificially constructed.

A: Both.

Q: So, there is no actual possibility for a true superconductor with absolutely zero resistance? But that the resistance can be reduced to a very low level.

A: Close.

Q: Does cold necessarily have something to do with superconductivity?

A: What conditions exist in outer space?

Q: Well it is VERY cold... (A) It is almost a vacuum. (L) No gravity. (A) No, there is gravity, but only that. What I think we must ask is what is the relation between superconductivity and gravity. There was something mentioned... what was that about aether?

A: Nonmaterial realm of existence.

Q: (L) In other words, consciousness. Okay, you mentioned a cycling magnetic pulse that was an unintentional byproduct of superconductivity, and something about matter within a gravity vacuum... Could you define a cycling magnetic pulse?

A: Self explanatory.

Q: You said it was derived from matter within a gravity vacuum. Does that mean that superconductivity creates a gravity vacuum?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Where? Within the superconductor or outside?

A: Within.

Q: (A) According to what we know, it also creates an electromagnetic vacuum. Is it correct that there is no magnetic field within the superconductor?

A: We have stated before that these two properties are interwoven.

Q: (L) Electromagnetism and gravity. So, if there is no gravity, there is no electromagnetism. But then where is the magnetic pulse?

A: Pulse exists outside of gravity vacuum, but within superconductor. Picture a tube structure.

Q: Is the superconducting state within the gravity vacuum or within the EM pulse?

A: All inclusive. Normal structure for channeling electron flow within a conductor is a solid "tube," within superconductor, it is a "hollow" tube structure, thus evidence of vacuum.

Q: Does this hollow tube structure have any bearing on what you described as the separating of electrons?

A: It is a manifestation of same.

Q: So, in order to have a superconductor, one ought to have a temperature similar to the temperature in space, as well as possibly a chemical construction that is similar to the ambient properties of space, only greatly condensed, would that be it?

A: Close.

Q: (A) Do they mean there is zero gravity without superconductor? They say a vacuum which means what? No gravity?

A: Within.

Q: (A) No gravity within.

A: Not "no," just far less, and fragmented in nature.

Q: (A) But, on the other hand they say vacuum... (L) But Honey, there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum! (A) Yes. You are right. Okay. (A) I want to understand this 7th density. The protons come from 7th density? Or they are windows to 7th density or... what? (L) You said that protons come from seventh density. In exactly what sense did you mean that?

A: In the ultimate sense.

Q: So, a proton is a little manifestation of the consciousness of God?

A: No.

Q: Well, that would be what I would understand as the ultimate sense. Correct me please.

A: Too complex.

Q: (L) Okay. (F)Spider! (A) Indeed! A spider! {It seems that at this precise moment, a spider descended from the ceiling on a thread of spider silk.} (L) Teensy weensy spider....(A) It's a spy! (F) Yes, but a second density one. (A) But it has a lot of protons! (F) That's its connection with 7th density. {The spider is rescued and put elsewhere.} (L) Now, back to the questions. Could you just give me a clue on this proton business?

A: Ask.

Q: Okay, a proton is matched by an electron... (V) Does 7th density delegate how many protons come down or are available at any given time? (L) I think that would be a question that would take us way beyond where we are now...

A: Yes it would.

Q: (L) Just calm down V. I have a spider web on my hand. Okay. The protons. (V) Aren't protons just smaller bits of energy. (L) A proton is a fermion. (A) Yes. A proton is a fermion. Okay, there is a question with this proton. Is it something eternal, or is it something that decays? If it is seventh density... How long does a proton live?

A: Atomic explosion blends density window.

Q: (A) What do they mean blend? It explodes! Blend with what?

A: Where do protons fit into the atomic chain reaction equation?

Q: (L) What happens to protons in an atomic chain reaction? (A) Okay. I will have to check. I will have to take a look. But what does it have to do with this? (L) Well, if a proton is from 7th density, it is obviously a window. (A) Yes, a window. A very small window. (V) I have to leave. (L) Okay, we will stop for now and come back to the atomic chain reaction after we know how to ask the questions. End of Session
JayMark said:
In simple terms, I view God an the One Infinite and Perfect Creator. But I don't think we can possibly imagine how it feels to be One until we get there (7D).

JayMark, now we are getting somewhere! All the time, we just need to be aware and to fight against this illusion of separation. Have you ever felt every particle of your being just aching to go in a certain direction?

Lake_George, this is as concise and detailed a summary as I can surmise from my recent "findings":

We go right back to the Sumerians. I believe the Cs also said something concerning the encoding of information (via the fruit of the tree of knowledge). Adam was the first success of the genetic engineering experiments of Enki et al (who reigned in Africa/the netherworld). Hominids that were already here were endowed with the "mark of the gods" in order to be labourers for the Annunaki. But at that stage, there was no reproduction - the prototype Adam had to be cloned. When the X and Y chromosomes were added, the other gods were outraged, as we were becoming more like them, so we were kicked out of E.DIN/Eden/4th density. Thereafter, we reproduced wildly instead of dying out as they expected and only those of noble lineage were allowed access to certain information. Holy scriptures were encoded (alphabetically and numerically). So, we were available for labour and they didn't want us getting too knowledgeable. We are left discovering and developing methods which were being used thousands of years ago. Are not many of us still slaves?
[quote author=Lisyl]We go right back to the Sumerians. I believe the Cs also said something concerning the encoding of information (via the fruit of the tree of knowledge). Adam was the first success of the genetic engineering experiments of Enki et al (who reigned in Africa/the netherworld). Hominids that were already here were endowed with the "mark of the gods" in order to be labourers for the Annunaki. But at that stage, there was no reproduction - the prototype Adam had to be cloned. When the X and Y chromosomes were added, the other gods were outraged, as we were becoming more like them, so we were kicked out of E.DIN/Eden/4th density. Thereafter, we reproduced wildly instead of dying out as they expected and only those of noble lineage were allowed access to certain information. Holy scriptures were encoded (alphabetically and numerically). So, we were available for labour and they didn't want us getting too knowledgeable. We are left discovering and developing methods which were being used thousands of years ago. Are not many of us still slaves? [/quote]

Hi Lisyl,

It appears that you may have been influenced by the books by Zechariah Sitchin who has been discussed here on the Forum a number of times, concluding that his work is disinformation.

You may wish to do a search –there’s about 4 pages of results.
Lisyl said:
We go right back to the Sumerians. I believe the Cs also said something concerning the encoding of information (via the fruit of the tree of knowledge). Adam was the first success of the genetic engineering experiments of Enki et al (who reigned in Africa/the netherworld). Hominids that were already here were endowed with the "mark of the gods" in order to be labourers for the Annunaki. But at that stage, there was no reproduction - the prototype Adam had to be cloned. When the X and Y chromosomes were added, the other gods were outraged, as we were becoming more like them, so we were kicked out of E.DIN/Eden/4th density. Thereafter, we reproduced wildly instead of dying out as they expected and only those of noble lineage were allowed access to certain information. Holy scriptures were encoded (alphabetically and numerically). So, we were available for labour and they didn't want us getting too knowledgeable. We are left discovering and developing methods which were being used thousands of years ago. Are not many of us still slaves?

Here are some quotes.

About Eden and the snake.

Session 5, October 1994

Q: (L) Where was Eden?

A: Earth.

Q: (L) The entire earth was Eden?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was the "fall" in Eden, or the loss of the Edenic state, also accompanied by a cataclysm?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was the nature of that cataclysm?

A: Comets.

Q: (L) The cluster you have mentioned before?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, how long ago did this occur?

A: 309882 years ago.

Q: (L) Was the loss of the Edenic state also accompanied by a takeover of mankind by the Lizzies?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who were the original creator gods?

A: Us. Sixth Density.

Q: (L) The Cassiopaeans? Were the Pleiadeans also the original creator gods?

A: Same. Sixth Density.
{Note that the Cassiopaeans do not claim to be THE creator gods, but that it is a function of 6th density.}

Q: (L) What was the true identity of the serpent in Eden?

A: Lizards.

About Adam and Eve

Session 18, 18 October 1994

Q: (L) Were Adam and Eve attempting to obtain knowledge to free themselves from bondage when they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge?

A: Adam and Eve are symbolic.

Q: (L) But were they in bondage and trying to help free themselves with the help of a benevolent "serpent"?

A: Not benevolent.

Q: (L) Were they already in bondage to someone else when the Lizzies came?

A: No. They were free. The symbolic story of Adam and Eve was a story of enticement to false knowledge. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was focused, imprisoned knowledge.


Q: (L) What is the true source of the brotherhood of the snake in terms of human members?

A: Adam and Eve.

Q: (L) Were Adam and Eve real people?

A: No.

Q: (L) A group of people?

A: Thought pattern change not a giving into temptation.

Q: (L) What or who were these people? What country did they live in?

A: All people. Realm border crossing.

Hope it helps.
Hello Lisyl,
Although the Sumerian story hints to some genetic manipulation by 4DSTS on human bodies, it does tell nothing about what happens to the souls. As with every myth, and especially official religious stories that belong to a hierarchical system as in Sumer, Egypt, Rome, etc. one has to be aware also of the propaganda aspect that justifies the hierarchical system and the enslavement of people.
In order to have a broader view on the matter, you may consider reading The Secret History of the World
where the subject has been extensively discussed.

Edit: You may also consider this article http://cassiopaea.org/2011/04/15/the-golden-age-psychopathy-and-the-sixth-extinction/
You can see that human history is far more anciant than the very recent summerian episode.
JayMark said:
anart said:
If you could post the session excerpt that would be a big help - it's generally a good idea when paraphrasing the C's, not only for clarity's sake, but to make sure your interpretation is correct.

Yes! And of a big help to me too! I just found it and I misinterpreted. It was protons. But anyhow, there is a lot of usefull information concerning electrons and electricity.


Actually, there's also this session which mentions electrons in those terms:

Laura said:
March 29, 1997

Frank, Terry, Jan, Ark, Laura


Q: (Laura) OK. Does an electron have a memory?

A: Electron is borrowed unit of 7th density.

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