But what is a "ghost"? It seems to be a pop-culture term to describe any phenomenon or being that appears "supernatural". A blanket term. I think many times what is called a "ghost" is many completely different things, just misunderstood. Kinda like using the word "magic" or "miracle" I guess.Gimpy said:Was it a ghost, or a bleed through from another density/reality/plane? A psychic kind of imprint?
But is it the beings that came from another realm or is it the "spirit" that came from another realm? If spirits or souls experience many incarnations as many different kinds of beings, and they are timeless, spaceless, and hyperdimensional, it makes little sense to me to call a spirit "human soul" or "alien soul" or "demon soul" - wouldn't that be prescribing the characteristics of just one of the incarnations to a spirit that may have thousands or millions completely different incarnations? The C's mentioned that our essence is experiencing realities (whether physical, or not) as many different kinds of beings simultaneously, but we as humans only perceive just one. But this is a limitation on our perception, not on the true nature and scope of our spirit/essence/soul, and it would seem to be pretty silly to call our soul a "human soul" and thus identify it with our current human body, just because that's all the body can perceive, osit.Zadius Sky said:There are other spirits (not of human ghosts) came roaming around. I've noticed (before I read about C's) that these spirits possiblily came from other realm, not of human place (3rd density), e.g. Shadow People, demons, etc.
In fact, even on this planet alone, we all look human but there are so many fundamentally different "kinds" of humans that, for all intents and purposes, there is no such thing as a "human" at all. You can have 4th density STO that appear like humans walk along side of 3rd density STS, and you can have 6th density incarnating as humans as well for various reasons, you have your organic portals and psychopaths, and possibly some cyber-genetic beings mixed in, and god knows what else is walking around appearing "human" these days. So when it comes to beings that look different than humanity, it might be tempting to say that they are "non-human" but just considering what "human" means you realize that there really is no such thing and it would behoove us to take a closer look at "humanity" before grouping them into any singular category.
Another way to say it, possibly everything from density 1 through 6, both STS and STO of each density, can appear and walk around as humans. 1st density can be just remote-controlled unconscious human-looking robotic beings. 2nd density could be something like organic portals or similar, also used as portals of attack. 3rd density we already know, but probably not nearly as many as it may seem if you consider everything else that's human-looking on the planet. 4th density also can be around, either just as 4th density souls incarnating or literally 4th density beings in disguise. 5th density - well we had Jesus and others described as "5th density souls" by the C's, and there can be many more. Then you have 6th density beings that might also be coming in for various reasons. And most "humans" might have no idea what density they are etc. In other words, it's a big mess, we all just wear the same shell, but that's where the similarities end.