High school shooting in Parkland Florida

Kevin Hogg is Prime Suspect in Parkland Shooting

Henry Makow - “The evidence available thus far from the Valentine’s day massacre has been mounting against the Hogg family as undercover accomplices and beneficiaries in the clandestine operation that killed 17 students and teachers. David Hogg has zero right to talk about “gun control” when his father works for the most murderous part of the assault-rifle industry, the killer-training program known as Cubic Simulation Systems, a nice name for Murder Inc. Version 2.”


Hogg works for a company that simulates terror attacks among other kinds of firefights.

“I have just two questions for the Hoggs and the boss at Cubic: Among your assault weapon toting trainees, which ones did Parkland? Or was the job contracted out to your company reps with Israeli Defense Force (IDF), maybe some Shomrim reservists down at Chabad House? ”

Hogg-Tied to the Gunfire at Parkland School Pt 5 by Yoichi Shimatsu - Exclusive to Rense.com - (Excerpt by henrymakow.com)

The Hoggs are lying hustlers and profiteers from the worst gun violence in the world from war-torn Iraq to downtown USA. Here it will be shown that the father, Kevin Hogg, and his employer belong on the most-wanted suspect list for the Parkland school gunshot deaths. American citizens have every right to own guns to protect themselves from the lethal deceptions of the Hoggs. Mothers and fathers of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas students, do not let your children follow these Pied Pipers to their dishonor and destruction…

As analyzed further on in this essay, the shooting at Parkland school was done by highly trained professional shooters, with an accuracy level far surpassing any weekend warrior and far beyond an amateur like suspect Nikolas Cruz. The Parkland shooters, plural, demonstrated their prior training at weapons handling and in tactical guidelines from either Kevin Hogg’s company, called Cubic Simulation Systems, or one of the few other comparable special-ops training programs.

One of the promo videos from Cubic Simulation Systems was re-posted at rense.comso that any casual viewers are not tagged and tracked by that spooky outfit…. The software and visualization package, which trains new recruits to use assault rifles against simulated human targets on video, is called PRISim, an acronym that I have so failed to decipher. Here’s a question for PC liberals: Do Black Lives Matter? Not at Cubic. PRISim offers the pleasure of simulated shootings of African-American criminals at point-blank range. Take note, that’s one way to hold down the tax burden for building new prisons. After clearing the bar with an electronic toy gun, the shooter can then progress to firing live ammunition inside their “Village”, a model of Ferguson, where novice shooters graduate can open up with short-barrel assault rifles at dummies, like the ones inside and outside Parkland school.

It takes a village of corpses before being awarded a certificate of excellence, as described in Cubic’s press release after it won a contract with DuPage College in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, for the Suburban Law Enforcement Academy (SLEA, pronounced “slay”). The 66,000 sq.ft. facility called the Homeland Security Training Center includes a 4,500 sq. ft “tactical village” (otherwise known as the ghetto). an indoor two-story replica of a downtown street used for immersion training. For a while in my youth, I grew up in a Bloods gang-controlled area of Southwest LA, so this replica would be a homecoming for me.

Cubic equipped the facility with its Advanced System Architecture for Urban Live Training (ASAULT, d’ya suppose these guys like to kill?), consisting of cameras, speakers, smoke generators, high fidelity indoor tracking and computer-based exercise monitoring and debriefing apps. Cubic uses targeting with ballistic-accurate lasers mounted on actual weapons to realistically simulate gun battles and to record hits and misses. These are used extensively by the U.S. and foreign military forces for combat training. Got that, Teach? Now you know where he’s coming from.

This isn’t about a lone gunman, it’s a massive killing machine. If this is what the American citizenry is going to be facing soon, it’s time to legalize 30mm Gatling guns for home protection. Now consider the fact that PRISim is the business as usual that puts food on the table in the Hogg dining room. Therefore one can conclude that CNN “gun-control advocate” from the Broward school district, Rebecca Boldrick aka Mom, must be packing too. Don’t ask, don’t tell when it comes to the Hoggs unless you want to end up neck deep in the swill.

OK, little David, we see right through your BS game, so preach what you really practice. Come out of that closet and admit you’re a con artist who defrauded those rich people in Hollywood who support gun control. One thing’s for sure, you owe an apology to Senator Marco Rubio. Now go wash your lying mouth out with soap.

DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS - I have just two questions for the Hoggs and the boss at Cubic: Among your assault weapon toting trainees, which ones did Parkland? Or was the job contracted out to your company reps with Israeli Defense Force (IDF), maybe some Shomrim reservists down at Chabad House? There’s some uncertainty about whodunits after President Barack Obama eliminated the Frank rule that American citizens cannot be killed by the CIA. The Parkland job, however, sure bore the hallmarks of an IDF-style raid on Gaza.

One pattern that’s a known is: Americans tend to work as a team, to cover each other, whereas the Israelis are used to swaggering and acting like Uber-mensch (supermen) when they bully the Palestinians and gun them down in cold blood. This Israeli menace gets back to Cubic Simulation Systems, who’s recently promoted chairman, Bradley Feldman, has focused on acquiring Israeli military-related high tech to compete in both the U.S. and global security market against his main competitor Thyssen Training of Germany. Sig Sauer rifles are top of the line, while Israeli Galil firearms have a lot of catching up to do.

Money, The Root Of Evil - Due to the Pentagon draw-down in Afghanistan and Iraq, defense-sector demand for combat training is in decline, though once the mainstay of revenues for Cubic. The ace in Feldman’s hole is the Broward County Sheriff’s department with the nation’s largest police force, numbering 6,000 employees and a budget of $730 million. The gentrification of South Florida, however, is leading toward an overall decline in violent crime rates in Florida, which is hitting a 50-year low. Miami Vice is not what it used to be, moving upstream into white-collar crime aka business as usual: money-laundering, casinos, escort services, porn, and fraud.

Therefore, graphic violence committed in Broward County was necessary to the security sector of the state economy, Cubic in a nutshell and presto suddenly comes the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School attack, for no convincing reason other than Nikolas Cruz’s stepmother’s death by cancer (which should have been investigated, had her body not been cremated.) A murderous rampage with no apparent cause is similar to how and why the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings happened exactly when Sen. Joe Lieberman’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was in need of dramatic violence for Congress to authorize spending. These mass murders are all about money and have nothing to do with madness, other than insane greed.

As for Israeli reservists, and even active Israeli military officers, these maggots are now crawling over every college campus in America to intimidate students and faculty members who are supporting the BDS (boycott, divest, sanctions) movement against the State of Israel for its atrocious human-rights record. Now there’s a cause more appropriate for you, David, since you can promote BDS and still carry a concealed weapon while donning a yamulka. You think like a Jew so act like one.

THE PHONY ARREST - Which raises the question: How is it that Nikolas Cruz was arrested just around the corner from the Chai Center Chabad House in Coral Springs? Rabbi Hershy Bronstein claims that he was monitoring the street after the Parkland shooting when he noticed the suspect walking past. It seems more likely that the born-again Jewish lad was boarding at Chabad, and left some gear there when the rabbi assured him that fellow Shomrim vigilante member Sheriff Scott Israel would protect him under custody, since no Jew could prosecute another under the mafia-like “mesirah” code of unequal justice for all.

The other question is: Nikolas Cruz told his hosts, the Sneads, that he was not going to attend school on Valentine’s day. He reportedly took an Uber to Parkland, but was it just to deliver a card to the girl he had formerly taken interested in? How did he get past the locked gate? Or was his presence on the school a case of mistaken identity, since at least two other male students were accused of being him? Was he actually at Chai Center Chabad House all that day, maybe waiting for an after-school party with other students?

The problem in the quest for justice in Parkland is: Other than one teacher’s recollections, nobody else’s word is worth a penny in Broward County, home to a bunch of habitual cheats, something like Clinton’s Arkansas with alligators and Zika mosquitoes.

CIVICS 101 - As for the confused Parkland students, get back to hitting the books. Ever since the school boards dropped Civics class, nearly all young people lack the American history lessons required to comprehend why the Founding Fathers were so insistent on the citizenry’s right to bear arms. I learned it all about the Declaration and Constitution by second grade back in public school on the wrong side of the tracks in Los Angeles, where we used to give the pledge of allegiance every morning. Our lives didn’t matter or amount to anything back then, but the flag, the anthem and country did, since there wasn’t much else to believe in.

All I can recommend, short of a return to traditional education, is for all young people to watch and study “The Last of the Mohicans” to see what happens to ordinary people and local communities when absolutist governments control all the firepower. The other salient point in a serious curriculum is to study the role of the Hessian mercenaries, King George III, and the House of Rothschild in Hesse to understand why a free citizenry and not military contractors should defend the nation. There’s no recommended film on that topic out of Hollywood coming soon.

Now here’s something that Parkland kids might be able to comprehend, from the early chapters of Star Wars and not the snowflake sequels.

Are you so naive as to trust the sweet talk of the treacherous Senator Debbie Wasserman Palpatine and her allies, the merchants of death in the advanced weapons industry churning out droids and soon the clones? Can you not see that science fiction is just a figment of our reality?

Methinks to the Dark Side that David is being drawn, pulled in by the traction beam of CNN. If you want to be sucked in, like how Anakin Skywalker morphed into Darth Vader, go ahead but remember there’s an ultimate price to be paid on the other side, which makes suffering and death noble by comparison. And that’s never to know the meaning of love and its social app called honor.
What a great way to pick a patsy!

Sniffing social media to profile and select a useful idiot is probably easier than spending a couple of years to groom, mind-program, drug and insert a made to order "Lone Gunman".

If one's goal is simply, "National Stress Creation Through School Shootings", then the target is "Any School in the United States". That's all the geography you need. The Dark Side is very mobile and their strike teams are all about descending upon a randomly selected target and then stealing away after the shooting is over. They can simply plan their black op around a conveniently available teen who has been boasting publicly about his violent qualities on Twitter.

There was just such a guy like that in my old school during my pre-Twitter teen years. He was the loopy gun nut who wore fatigues and liked war movies, who was socially awkward and didn't fit in (you didn't want to be the poor guy partnered up with him during wrestling in gym class!). BUT he was never actually violent and not even particularly mean spirited. There were much nastier people than him walking the school halls.

My mind perked up and I started paying closer attention when I read a brief account of Cruz offered by one his co-workers at the Dollar Store where he worked. "Cruz? Yeah, he's a great guy!" (paraphrasing).

Boasting is a long way from carrying out a crime. Boasting suggests that a kid cares about what his peers think of him. There is something discordant between valuing the esteem of your peers and thinking of them as less than human.

At first blush, (which is now; I confess to having totally tuned out this story for the last few weeks; I've been busy and frankly didn't have the stomach to drag myself through another school shooting story), -and with the benefit of the data having settled, plus the description of the shooter's appearance and behavior as provided by teacher, Stacy Lippel, I have to say this is looking like another scripted event orchestrated by Very Bad People Inc.

Frankly, harvesting social media profiles and capitalizing on easy patsy candidates is something I'm a little surprised has not been done earlier. I mean, we ALL know social media psyche profile harvesting is a profitable business with a lot of insanely active 'product' development. Who's to say that only conventional merchants are interested in using this new technology to streamline their business models?
Cruz was enrolled at a different school at the time of the shooting, but took the day off to travel to and attack his old high school from which he'd been expelled the previous year.

Here's an interesting note about his mental state...

"The 19-year-old who is accused of killing 17 people and injuring dozens more when he opened fire on a South Florida high school Wednesday afternoon told investigators that he heard voices in his head, giving him instructions on what to do to conduct the attack, law enforcement sources told ABC News."

I am reminded of the account provided by author, Richard Sauder. (His books are all about underground bases and tunnels and his research based on the money trails and paperwork surrounding their construction.):

"Sauder said that after penning a short article for UFO Magazine in 1992, he woke up one night to hear a disembodied voice inside his head that began by saying "underground bases are real." He suspects this communication was sent to him by a "pulsed microwave transmitter" that is capable of beaming messages directly into the auditory cortex, according to the patent of this device."

I wonder if Cruz wasn't selected based on his profile and then pushed over the edge? I bet being on prescription meds would have made that easier.

It does sound plausible from the official media account that he could have accomplished the shooting all by himself. It might be possible that the masked, "full metal garb" shooter which teacher, Stacy Lippel saw and first thought was a police officer, might have been Cruz.

Or maybe it was an extra participant there to make sure the drama unfolded 'correctly'. There have been a few people online pointing out that the official timeline only allows for about one minute in which Cruz could have entered the school and have donned a full suit of flak armor complete with helmet, as well as get his weapon unpacked and ready from the bag he brought with him in the Uber car. There has been no report of any discarded flak armor in the follow up stories.

Another bit of weirdness:

Surveillance footage from the Florida high school where 17 people were fatally shot and more than a dozen others wounded was not shown live, as responding officers initially thought.

It was on a 26-minute delay — leading police to brace for a shootout when the gunman was actually long gone, Coral Springs Police Capt. Brad McKeone said.

“Nobody told us,” Coral Springs Police Chief Tony Pustizzi told the Sun Sentinel, which first reported the tape delay.


Yeah. The official account seems a bit stinky.
A US court has indicted the suspect in last month's school shooting in the US state of Florida on 17 counts of premeditated murder and 17 counts of attempted murder, State Prosecutor Michael Satz said in a press release on Wednesday.

US Court Indicts School Shooting Suspect on 17 Counts of Premeditated Murder

“On Wednesday, March 7, 2018, the Broward County Grand Jury, January through June 2018 term, indicted Nikolas Jacob Cruz, charging him with 17-counts of Premeditated Murder in the First-Degree and 17-counts of Attempted Murder in the First-Degree,” Satz said.

The indictment alleges Cruz killed and murdered 17 individuals in the shooting and attempted to murder another 17 individuals who are named in the release.
Suicided??? Died April 1st and just now becoming known?

Broward County Sheriff Who Exposed Parkland Shooting Found Dead – Media Blackout | Buddylist

Broward County Sheriff Who Exposed Parkland Shooting Found Dead – Media Blackout


A Broward County Sheriff Deputy who dared to question the official narrative around the Parkland shooting has been found dead under suspicious circumstances.

On April 1, Jason Fitzsimon was found dead on his sofa. According to police, the 42-year-old had been in excellent health prior to his untimely death.

Memoryholeblog.org reports: reports: Deputy Fitzsimons wasn’t just any law enforcement officer. Unlike many of his peers, he took to social media to question the potential agenda behind the February 14 Marjory Stoneman High School mass shooting, suggesting that the event was being used to promote the Democratic Party’s gun control platform in anticipation of the 2018 midterm elections. And recent personnel decisions involving public officials indicate (e.g. here and here), an unwritten law of taxpayer-funded institutions is that employees disavow and steer clear of “conspiracy theories” that may call their superiors motives into question.

One post found on Fitzsimon’s Facebook page depicts the Parkland massacre’s main spokesperson, David Hogg, in National Socialist regalia, with the caption, “We will March Until We Disarm Every American.”

Fitzsimons Facebook page has since been “scrubbed” of any 2018 posts, which would of course include those that may be calling the the Parkland shooting or its aftermath into question.

The circumstances surrounding Deputy Fitzsimon’s death are sketchy. The official cause has been attributed to cancer, yet this is contradicted by an obituary found at obittree.com, stating that he “died unexpectedly.” The “died unexpectedly” phrase is one morticians and/or loved ones sometimes employ when for one reason or another they are reluctant to disclose the true cause of death, as in the case of a suicide.


Yet as the above obituary makes clear, Fitzsimons does not seem as if he would have been a likely suicide candidate. The law enforcement officer “lived life to the fullest and enjoyed spending time loving on his many friends [sic],”the document reads. Fitzsimons was also the life of the party, according to the obituary’s author(s). “He dreamed to one day be Batman or Kenny Chesney, and you could often find him singing at a local karaoke night or taking selfies while under the disguise of the caped crusader.” Further, the deceased also had a spiritual devotion “in his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

If Fitzsimons in fact died of cancer, the onset must have been extremely sudden. Neither the obituary nor accompanying memorials reference any struggle with the disease, but instead point to his inspiring presence while expressing astonishment at the abruptness of his passing.

Aside from numerous friends attesting to his warm disposition in their memorials, Deputy Fitzsimons appeared to be in excellent health, as various photos suggest.


Following the December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook School massacre numerous law enforcement officers with intimate knowledge of the event’s investigation either retired or died unexpectedly. These included Connecticut State Police Major William Podgorski, who passed on following “a brief undisclosed illness.”


As Sandy Hook researcher Tony Mead observed in 2014,

From Douglas Cottle, who died Sept 29, 2012, at age 62 to Michael Bellmore, who died May 3, 2014 at age 27, more questions than answers seem to arise. The Connecticut State Police Commander, the Connecticut State Police Commissioner, the Western Connecticut State Police Commander as well as the Connecticut State Medical Examiner have all been eliminated from the story either by retiring or death. What better way to cover up any possibility of ever disclosing the truth ? What better way to perpetuate conspiracy theories ?

Those who received word via Twitter of Fitzsimon’s untimely death have expressed similar doubt and suspicion on the vague and unusual circumstances.


As is suggested in the aftermath of other recent mass shooting events, Fitzsimons simply may have possessed too much information, was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and/or asking sensitive questions of his peers and superiors on the specifics of the Parkland shooting. It is beyond dispute that the sheriff’s deputy had become uncomfortably outspoken on the February 14 event.

The record reflects that Deputy Fitzsimons was a wonderful individual and friend who cared about “truth” and the US Constitution. Perhaps these concerns are no longer desired by the management of certain policing agencies. There is indeed ample room for suspicion.

And another one bites the dust . . . :cry:
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COVER UP? Second Broward County Sheriff’s deputy dead, at 53
Posted on April 26, 2018 Author GOV'T SLAVES


–On April 9, 2018, I re-blogged Dr. James Tracy’s post on the sudden and untimely death, at age 42, of Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Jason Fitzsimons, who had questioned the Parkland school shooting’s gun control agenda.

Now comes an announcement of another Broward County deputy death — that of 53-year-old Marshall Peterson. Yesterday, the Broward Sheriff tweeted this:


The reaction to the tweet is one of skepticism:

“I don’t see this on the news. Why not?”
“What’s really going on in Broward County? We need answers!”
“How strange? Did the Clintons move to Broward County? #ROFL these murder coincidences usually follow them around.”
“2nd deputy to die in his home. PEOPLE PLEASE WAKE THE F UP”
“Musta been pro-2A.”
“What did he know?”
“Are these all the cops that know the truth about recent shootings?”​
I scoured the web but was unable to find more information on Peterson’s death:

  • No obituary, probably because the death occurred only yesterday.
  • No Facebook account
  • No Twitter account
  • The only likely “Marshall Peterson” on LinkedIn has a bare-bones profile identifying him only as “Law Enforcement at Private, Miami, Florida”.
TruthFinder says he’s single; lives with his 79-year-old mother in a 3-bed 3-bath home in Hollywood/Pembroke Pines, Florida, which is owned by the mother.

Please help me find more information on Deputy Marshall Peterson. I’ll update this post when I have more information.

I scoured the web but was unable to find more information on Peterson’s death:

  • No obituary, probably because the death occurred only yesterday.
  • No Facebook account
  • No Twitter account
  • The only likely “Marshall Peterson” on LinkedIn has a bare-bones profile identifying him only as “Law Enforcement at Private, Miami, Florida”.
TruthFinder says he’s single; lives with his 79-year-old mother in a 3-bed 3-bath home in Hollywood/Pembroke Pines, Florida, which is owned by the mother.

Please help me find more information on Deputy Marshall Peterson. I’ll update this post when I have more information.

I scoured the web but was unable to find more information on Peterson’s death:

  • No obituary, probably because the death occurred only yesterday.
  • No Facebook account
  • No Twitter account
  • The only likely “Marshall Peterson” on LinkedIn has a bare-bones profile identifying him only as “Law Enforcement at Private, Miami, Florida”.
TruthFinder says he’s single; lives with his 79-year-old mother in a 3-bed 3-bath home in Hollywood/Pembroke Pines, Florida, which is owned by the mother.

Please help me find more information on Deputy Marshall Peterson. I’ll update this post when I have more information.

COVER UP? Second Broward County Sheriff’s deputy dead, at 53 – GOVTSLAVES.INFO

Feb 23, 2018
Scot Peterson, the Florida police officer assigned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where 17 people were killed in a mass shooting last week, has resigned amid an investigation into his actions during the massacre.


Peterson, 54, resigned Thursday from Broward County Sheriff’s Office, the Sun Sentinel reported, as it emerged that although he was the only armed deputy on campus during the shooting, he had done nothing.
Who is Scot Peterson, the only armed deputy who could have stopped the Florida massacre?

Four sheriffs' deputies hid during Florida school shooting

?????? Who were the other three deputies that stood outside ??????
Something very rotten going on in Broward County.

Deputy union says it has 'no confidence' in Broward Sheriff Scott Israel

Deputy union says it has 'no confidence' in Broward Sheriff Scott Israel

Federal prosecutor found dead along the beach
Federal prosecutor found dead along the beach
  • Like
Reactions: Ca.
Steve Pieczenik Published on May 22, 2018
I am sick of all the #FakeNews and #FakeHeroes #OliverNorth, NRA and now #MittRomney. Lets spend money on improving our education standards and on mental health!
Parkland students to make bus tour to register voters

By Associated Press June 4, 2018 @8:40 AM
SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) — A day after graduating from high school, a group of Florida school shooting survivors has announced a multistate bus tour to "get young people educated, registered and motivated to vote."

Students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, are set to kick off March For Our Lives:
Road to Change at 10 a.m. Monday. A gunman killed 17 students and faculty at the Florida school on Feb.14.

A news release sent Monday says the tour will begin June 15 in Chicago, where the Florida students will join the Peace March, led by students from St. Sabina Academy. So far, about 50 stops in more than 20 states have been planned.

The news release says a separate Florida tour will make more than 25 stops, visiting every congressional district.

A great retort on this Tweet!


On Jun 4, 2018

Flashback: Oct 12, 2017
/ 5:38

FEMA Pays Exorbitant Price for Charter of Carnival Fascination After Hurricane Maria : Cruise Law News
Posted on June 1, 2018 by Jim Walker
According to WRLN in Miami, FEMA grossly overpaid Carnival Cruise Line to charter the Carnival Fascination to provide housing for FEMA workers following Hurricane Maria.

According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by Daniel Rivero, WLRN states that FEMA agreed to pay Carnival $74,700,000 to provide accommodations aboard the Carnival Fascination to house federal aid workers and first responders in St. Croix.


As WLRN explains, the FEMA-Carnival contract provides that the cruise line agreed to house 2,056 FEMA workers for the length of the four month contract. The average number of nightly passengers for the contract period was around 800 which, given the contract price, turns out to be $834 per person per night, paid by U.S. taxpayers. That's a staggering rate or well over over $5,000 per week per passenger.

WLRN calculated the market rate for a cruise on the Carnival Fascination between $370 and $1,200 per person per week, which is a fraction of the rate paid by FEMA.

I also obtained a copy of the FEMA-Carnival charter agreement pursuant to a FOIA request earlier this year. It revealed that FEMA agreed to pay what turns out to be $18,675,000 a month for the Fascination.

This exorbitant amount of taxpayer money is even higher than what FEMA paid Carnival in 2005, to charter three Carnival cruise ships following Hurricane Katrina. FEMA agreed to pay Carnival an average of only $13,111,111 a month (for a total of $192,000,000) to charter the Carnival Sensation, Carnival Ecstasy and Carnival's Holiday for 6 months (plus $44,000,000 for fuel and other expenses) following hurricane Katrina.

Plus, as I pointed out in the article FEMA Agreed to Pay Carnival $74,700,000 for Charter of Carnival Fascination, Carnival didn't pay any federal taxes on this income.

In the WLRN article, cruise expert Professor Ross Klein pointed out that Carnival is registered in Panama and pays almost no U.S. income taxes which he believes is a larger concern for how the contract was handled.

“The US Government hired a foreign registered corporation that uses foreign registered vessels with foreign workers (working in the US but not paying US income tax). And because the corporation is offshore, and the ship is offshore, the company pays virtually no income tax on the contract. Now that is a sweet deal,” Professor Klein told WLRN.

What is even more disturbing is that, as WRLN points out, FEMA first (over) paid Carnival even before it disbursed funds to the survivors in the U.S. Virgin Islands hit by the hurricane. Numerous media sources are also now reporting that the death toll in Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria was drastically underestimated. The consensus is that that the actual number of deaths was around 5,000 citizens, compared to official estimates of less than 100.
Just a heads up that earlier this month the Sun Sentinel released most of the interrogation from the day Cruz was picked up by police. There's about 2 hours of talking, the other 8 hours is Cruz alone in the interrogation cell fidgeting or sleeping. During the interrogation he tells the detective he had a demon voice in his head that told him to burn and destroy, and which helped him pick his spotify playlist. :umm:

Let's add this to the Sandy Hook mix... seems that school had previously moved due to so many violations:

Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed months before ‘massacre’
December 9, 2018 Rich Winkel

We are told that on December 14, 2012, a lone gunman, Adam Lanza, went to Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) in Newtown, Connecticut, where in the space of 11 minutes, shot and killed 20 first-graders and 6 adults.
We are also told that after the massacre, SHES relocated to an empty school in neighboring Monroe, CT — Chalk Hill Middle School at 375 Fan Hill Rd. — until a new swanky SHES was rebuilt with the $50 million from the state of Connecticut as a result of the shooting massacre.
It turns out that SHES had moved to Chalk Hill months before the alleged massacre, which leads to this question:
Since SHES had moved to Monroe, who, then, were the students and teachers whom Lanza shot to death at SHES on December 14, 2012?​
Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed months before ‘massacre’ | Thought Crime Radio
Currently, within a few days of one another, there have been two student suicides (survivors of last years shooting massacre).

March 25, 2019 - Second Parkland shooting survivor apparently dies by Suicide
Second Parkland Shooting Survivor Apparently Dies By Suicide
 (wellesenterprises via Getty Images)

A second student who survived last year’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, has apparently died by suicide, police confirmed.

The juvenile, whose name has not been released, died by an “apparent suicide” on Saturday night, Coral Springs police spokesman Tyler Reik told HuffPost. The deceased was a current student at the high school.

Detectives and the county medical examiner’s office are continuing to investigate the matter, Reik said.

The student’s death comes after the family of another survivor of the shooting, 19-year-old Sydney Aiello, confirmed Friday that she died by suicide after struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder and survivor’s guilt. The February 2018 shooting by a former student killed 17 people and injured over a dozen others.

Aiello had been close friends with Meadow Pollack, a Stoneman Douglas senior who was fatally shot during last year’s massacre.

David Hogg, a prominent Parkland shooting survivor turned gun violence activist, shared his grief on Twitter Sunday.

“How many more kids have to be taken from us as a result of suicide for the government / school district to do anything?” the 18-year-old tweeted..

Broward County Public Schools did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Though the details surrounding the second student’s death remain unclear, Dan Reidenberg, executive director of suicide prevention nonprofit SAVE, told HuffPost that PTSD and survivor guilt can be a factor in such situations.

“Teens facing graduations, proms, other major life events knowing that their friends will not be there due to the mass shooting can be really re-traumatized by life events,” he told HuffPost in an email.

Reidenberg said it’s important for adults, teachers and peers to understand youth suicide warning signs, which include changes in academic performance and statements of feeling like they don’t deserve to be alive.

“We need to try and minimize risk of contagion given the situation and media attention around the suicides,” he said. “We don’t want to create panic or fear that this will keep happening, while making sure people know to reach out for help if they are struggling.”
Florida deputy arrested for inaction during Parkland shooting
Florida deputy arrested for inaction during Parkland shooting

Former Broward County sheriff's deputy Scot Peterson, 56, arrested on multiple felony and misdemeanor charges stemming from his response during the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas School, in Parkland, Florida is shown in this booking photo in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S, provided June 4, 2019. (Reuters)

June 5, 2019 -MIAMI: The Florida deputy who knew a gunman was loose at the Parkland high school but refused to go inside to confront the assailant was arrested Tuesday on 11 criminal charges related to his inaction during the massacre that killed 17 people.

Scot Peterson was on duty as the resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during the February 2018 shooting but never entered the building while bullets were flying. He was charged with child neglect, culpable negligence and perjury - allegations that carry a maximum potential prison sentence of nearly 100 years.

In the weeks after the attack, Peterson was seen on surveillance video rushing with two staff members toward the building where the shooting happened. When they arrived, Peterson pulled his weapon and went forward but then retreated and took up a position outside, where he stood with his gun drawn.

The charges follow a 14-month investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, which conducted interviews with 184 witnesses, reviewed hours of surveillance videos and compiled 212 investigative reports, the agency said.

Peterson “did absolutely nothing to mitigate” the shooting, FDLE Commissioner Rick Swearingen said in a statement. “There can be no excuse for his complete inaction and no question that his inaction cost lives.”

Lori Alhadeff, whose 14-year-old daughter, Alyssa, was killed, said she was surprised to hear of Peterson’s arrest. She recalled sending a text to her daughter when she heard there was shooting.

“I told her to hide, that help was on the way. Well, Peterson was that help, but he froze, and he failed us all that day,” Alhadeff said. “He was supposedly the good guy with the gun who was supposed to go in and meet the threat, and he let us all down.”

Tony Montalto, whose daughter Gina Montalto, also 14, died in the attack, said families wanted justice to be done.

“We are happy to see some accountability for this tragedy,” said Montalto, president of the Stand With Parkland victim families’ group.

Peterson, 56, was jailed on $102,000 bail. Once released, he will be required to wear a GPS monitor and surrender his passport and will be prohibited from possessing a gun, the prosecutor said.

Peterson lawyer Joseph DiRuzzo III did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In the past, he defended Peterson’s conduct as justified under the circumstances.

It was not immediately clear when Peterson would make his initial court appearance. That typically occurs the day after an arrest.

Sen. Rick Scott, a Republican who was Florida governor at the time of the shooting, initiated the law enforcement probe and said Tuesday in a statement that he was glad the investigation was finished. “Now it’s time for justice to be served,” Scott said.

After the shooting, Peterson took retirement rather than accept a suspension.

Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony said he has now been formally fired. Another deputy, former Sgt. Brian Miller, was also fired, although he faces no criminal charges.

“It’s never too late for accountability and justice,” Tony said.

David S. Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor now in private practice, said key to the case will be the culpable negligence charge, which essentially means an “utter disregard for the safety of others.”

“They are focusing on the care he was required to give to the students as a caregiver who was responsible for their welfare,” Weinstein added.

The perjury charge stems from a statement Peterson gave under oath to investigators contending that he did not hear any shots fired after taking up his position outside the school. Investigators determined through video, witnesses and other evidence that was not true.

The arrest is the latest fallout from investigations into the shooting.

Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended then-Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel for “neglect of duty and incompetence” over the department’s actions that day. Israel is appealing that decision to the state Senate and said he intends to run again next year.

The case also spawned a state commission that issued a 458-page report detailing many errors before and during the shooting, including Broward deputies who stayed outside the school building and the policies that led to that, such as Israel’s decision to change guidelines to say that deputies “may” confront an active shooter rather than “shall” do so.

The commission also recommended voluntary arming of teachers, which state lawmakers approved this year.

The chairman of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, said in an interview that the charges against Peterson were “absolutely warranted.”

Peterson “is a coward, a failure and a criminal,” Gualtieri said. “There is no doubt in my mind that because he didn’t act, people were killed.”

Nikolas Cruz , 20, faces the death penalty if convicted of the first-degree murder charges filed in the attack. His lawyers have said Cruz would plead guilty in return for a life sentence, but prosecutors have refused that offer.

Cruz is expected to go on trial in early 2020.
Not sure what to make of Scot Peterson's arrest.

At the time, his lawyer said that Peterson believed the shooting was happening outside the 1200 school building, which is what he told the first police officers who arrived on scene.

That shooting was taking place outside was substantiated by Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who said at the first press conference that three bodies were "recovered outside the building" - two of which were hundreds of yards away from it. Since then, officially, all victims were found inside the building...

Peterson is also heard on the police dispatch ordering that "no one comes inside the school," and for first responders to "stay at least 500 feet away [from the 1200 building] at this point."

Till now I've wondered whether he was 'in on it' in some way, assisting the perps; now it looks like he's the fall guy.
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