Honestly. Have you REALLY seen a ghost?

Gimpy said:
Was it a ghost, or a bleed through from another density/reality/plane? A psychic kind of imprint?
But what is a "ghost"? It seems to be a pop-culture term to describe any phenomenon or being that appears "supernatural". A blanket term. I think many times what is called a "ghost" is many completely different things, just misunderstood. Kinda like using the word "magic" or "miracle" I guess.
Zadius Sky said:
There are other spirits (not of human ghosts) came roaming around. I've noticed (before I read about C's) that these spirits possiblily came from other realm, not of human place (3rd density), e.g. Shadow People, demons, etc.
But is it the beings that came from another realm or is it the "spirit" that came from another realm? If spirits or souls experience many incarnations as many different kinds of beings, and they are timeless, spaceless, and hyperdimensional, it makes little sense to me to call a spirit "human soul" or "alien soul" or "demon soul" - wouldn't that be prescribing the characteristics of just one of the incarnations to a spirit that may have thousands or millions completely different incarnations? The C's mentioned that our essence is experiencing realities (whether physical, or not) as many different kinds of beings simultaneously, but we as humans only perceive just one. But this is a limitation on our perception, not on the true nature and scope of our spirit/essence/soul, and it would seem to be pretty silly to call our soul a "human soul" and thus identify it with our current human body, just because that's all the body can perceive, osit.

In fact, even on this planet alone, we all look human but there are so many fundamentally different "kinds" of humans that, for all intents and purposes, there is no such thing as a "human" at all. You can have 4th density STO that appear like humans walk along side of 3rd density STS, and you can have 6th density incarnating as humans as well for various reasons, you have your organic portals and psychopaths, and possibly some cyber-genetic beings mixed in, and god knows what else is walking around appearing "human" these days. So when it comes to beings that look different than humanity, it might be tempting to say that they are "non-human" but just considering what "human" means you realize that there really is no such thing and it would behoove us to take a closer look at "humanity" before grouping them into any singular category.

Another way to say it, possibly everything from density 1 through 6, both STS and STO of each density, can appear and walk around as humans. 1st density can be just remote-controlled unconscious human-looking robotic beings. 2nd density could be something like organic portals or similar, also used as portals of attack. 3rd density we already know, but probably not nearly as many as it may seem if you consider everything else that's human-looking on the planet. 4th density also can be around, either just as 4th density souls incarnating or literally 4th density beings in disguise. 5th density - well we had Jesus and others described as "5th density souls" by the C's, and there can be many more. Then you have 6th density beings that might also be coming in for various reasons. And most "humans" might have no idea what density they are etc. In other words, it's a big mess, we all just wear the same shell, but that's where the similarities end.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
And most "humans" might have no idea what density they are etc. In other words, it's a big mess, we all just wear the same shell, but that's where the similarities end.
Your comment makes sense. Do "awoken humans" awared of what density they are?

I guess it's the matter of awareness.
My house is well over a hundred years old. It is filled with cobwebs and spiders, yes I do keep it clean, but the cobwebs and spiders take over. It sits on A vortex and spirits run in and out all day, no big deal. I do not like to call them Ghosts, as they are not haunting, they just visit.
lady dunsany said:
My house is well over a hundred years old. It is filled with cobwebs and spiders, yes I do keep it clean, but the cobwebs and spiders take over. It sits on A vortex and spirits run in and out all day, no big deal. I do not like to call them Ghosts, as they are not haunting, they just visit.
Hi lady dunsany, could you please define what an 'A vortex' is and how you would know for certain that 'spirits run in and out all day'? In short, if you could provide some sort of data to back up such statements, as this will lower the amount of 'noise' currently present in your posts.

This forum works very hard to keep a high signal to noise ratio, so please keep that in mind when posting.
OK, back to the question.

I’ve only experienced two out of the ordinary “sightings” in my 57 years. One I posted here at the forum in this category, titled “the last goodbye“.

The second one happened when I was about six years old. When it happened, I never told anyone because I figured no one would believe me. However, I’ve never forgotten it. In both of these incidences, I realize that both times I was sleeping prior to, but I am 99% certain I was awake and I saw what I saw. I leave the 1% as the chance that I am wrong, but this is how strongly I believe what I saw. Neither time did the definition “ghost” enter my mind.

It was an early summer morning, just past daybreak. My sister and I shared a room in the attic of the house we lived in. We had twin beds. I had turned myself in the opposite direction on the bed and was facing my sister. I was watching her sleep, and waiting for her to wake up so we could play. I was laying on my side. A movement off to the right of us caught my attention and when I turned my head in that direction of the room, I saw a little man! I was startled, but not exactly afraid. Even more incredulous was that the little man floated. He floated himself right next to my bed and we were almost exactly at even head height, his a slight bit higher than mine. I just stared at him at first, too stunned to speak. The little man was smiling, not a big grin type of smile, just an obvious smile. He had no odd facial features that I recall. I thought of him as a “little man” because (at 6 years old”) he appeared older than me, but not much taller, but he did not have a “boy-like” appearance. He did not speak, nor did I; I was too stunned. I slowly and somewhat apprehensively positioned myself closer to the edge of the bed. I remember thinking I didn’t want to move too fast and frighten the little man and have him turn aggressive on me (this is actually what I was thinking). As I moved toward the edge of the bed we just remained staring at one another. I slowly raised myself up a bit then my eyes left his. It seems that he just continued watching me. My eyes traveled down to where his legs should have been anatomically. I guess I wanted to reconfirm to myself that he had no legs and that I did see him float himself to his position in front of me. Well, I saw no legs. So, he just hovered about 16 inches above the floor. I looked back up at him. I’m sure I must have looked rather “stupefied”. For a few brief seconds he just returned my gaze still smiling. Then he turned and floated to the stairs and down he went. It took me several seconds to gather my wits back and I jumped up and went toward the stairs calling after him, “Little man come back.” He didn’t. I was then upset with myself wondering why I didn’t speak to him when he was in front of me. I remember thinking I should have asked him who he was, how come he had no legs? The little man never touched me or spoke. He did not appear threatening in any manner. I was apprehensive, but not frightened. The little man, other than having no legs, looked a bit different, but there was nothing I can remember that would have been significant like pointed ears, or odd shaped eyes or nose.

As a child (or as an adult) I have no recollection of missing time (for whatever that’s worth). I did not have “imaginary” playmates and was not given to making up elaborate stories. For some days afterward I was watchful for the little man, but I never saw him or anything remotely close since that time.

Those are my experiences with the “paranormal”. Neither time did I experience a feeling of dread or fear, which I find curious when contemplating it afterward.
I've never seen a ghost. My mother, my brother and my father did see them, but I did not see those things. It is quite disappointing because I want to see their nature. I'm not scared about them, I'm just curious and I always go where they say that some "ghost sighting" were reported but they never appeared at front of me. I wonder it those "ghost" only appear when you have a soul development in progress...
Cyrus Wallace said:
I've never seen a ghost. My mother, my brother and my father did see them, but I did not see those things. It is quite disappointing because I want to see their nature. I'm not scared about them, I'm just curious and I always go where they say that some "ghost sighting" were reported but they never appeared at front of me. I wonder it those "ghost" only appear when you have a soul development in progress...

Hi Cyrus, according to this post and the ufo thread you started, you seem to be a bit distracted by 'spooky phenomenon' .  Why would you think that a ghost would appear only when one has 'soul development in progress' - what if the opposite is true?  What if neither is true and it has nothing to do with anything?  What if investing so much time and energy in phenomenon chasing is distracting you from more important - (as far as the Work is concerned) - things? Just a thought...
anart said:
Cyrus Wallace said:
I've never seen a ghost. My mother, my brother and my father did see them, but I did not see those things. It is quite disappointing because I want to see their nature. I'm not scared about them, I'm just curious and I always go where they say that some "ghost sighting" were reported but they never appeared at front of me. I wonder it those "ghost" only appear when you have a soul development in progress...

Hi Cyrus, according to this post and the ufo thread you started, you seem to be a bit distracted by 'spooky phenomenon' . Why would you think that a ghost would appear only when one has 'soul development in progress' - what if the opposite is true? What if neither is true and it has nothing to do with anything? What if investing so much time and energy in phenomenon chasing is distracting you from more important - (as far as the Work is concerned) - things? Just a thought...


I appreciate your ideas, anart. That's why I came here in a first place, to focus myself in the true path in order to get useful knowledge. It's true that I was investigating this kind phenomena, but not anymore. I have to make those kind of questions to myself when I "scan" my previous ideas to see them in all possible perspectives. I do not have to be so closed minded! :scared:

I was forgetting another important subject: STS control. Obviously, when you are trying to get more aware, the Control System will try to distract you focusing your thoughts in the wrong way. It is hard sometimes to discern true knowledge or lies of 4D STS beings, I would appreciate your help in the search of worthy knowledge. This forum is becoming more useful each day.

Thanks to remember me to think in other perspective, I'm glad to receive all your help. :)

Take care.
Cyrus Wallace said:
I was forgetting another important subject: STS control. Obviously, when you are trying to get more aware, the Control System will try to distract you focusing your thoughts in the wrong way. It is hard sometimes to discern true knowledge or lies of 4D STS beings, I would appreciate your help in the search of worthy knowledge. This forum is becoming more useful each day.

Thanks to remember me to think in other perspective, I'm glad to receive all your help. :)

I cannot speak for anart, but thought that maybe I can help.

You are correct. As one awakens, the Matrix Control System (MCS), or General Law if you prefer, will throw all it can at you to distract you and put you back to sleep. This is something that needs constant attention to keep from being deflected from what is really important for someone trying to awaken.

As far as the search for worthy knowledge, all you need to do is go to recommended books and look at the psychology books.

The psychology books that need to be read, if you really want to start to learn about yourself and rid yourself of the programs that are running YOU, have been discussed numerous times in a number of different topics. These books are extremely important for working on yourself.

You might also read In Search of the Miraculous by Ouspensky which is also on the above mentioned list, along with a lot of other important material.

So as I see it, the recommended books is a good place to look for "worthy knowledge".
Nienna Eluch said:
I cannot speak for anart, but thought that maybe I can help.

You are correct. As one awakens, the Matrix Control System (MCS), or General Law if you prefer, will throw all it can at you to distract you and put you back to sleep. This is something that needs constant attention to keep from being deflected from what is really important for someone trying to awaken.

As far as the search for worthy knowledge, all you need to do is go to recommended books and look at the psychology books.

The psychology books that need to be read, if you really want to start to learn about yourself and rid yourself of the programs that are running YOU, have been discussed numerous times in a number of different topics. These books are extremely important for working on yourself.

You might also read In Search of the Miraculous by Ouspensky which is also on the above mentioned list, along with a lot of other important material.

So as I see it, the recommended books is a good place to look for "worthy knowledge".


Yes, it's hard sometimes. But like C's said: "Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers" and that's why we all come here, right? Thanks for this recomendation, I appreciate your efforts and I'll try to find this books.

Take care.​
Brewer said:
Yeah, plenty of times, been touched by them too!

Seriously? How do you know what you saw was a ghost, and please explain how you know you touched them or they touched you?

I've seen odd things before, through my peripheral vision, reflections, something skip past my vision, but I can't really explain it. Once, I think I saw a moving light in my bedroom just at the corner of my eye. It reflected (just briefly) through my tv screen (the television was off). It was strange, because it was nighttime, the only light was my reading light, and my blinds were closed (would prevent outside light from reflecting in).
G'day Daniel

Many times!

Humanoid shaped mists, full colour apparitions, a ghost walking down the hall at 3 every morning and flicking light switches, witnessed by the family, it was male.

The last time was about 5 years ago, woke up about 2 in the morn laying in bed to a feeling of pain on my left upper arm. Looked over to see a humanoid figure 'standing' in the bed, the bed came up to it's waist. It was transparent and looked like a heat haze but had a clear human form, and it distorted the objects behind it. It had arms and it had it's 'hands' on my upper left arm. Now fully awake I watched it and could feel a light stroking on my arm and felt that it was in distress. I looked at it's head and mentally said to it, 'are you OK?' No reply, I said 'listen if you want to talk I'll go into a trance and see what happens'. I began to go under and the light stroking I felt on my arm where the entity was touching me became a sharp pain, similar to a chinese burn with pinching thrown in, I started awake and said 'you're hurting me! Look, calm down and lets try again I want to help but that's not the way, I'm going under now'. Went under again and the same thing happened, came out it was still there still doing the same thing, it went on for over 15 minutes, I sat up and tried to communicate with it but it went.

Back 95 I woke to find a transparent purple entity lying next to me in bed with it's arms around me, fell asleep with the light on woke to find it there, it 'flew' away when I moved.

Take care

Hi Brewer, since you've mentioned that you've not read the Wave and Adventure series, I think it's time you do that. What you're describing is basically opening yourself up to entities, which is never a good idea. It's a jungle out there and it sounds like you'd be served well by also reading up on spirit possession. The Wave and Adventure Series touches on this a bit and should give you some idea of why such interactions are not in your best interest.
Hi Brewer

I agree with anart, it would be wise to read all that has been suggested.
I'd like to try and point out something that you may not be aware of, its to do with your apparent fearlessness...or more so a seemingly dissociated state to the events you describe.

Have you considered that they may not have your best interests at heart??

Brewer said:
The last time was about 5 years ago, woke up about 2 in the morn laying in bed to a feeling of pain on my left upper arm.

Pain is generally a sign that something is wrong, so you woke up because something was wrong??

Brewer said:
Now fully awake I watched it and could feel a light stroking on my arm and felt that it was in distress.

Could it be that because you woke up and interupted what it was doing to you (causing pain amongst other things), is the reason why it appeared distressed?? Perhaps it would be worth considering what it may have been trying to do that it didn't want you to know about.

This is why slipping into a trance (and effectively dropping your conscious guard against it) is so alarming. You where allowing it to continue doing whatever it wanted to you.....considering this involved pain (every time!) is not just one, but many many red flags....

I know these things can be exiting, and that if they have been around you from an early age may be considered normal to you (I've had many similar things turn up through my life)....but this doesn't mean that they are friendly, good for you or should even be welcomed.
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