How is the Entropic Force in our World coordinated?



I have sometimes felt frustrated in that although I have become quite convinced that there is a truly ‘negative’ or ‘entropic’ conscious power operating within our world, as yet I have found it difficult to pinpoint or identify its structure and operation.

With the exception, of course, of spotting the blatantly lying, corrupt and perverted ‘on stage’ politicians and public ‘power-possessors.’

We also talk about the 4%-6% psychopaths, and their seemingly natural ability to rise to the heights of control and power within our world – and then make the rest of us pay dearly! – and also the possible 50% of humanity who, as yet, may be soulless, or ‘organic portals.’

But aside from pinpointing certain individuals and targeting particular institutions I have not felt that I could see the cyclic flow of evil taking ‘soul-energy’ out of mankind down into the abyss – annihilation of ‘self-consciousness’ and human spiritual potential.

I was brought back to these thoughts after reading Laura’s essay around a book entitled ‘Darkness Over Tibet’ by Theodore Illion

The article and the book excerpts made such an impression on me that I immediately ordered ‘Darkness Over Tibet’ from Amazon, and also its prequel ‘In Secret Tibet.’ I read them both in two days.

Obviously we are all different and at differing stages of ‘soul growth’, so that what makes a dramatic impression on one of us may leave another quite unmoved. This, however, is the passage which really jolted me into sitting up and paying attention – and sent me over to Amazon to order Theodore Illion’s books! It records a conversation between Theodore and a young Tibetan girl.

"Are you never attacked by animals?"

"Seldom, " I answered. "The animals which are on the rising branch of life are very kind to me. I do not think even a lion would attack me, although I never met one. I have had very pleasant experiences, though, with bears and some other so-called wild animals."

"I heard a story about a bear," said Dolma. "I will tell it to you. Perhaps you will be able to tell me whether such a thing can happen... A man who often broke the law which prohibits hunting had obtained a white man's death stick in the Lhasa district, and when he returned to his province he went out bear-hunting. He had shot several bears, but one day, just while he followed the track of an animal, a strong bear suddenly appeared just behind his back... [...] The hunter was so afraid when he saw the big bear just behind his back that he dropped his gun and stared aghast at the animal, who could have crushed him in a couple of seconds. [...] The bear looked at the frail creature who stood tremblingly before him, his gun lying at his feet, and calmly walked away."

"I can believe that, " I said, "for bears have a soul, although they are only at times individualized. By the way, it is easy to say whether the hunter in the story had a soul or not."


"If the hunter had a soul, it was impossible for him to take up the gun to shoot after the bear. If he was soulless, he would have done so at once."

"Are there soulless animals too?"

"Oh yes. The animals on the descending branch of life are soulless. [...] Ravens, rats, mice - vermin, for instance."

"They behave like a soulless man?"


"Did these entities inhabit men before?"

"Perhaps, many thousand years ago. When they lost their soul they began to move downward."

"It is very strange. When I visited India I heard so much about progressive evolution - that life always passed upward, that the souls in minerals became souls in plants, then in animals, and after this in man, and that man finally must become an angel and that all this is only a question of time."

"Life would have no meaning if there was no alternative between light and darkness," I said. "There are two currents of life. One is moving upward and the other downward. The moment one loses one's soul one is precipitated into the downward current."

"How can one lose one's soul?"

"By sinning against one's soul."

"By a sensual life?"

"Oh no, in most cases that is a sin against one's body. You may suffer for it in this life or in some future incarnation."

"By treating other's badly, then?"

"No, as a rule, even this is no sin against your soul. You will get your punishment for treating others badly in this or some future incarnation, although wanton cruelty to defenceless creatures, ratlike ingratitude, or an innate tendency to spy on others already reveal a certain degree of soullessness which may be due to sins committed against one's soul in former incarnations."

"Well, then, what is a sin against one's soul?"

"Using spiritual things for selfish purposes. Dragging God down to earth. Trying to put oneself on a level with the Creator."

"Then many of us here sin like that!"

"Yes, but also people in other countries."
The book excerpt above triggered a number of associations. I have long had a very real sense of humanity ‘ascending’ and ‘descending’ like Jacob’s Ladder.

I was reminded instantly of the penultimate inner circle in the Tibetan Wheel of Life depicting beings ascending into ‘light’ on one side and descending into darkness on the ‘other’.

And Theodore Illion’s answer to Dolma’s question;

"Well, then, what is a sin against one's soul?"

"Using spiritual things for selfish purposes. Dragging God down to earth. Trying to put oneself on a level with the Creator."
reminded me of the saying attributed to Jesus in the Bible, Mathew Verse 12:

31. Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
32. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
Laura comments on the book excerpt above:

Illion brings this subject up a number of times and it certainly defines the "bottom line" of the STS reality of "wishful thinking." To tell lies and live in an illusion is, effectively, "using God for selfish purposes." He says that each such act of this chips away at one's free will, one's soul, etc. This sort of makes it important to really do research and check things out. Our recent experiences with Maynerd Most certainly suggest that there are people who have lied so much and so long - maybe for many lifetimes - that they have very little, if any, soul left.

Another discussion group member then wrote:

This was a wonderful story, and I agree. Psychopaths seem to fit the profile of one whose soul is slowly shrinking into the abyss. A question popped into my mind as I read the above story. If an STS oriented being continues along the path of STS, resulting in its soul slowly fragmenting and ultimately dissolving, at what general stage would that leave the souls of 4D STS/Lizzies et. al.? I mean, if we see that some humans here, still on 3D, have developed to the stage where they would appear to be practically soulless (psychopaths, f.ex..), what amount of soul might be left in a 4D Lizzie? I recall reading that Lizzies do have souls (while greys do not, unless a Lizzie projects its own soul into it. Correct?), but my guess is that those souls must be contracting. Frankly, I'm surprised they still do possess souls at all.
I visualized a process of ‘capturing souls’ by drawing them down into a vast ‘sucking-machine’ like a giant funnel, which exerted a tremendous pull through the narrow aperture at the base, but was wide enough in circumference at the top of the funnel to exert its ceaseless drag throughout our world. I visualised that there would be a point at which ‘souls’ had been so far sucked down into the ‘funnel’ that they would likely have gone past the point of no return. A terrible thought! From that point on down there would be only increasing loss of soul and self-consciousness combined with increasing immersion in materiality to the point of individual annihilation … and return to the Creator as ‘primal atoms’ for re-cycling.

Once again I began to think of the ‘practical mechanism’ in our world whereby I could see all the unrelated areas of evil being co-ordinated together in one coherent world-wide system, and the whole diabolic ‘mechanism’ at work.

Who or what would co-ordinate them?

On SOTT we have arrived at a pretty compelling hypothesis that the ultimate ‘feeding’ on soul energies is hyper-dimensional. But where does that connect with our material world for overall co-ordination. Is there a main point of contact within ‘fallen humanity’ with the power exerted through the ‘aperture’ at the bottom of the ‘funnel’ … a connection that then expands upwards into our world through a kind of ‘reverse hierarchy’ of co-ordinating evil … a kind of inverted pyramid?

I believe there is.

I was listening to an audio file downloaded from an ‘alternate news site’ called Arctic Beacon, hosted by Greg Szymanski [ _ ] in which Greg was speaking with Eric Jon Phelps who has done a tremendous amount of research into the Machiavellian manipulations of the Jesuit Order from its inception under Ignatius Loyola in 1542 to the present day … and also the Church of Rome since its foundation by Constantine. He has a website called Vatican Assassins with a wealth of material [ _ ]

The MP3 file is available to listen to or download here:


And is entitled:

(MP3: September 11, 2007 – Hour 1 And 2)
Guest Prof. Eric Jon Phelps regarding 9-11

About 57 minutes into the interview Greg Szymanski asks Eric Phelps ‘how do the Jesuits wield such power and control?’

This is my rough and ‘free’ transcript (stopping and starting the audio file!)

“The Jesuit General – the ‘Black Pope’ – controls all the Masonic Secret Societies worldwide. He controls the Pope (‘White Pope’) and the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy.

He controls the Knights of Malta.

He controls Opus Dei

He Controls the Knights Templars, who are today’s Masons.

He controls the Knights Hospitaller, who are today’s Knights of Malta. The Knights of Malta control the banking systems of the world, including the Federal Reserve.

The Black Pope controls the international Intelligence community – the CIA, NSA, FBI, Military Intelligences, the Russian Intelligence Services …

All countries are divided by the Jesuits into manageable ‘Provinces’. The USA is divided into 10 ‘Provinces’ overseen by 10 Jesuit ‘Provincials’. The Jesuit Provincials in a country report to that country’s ‘Jesuit Assistant’ in Rome, so that at any time the Jesuit General can be updated on current political, economic, social, etc situations in any part of any country he is interested in. From this very detailed information – built up at ground level from local priests and Jesuits working in ordinary business positions, he can draw up his plans.

In America his plans are communicated via the appropriate Jesuit Provincial to Cardinal Egan – the Archbishop of New York city. These orders are then passed on to the government, the President or the Intelligence Service. Whoever is required to act. And they WILL follow orders. Not following the Black Pope’s orders results in death or public humiliation and disclosure.

The same system is in place in all countries … the USA, Russia, China, Japan, Europe, Britain.

Most of the top Zionists are Jesuit trained and take their orders from the Black Pope.

The Black Pope controls the International Sicilian Mafia, the Russian Mafia and the American Mafia. He has his own Mafia organisation – ‘Propaganda Due, or P2’ – with headquarters in Spain and an ‘office’ in Rome.

He controls all the gold in the world and all the currencies of the world.”

Well. Might we say Satan’s representative on earth?


The Most Powerful Man In The World?
The “Black” Pope
Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General

We know of Black Mass and Satanic ceremonies that take place in the Vatican … from various sources including ex-Jesuit priests who have renounced the order. E.g.
Dr Alberto Rivera – subsequently poisoned.


I am of the opinion that the Vatican/Black Pope is the connection in our world with the ‘Dark Forces’ that feed off us … call them Lizzies, or, more traditionally – and possibly accurate – Satan.

How ironic for all those ‘good Catholics’ – many very genuine, honest, pious people – who have given up their will, individuality and critical reason to the very force – Satan! – they believe their Catholic Church is protecting them from!

I don’t need to tell anyone how hopeless it would be to try and wake up most of them! (Or how dangerous to the one who tried to wake them up!)

Add to the ubiquitous Jesuits the noble inbred powerful families – 13 – as listed below:
1. Astor
2. Bundy
3. Collins
4. DuPont
5. Freeman
6. Kennedy
7. Li (Chinese)
8. Onassis
9. Rockefeller
10. Rothschild
11. Russell
12. van Duyn
13. Merovingian (European Royal Families)

The following families are also interconnected with those above:
1. Reynolds
2. Disney
3. Krupp
4. McDonald

[You can find extensive details and history on all the families here:
Interesting – if that’s the word! – reading!]

Add also all the sycophantic STS wannabees and willing servants of the above, and I think we can now see the vast dark and powerful net closing ever tighter around our globe.

These are the people who are going to bring us our NEW WORLD ORDER.


After my previous post I came across this fascinating article.

I have abridged the article as it is long, and contains a number of photographs and graphics which I haven’t included. But you can follow the link provided to the original if you wish.

I relate to the biblical terminology in places quite easily, being equally comfortable (not sure that is quite the right word in this context!) talking about ‘Lizzies’ or ‘Satan’ or ‘demonic forces’ or ‘hyper-dimensional entities.’
There are obviously many themes within the article that are covered on SOTT.

I think the same ‘evil’ (‘entropic force’) is – and has been – called by many names.

Anyway, here again we see the same structure of control over planet Earth outlined:
Hyper-dimensional ('Satanic', 'Lizzie') control through Jesuit General (Black Pope), secret societies, Bloodline Satanic families, government and intelligence services (possible 'direct link through NSA' - see below), the Media/Industrial/Military complex - and a continual 'mind-control' exercise exerted over the mass population!

The Shadows – Secret Lives in Our Midst
By Dr. Stefan Grossmann


Is it true that they are different? Does it make sense to put them in a group of their own named the evil human life form?

Bible informs us that the evil beings are the Beast. This article presents, in short, a biology, a zoology of the Beast. We will see that their life activities include, without limitation, a selective socialization (including their common inbreeding) together with an obsession with Satanic rituals and symbols.

This article has five parts:
I. Demon Eyes Tutorial
II. General Introduction
III. Rituals and Symbols
IV. Families and Hierarchies
V. The Treasure Hoard
This is meant as a serious investigative overview over the life of the horror channel, that is the dominant human life form on this planet. With today’s information we get a rather comprehensive panorama of the pyramid from knowledgeable sources.


I started studying law, soon with sidelines in history and Freudian psycho-analysis, in 1982. I became a law clerk in 1987, a lawyer in 1990. One of my key professional interests is: Why can people be so fundamentally different from each other?

I used a religious insight for an explanation: There are two types of humans, namely Type A (Spiritual) and Type B (Satanic). Most people are Type A. A minority are Type B. But Type B is far over-represented in the higher echelons of society and power.

I have put together a little slide show. We see several well-known faces. Watch closely for the eyes of these faces. At least one of the faces has hard and clutching demon eyes (Type B). At least one of the faces has eyes that are emotionally completely different, blissful, and most people automatically smile (Type A).

So far, my tests with watchers show that we have instant recognition of this distinguishing feature if we are pointed to the brief discussion above in this section and then are shown this slide show.

Try is yourself!

Click here for Demon Eyes Tutorial film


If for any reason you are unsure of the results, drop all pre-conceived expectations and watch again. Show it to other people including women (who are more sensitive), discuss it with them and I venture to say you will settle on the message – with a smile!

This type of study over 25 years has taught me something important to watch for. Not always are the signals as clear as in the Tutorial film, of course. But this is the basis for talking about the “Biology” of the Beast. Observations like this convince me under biological aspects that those beings are a different life form.


The Beasts, to use the Biblical term of the Apocalypse, have a distinct subculture of ideas. These are found to be deviant and outright incredible by outsiders. The subculture of the Beasts has many faces. It is centered around being superior to others, i.e. unequal. That is the upside-down reverse form of the key American constitutional ideal. The ideology of the Beast is the unequalness of mankind. The Beast is racist but carefully hides this fact to the outside.

Hiding, secrets, lies and hypocrisy are intrinsic parts of this ideology. The Beasts are terribly afraid of being found out for who they are. They lead their whole adult life trembling before the truth of who they are. The clockwork that makes them run is fear. That is the basic biology of the Beast. Physically, of course, they look like you and me; they eat, drink and sleep.

Now this general point is said, we can understand why one part of man is unequal: They are afraid to be equal and to have what we consider normal relations. This sparkplug of fear drives them like maniacs to engage only in abnormal relations and to shun like hell all situations where they would be confronted with the truth about themselves and their secret lives. That is why George W. Bush tried to flee out of a press conference before running cameras. Secret lives compound into a secret society, a very efficient one, and a hierarchic global shadow government of liars, thieves, rapists and murderers. George H. W. Bush is reported as telling his insiders, the only reason why governments exist is for us to plunder them.

Beasts are deeply sick because they are unable to find Love, which some attribute to the effects of karma. They walk through life with a mental scar that will not heal. I believe that is the “Mark of the Beast”. We cannot see it with our eyes but we can sense it with our soul – and with the help of symbols and behavioral patterns. If you have read this far you most likely don’t have such a mark. I imagine a Beast reading this would have her or his eyes filled with tears of rage by now, the blind rage of the Beast.

Why are we so different? We live in Creation. We are free beings. We develop (evolve) either towards Good or evil. The Beasts are fallen souls in the dark goop of evil. They believe they will go to hell and they believe in Satan. Most but not all powerful people are Satanists and secretly deny God.

The Beast is a Satanist worshipping the false God or Anti-Christ of money sex power. The black splinter of animal fear manifests as hate greed lust and overpowering pangs of guilt and terminal despair (persecutorial complex). Evil beings are secret slaves who have bartered their soul to the dark force. Wilhelm Reich called this dark force “dor” (death orgone or death energy). The distinguishing racism of the Beasts is defined by their worship of dor the death energy.

I see this as something that makes Beasts biologically different. It makes them in many ways superior beings. Based on their strange inner biology, Beasts are highly adapted to the fight of life. In particular, the Beasts have a very high degree of social organization.


The leaders of the Beast are the Illuminati. That name itself is a word symbol: “lumen” is the Latin word for “light”. The Illuminati are the bringers of false Light (wisdom without Love). This also reflects in the name of Lucifer the impersonation and hellish head of the dark force, a fallen Cherub in the Luciferian Rebellion against Heaven.

The Beasts organize through using secret symbols. These symbols include the all-seeing eye, the pyramid, fanning-out occult rays, such as shown on U.S. dollar bills, on the Great Seal of the U.S.A. and in the Illuminati pentacle grid of world headquarters, Washington, D.C. These symbols are often explained as Masonic but they are much older. We can trace them back to a world wide pyramid cult in ancient Babylon, Egypt, America, south-east Asia. It is apparent that the pyramids and temples were built with an unknown high construction technology, purportedly an occult secret of so-called magic schools to this day. “Magic” is a propaganda term to confuse outsiders about the existence of secret ancient science with superior methods, i.e. the long pre-history of the skunk works since the pyramids were built thousands of years ago. The ancient pyramids and the pyramid cult look to many like the remnants of a collapsed empire.

An interesting source for the Illuminati symbols are the “Grimoires”, that is, the witch books for the spells of black magic in the late Middle Ages and into the sixteen-hundreds. These Grimoires were very influential between 1450 and 1700 for hammering out the materialist doctrine that we today call the “natural sciences”. A lot has been written by historians of science about the origins of modern science in so-called (black symbolic) magical theory of the Renaissance and its understandings of natural sympathies.

* * *

The Medieval and early modern Grimoires, such as the “Key of Solomon” and “Little Key of Solomon” (Clavis Salomonis and Clavicula Salomonis, similar in ways to the Qabala) set forth a cult of a person named “Solomon”, allegedly King Solomon of the Bible, and explain how the temples were built: Namely by commanding goetic demons through ritual black magic. This provides a clue for the photographed huge demon faces in the smoke on 9-11-2001. The cult of the Solomonic temple, as taken from the Grimoires and not from the Bible (as evidenced by the footprints of the symbols, etc.) is the basis of the Illuminati and Freemasonry. Reportedly, Albert Pike, one of Freemasonry’s greatest authorities, took his doctrine from a black Magician, Eliphas Levi. The names of the 72 goetic demons have a very sophisticated mathematics encoded in them that gives a key to physics above Einstein (confidential investigation).

One occult meaning of the “temple” is the place of arrival and departure for an astral projection. Astral projection is a mental technique whereby a soul gets out-of-body and travels to different worlds. The magical code of “rebuilding Solomon’s Temple” can mean a cipher for the New World Order where nations and the environment shall be restructured in order to facilitate the arrival of dark life from off-world hellish regions. This includes transcommunication and actual travel of life forms between worlds. Reportedly, the NSA and the Montauk Experiments are deep-cover parts of this program to lead the entire planet into demonic possession.

The rituals of the Satanist elite are ritual Satanism. There is much specific material on this[…]

In a nutshell, that is who rules the world today. But please do not quote me as pointing to “the Freemasons” or “the Templars” as being evil – far from it. If at all, these organizations are being misused in a parasitical way within certain segments of the upper echelons for evil or Satanic purposes, but that does not affect the peaceful and positive social life of mass memberships that is organized by these societies. There is a lot for which to be grateful towards these societies and their achievements in history, especially the Freemasons and their enlightening and revolutionary virtues in our advanced western world.


There exists to this day no full and complete description of the advanced international social structure of the Illuminati. The number of reports that touch upon aspects is legion. The Illuminati are merely leaders. Apart from them, a sizeable minority of mankind (counted by our neighbors who watch us at 19%) are Beasts. That is the reason why no complete or even exemplary list of families can be given. All remarks here must be limited to the leadership of some 20,000 individuals worldwide, 10,000 of which are in the U.S.A. alone, the flagship of the world’s Satanic shadow regime.

There is a theory of “generational Satanists”. This does not explain satisfactorily why individuals can rise to the top of the secret control pyramid, but the theory has its merits in providing a background for understanding the inbreeding aspect and tight private control held over the inner circle. The standard work of reference is by Fritz Springmeier (The 13 Satanic Illuminati Bloodlines), on the internet, for example:


Springmeier’s list (alphabetic order) of the 13 top Satanic bloodlines reads as follows:
Van Duyn
As an appendix, Springmeier adds four names:
Merovingian (European Royal Families)
The other two Illuminati books plus writings of Fritz Springmeier on the internet are also recommended for a broad factual background about the heinous methods and goals of the Beast:

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Leaving the psychic aspects away, the question remains: How is the Beast (are the Illuminati) organized at the top? What is their power? Here are some insights:

The Beast is more powerful than any national government or overt supra-national organization. They control scarcities, currencies and central banks, wars and leadership personnel in governments, media, military, industry, churches. Through their technology they control the weather and earthquakes, and they hatch out ever new diseases to torment mankind. Their power is best described as a secret dictatorship that knows no national boundaries and has many secret component powers.

* * *

The organization at the top is an organization of power, something like a secret Politburo. This is a difficult subject to unravel, and the following outline cannot be full and complete.

Envision the hierarchical structure as a pyramid with a peaked top, a growing middle and a broad basis.

Near the top (but not at the very top) is reportedly a gremium named the “Council of 13”.

Beneath that more towards the bottom are organizations and entities like: Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute, Trilateral Commission, 100 Templar Bankers, and much more.

The great Jesuit researcher Eric Phelps has an organigram at his web site,
Go in the left column to the button for Kolvenbach. You find a pyramid-like organigram. Eric Phelps places the Jesuit Order under command of one General at the way top above the Council of 13, sort of like the eye hovering above the top of the pyramid.

Eric Phelps’ analysis of the global power structure of the Jesuits growing since the 1500s is essential for understanding the mother octopus. See his web site (showing merely the tip of the ice berg),

Here are the key sections of Eric Phelps’ organigram at his web site:

The Top Box:


Superior General Of the Jesuits

The Jesuit Order

Council of the 13 Degrees of the Bavarian Illuminati
Council of the 33 Degree Masons of the Scottish Rite
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines (Families)
The Committee of 300
B’Nai B’Rith
Grand Orient Lodge

There is reported transcommunication with an off-world entity, Satan/Lucifer, where the NSA is involved as a facilitator,

It is reported that the NSA (National Security Agency) of the U.S. government has the secret function of a transcommunication agency, see in Part 1 of this series. The transcommunication is reportedly being made with demonic entities, in particular a hellish off-world entity named “Lucifer”. Reportedly, this is in control of what is widely discussed as the “New World Order” (shadow regime, inside terror apparatus, global banking conspiracy, etc.). The NSA was founded in 1952 but is based on older agencies reaching back to the time of the first and second world war, in essence giving this military intelligence complex a new name and organizational form.

The traditional old-world (European) power lines of secret finance are controlled by the Rothschild family, the mighty financiers of kings, princes and republics since the 1700s and alleged controllers of the private central bank, Bank of England. This is interlinked with the Jesuit octopus and secret society infiltration. The network operates at its head mainly through the City of London. London is a more powerful global financial center than New York. In particular in the past 20 years since a change of banking rules, the City of London has far outgrown New York in the finance sector. For details about the Rothschilds as the secretive elder Illuminati finance leaders see:
_ (Fritz Springmeier)
_ (Eustace Mullins)

When we turn to the new world (America), the reported head of the Council of 13 (younger Illuminati) is Answar Bin Shari, an Israeli. George H. W. Bush is reportedly a member of the Council of 13, purportedly through his reported Merovingian ties with the Windsor family.

* * *

Fritz Springmeier,
explains in detail, adding a touch of mystery:

“I have often been asked who are the Illuminati? Who are the people at the top of the conspiracy? Who are the generational satanic families? The Illuminati consists of 13 magical and powerful bloodlines.
There are also some other powerful bloodlines that are worth naming but if they are in the Illuminati they have blood ties to one of the 13 powerful lineages.
About half of the Illuminati people I know have had their parentage hidden from them. Many of the those who still know who their real parents are, still do not know what bloodline they belong to until the Illuminati chooses to reveal it to them.
Most of the Illuminati have MPD. When high level Satanists do not have MPD they very often emotionally break under the stress of the horrible blood rituals that are required. Recently, a non-MPD Satanist in Chicago emotionally broke and gave his life to Christ. (I have videos available of an interview of this man exposing Satanism.) One of the important lineages has remained secret until 3 investigators named Lincoln, Leigh, and Bageant were spoon-fed leads and secrets. They put this into a book called ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail.’ I recommend the book and the two books which are its sequels, because they show how just one part of the 13 lineages has kept itself secret and has taken immense power of all forms to themselves.
In Southern Belgium there is a castle. (If any one is travelling there and wants to find the castle, I will show them on the map, and describe it.) This is the Mothers of Darkness castle. In that castle, is a cathedral and in that cathedral’s basement a little baby is sacrificed daily and is coming to power. The pages are written almost round the clock. (This castle is also described in my Be Wise as Serpents book.)
The history in that handwritten book would reveal the real facts behind the propaganda that the world’s major news medias give the gullible public. The history as that book reveals it would tell people about how Abraham Lincoln was a descendent of the Rothschilds. Abraham Lincoln was the secret head of the Rosicrucians, a member of their 3 headed top council. (I have seen the paper trail proof to these things about Lincoln to my satisfaction that these things about Lincoln are true.)
Adolf Hitler was also a secret member of the Rothschild lineage. Hitler carried out blood sacrifices to open his mind up to high level demonic spiritual control. Rockefeller sold Hitler oil during W.W. II via Spain to keep W.W. II going longer. The history in that book mentions people that the ‘history books’ given the public don’t – like Michael Augustus Martinelli Von Braun Rheinhold, the most powerful Satanist in the world a few years ago.
Michael Augustus Martinelli Von Braun Rheinhold had 66 Satanic Brides. And that Satanic book in the Mothers of Darkness castle also mentions the Rockefeller bloodline.
Only insiders are supposed to know the real history of what has taken place in human history. The real decisions and the real movers and shakers have been hidden from the public’s eyes. What the public is given is a stage show where Illuminati puppets parade around and make big speeches according to their script.
Each of the 13 families has their own set of Mothers of Darkness. Each of the 13 families has their own secret Satanic leadership Kings, Queens, Princesses and Princes of Darkness. For instance, the Rockefeller family has people who are selected as Kings and Princes within their own bloodline in secret rituals.
The Kings and Princes, Queens and Princesses are strictly bloodline. They secretly rule over an area of the world for their own bloodline. This is independent of the liluminati’s hierarchy which was diagrammed in the Jan 1993 newsletter. (My Newsletter from a Christian Ministry.)
In the January, 1993 issue the Covens, Sisters of Light, Mothers of Darkness, and the Grande Mothers were diagrammed.
The Illuminati pulls its various bloodlines together under several councils. The Grande Druid Council or your Council of 13 is your principle council for the Brotherhood of Death. Above the Council of 13 is a higher Council of 9, and an inner group of 3 is believed to head that Council of Nine. How do we know about these things? The power of God has reached into the very heart of Satan’s empire and pulled out some of the most powerful Satanists and drawn them to Christ.
There are several Satanists that were at the top which have managed to find Christ.
In addition, some of the next echelon of the hierarchy, such as some of the Mothers of Darkness are also finding Christ.
If someone wants to understand how and why decisions are made in world affairs and by who – then you need to study the Illuminati. The real answers do not rest with the proceedings of the Congress of the United States or with the publicly known leaders of the Communist countries. An example of what I am talking, there is a book entitled “Who Financed Hitler” by James Pool and Suzanne Pool. I am always glad to see that some people are wiling to look behind the scenes.
Believe me, there were people that Hitler listened to. They were the people he went to ritual with, and who put him into power.”

* * *


The Beast is immensely wealthy. Its net worth is estimated at around 200 trillion U.S. dollars. (Note: one trillion is a thousand billion or a million.) This money is stashed away in bank accounts, holdings and industrial companies, offshore trusts, strawman accounts, Coutts Bank accounts of the Queen of England, etc. A standing joke in the media is the report that Bill Gates is the richest man on Earth, David Rockefeller has merely one billion and the Rothschilds do not even own one billion.

The Illuminati treasure hoard is created thus: The shadow government, through its powers, creates multiple problems in order to offer the solutions, in particular: poverty, wars, sickness. The shadow government has hollowed out national currencies including the U.S. dollar and robbed the tax monies from the treasuries of the world. They have implemented insanely risky usurious derivatives (nearing 400 trillion U.S. dollars notional), taxes that are nearly all superfluous, interests for loans and credit card debits. Other favorite sources of income are shake-downs and looting of countries, drug cartels, industrial holdings, insider trading.

Based on the official published financial statements of the government, here is a research report about the missing trillions in the Pentagon black budget:
Since George H. W. Bush became Vice President in 1981, an estimated 30 trillion U.S. dollars are missing through the Pentagon alone. The HUD program (Housing and Urban Development) is additionally missing more than 3 trillion U.S. dollars. The social security system lost an additional 6 trillion U.S. dollars from Citibank through an embezzlement that was reported scantily for about three days and then just dropped from the radar screen of the corrupt and Beast-owned mainstream news media, and $10 trillion total to greedy corporate goons who seize power and money.

* * *

Such and other are the life processes of the Beast, the shadows – secret lives in our midst. All the interrelations and money flows cannot be unraveled in this article.

It would be a good practice not only for developing your discernment, but out of consideration for the forum, to search the forum for discussions about the sources you are listing. Almost all of them have been previously determined to be disinformation. You might want to start with Whale and go from there.
Anart said:
It would be a good practice not only for developing your discernment, but out of consideration for the forum, to search the forum for discussions about the sources you are listing. Almost all of them have been previously determined to be disinformation. You might want to start with Whale and go from there.
Thank you for your concern about my ‘developing discernment’. You actually have no idea about my level of discernment.

‘Out of consideration for the Forum’? What offence is it to the Forum to post information? If it has been posted before then someone – perhaps less hostile than yourself – could simply say ‘You may like to have a look at an earlier discussion on this here.’

I did search the Forum, and as one of my main emphases of interest is the Jesuits it did not occur to me to enter the search term ‘whale!’

Almost all of them have been previously determined to be disinformation. You might want to start with Whale and go from there.

I quoted Laura’s article from Was that dis-information?

I quoted Greg Szymanski and Eric J Phelps?

Are they dis-information?

Have you read the tremendous research they have both done on the history of the Jesuits? Do you know anything about the perfidy of the Jesuit order – tucked away in the Vatican? Hundreds of years of plots and schemes and assassinations? Are you aware of their power and influence today? And of the growing power of the Vatican and its ambitions for Jerusalem?

Have you read Eric Phelps’ book ‘Vatican Assassins?’

Have you read the autobiography of ex-Jesuit priests? Like Alberto Rivera?

Are you aware of the nature of the Extreme Oath taken by the most committed Jesuits after being in the order for a minimum of 40 years? That it contains this paragraph, for example?

I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
An oath still taken today!

Alberto Rivera took that oath. Knowledge of his childhood, upbringing and ‘mind control’ enables you to see how that would have been possible for him. He later became physically very ill as his innate conscience began to react against everything that he was witnessing and being asked to do. He managed to leave the Order. He began to write and talk about his experiences. He was poisoned.

Do you not think the above when looked into may have some relevance to people who want to know as much as possible about the truth and power in their world today?

Or is it all ‘dis-information’, which, because of my evident lack of ‘discernment’ I have ‘inconsiderately’ thought to start a thread on THIS Forum!

Now ‘Dr Stefan Grossman’. Yes. He may be a bit sensationalist. But he provides a wealth of information – and also links to sources in his article on the Web, which I gave the link to.

Did you already know about the Thirteen identified families that have exerted an extremely shaping and forceful influence on this planet for hundreds of years? You may have heard about ‘the Thirteen families’, but did you know who they are identified as? The Li family, for example? The Bundy’s? Do you know which of them are descended from the Black Nobility of Vienna? Do you know why they were called the Black Nobility? Are you quite sure everyone on the Forum also knows? If not, was it a ‘lack of consideration to this Forum’ to post it and link to the expanded information?

You see, people may be (or may be branded as) dis-informationists, but still provide a lot of valid information. Alex Jones website for example – Prison Planet – provides a lot of genuine reporting and info. So does Jeff Rense. Even Coast to Coast on occasion can provide real food for thought!


The critical faculty. Development of which leads to perspicacity and ‘discernment.’

You see, Anart, it’s a bit like the Bible. A false slant wrapped around ‘core truths.’ Without ‘discernment’ you may become a fully fledged Papist or Roman Catholic or any other ‘Bible-Thumper’ and happily be persuaded that it is necessary to burn people at the stake and support the inquisition.

With ‘discernment’ you may be able to uncover the ‘core spiritual gems’ hidden within the Bible, and make important connections and expansions of personal understanding.

How are you going to do that, however, if you simply accept someone telling you ‘ this has already been determined as dis-information’, and then simply ignore it?

It is interesting that both Greg Szymanski and Eric Phelps – both of whom I am of the opinion are extremely genuine and sincere – have commented that you will know a ‘controlled’ and ‘vectored’ site if you run into trouble as soon as you start to mention the Jesuits! Something they both experienced in their radio broadcasting, as well as their writing and journalism.

Are you a Catholic, Anart?

If so your apparent hostility and dismissiveness make sense.

I was brought up in a Catholic family and have a number of very committed Catholic relatives. I know how hard it is to accept the evidence of the relentless evil perpetrated by the Vatican, and particularly the Jesuit Order, over the centuries.

I also know what very good, warm, loving people genuine Catholics can be.

Aside from that possibility, however, I have to say that I found your churlish post to be unnecessarily hostile, unhelpful, and plain ignorant.

Maybe everyone who read it felt as you do.

I can’t help feeling, however, that there will have been a proportion of readers who will have been interested, and will have gone on to follow the leads and make further research which might well assist their own growth.

These, of course, will be people who do not know as much as you do. Your knowledge, for example, about the ‘discernment’ of others, the wealth of information dotted around a dozen threads to be searched under the heading ‘whale’, and all this information about the Vatican, Jesuits, Thirteen Families etc. that you wouldn’t post ‘out of consideration for this Forum.’

You might like to ponder the virtue of ‘politeness.’ I have had occasion to draw your attention to this before! It is not weakness. One can be very forceful, as well as polite, when necessary. It is just the manifestation of an attitude of ‘respect’ for another human being. (Until, of course, they prove themselves unworthy of respect.)

However, I am quite content to resign from posting in this Forum, and simply read Laura’s articles and research, and maybe add a few facts to threads I read.

I simply cannot be bothered to spend the time continually having to point out the basics of civilised social interaction with a petulantly antagonistic ‘moderator’.

Kieran said:
Thank you for your concern about my ‘developing discernment’. You actually have no idea about my level of discernment.
Whoa, there goes that emotional center again, rather like this thread - . No offense was intended, of course, but since you bring it up, your 'level of discernment' is actually quite evident on this thread you created.

Keiran said:
‘Out of consideration for the Forum’? What offence is it to the Forum to post information? If it has been posted before then someone – perhaps less hostile than yourself – could simply say ‘You may like to have a look at an earlier discussion on this here.’
That is exactly what I am saying, and I'm not even vaguely hostile - interesting that you think I am. I am saying that this information has been covered - it is not up to this forum to get you up to speed, we simply don't have time for such things; thus the search engine.

K said:
I did search the Forum, and as one of my main emphases of interest is the Jesuits it did not occur to me to enter the search term ‘whale!’
Did you search any of the authors of the sites you keep linking to?

K said:

I quoted Laura’s article from Was that dis-information?
Please note that I used the term 'almost'.

K said:
I quoted Greg Szymanski and Eric J Phelps?

Are they dis-information?
Yep, pretty much. Perhaps if you look up the definition of disinformation, you'll realize that it always contains some small speck of truth - but it is the way it is presented, the twists and the agenda that matter.

K said:
Have you read the tremendous research they have both done on the history of the Jesuits? Do you know anything about the perfidy of the Jesuit order – tucked away in the Vatican? Hundreds of years of plots and schemes and assassinations? Are you aware of their power and influence today? And of the growing power of the Vatican and its ambitions for Jerusalem?
Yes, actually I have. See, I have done my research - I have done my homework - as has this forum, which you failed to find out.

K said:
snipped for brevity and noise removal --

Do you not think the above when looked into may have some relevance to people who want to know as much as possible about the truth and power in their world today?
You have missed my point - this has ALL been covered - it is theatre and it does not get anywhere near the truth about power in the world today.

K said:
Or is it all ‘dis-information’, which, because of my evident lack of ‘discernment’ I have ‘inconsiderately’ thought to start a thread on THIS Forum!
That's pretty much it.

[[snipped to reduce extreme noise, gargantuan self-importance, emotional ranting, verbal abuse and insults]]

K said:
You might like to ponder the virtue of ‘politeness.’ I have had occasion to draw your attention to this before! It is not weakness. One can be very forceful, as well as polite, when necessary. It is just the manifestation of an attitude of ‘respect’ for another human being. (Until, of course, they prove themselves unworthy of respect.)
Interesting coming from someone who has evidenced a complete lack of the concept in two threads in a span of a week.

K said:
However, I am quite content to resign from posting in this Forum, and simply read Laura’s articles and research, and maybe add a few facts to threads I read.
'Facts' like those posted above?

K said:
I simply cannot be bothered to spend the time continually having to point out the basics of civilised social interaction with a petulantly antagonistic ‘moderator’.

Insults will get you removed from this forum. Your clear inability to control your own emotional reactions will also get you banned from this forum. Quite frankly, your behavior in this post is more than enough to remove you from this forum, do you understand that?
Kieran said:
Thank you for your concern about my ‘developing discernment’. You actually have no idea about my level of discernment.
Sarcasm and aggression. The post starts off already showing your state of mind.

Kieran said:
‘Out of consideration for the Forum’? What offence is it to the Forum to post information? If it has been posted before then someone – perhaps less hostile than yourself – could simply say ‘You may like to have a look at an earlier discussion on this here.’
First, anart is not hostile. Your discernment is definitely off here. Second, their is a difference between noise and opinion, which is for the most part what you posted, and information. Their have been other discussions. Don't expect someone else to dig them up and hand them to you on a platter. Do the research yourself. THAT is consideration for the forum.

Kieran said:
I did search the Forum, and as one of my main emphases of interest is the Jesuits it did not occur to me to enter the search term ‘whale!’
Noise. In this case sarcasm is noise. Read the rules on posting noise.

Kieran said:
I quoted Laura’s article from Was that dis-information?
Noise. In this case sarcasm is noise. Read the rules on posting noise.

Kieran said:
I quoted Greg Szymanski and Eric J Phelps? Are they dis-information?
Yes. If you had bothered to read before posting you would have known that.

Kieran said:
Or is it all ‘dis-information’, which, because of my evident lack of ‘discernment’ I have ‘inconsiderately’ thought to start a thread on THIS Forum!
In addition to being hostile, you are putting words in anart's mouth. You can start all the threads you want. But expect that what you say will be analyzed for including disinformation. If you don't like it, go to a forum that allows you to post whatever you want.

Kieran said:
You see, people may be (or may be branded as) dis-informationists, but still provide a lot of valid information. Alex Jones website for example – Prison Planet – provides a lot of genuine reporting and info. So does Jeff Rense. Even Coast to Coast on occasion can provide real food for thought!
So. The fact that they spread disinfo negates any good that they may be doing. Results are what matter, not what is done to come up with the result. That is the difference between truth and lies. Truth does not have to resort to picking and choosing.

Kieran said:
How are you going to do that, however, if you simply accept someone telling you ‘ this has already been determined as dis-information’, and then simply ignore it?
In properly organized groups no faith is required; what is required is simply a little trust and even that only for a little while, for the sooner a man begins to verify all he hears the better it is for him.
G. I. Gurdjieff

See, you don't have to "accept" anything. What you DO need to do is READ! Read first, post later.

Kieran said:
If so your apparent hostility and dismissiveness make sense.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Anart was not hostile or dismissive. The comments by anart came from the knowledge that was gained in previous discussions. Discussions which you should have read before going off on this ridiculous rant.

Kieran said:
Aside from that possibility, however, I have to say that I found your churlish post to be unnecessarily hostile, unhelpful, and plain ignorant.
Look in the mirror!

Kieran said:
I can’t help feeling, however, that there will have been a proportion of readers who will have been interested, and will have gone on to follow the leads and make further research which might well assist their own growth.
Seriously, I have a hard time believing that you are merely posting this info for others. It's clear you are ego-identified with your research. In that light, it's not so much growth that you are gaining from posting this, but rather it feeds your self-importance.

Kieran said:
These, of course, will be people who do not know as much as you do. Your knowledge, for example, about the ‘discernment’ of others, the wealth of information dotted around a dozen threads to be searched under the heading ‘whale’, and all this information about the Vatican, Jesuits, Thirteen Families etc. that you wouldn’t post ‘out of consideration for this Forum.’
Sarcasm will get you nowhere. And let me point out that by acting like such a petulant child will only turn people off to what you are saying. Keep it up, and you'll have to find a different forum to post in.

Kieran said:
You might like to ponder the virtue of ‘politeness.’ I have had occasion to draw your attention to this before! It is not weakness. One can be very forceful, as well as polite, when necessary. It is just the manifestation of an attitude of ‘respect’ for another human being. (Until, of course, they prove themselves unworthy of respect.)
Well, you're quickly heading down that alley with this venom-spewing post. You are on your soapbox of politeness, but it's you who is rude.

Kieran said:
I simply cannot be bothered to spend the time continually having to point out the basics of civilised social interaction with a petulantly antagonistic ‘moderator’.
Passive aggression is civilized interaction? Name-calling? If that's what you consider basic then you'll soon find that you're going to have to give ironic lectures on social interaction somewhere else.
Kieran said:
You might like to ponder the virtue of ‘politeness.’ I have had occasion to draw your attention to this before! It is not weakness. One can be very forceful, as well as polite, when necessary. It is just the manifestation of an attitude of ‘respect’ for another human being. (Until, of course, they prove themselves unworthy of respect.)
Hi Kieran
Judging from your recent posts, I would say that it wasn't Anart that was being rude. She's just speaking in a straightforward manner.

We often use the analogy of a house. This forum, for many here, is our "house". We don't go into someone else's house and change things around without first getting to know the "owners" and how they like things laid out. By the same token, if you please look at the forum rules, you will see the "rules of the house" there. Rudeness, sarcasm, flaming, isn't taken lightly here.

There's a reason for a search engine. Lots of people ask a lot of the same questions and it's difficult to run a "house" of this type and make any progress if the people in it are not on "the same page", so to speak. If we repeatedly answered the same questions over and over, we'd not get too far. Hence the REASON for the search engine.

Now before you go off attacking me for posting this, please re-read your responses and see where the moderators are coming from. I'm not attempting to be rude to you, just pointing out a couple of things. Your perception of being attacked is the furthest thing from reality. We are trying to reach a goal here. If you don't understand that goal, then perhaps you should acquaint yourself with it. It's like walking into a classroom halfway through the lesson and changing the subject to something already covered in the time before you got there. It's inconvenient to your fellow students, and shows a lack of consideration on your part for those who have already discussed and covered the issue. If you weren't here when it was covered, then you need to review past posts before interjecting.

The point being, practicing external consideration for all here.


Basic rules of netiquette:

Please note particularly number two under "Netiquette Basics"
"Research before asking"
Kieran said:
Thank you for your concern about my ‘developing discernment’. You actually have no idea about my level of discernment.
beau said:
Sarcasm and aggression. The post starts off already showing your state of mind.
Yes. It would be a thousand times better for Kieran to recognize his own reactive state of mind as a way to developing proper discernment, since, it will often happen that when we react to something we will project onto others what we don't see in ourselves, since by unconsciously projecting something within ourselves outwardly onto someone else we can then become more conscious of it by seeing it "out there." Seeing this in ourselves is a good way to begin to learn proper discernment! Concerning disinformation sites it is infinitely better to discern just what the real message this disinformation site is conveying amongst all the ‘glamour’ since such sites serve as a means of transmission to deliver these false messages.
Kieran said:
I have sometimes felt frustrated in that although I have become quite convinced that there is a truly ‘negative’ or ‘entropic’ conscious power operating within our world, as yet I have found it difficult to pinpoint or identify its structure and operation.
Yes, over 300000 years of STS domination will do that. Its kind of 'there', but can people "see" it?? Well, er, no.

Kieran said:
With the exception, of course, of spotting the blatantly lying, corrupt and perverted ‘on stage’ politicians and public ‘power-possessors.’
And do you blame them, it is afterall, its their 'stage'. And Oh what a 'stage' it is.

Kieran said:
We also talk about the 4%-6% psychopaths, and their seemingly natural ability to rise to the heights of control and power within our world – and then make the rest of us pay dearly! – and also the possible 50% of humanity who, as yet, may be soulless, or ‘organic portals.’
A quick question... If you were in a dark alley facing a threat who would you rather be with?

1. An Organic Portal
2. 3rd Density STS
4. 4th Density STS

Take your pick, and take your time. There's also the option of 2nd Density STS, but well...Do you really think they'd come to your aide after all the others 'weren't good enough ', including STO help (who were probably trying to tell you not to go there in the first place)? Your choice and your reality. See what it is? Your choices, your reality.

Kieran said:
But aside from pinpointing certain individuals and targeting particular institutions I have not felt that I could see the cyclic flow of evil taking ‘soul-energy’ out of mankind down into the abyss – annihilation of ‘self-consciousness’ and human spiritual potential.
Its your choice and it is between STO and STS. You make it for yourself and you do not make it for others. I suppose as long as people are clear on that.

Kieran said:
I was brought back to these thoughts after reading Laura’s essay around a book entitled ‘Darkness Over Tibet’ by Theodore Illion

The article and the book excerpts made such an impression on me that I immediately ordered ‘Darkness Over Tibet’ from Amazon, and also its prequel ‘In Secret Tibet.’ I read them both in two days.

Obviously we are all different and at differing stages of ‘soul growth’, so that what makes a dramatic impression on one of us may leave another quite unmoved. This, however, is the passage which really jolted me into sitting up and paying attention – and sent me over to Amazon to order Theodore Illion’s books! It records a conversation between Theodore and a young Tibetan girl.

"Are you never attacked by animals?"

"Seldom, " I answered. "The animals which are on the rising branch of life are very kind to me. I do not think even a lion would attack me, although I never met one. I have had very pleasant experiences, though, with bears and some other so-called wild animals."
Ah yes, choices: yours and others; between STS and STO.

The really funny thing is, that people from an STS background think that once they 'chose' STO the 'work' stops, but it really doesn't. It just begins. Service to Others means just that... and "Others" can be of any .... 'persuasion'...
Kieran said:
I think the same ‘evil’ (‘entropic force’) is – and has been – called by many names.
And the really 'hard' thing is to see the difference between entropic and.... what ever the other one is..... expansive; ...or something?

Seems to be really hard on this planet.
Ruth said:
A quick question... If you were in a dark alley facing a threat who would you rather be with?

1. An Organic Portal
2. 3rd Density STS
4. 4th Density STS

Take your pick, and take your time.
Again Ruth, I have to ask, what knowledge do you hold that enables you to make such a choice? That you posed the question implies that you can make that choice, based on the knowledge you have acquired.

And why would any of the above choices be more or less of a threat than the other two?

Please enlighten us.
Hello Ruth

I knew there had to be openness and reason here somewhere.

I will reply soon … if I am allowed … to your post.

Some real-time probs for me to deal with at the moment.

Don’t be too alarmed by mudrabbit … he thinks he lives in a nice house … probably in the ‘briar patch!’

Kieran said:
Don’t be too alarmed by mudrabbit … he thinks he lives in a nice house … probably in the ‘briar patch!’
Forum rule #1: Don't maliciously harass people, or flame them, or really make them want to flame you. If the moderators detect malice or manipulativeness (and they ARE experienced), and invitations to overcome such issues does not result in resolution, you will be deleted.

What you wrote is a completely manipulative statement. Don't try to drag another member into it. Baiting forum members with subtle aggressiveness will not be tolerated.
beau said:
Kieran said:
Don’t be too alarmed by mudrabbit … he thinks he lives in a nice house … probably in the ‘briar patch!’
Forum rule #1: Don't maliciously harass people, or flame them, or really make them want to flame you. If the moderators detect malice or manipulativeness (and they ARE experienced), and invitations to overcome such issues does not result in resolution, you will be deleted.

What you wrote is a completely manipulative statement. Don't try to drag another member into it. Baiting forum members with subtle aggressiveness will not be tolerated.
Kieran, when your emotions aren't running the show, you write very good posts. But you deteriorate into paranoia the instant anyone does not completely agree with you. I hope that's not pathological. So, either get a grip on your emotions or take a time out. If you can't do either, the moderators can do it for you.
Hey K - I hope you take what the mod's say to heart, they're really a great bunch. I just wanted to recommend this article:

It talks about Organic Portals, which I think, may have something to do with the title of your original post - how entropic forces coordinate.

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