Jedi Master
I do this prediction game as well but I rarely write or publish my predictions anywhere. Do you think that simply imagining or talking about certain scenarios has the same effect as, for example, posting them here? My guess is that documented, public predictions about PTB-induced nasty events carry much more weight in the sense that the prediction is documented as predating the (potential) event.Ruth said:Hi Anart, I like to play a little 'game' with the PTB, called the game of prediction. I suppose you could call it an STS form of reverse psychology. If I predict something really, really bad is going to happen and it doesn't that may mean that because I have actually said something about it (before it happens), the PTB now cant LET it happen. If they do, it will appear as if someone has been correct in their predictions and knows what they are talking about and they would rather that wasn't the case.
I have found that the price of being wrong when making predictions of gloom and doom all the time, is very cheap. The price of being right and saying nothing about it is extrodinarily high! So Id rather be wrong than right when dealing with what I think may be 4d sts or it's 3d links.
Maybe the moderators could start a new forum topic for such predictions? I know some predictions are scattered around the SOTT forums and in Casschat in different places and in different contexts. There are also a number of sessions with the C's where predictions and possible future PTB behavior are discussed. If predictions were aggregated under one forum topic, people could post potential scenarios, and then others could add variations and expand upon the ideas. Just a thought...:)