Hi aragorn, thanks, maybe the Iodine detox is showing up my old repressions, I grow up in a catholic formation, and I remeber that feeling that they traid to make you guilty for many things, or even about your own body, instead to promote understanding to gain knowledge.Sorry to hear about your troubles, jess! In my experience, the iodine detox can cause some pretty intense emotional experiences. One thing is the 'blue mood' or depression that is often reported, but another more weird symptom, that I've also experienced, is the 're-experiencing' of past – often suppressed – events and memories. So, the iodine protocol might be one reason for the 'words in your head' etc.
You talk about other weird things happening in the kitchen area, can you elaborate?
I can imagine it being difficult to deal with this yourself, let alone to explain to your daughter what's going on. I'd suggest that to the degree that it's possible, try not to 'feed' your daughter with too dramatic theories. Perhaps not tell her about all the 'floating bottles'? It's a difficult balance – you don't want to worry and traumatize your kid, but at the same time you need to be very aware if she's having any weird experiences of her own. Approaching the things with humor might help.
I'm sure @Laura and others can suggest some protective measures (e.g. salting) and how to do them. Have you done any EE-meditation? I think that could balance things a bit.
Good luck, and keep us informed about how you're doing!
Actually my daugther is taken Iodine, suplements and kind of paleo-diet too.... Yes mainly I try to guide my baby to speak high to say: "go away monster, ghost, or similar things... and no, no, no go away....."
I would like to know who meditate, just I do a kind of personal prayers every morning- night is posible....