How to prepare for the coming Ice Age?

Yes, you can sell sugar. It's not a moral issue. Sugar is not a deadly poison.
People definitely like sugar. Some is needed for fermentation purposes. It is inexpensive and lasts forever if sealed. In truly hard times, focus is more on sanitation, potable water and adequate caloric intake than on optimal nutrition. A basic multivitamin might be good for barter in hard times.
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Yes, you can sell sugar. It's not a moral issue. Sugar is not a deadly poison.
But it may be if you use it too much or over long period of time. Even if I buy it and sell it later on, before I do that I would probably tell everyone individually that I do not use it and it is not healthy in my opinion. However, thanks for reply.
But it may be if you use it too much or over long period of time. Even if I buy it and sell it later on, before I do that I would probably tell everyone individually that I do not use it and it is not healthy in my opinion. However, thanks for reply.

So in a crisis situation, where food supply is short and people are resorting to buying or trading things like sugar, you think it would be on anyone's mind to discuss the pros and cons of sugar consumption or that anyone would care about your personal opinion on the amount of sugar you think is appropriate, or whether or not you use it?
So in a crisis situation, where food supply is short and people are resorting to buying or trading things like sugar, you think it would be on anyone's mind to discuss the pros and cons of sugar consumption or that anyone would care about your personal opinion on the amount of sugar you think is appropriate, or whether or not you use it?
Some of them, or all of them may not care about my personal opinion, indeed, that is okay. It was not their opinion that concerned me.

Thing is that in case where you do not have food to eat and you find a few kg of sugar in your home, obviously, what can you do ?

But I was planning to buy certain amount of sugar to earn on them, by selling or exchange while everything still did not collapse, in order to get food or items I need. As we can understand, situation will probably not develop where in one moment everything is fine and in the other there is all in fire.

First few months prices may jump 10x or 20x before situation starts to deteriorate further.
First few months prices may jump 10x or 20x before situation starts to deteriorate further.
I'd be more concerned about meat prices skyrocketing rather than sugar. Especially with the push for fake meat as well as softening people up in North America towards eating bugs and insects as a source of protein. One trip to a grocery store and you can buy several big bags of sugar that could probably last a decade depending on usage and have enough left over for trading.
So in a crisis situation, where food supply is short and people are resorting to buying or trading things like sugar, you think it would be on anyone's mind to discuss the pros and cons of sugar consumption or that anyone would care about your personal opinion on the amount of sugar you think is appropriate, or whether or not you use it?
I came across, this situation a couple of days or so ago, a man hauled a 20 lb bag of sugar to the check out, he was on the cell phone to his wife, but given it's canning season where I live, he told me he didn't know why his wife wanted so much sugar

Given, that the human brain for the vast majority lives on sugar, At this time, could be a valuable resource, if stored sustainably, it could be a valuable tool, to barter. Cant' remember the price, but considering the price of beef, it was cheap.
I'd be more concerned about meat prices skyrocketing rather than sugar. Especially with the push for fake meat as well as softening people up in North America towards eating bugs and insects as a source of protein. One trip to a grocery store and you can buy several big bags of sugar that could probably last a decade depending on usage and have enough left over for trading.
Um, to what extent are people around here prepping for food shortages?

I've been following Ice Age Farmer for a while - he's perceptive but analysis is often incomplete - I've been struggling to reconcile the content coming out of his videos with the relative absence of his stuff around here. My conclusion has been that he's a tad hyperbolic - and this bears out by looking at the ag commodities markets he doesn't cover - and then there's the knowledge that whatever hijinks the PTB get up to will backfire.

In a certain sense, past six months of stockpiling, maybe a spare chest freezer full of meat, establishing relationships with local ranchers... I'm just going to have faith and trust the universe, like prepping is pointless beyond what is necessary to keep your wits about you?
My take is that it's been intimated "to get your stuff". Remember when there was the talk of what is real money was examined?. .
Therefore those that somehow still think that the DCM is going to take the wheel and that will stave off any personal suffering ( we were told suffering was important) because the TPTB will be unsuccessful doesn't mean to me that the herd won't be put through the meat grinder during it's long drawn out implementation. Maybe the often used expression, " Those that fail to prepare are preparing to fail" should be heeded. Our ancestors understood such a thing was just part of life.
Um, to what extent are people around here prepping for food shortages?

I've been following Ice Age Farmer for a while - he's perceptive but analysis is often incomplete - I've been struggling to reconcile the content coming out of his videos with the relative absence of his stuff around here. My conclusion has been that he's a tad hyperbolic

The meat mafia and what we can expect:

My take is that it's been intimated "to get your stuff". Remember when there was the talk of what is real money was examined?. .
Therefore those that somehow still think that the DCM is going to take the wheel and that will stave off any personal suffering ( we were told suffering was important) because the TPTB will be unsuccessful doesn't mean to me that the herd won't be put through the meat grinder during it's long drawn out implementation. Maybe the often used expression, " Those that fail to prepare are preparing to fail" should be heeded. Our ancestors understood such a thing was just part of life.

Preparing is a continuum, going from 'totally unprepared' to 'basic storm preps' to 'off the grid self-sufficient homesteader' - where do you draw the line? I don't think we can escape suffering with prepping, only change the form the suffering comes in.

The meat mafia and what we can expect:

I fully expect the PTB to try "Great Reset" shenanigans targeting the food supply - this is why networking, organized local resistance, and knowing and supporting your local farmers is so important.
This was posted on SOTT this morning, the recent video from Ice Age Farmer, with information regarding impending food blackouts, mentioned in the UK and US media. One farmer stated there is no shortage of food, crops are waiting to be harvested throughout Europe, but because there are not enough agricultural workers to harvest, and also no enough trucks to transport crops will be destroyed in the fields.

In a certain sense, past six months of stockpiling, maybe a spare chest freezer full of meat, establishing relationships with local ranchers... I'm just going to have faith and trust the universe, like prepping is pointless beyond what is necessary to keep your wits about you?
Hi cinnamon, about what you say I have been practicing especially this last part that you mention now, especially in the attitude, and doing my best to store as much as possible.
It is a world of information, it seems it deserves its own area of study LOL, at first for me it was overwhelming the amount of videos especially on youtube of enthusiastic people sharing the way they store food, and at least one of the ideas in many videos, especially to discern which are more useful or safe in terms of long-term food storage.

A year ago I was quite concerned because I have a small daughter and especially thinking about how to be ready with everything I need, and while I was reading Laura de The Wave series of books, I came across this part:

And, speaking of transmissions, let’s get back to our interrupted session:
January 27, 1996
Q: (P) If I continue to pray, things will continue to get better?
A: Things will stay on their intended course.
Q: (P) Are you telling me that my life has been predestined?
A: No. If you continue to pray, there is no chance of your lessons being interrupted or deferred. Clarify.
Q: (P) Well, that sounds like it is going to continue, it is not going to stop.
A: No, clarify means to solidify your understanding of the answer.
Q: (P) Well, I don’t understand. (L) I think it is pretty clear that the things you are experiencing are part of the lessons.
A: Whatever that is … i.e.: que sera sera.
Q: (P) But then, we are back to pre-destiny?
A: No, lessons.
Q: (P) Well, how many damn lessons do you have to get?
A: As many “damn” lessons as you need!
At first it felt like a blow to my head, sure all those religious programs running in my head about doing prayer and like magic everything would change for the better, and a few months later, perhaps, after understanding this, I relaxed, changed my attitude and things started to flow more in a creative and accepting way about: "Whatever that is... i. e.: que sera sera ", I interpreted it to whatever is to come: chaos, zombies, ice age, etc. .... I better relax, do what I can and "Whatever that is ... i.e.: que sera sera sera..."....

Although this does not mean that I am not doing anything, I am preparing in my own way and as I can, maybe with a little humility I could accept that many things are not in my hands, that is, what has to be, will be.

I found some interesting sites - links on the internet
Beginner's guide to (sane) prepping

Say ‘NO’ to dry canning (not safe),unsafe%20process%20of%20'oven%20canning.

Granja de Guildbrook

Packing Your Food With Oxygen Absorbers

buckwheat bulk
Organic, non-GMO Food and Produce Delivered - Azure Standard

oils, essential oils, waxes, extracts and concentrates
About Us
Hi cinnamon, about what you say I have been practicing especially this last part that you mention now, especially in the attitude, and doing my best to store as much as possible.
It is a world of information, it seems it deserves its own area of study LOL, at first for me it was overwhelming the amount of videos especially on youtube of enthusiastic people sharing the way they store food, and at least one of the ideas in many videos, especially to discern which are more useful or safe in terms of long-term food storage.

A year ago I was quite concerned because I have a small daughter and especially thinking about how to be ready with everything I need, and while I was reading Laura de The Wave series of books, I came across this part:

And, speaking of transmissions, let’s get back to our interrupted session:

At first it felt like a blow to my head, sure all those religious programs running in my head about doing prayer and like magic everything would change for the better, and a few months later, perhaps, after understanding this, I relaxed, changed my attitude and things started to flow more in a creative and accepting way about: "Whatever that is... i. e.: que sera sera ", I interpreted it to whatever is to come: chaos, zombies, ice age, etc. .... I better relax, do what I can and "Whatever that is ... i.e.: que sera sera sera..."....

Although this does not mean that I am not doing anything, I am preparing in my own way and as I can, maybe with a little humility I could accept that many things are not in my hands, that is, what has to be, will be.

I found some interesting sites - links on the internet
Beginner's guide to (sane) prepping

Say ‘NO’ to dry canning (not safe),unsafe%20process%20of%20'oven%20canning.

Granja de Guildbrook

Packing Your Food With Oxygen Absorbers

buckwheat bulk
Organic, non-GMO Food and Produce Delivered - Azure Standard

oils, essential oils, waxes, extracts and concentrates
About Us
Couple of comments on above information. Be aware that Buckwheat is very high in oxalates. If you've a propensity to renal stones, consume in small doses.
Dry canning: It is easy to toast the jar contents this way. The idea is to kill any insect eggs, making the grains safer for storage. Also, vermin and insects cannot get into glass jars. When heated, air expands. That is going to reduce some Oxygen exposure of sealed contents, I would think. One could always use a vacuum sealer for the jars, and just check contents periodically for insect infestation. Bulk rice is very prone to insect infestation, in my experience. Dried legumes, I've never had a problem with.
I've had raccoons gnaw through heavy plastic buckets and go to town on all stored food contents. Those buggers seem to like coffee and oatmeal best.
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