Hope for change in Germany and the EU? Sahra Wagenknecht announces new political party called "BSW": Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - Sanity and Justice


FOTCM Member
Until very recently, I wouldn't have thought it possible to say: For the first time in a very long time I'll be voting in germany and the EU again! As shortly mentioned on the forum before: Sahra Wagenknecht has just established a new political party (called "BSW") in germany (and on the EU level!) that could change things drastically for the better in germany and the EU! For those who don't know, Sahra Wagenknecht is a very well known politician in germany and a master of politics that shouldn't be underestimated. Non-German speakers might have heard of her before over the years since some of her speeches and comments have been translated in other languages as well, including English. She is practically the only politician in germany with any significant say who has been consistent and sane on all important topics. For which she has been the target of defamation campaigns from the establishment, of course. Which hasn't diminished her popularity. In short, I can say that what has just happened is the most hopeful thing for germany and the EU I have seen, like, ever! Since she has such a broad appeal throughout all political camps/parties and layers of society in germany, she could very well soon come up on top!

The first important elections in which germans (and other countries in the EU?!) will be able to vote for her party will be in June, in the 2024 European Parliament elections, followed by important elections in east germany in the fall of this year. And of course the big election in the summer of 2025 will then follow: the german federal elections which will elect the next Bundestag and German chancellor. By the way, not so many people know it, but Wagenknechts husband is Oskar Lafontaine, who recently retired from politics and was a formidable heavyweight in german politics in his own right for many years. Lafontaine also advocated many similar positions over the years. He is the author of a number of books, including his most recent one, called, "Ami, it's time to go! A plea for Europe's self-assertion". Which surely isn't a coincidence...

German SOTT has published an article about Wagenknechts new party, which includes summaries and direct links to all their major positions, called "BSW: Wagenknecht's new party has already reached 21 per cent - BSW also competes in EU elections". What follows is the german original, followed by an English translation:

BSW: Wagenknechts neue Partei erreicht schon jetzt 21 Prozent - BSW tritt auch bei EU-Wahlen an

Philipos Moustaki
So, 14 Jan 2024 10:25 UTC

Die neue Partei "Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht - Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit", kurz "BSW", hat sich nach ihrer Gründung am Montag auf der Bundespressekonferenz vorgestellt und beantwortete dabei zahlreiche Fragen der Journalisten über die Ausrichtung der Partei und ihre zukünftigen Pläne. In Deutschland will sich das BSW als neue Volkspartei etablieren, die auch in der EU-Ebene durch De Masio vertreten sein wird.

Sahra Wagenknecht BSW Amira Mohamed Ali Shervin Haghsheno Thomas Geisel
© www.globallookpress.com Bernd von Jutrczenka
8. Januar 2024, Berlin: Sahra Wagenknecht (2.v.l.) und Amira Mohamed Ali (r.) zusammen mit Shervin Haghsheno (l.) und Thomas Geisel (2.v.r.) bei der Vorstellung des Bündnisses Sahra Wagenknecht – für Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit (BSW) in der Bundespressekonferenz.

Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) wird fortan von einer Doppelspitze geleitet: Amira Mohamed Ali wird zusammen mit der Namensgeberin der neu gegründeten Partei vorstehen. Das sagte Mohamed Ali am Montag in der Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin. Als Generalsekretär wurde der Bundestagsabgeordnete Christian Leye vorgestellt - wie die Bundestagsabgeordnete Mohamed Ali gehörte er zuvor der Partei Die Linke an. Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des BSW ist der Unternehmer und Hochschulprofessor Shervin Haghsheno.

Bei der Europawahl am 9. Juni sollen der frühere Linkenpolitiker und Finanzfachmann Fabio De Masi und der frühere Düsseldorfer SPD-Oberbürgermeister Thomas Geisel für das BSW antreten. Dieser hatte am Sonntag seinen Austritt aus der SPD beantragt. Im Herbst will die neue Partei bei den drei Landtagswahlen in Ostdeutschland antreten.

~ de.rt.com

Anders als von einigen Medien suggeriert wurde, wird sich die Partei nach Angaben von Wagenknecht nach den Bundestagswahlen im nächsten Jahr umbenennen. Die derzeitige Auswahl des Namens begründet Wagenknecht verständlicherweise mit der Tatsache, dass man ihren Namen und ihre Standpunkte kennt und die Bürger somit ihre Partei zu Anfang schneller und einfacher auf den Wahlzetteln finden können. Erste Umfragen offenbaren bereits: 21 Prozent der Befragten könnten sich bei der nächsten Bundestagswahl für die Partei entscheiden.

Bei der Pressekonferenz kamen viele Themen zur Sprache. Das BSW scheint bei allen wichtigen Themen gemäßigte und besonnene Ansichten zu vertreten. Es folgt eine kurze, detaillierte Zusammenfassung der Pressekonferenz. Jeder Hyperlink führt direkt zur Thematik im Video:
  • Nach Angaben von Frau Wagenknecht sind Labels wie "links" oder "rechts" Dinge, die heute nur noch selten einer nuancierten Betrachtungsweise standhalten und deshalb von dem BSW nicht genutzt werden.

  • Die Deutsche Gesellschaft wird durch den Inhalt der gegenwärtigen Politik polarisiert und gespalten und nicht durch Diskurs, oder, Zitat, "das Wetter".

  • In Sachen Europawahl und EU ist für das BSW "weniger mehr"

  • Asylrecht in Deutschland, Immigration, Obergrenzen und die Zahlen diesbezüglich

  • Bauernproteste und Proteste im Allgemeinen in Deutschland

  • Ukraine, Flüchtlinge und Russland

  • Die bevorstehenden Wahlen in Ostdeutschland

  • Die Geschehnisse in Gaza und Israel

  • Corona, Covidmaßnahmen und die Coronazeit

  • Der Klimawandel und Klimapolitik. Initiativen in Bezug auf das Thema müssen laut Wagenknecht mit Ehrlichkeit geschehen und nicht auf Basis einer, Zitat, "wünsch dir was Welt". Klimapolitik solch sich an dem Machbaren, realistischen und Rationalen orientieren; an den heutigen Technologien und dem technologisch Machbaren. Dabei spricht sich Wagenknecht dagegen aus, wichtige Technologien wie den Verbrennermotor zu verbieten und stattdessen Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland zu erhalten und verbrauchsärmere Motoren zu entwickeln. Dabei könnte man für das globale Klima und vor allem für die deutsche Wirtschaft deutlich mehr erreichen, da die Anzahl der Verbrennermotoren weltweit zunehmen wird. Ferner kritisiert Wagenknecht das neue Wärmegesetz und stellt die Frage, warum stattdessen nicht kommunale Infrastrukturen verbessert werden, die unter anderem auch Fernwärme ermöglichen könnten. Wichtiges Geld wird für den Einbau von Wärmepumpen verpulvert, während realistische und nachhaltige Möglichkeiten ignoriert werden. Die Maut für LKWs wird erhöht, um damit angeblich "Klimaneutralen" Güterverkehr zu bevorzugen: Laut Wagenknecht ist diese Maßnahme völlig Absurd, während das E-Auto für den LKW Verkehr nicht sinnvoll ist. Sinnvoll wäre laut Wagenknecht, stattdessen mehr Güter auf die Schiene zu verlagern. Aber die staatseigene Bahn hat in den vergangenen Jahren massiv ihre Kapazitäten zum Gütertransport abgebaut! Das zeigt laut Wagenknecht wieder die völlig irrationale Politik, die gegenwärtig dem Land aufgezwungen wird. Sinnvolle Klimapolitik unterscheiden laut Wagenknecht von einer ideologiegetriebenen Klimapolitik und das BSW steht für eine Klimapolitik, die sich an den heutigen Technologien und dem technologisch und rational machbaren orientiert.

  • Das BSW äußert sich zu Bürgergeld, Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen, Arbeitslosenversicherung, Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit, vernünftige Löhne, Sozialstaat und dergleichen: Eine Arbeitslosenversicherung sollte so gestaltet sein, dass langjährig Versicherte geschützt sind, bevor sie überhaupt ins Bürgergeld kommen. Das BSW ist gegen ungerechtes Verhalten gegenüber Arbeitnehmern in Bezug auf das, was sie schon geleistet haben und was sie im Falle von Erwerbslosigkeit erwarten können, im Vergleich zu denjenigen, die das nicht aufzuweisen haben.

  • Subventionen

  • Renten

  • Mieten

  • Sozialismus und Debattieren in Deutschland

  • Syrien

  • Die Cum-Ex Affäre

  • Gesundheitswesen

  • Die Partei BSW soll kontrolliert und langsam wachsen

English translation:

BSW: Wagenknecht's new party has already reached 21 percent - BSW also competes in EU elections

Philipos Moustaki
So, 14 Jan 2024 10:25 UTC

The new party called "Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - Sanity and Justice", or "BSW" for short, presented itself at the Federal Press Conference on Monday after its foundation and answered numerous questions from journalists about the party's orientation and its future plans. In Germany, BSW wants to establish itself as a new people's party that will also be represented at EU level by De Masio.

Sahra Wagenknecht BSW Amira Mohamed Ali Shervin Haghsheno Thomas Geisel
© www.globallookpress.com Bernd von Jutrczenka
8 January 2024, Berlin: Sahra Wagenknecht (2nd from left) and Amira Mohamed Ali (right) together with Shervin Haghsheno (left) and Thomas Geisel (2nd from right) at the presentation of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - Sanity and Justice (BSW) at the Federal Press Conference.

The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) will now be led by a dual leadership: Amira Mohamed Ali will head the newly founded party together with the party's namesake. Mohamed Ali made the announcement at the Federal Press Conference in Berlin on Monday. Member of the Bundestag Christian Leye was introduced as Secretary General - like Mohamed Ali, he previously belonged to the Left Party. The deputy chairman of the BSW is entrepreneur and university professor Shervin Haghsheno.

In the European elections on 9 June, former Left Party politician and financial expert Fabio De Masi and former Düsseldorf SPD mayor Thomas Geisel are to stand for the BSW. The latter had applied for his resignation from the SPD on Sunday. The new party intends to contest in the three state elections in eastern Germany in the autumn of this year.

~ de.rt.com

Contrary to what some media have suggested, Wagenknecht says the party will change its name after next year's federal elections. Wagenknecht understandably justifies the current choice of name with the fact that people know her name and her views, making it quicker and easier for citizens to find her party on the ballot papers at the beginning. Initial surveys have already revealed that 21 percent of respondents could vote for the party in the next general election for chancellorship.

Many topics were discussed at the press conference. The BSW seems to have moderate and level-headed views on all important topics. The following is a short, detailed summary of the press conference. Each hyperlink leads directly to the topic in the video:

  • According to Mrs Wagenknecht, labels such as "left" or "right" are things that rarely stand up to nuanced scrutiny these days and are therefore not used by the BSW.

  • German society is polarized and divided by the content of current politics and not by discussions or, quote, "the weather".

  • When it comes to the European elections and the EU, "less is more" for the BSW

  • Asylum law in Germany, immigration, upper limits and the numbers in this regard

  • Farmer protests and protests in general in Germany

  • Ukraine, refugees and Russia

  • The upcoming elections in East Germany

  • The events in Gaza and Israel

  • Corona, Covid measures and the corona period

  • Climate change and climate policy. According to Wagenknecht, initiatives relating to the issue must be made with honesty and not on the basis of a, quote, "make a wish world". Climate policy should be based on what is feasible, realistic and rational; on today's technologies and what is technologically feasible. Wagenknecht is against banning important technologies such as the combustion engine and instead wants to preserve jobs in Germany and develop more fuel-efficient engines. This could achieve significantly more for the global climate and, above all, for the German economy, as the number of combustion engines will increase worldwide. Wagenknecht also criticizes the new heating law and asks why municipal infrastructures, which could also enable district heating, are not improved instead. Important money is being squandered on the installation of heat pumps, while realistic and sustainable options are being ignored. The toll for lorries is being increased in order to give preference to supposedly "climate-neutral" freight transport: according to Wagenknecht, this measure is completely absurd, while an e-car makes no sense for lorry traffic. According to Wagenknecht, it would make more sense to shift more freight to rail instead. But the state-owned railway has massively reduced its freight transport capacity in recent years! According to Wagenknecht, this again shows the completely irrational policy that is currently being imposed on the country. According to Wagenknecht, sensible climate policy differs from an ideology-driven climate policy and the BSW is in favor of a climate policy that is based on today's technologies and what is technologically and rationally feasible.

  • The BSW comments on citizens' income, unconditional basic income, unemployment insurance, long-term unemployment, reasonable wages, the welfare state and the like: Unemployment insurance should be designed in such a way that people who have been insured for many years are protected before they even come into the citizen's income. The BSW is against unfair behavior towards employees in terms of what they have already achieved and what they can expect in the event of unemployment compared to those who have not.

  • Subsidies

  • Pensions

  • Rents

  • Socialism and debating in Germany

  • Syria

  • The cum-ex affair

  • Healthcare

  • The BSW party wants to grow slowly and in a controlled manner
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Wagenknecht has just published the BSW program for the upcoming European elections (EU). Some have read it already. What follows is a short summary in german, followed by an english translation of the same article. As expected, the program seems to be very good. BSW publishes program for the EU: Wagenknecht wants to promote peace in Ukraine, freedom of expression, stop CO2 trade and create an independent, fair and sovereign Europe:

BSW veröffentlicht Programm für die EU: Wagenknecht will Ukraine-Frieden, Meinungsfreiheit fördern, CO2 Handel stoppen und ein unabhängiges, gerechtes und souveränes Europa erschaffen

Mo, 15 Jan 2024 18:18 UTC

Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht hat ein 26-seitiges Programm zur Europawahl vorgelegt. Um Russland zu Friedensverhandlungen zu bewegen, will die Partei die Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine stoppen. Außerdem gefordert: das Aus für den CO₂-Emissionshandel und Asylverfahren in Drittstaaten.

La diputada del Bundestag por el Partido de Izquierda Sarah Wagenknecht

Die neue Partei von Sahra Wagenknecht will Russland mit dem Angebot eines Stopps aller Rüstungsexporte an die Ukraine zur Teilnahme an Friedensverhandlungen bringen. Das geht aus dem vom Parteivorstand beschlossenen Entwurf des Europawahlprogramms des Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) hervor, über den die "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" berichtet. Er liegt der Zeitung vor.

Kommentar: Das BSW scheint bei allen wichtigen Themen gemäßigte und besonnene Ansichten zu vertreten:
Demnach fordert das BSW einen Waffenstillstand und die Aufnahme von Friedensverhandlungen. Um "Russland zur Aufnahme von Verhandlungen zu motivieren, sollte für diesen Fall der sofortige Stopp aller Rüstungsexporte in die Ukraine angeboten werden", heißt es in dem 26 Seiten langen Programm. Gegenüber Kiew sollte die weitere Unterstützung und die Zahlung von Hilfsgeldern aus der sogenannten Ukraine-Fazilität der EU "an die Vorbedingung der Bereitschaft zu Friedensverhandlungen geknüpft werden". Ziel sei "eine neue europäische Friedensordnung, die längerfristig auch Russland einschließen sollte".

Ebenso wird in dem Programm die Aufnahme von EU-Beitrittsgesprächen mit der Ukraine abgelehnt. Das BSW spricht sich für den Abbau der Russland-Sanktionen aus und dafür, die Öl- und Gaslieferungen aus Russland wieder aufzunehmen und langfristige Energieverträge zu schließen. Der Krieg in der Ukraine "wurde militärisch von Russland begonnen, aber er wäre vom Westen verhinderbar gewesen und hätte längst beendet werden können", heißt es. Und weiter: "Der Krieg in der Ukraine ist ein blutiger Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen der Nato und Russland." Über das Programm muss noch der Parteitag am 27. Januar befinden.

BSW lehnt weitere EU-Integration ab

Die Präambel des Europawahlprogramms hat den Titel "Ein unabhängiges Europa souveräner Demokratien - friedlich und gerecht!" So ein Europa zeichne sich nicht durch die "Zentralisierung von Macht bei der EU-Kommission, sondern durch gleichberechtigte Kooperation, gemeinsame wirtschaftliche Projekte, einen einheitlichen Binnenmarkt mit fairen Regeln und kulturellem Austausch" aus.

Die EU in ihrer aktuellen Verfassung schade der europäischen Idee, heißt es in dem Programm. Beklagt wird eine "abgehobene Politik ferner, demokratisch kaum kontrollierter EU-Technokraten", die "viele Menschen zurecht als Angriff auf die Demokratie und als Bedrohung für ihre Kultur und Identität" verstünden oder auch eine "kafkaesk ausufernde EU-Regelungswut". Auch die "Integration Europas in Richtung eines supranationalen Einheitsstaats" habe sich als "Irrweg erwiesen, der Europa eher spaltet, als eint".

Das erste Kapitel zur "wirtschaftlichen Vernunft" ist das ausführlichste. Vor allem kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen sollten unterstützt werden, der EU-Haushalt nicht weiter anwachsen, man fordert eine Klimapolitik, die Treibhausgase in der Verkehrspolitik "technologieoffen" mindere durch Einsparziele, "statt mit dem Verbrenner-Aus und ruinösen Energiesanktionen den ökologischen Umbau zu erschweren". Auch der CO₂-Emissionshandel soll nach dem Willen des BSW abgeschafft werden.

BSW für Asylverfahren in Drittstaaten - Remigration "inhuman"

In der Migrationspolitik sieht das BSW Probleme mit der Integration und in "Frankreich und anderen Ländern, etwas schwächer ausgeprägt auch in Deutschland, sind in den zurückliegenden Jahren islamistisch geprägte Parallelgesellschaften entstanden". Das BSW spricht sich unter anderem für Asylverfahren an den Außengrenzen und in Drittstaaten aus.

Im WELT-Nachrichtensender äußerte sich Wagenknecht am Montag auch zu ihren Vorstellungen in der Migrationspolitik. Die aktuell hohen Migrationszahlen müssten zwar reduziert werden, aber es sei "inhuman", bereits integrierte Migranten in das Land ihrer Kindheit abzuschieben, sagte Wagenknecht mit Bezug auf die Wahl des Begriffs "Remigration" zum Unwort des Jahres.

Die Remigrationsdebatte müsse man ganz grundsätzlich von der Diskussion über die aktuellen Migrationszahlen unterscheiden, forderte Wagenknecht. Bei denen, "die unmittelbar in diesem Jahr, im letzten Jahr oder auch jetzt noch nach Deutschland kommen, muss es wirklich ein Signal geben: Wir können nur denen Schutz gewähren, die wirklich einen Asylanspruch haben", sagte Wagenknecht. "Die Zahlen sind zu hoch, das muss reduziert werden. Aber wir sollten jetzt auch nicht - und ich halte das wirklich für eine gefährliche Debatte - eine Unruhe schaffen", sagte sie weiter.

Zur "Cancel Culture" heißt es in dem Programm: Viele Menschen in der EU trauten sich nicht mehr, offen zu sagen, was sie denken. Seit Jahren erlebe man eine "zunehmende Verengung des 'zulässigen' Meinungskorridors". Und: "In der Attitüde eines modernen Wahrheitsministeriums nehmen viele Politiker und Journalisten oder die sogenannten 'Faktenchecker' heute für sich in Anspruch festzulegen, was richtig und was falsch ist." Man wolle einen vielfältigen und unabhängigen Journalismus und keine Überwachung und Manipulation der Menschen durch Geheimdienste, Konzerne und Regierungen.

English translation:

BSW publishes program for the EU: Wagenknecht wants to promote peace in Ukraine, freedom of expression, stop CO2 trade and create an independent, fair and sovereign Europe

Mo, 15 Jan 2024 18:18 UTC

The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht has presented a 26-page program for the European elections. In order to persuade Russia to negotiate peace, the party wants to stop arms deliveries to Ukraine. Also called for: the end of CO₂ emissions trading and asylum procedures in third countries.

La diputada del Bundestag por el Partido de Izquierda Sarah Wagenknecht

Sahra Wagenknecht's new party wants to persuade Russia to take part in peace negotiations by offering to stop all arms exports to Ukraine. This is according to the draft European election program of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) adopted by the party executive, as reported by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. It is available to the newspaper.

Kommentar: The BSW seems to have moderate and level-headed views on all important topics:
Accordingly, the BSW calls for a ceasefire and the start of peace negotiations. In order to "motivate Russia to enter into negotiations, an immediate stop to all arms exports to Ukraine should be offered in this case", the 26-page program states. Further support for Kiev and the payment of aid from the EU's so-called Ukraine Facility should be "linked to the precondition of readiness for peace negotiations". The aim is "a new European peace order, which should also include Russia in the longer term".

The program also rejects the opening of EU accession talks with Ukraine. The BSW is in favour of dismantling the Russia sanctions and resuming oil and gas supplies from Russia and concluding long-term energy contracts. The war in Ukraine "was started militarily by Russia, but it could have been prevented by the West and ended long ago", it says. It continues: "The war in Ukraine is a bloody proxy war between Nato and Russia." The party conference on 27 January still has to decide on the program.

BSW rejects further EU integration

The preamble to the European election program is entitled "An independent Europe of sovereign democracies - peaceful and just!" Such a Europe would not be characterised by the "centralisation of power in the EU Commission, but by equal cooperation, joint economic projects, a single internal market with fair rules and cultural exchange".

According to the program, the EU in its current form is detrimental to the European idea. It deplores the "aloof policies of distant, democratically barely controlled EU technocrats", which "many people rightly see as an attack on democracy and a threat to their culture and identity", as well as a "Kafkaesque proliferation of EU regulations". The "integration of Europe in the direction of a supranational unitary state" has also proved to be a "misguided path that divides rather than unites Europe".

The first chapter on "economic common sense" is the most detailed. Small and medium-sized enterprises in particular should be supported, the EU budget should not continue to grow, and a climate policy is called for that reduces greenhouse gases in transport policies "by being open to all technologies" through savings targets, "instead of making ecological restructuring more difficult with the end of combustion engines and ruinous energy sanctions". The BSW also wants CO₂ emissions trading to be abolished.

BSW in favour of asylum procedures in third countries - remigration "inhumane"

In terms of migration policy, the BSW sees problems with integration and in "France and other countries, and to a lesser extent in Germany, Islamist-influenced parallel societies have emerged in recent years". Among other things, the BSW is in favour of asylum procedures at external borders and in third countries.

In the WELT news program on Monday, Wagenknecht also commented on her ideas on migration policy. Although the current high migration figures must be reduced, it is "inhumane" to deport migrants who have already been integrated back to the country of their childhood, said Wagenknecht, referring to the choice of the term "remigration" as the bad word of the year in germany.

The remigration debate must be fundamentally differentiated from the discussion about the current migration figures, demanded Wagenknecht. For those "who come to Germany directly this year, last year or even now, there really must be a signal: We can only grant protection to those who are genuinely entitled to asylum," said Wagenknecht. "The numbers are too high and must be reduced. But we should also not - and I really think this is a dangerous debate - create unrest," she continued.

In regard to "Cancel Culture", the program states that many people in the EU no longer dare to say what they think openly. For years, there has been an "increasing narrowing of the 'permissible' corridor of opinion". And: "In the attitude of a modern Ministry of Truth, many politicians and journalists or the so-called 'fact-checkers' now claim to determine what is right and what is wrong." We want diverse and independent journalism and not surveillance and manipulation of people by secret services, corporations and governments.
I would argue that it isn’t such a small sign for hope. To put it into perspective, even the mainstream said in the evening news this monday that “BSW has already reached 29% approval rating in a week“. The leading party (CDU) in Germany had 31 percent in the last poll while all the others major parties are well below it. So, within a week of the establishment of the BSW, the party has reached numbers already that are close to the best of ANY party in Germany. So she has already reached numbers that could make her party the strongest in Germany!
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However, the are drops of bitterness (🇩🇪 "Wermutstropfen") present in the 'hopium' soup.

During the Corona Crisis, Wagenknecht's position was rather peculiar and she didn't vote against any of restrictions and unconstitutional law changes in Germany, or at times wasn't even present when those laws where "voted" for - which in reality took away many human rights for the people, forcing people to get jabbed (indirectly, through threats / via employers etc, loosing jobs / income etc

If that was "strategy" - I don't know.
However, the are drops of bitterness (🇩🇪 "Wermutstropfen") present in the 'hopium' soup.

During the Corona Crisis, Wagenknecht's position was rather peculiar and she didn't vote against any of restrictions and unconstitutional law changes in Germany, or at times wasn't even present when those laws where "voted" for - which in reality took away many human rights for the people, forcing people to get jabbed (indirectly, through threats / via employers etc, loosing jobs / income etc

If that was "strategy" - I don't know.

Interesting, do you have sources? My bet, if that was the case: it was mostly for strategic reasons. At least I remember Wagenknecht being pretty vocal against many of the crazy covid measures during the covid tyranny. Thereby being pretty much the only politician with significant say that I remember having done that in germany during covid.
However, the are drops of bitterness (🇩🇪 "Wermutstropfen") present in the 'hopium' soup.

During the Corona Crisis, Wagenknecht's position was rather peculiar and she didn't vote against any of restrictions and unconstitutional law changes in Germany, or at times wasn't even present when those laws where "voted" for - which in reality took away many human rights for the people, forcing people to get jabbed (indirectly, through threats / via employers etc, loosing jobs / income etc

If that was "strategy" - I don't know.

The way you describe it, it does sound like a strategic decision to me. Not being present for the votes is pretty telling.
Interesting, do you have sources? My bet, if that was the case: it was mostly for strategic reasons. At least I remember Wagenknecht being pretty vocal against many of the crazy covid measures during the covid tyranny. Thereby being pretty much the only politician with significant say that I remember having done that in germany during covid.

I picked this up several times along the road of many month in the past - among Nuoviso/Nuoflix.de which in their twice weekly shown "HomeOffice" discussions sometimes spoke about Wagenknecht, where Robert Stein explained/mentioned a couple of times, the absence of Wagenknecht in critical questions / votes during the Corona Crisis in Germany...

Agreed on that Wagenknecht - who of all German politicians - dared to stuck her head out (many times), with a sane voice and wise arguments, called out the insanity in the current years politics in Germany, are not acceptable nor good for the german people in any way.

I also listened to her husband's interview at Punkt.Peradovic (Marlena Peradovic), which interviewed Oscar Lafointaine - a very settled, grounded politician who spoke with sane voice. Those links I could find, but that doesn't address your question of finding direct sources regarding Wagenknecht's roll during the Corona Plandemic.

There will be elections in three of Germany's eastern states this year.
It will be interesting to see whether Wagenknecht's newly formed party can produce enough of a party apparatus to compete at such short notice.

If she can it will be interesting to see her compete against Bodo Ramelow, the prime minister of Thuringia who she was a party comrade of before she abandoned the LEFT party.

The LEFT, which went all woke and green* within the last ten to fifteen years is governing Thuringia together with the Greens and the Social Democrats.

Should Wagenknecht run for office it would be the death knell for Ramelow's coalition.

* Watch a LEFT party member of parliament in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern express her shame of being white, German and West European. Steffi Pulz-Debler.
There will be elections in three of Germany's eastern states this year.
It will be interesting to see whether Wagenknecht's newly formed party can produce enough of a party apparatus to compete at such short notice.

If she can it will be interesting to see her compete against Bodo Ramelow, the prime minister of Thuringia who she was a party comrade of before she abandoned the LEFT party.
It looks like these will be very important elections this year. The greatest potential for political changes at present are in the eastern part of Germany. In the western part everything seems to go in circles only.

What caught me by surprise is that the above posted BSW program has some common ground with AfD positions. I don't know if they will see it that way or rather fight each other to the death. In any case, a possible BSW/AfD coalition would cause real shockwaves in German politics.
Yeah, the coming elections culminating in the federal elections for chancellor next year in germany are bound to get very interesting! With the mainstream already talking about banning the AFD, the situation is bound to get even more heated and potentially "fatal" for the PTB (at least in the short run). If they really are able to do something like banning the AFD until then (which I doubt) I would bet that BSW will get even more votes (a lot more). As for coalitions between AFD and BSW: It is hard to tell if BSW would do that. BSW is now trying to be as careful as they can to not get infiltrated and/or sidelined by members of their own party: that is why Wagenknecht wants to have a tight control of who gets into the party and who does not. Yes, I think those measures probably make it harder for the BSW to get infiltrated in the short run, but the sheer numbers required to get such a big party rolling will inevitably lead to that problem at some point (probably pretty soon).

If BSW should do a coalition with the AFD, it will probably lead to quite the fragmentation in the new BSW party. Which I don't know if Wagenknecht wants to risk. Having said that, AFD and BSW joining forces via a coalition would indeed be a veritable "game changer" in germany! I think the real numbers for both parties would likely already be enough at this point to make them able to govern germany alone, without all the crazies in all the other establishment parties! Maybe they will indeed try to do that? Hard to tell. Currently, nobody in the Bundestag wants anything to do with the AFD. BSW might change that. Realistically speaking, the only way either BSW or AFD can get a chance to govern germany, is via a coalition. But since nobody wants to do a coalition with the AFD (and probably soon nobody wants to do it with the BSW either), the only chance for either party to govern/change anything in germany would be to do a coalition between themselves. Or the BSW gets enough votes on their own so that they don't need to have a coalition with anyone. Sounds like an impossibility, but I think the BSW has the potential to gain that many votes!

My bet is that they will soon ramp up all sorts of defamation campaigns against BSW and will try to downplay how many people in germany really would vote for them. It could very well be that they will try to rig the next federal elections for chancellor so that BSW (and AFD) do not get to any significant say.
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But since nobody wants to do a coalition with the AFD (and probably soon nobody wants to do it with the BSW either), the only chance for either party to govern/change anything in germany would be to do a coalition between themselves.
Yes, this looks like the crucial point. And this is why the upcoming elections in eastern Germany will be important as there is sufficient potential for new coalitions which are not yet possible on a national scale..
Although I have respect and sympathy for Wagenknecht myself I can't imagine any 'game changer' before the country and its current system collapses.

A good question for the Cs might be whether there is any German opposition party with more than 100,000 followers that is not controlled opposition.

The BSW may not be yet as it has only just been established, but once it starts gaining traction in parliaments the controlled reality will set in.

Just because there is an all-but-one party coalition against the conservative AfD doesn't actually mean they are not controlled, they have probably been placed as an escape valve to give voters the impression that they do have a choice.

The reason Germany's ruling parties (which include the opposition CDU/CSU) are fighting tooth and nail against the AfD may not be that the latter are so right-wing, but their impression that the PTB are playing tricks on them by giving their opponents support.

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