Hi, I'll really really appreciate to much if somebody can reccomend me what to do, or what to read. Just in case if is not just a simple misunderstood from my interpretations of things that I can understand, I mean, maybe I can be wrong, sorry I don't have any reference or study about poltergeist phenomenon for to do an accurate analysis of the situation
Actually I never seen anything relate before of this phenomenon utill 2 years ago, I was pregnant, I was alone just standing in the kitchen in front the sink, nightime, and I saw an empty plastic bottle floting and rotating for more than 5 seconds next to the electrical conection no more than 3 cms up of the kitchen benchtop, my reaction wasn't fear, just in a bit of shock, I left the kitchen and I was towards to find my huspend in the garage, this was really clear, I wasn't drinking or medication, drugs, anything, just I saw that.
Then I got in a few times those blurred perception during sleeping about some kind of shadow in front the bed, but, that always maybe, can be something else. Also one of the electric toys was running during early morning in a couple times.
[Excuse me if this is a bit out of context or maybe another topic] Is just because I wondering if the Iodine detox, can improve the perception or maybe is the brain producing wird efects.
Around 5 years ago I was searching for the best diet due my digestion problems and I found the paleo diet working really well in my metabolis, also I start with the Iodine protocol, during pregnancy until nowdays.
Around the first year with Iodine detox- sometimes I heard some words inside me, with obscene words, come in to my mind, from nothing, no tv, no radio, just I feel so strange, I try to ignore, no put my energie to think about it.
Now my litte daugther is 2 years old, now she can speak, and sometimes she coming from the lounge -room come to me overwelming and screming mommy the "ghost", I try to link this to the halloween videos, that sometimes runing on youtube kids videos, but somethig really crepy is the aliens cartoons- greys- showing in some kids video, but I start to see more weird things mostly in the kitchen area.
Sorry I'll really really appreciate to much if somebody can reccomend me what to do, or what to read,
I don't know what can I do, I was former in a catholic religion, but I don't really practice now, I heard about to talk with a candle in name of Jesus to the energy to talk and said that need to leave the place, but I don't know if this can be effective....this situation became really annoying...
(Sorry if my english is not fluid, exactly now I have problems with google translate, thats so weird !!!!)
Actually I never seen anything relate before of this phenomenon utill 2 years ago, I was pregnant, I was alone just standing in the kitchen in front the sink, nightime, and I saw an empty plastic bottle floting and rotating for more than 5 seconds next to the electrical conection no more than 3 cms up of the kitchen benchtop, my reaction wasn't fear, just in a bit of shock, I left the kitchen and I was towards to find my huspend in the garage, this was really clear, I wasn't drinking or medication, drugs, anything, just I saw that.
Then I got in a few times those blurred perception during sleeping about some kind of shadow in front the bed, but, that always maybe, can be something else. Also one of the electric toys was running during early morning in a couple times.
[Excuse me if this is a bit out of context or maybe another topic] Is just because I wondering if the Iodine detox, can improve the perception or maybe is the brain producing wird efects.
Around 5 years ago I was searching for the best diet due my digestion problems and I found the paleo diet working really well in my metabolis, also I start with the Iodine protocol, during pregnancy until nowdays.
Around the first year with Iodine detox- sometimes I heard some words inside me, with obscene words, come in to my mind, from nothing, no tv, no radio, just I feel so strange, I try to ignore, no put my energie to think about it.
Now my litte daugther is 2 years old, now she can speak, and sometimes she coming from the lounge -room come to me overwelming and screming mommy the "ghost", I try to link this to the halloween videos, that sometimes runing on youtube kids videos, but somethig really crepy is the aliens cartoons- greys- showing in some kids video, but I start to see more weird things mostly in the kitchen area.
Sorry I'll really really appreciate to much if somebody can reccomend me what to do, or what to read,
I don't know what can I do, I was former in a catholic religion, but I don't really practice now, I heard about to talk with a candle in name of Jesus to the energy to talk and said that need to leave the place, but I don't know if this can be effective....this situation became really annoying...
(Sorry if my english is not fluid, exactly now I have problems with google translate, thats so weird !!!!)