how to deal possible Poltergeists phenomenon with your kids

Sorry to hear about your troubles, jess! In my experience, the iodine detox can cause some pretty intense emotional experiences. One thing is the 'blue mood' or depression that is often reported, but another more weird symptom, that I've also experienced, is the 're-experiencing' of past – often suppressed – events and memories. So, the iodine protocol might be one reason for the 'words in your head' etc.

You talk about other weird things happening in the kitchen area, can you elaborate?

I can imagine it being difficult to deal with this yourself, let alone to explain to your daughter what's going on. I'd suggest that to the degree that it's possible, try not to 'feed' your daughter with too dramatic theories. Perhaps not tell her about all the 'floating bottles'? It's a difficult balance – you don't want to worry and traumatize your kid, but at the same time you need to be very aware if she's having any weird experiences of her own. Approaching the things with humor might help.

I'm sure @Laura and others can suggest some protective measures (e.g. salting) and how to do them. Have you done any EE-meditation? I think that could balance things a bit.

Good luck, and keep us informed about how you're doing! :hug2:
Hi aragorn, thanks, maybe the Iodine detox is showing up my old repressions, I grow up in a catholic formation, and I remeber that feeling that they traid to make you guilty for many things, or even about your own body, instead to promote understanding to gain knowledge.
Actually my daugther is taken Iodine, suplements and kind of paleo-diet too.... Yes mainly I try to guide my baby to speak high to say: "go away monster, ghost, or similar things... and no, no, no go away....."
I would like to know who meditate, just I do a kind of personal prayers every morning- night is posible....

thanks :-)👍
I taught my children, "Go away monster, you're not welcome here." I made it a point to always believe what they say about anything that scares them so that they know they can tell me about it, and to call for me or come to me if they're scared. If they see something, I ask them to show me and describe what they saw. If they hear something, I ask if they still hear it and what does it sound like. I've told them that they can get angry and fight the monsters too, because fear gives the monsters strength, and to never invite them in or play with them.
Hi hat, thanks, yes I do something similar, I almost always looking what she's doing or playing, I'll try everything posible to protect her.... is really a horrible jungle of dark energies out there and here, I never saw those news because I didn't have childs before, but now, I was looking in some articules how many children are missing or horribles crimes perpetrated by psychopaths..... bad....
I feel a mountain of responsibility with her, I'm caring her diet, and learning of alphabet- numbers, manners, etc, but I'm not pretty sure how to guide my daughter about the light side and evil, I remember I read something really good that I make for my own learning, from Laura's text or Cassiopaeia about pay atention at your feelings can guiade you, or distinguise the emotions
It could also be an earth bound entity who (for any number of reasons) doesn’t want to or know how to go to the light (ie 5th density). I remember coming across this example in the Cs sessions

Cs session date: 11 June 2011

Ths Cs always say that knowledge protects, so increasing that and applying it consistently will be your best protection. I’d also be careful what I’d let your toddler watch on YouTube. The other thing you could do is move furniture around, clean and smudge your house and place salt to protect your home from residual negative energies. Psychic hygiene is important, IMO. As for the little one, try and be as calm as you can be so as not to alarm her. Mental blocking (kinda like Gandalf’s ‘You shall not pass!’ moment in LOTR) with righteous anger might help scare off unwanted critters too.
thanks learn is the key!!!!, thanks so much for reply
Hi jess,

you've received good feedback already. I just want to add an anecdote from my family. In my parent's house, a couple of years ago, there was also a ghost. My mother was the one who felt its presence and also saw it moving around. Back then, she and I had a couple of conversations, since experiencing it made her feel scared. I basically told her not to be fearful and use anger and clear statements instead (something along the lines of 'This is my house now, leave'), since it seemed to be an earthbound spirit, who might have lived in the house prior to my parents buying it, and was either not realizing its state of having left its body, or was not yet willing to leave.

Then, one day very early in the morning, she was awoken by one of her dog's barking (the dog slept beside her on the floor). She opened her eyes and saw some sort of shadowy figure standing in front of her - and it hit her on the arm (i.e., she felt it physically). She reacted instinctively without thinking and hit back. Well, and that was the end of it. Since then, there were no more feelings nor sightings of this presence.

I agree with others that praying for help in removing the presence is recommendable. Do you happen to use the Prayer of the Soul by Laura already? There are also translations into different languages available here. Also, have you started practising Eiriu Eolas already? This is a very helpful breathing and meditation program, which supports us on various levels: emotionally, mentally and also physically and spiritually.

Additionally to the smudging and prayers, you can use coarse salt and sprinkle it along all the walls, corners and window sills in your home, while carrying the intent to clean your home of all negative entities/spirits/energies and ask DCM for helping you with that (the salt crystals should capture all detrimental energies). After about 24 hours, you sweep up the salt again. Remember to not feed into any fears. All that, and working on increasing your knowledge and awareness should do the trick.
As Alejo said, strengthening your knowledge base is the main thing. The Cs keep repeating 'Knowledge protects', so do start reading on the topic and related threads in this forum. Among other things, it will help you deal with whatever fear or anxiety that thing is causing. It is often the thing we don't know that distresses us the most.

Something else comes to mind. Where I am from it is kind of popular knowledge that if you want a 'ghost' to go away, you should shout insults and bad words at it. I'm not saying that necessarily works or that you should do that, but there may be some truth to that. It seems to me that by doing that, people activate an emotional response of anger strong enough to 'push away' an entity; that is to say, to vigorously make the point that you do not accept their presence in your life. With that in mind, there is this fragment from the Cs, recently quoted in a different thread (hat tip @goyacobol ):

Session 3 January 2009:

So assuming that this poltergeist is caused by an entity and not something like a 'life force aura burst' as the Cs put it, maybe try to focus your feelings into righteous anger whenever it manifests.

One more idea. The Cs have also suggested in the past that the awareness, thoughts and intentions of people towards our loved ones do help protect them (eg. when praying for them). So if you keep on checking in with the forum, the mere thoughts of those reading you may help. And you could always request actual prayers from us. And you can pray yourself. I don't see how that could hurt! ;)

Good luck Jess, for you and your family!
thank you very much for your healing thoughts, thanks :)
Hi jess,

you've received good feedback already. I just want to add an anecdote from my family. In my parent's house, a couple of years ago, there was also a ghost. My mother was the one who felt its presence and also saw it moving around. Back then, she and I had a couple of conversations, since experiencing it made her feel scared. I basically told her not to be fearful and use anger and clear statements instead (something along the lines of 'This is my house now, leave'), since it seemed to be an earthbound spirit, who might have lived in the house prior to my parents buying it, and was either not realizing its state of having left its body, or was not yet willing to leave.

Then, one day very early in the morning, she was awoken by one of her dog's barking (the dog slept beside her on the floor). She opened her eyes and saw some sort of shadowy figure standing in front of her - and it hit her on the arm (i.e., she felt it physically). She reacted instinctively without thinking and hit back. Well, and that was the end of it. Since then, there were no more feelings nor sightings of this presence.

I agree with others that praying for help in removing the presence is recommendable. Do you happen to use the Prayer of the Soul by Laura already? There are also translations into different languages available here. Also, have you started practising Eiriu Eolas already? This is a very helpful breathing and meditation program, which supports us on various levels: emotionally, mentally and also physically and spiritually.

Additionally to the smudging and prayers, you can use coarse salt and sprinkle it along all the walls, corners and window sills in your home, while carrying the intent to clean your home of all negative entities/spirits/energies and ask DCM for helping you with that (the salt crystals should capture all detrimental energies). After about 24 hours, you sweep up the salt again. Remember to not feed into any fears. All that, and working on increasing your knowledge and awareness should do the trick.
Thank you very much for your anecdote, everything is making me very helpful, I have felt from several months ago something is trying to drain my energy, it seems that I must be firm and strong if I do not want to become food for others beings, ... many thank you very much
Hi Jess,

One thing I'd try that may or may not help with poltergeist phenomena but that helped me is turning off any WiFi signals in the house and switching to ethernet cables. In the house I used to live in, my bedroom was just above the garage, and the garage opener was just below my bed by a few feet. I didn't know at the time, but it was hooked up to the WiFi in the house and sending/receiving signals all the time. I struggled to fall asleep, couldn't relax at all in bed, would have so many negative thoughts at night and strange dreams/nightmares with periodic feelings of a foreboding presence in the bedroom. Once I found out about the garage opener, switched bedrooms to the end of the house and almost immediately the nightmares and feelings of a presence stopped.

Not long after, I was talking to someone who said his son was having nightmares and saying the same thing about a presence being in the room with him at night. So I suggested the same thing, switch off his WiFi and modem entirely before going to bed, put any cellphones on airplane mode and unplug any electrical equipment near his son. When I talked to him a few days later he said the nightmares/presence with his son stopped that very night. FWIW..
I would like to know who meditate, just I do a kind of personal prayers every morning- night is posible....

You might be interested in the Eiriu Eolas program that Aragorn was mentioning, take a look here;

It’ll help you with relaxation and alertness, when dealing with some of the things you’re describing I think you need both :)
Hi Jess,

One thing I'd try that may or may not help with poltergeist phenomena but that helped me is turning off any WiFi signals in the house and switching to ethernet cables. In the house I used to live in, my bedroom was just above the garage, and the garage opener was just below my bed by a few feet. I didn't know at the time, but it was hooked up to the WiFi in the house and sending/receiving signals all the time. I struggled to fall asleep, couldn't relax at all in bed, would have so many negative thoughts at night and strange dreams/nightmares with periodic feelings of a foreboding presence in the bedroom. Once I found out about the garage opener, switched bedrooms to the end of the house and almost immediately the nightmares and feelings of a presence stopped.

Not long after, I was talking to someone who said his son was having nightmares and saying the same thing about a presence being in the room with him at night. So I suggested the same thing, switch off his WiFi and modem entirely before going to bed, put any cellphones on airplane mode and unplug any electrical equipment near his son. When I talked to him a few days later he said the nightmares/presence with his son stopped that very night. FWIW..
Hi Turgon, thanks so much, yes I'll try most as posible, I have a situation, my partner doesn't believe any phenomenon and any religion,
I feel a lot responsibility for my daughter, my little tresure....maybe to pray for him, or maybe find the best practical solution in any term,
really thanks for your recomendation.
Hi Jess. Turgon offered very good advice on unplugging wifi and turning off cellphones and perhaps unnecessary electrical equipment. Many beings are attracted to this energy and most likely makes it easier for them to appear and/or intrude into your surroundings. They can set electronic toys off but you might also note if this happens when you turn on your stove burners, if they have an electronic ignition....that can set the toys off too.

I have the ability to see ghosts and other things but do not go out of my way to engage with them. My son has the same ability....maybe stronger than mine....and we had a long stretch where a shadow person hung around him with alarming persistence. I advised him to tell it, "You do not have my permission to be here." When he was older and more verbal, I asked how this worked. He said that it didn't go away completely but that it did stay further away from him.

Your daughter is very young and I would advise letting her sleep near you until you get this settled. It's my opinion that children, especially small ones, need their parents protective presence, particularly at night.

From reading your intial post, I feel that you may have some unresolved fears or worries and this can draw disincarnated humans to you. They can follow you around looking for attachment because something you are expressing is in tune with why they still hang around.

Try not to feel fear and do not talk about it to your child unless she comes to you.

I might have more to say as I think on this.
Hi Jess. Turgon offered very good advice on unplugging wifi and turning off cellphones and perhaps unnecessary electrical equipment. Many beings are attracted to this energy and most likely makes it easier for them to appear and/or intrude into your surroundings. They can set electronic toys off but you might also note if this happens when you turn on your stove burners, if they have an electronic ignition....that can set the toys off too.

I have the ability to see ghosts and other things but do not go out of my way to engage with them. My son has the same ability....maybe stronger than mine....and we had a long stretch where a shadow person hung around him with alarming persistence. I advised him to tell it, "You do not have my permission to be here." When he was older and more verbal, I asked how this worked. He said that it didn't go away completely but that it did stay further away from him.

Your daughter is very young and I would advise letting her sleep near you until you get this settled. It's my opinion that children, especially small ones, need their parents protective presence, particularly at night.

From reading your intial post, I feel that you may have some unresolved fears or worries and this can draw disincarnated humans to you. They can follow you around looking for attachment because something you are expressing is in tune with why they still hang around.

Try not to feel fear and do not talk about it to your child unless she comes to you.

I might have more to say as I think on this.
Hi Zzartemis, sure, most likely a lot things to learn and resolve, I'm probably dragging many things without understanding since my adolescence.... how boring could be if is nothing to learn or wonder....
I'm from Mexico, and there there is strong catholic tradition mixed with superstition, and always I tried to avoid to fall in that border line or blurred line between imagination and superstition. I always thought it was my imagination or just stressful dreams, or maybe something wrong in my interpretation, but now it is very clear that it is something external or maybe myself screeming to pay attention to acting.
Unfortunately I have a 5G tower on some streets near my apartment, so I think I should do my best as posible to keep clean around me.
thanks so much for your commentaries
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