Hitler & the hyperdimensional perspective

I am working with the family issues - thanks for pointing it out. Still some work to do but I have been going along as you say, for a while now. I still... see my relatvies completely off track. I have been expressing (here or in another thread) how I felt that the very last four years have been exhausting for people and I have been noticing my relatives giving in purely to "Putin is the devil, Ukraine is great" etc etc... "Trump is the devil" etc.
Would you go into an art galley and force concepts about selling cars on them? How important cars are and everyone should have one? No, that would make you somewhat absurd.

I create the above example to give you an example that may allow you to individuate from your family to create a space for your own evolution.

This is hard because you love your family I know. You care about them and want what’s best. But this actually is not love and to be honest the harsh truth is you are a lot like them. They could easily say when they are talking to their friends about you… “All he is - is into this spirit stuff, this forum, he goes to church too much and is just in his dreams doesn’t care about our country or world events”.

Do you see how you are judging and trying to control? Your family is also consciousness like you (not considering OPs or pure psychopaths here) they reincarnated into this life at their own time, have had their own life experiences (baggage) and gravitate to what makes them comfortable. They gave birth to you so you can realize your potential and use YOUR consciousness/spirit to create the life you want in your future by acting in the here now. So why don’t you let the individual units of consciousness that are in your family create the life they want and you create the life you want. We are all part of the system and we are all on our own individual place on the learning curve.

Sit down take a breath and really think about what I’m going to say below. This may give you a perspective of luck that you are actually lucky….

What if your parents forced these esoteric concepts on you? What if they forced spiritual topics on you what if they forced you to go to fellowship/church? Would you be so receptive to these topics or would you rebel maybe you would be the one taking about war Putin and the roles would be reversed.

You are/were either chosen in this here/now “time” to pursue this knowledge or you have a calling to choose it sooooooo let people like what they like talk about what they talk about they will pass on and reincarnat back here and you will pass on and based on your progression either reincarnate here or move on somewhere else.

Do you see how your family is making these esoteric topics interesting for you? Giving you the interest to pursue it? Through their topics they give you an opportunity to gravitate toward other topics. Grow up move on and give thanks work on yourself not other conciousness you can only fully trust you no one else you have the most data on you not others so get to work and either love people the right way or allow them to talk/be who they are without it holding you back… move forward please for the rest of us when you improve your consciousness you improve the overall system which is all of us so please get to work. Thank you.
Would you go into an art galley and force concepts about selling cars on them? How important cars are and everyone should have one? No, that would make you somewhat absurd.

I create the above example to give you an example that may allow you to individuate from your family to create a space for your own evolution.

This is hard because you love your family I know. You care about them and want what’s best. But this actually is not love and to be honest the harsh truth is you are a lot like them. They could easily say when they are talking to their friends about you… “All he is - is into this spirit stuff, this forum, he goes to church too much and is just in his dreams doesn’t care about our country or world events”.

Do you see how you are judging and trying to control? Your family is also consciousness like you (not considering OPs or pure psychopaths here) they reincarnated into this life at their own time, have had their own life experiences (baggage) and gravitate to what makes them comfortable. They gave birth to you so you can realize your potential and use YOUR consciousness/spirit to create the life you want in your future by acting in the here now. So why don’t you let the individual units of consciousness that are in your family create the life they want and you create the life you want. We are all part of the system and we are all on our own individual place on the learning curve.

Sit down take a breath and really think about what I’m going to say below. This may give you a perspective of luck that you are actually lucky….

What if your parents forced these esoteric concepts on you? What if they forced spiritual topics on you what if they forced you to go to fellowship/church? Would you be so receptive to these topics or would you rebel maybe you would be the one taking about war Putin and the roles would be reversed.

You are/were either chosen in this here/now “time” to pursue this knowledge or you have a calling to choose it sooooooo let people like what they like talk about what they talk about they will pass on and reincarnat back here and you will pass on and based on your progression either reincarnate here or move on somewhere else.

Do you see how your family is making these esoteric topics interesting for you? Giving you the interest to pursue it? Through their topics they give you an opportunity to gravitate toward other topics. Grow up move on and give thanks work on yourself not other conciousness you can only fully trust you no one else you have the most data on you not others so get to work and either love people the right way or allow them to talk/be who they are without it holding you back… move forward please for the rest of us when you improve your consciousness you improve the overall system which is all of us so please get to work. Thank you.
Yes it definitely acts as a catalyst. I guess that I told you a bit about the Swiss society of today - you wouldn't believe how it does the same ☺️ It has become a real nightmare-ish situation, some are displaying signs of nervous breakdown. It has been impossible to benefit from a long-term conversation, because it takes between 2 minutes to 5 minutes to have some "...rhoo right it sucks ... and meanwhile this devil-ish Putin (...)". It all the time breaks with such kinds of stuffs and I see that the conversation is coated withthe STS absurd-ish nonsense. Some veil of possession kicks in and the conversation is not desirable. The look in the eeyes change and it's like a switch. In one minute, the people would reach even more absurd conclusions - it's crazy. I would look around, at all those cozy structures, made out of solid and expensive stone... All the institutions.. I would think "eh, all for nothing". I see people ruting Gestapo-like.

And you see, Menna, I go with the flow. I accept this fully and I tell myself "well, I will see how it goes, and meanwhile I will do my best and work the interesting things that those forumnites speak of". It's a lonely existence but worth the deal. It could be that the people will recover and I have faith in this, too. They are not stupid and they all aim for the "good". I see this and people like to be on phase with reality. But for now they don't have enough data for this. I invest time in psychopathology and ponerology, keeping in mind that we could vulgarize this and attract the attention of scholars, academics, and make this matter a science.

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words.
Would you go into an art galley and force concepts about selling cars on them? How important cars are and everyone should have one? No, that would make you somewhat absurd.

I create the above example to give you an example that may allow you to individuate from your family to create a space for your own evolution.

I see you flirting between "talking straight to you like a man" and surrogating yourself some superiority.

Do you see how you are judging and trying to control?

All your statements are a bit in-between - placing some bets and going too far IMO.

I am the kind of an open person, open for discussion, and that's who I have always been. Long time ago, I was a very influencable person, malleable. But I have learnt. I know when it digress from who I am - or better stated, when I have to cut the line because there is some feeding. I may have been triggering your self-importance, unwillingly, and you believed that I was available for a good "lecturing on the basics" (or something like that).

Overall, you believe you will find me in some waters - where you won't find me.

You must watch out. It would be easy for a negatively intending individual to leverage such thing in yourself. Suffice that some guy like me pop up in your surroundings, appearing like "a sincere guy willing to improve", and you would not see him.

Do you... do you teach people outside of the forum? Do you freely go on some "extra job"? It could be that you have a psychopath around that is currently leveraging your pure intentions.

e you have the most data on you not others so get to work and either love people the right way or allow them to talk/be who they are without it holding you back… move forward please for the rest of us when you improve your consciousness you improve the overall system which is all of us so please get to work. Thank you.

a psychopath would add some balm to you - at this exact place. I won't.

I am not perfect and need to improve some things but you are off track in your assessment of me. You have been drawing conclusions that are erroneous and I believe that we did not understand each others. That's fine as for myself and we shall move on as friends. I need to overall point you out to the fact that you are missing something and that I feel it is wrong.
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