The Positive/Negative Realms
of Higher Densities
In the higher densities, the name of the game is consciousness. This simply means that the higher densities of existence, whether positive or negative in orientation, all recognize that the business of being and existence everywhere is consciousness. Becoming more and more aware.
The difference is that the positive guys recognize consciousness as being an integrative activity of mutual networking and interdependence because they view all others as self, and therefore seek to help and assist because the others are self, in an absolute sense. In this way, absolute consciousness or God is glorified, if you wish to put it in those terms.
The control system, on the other hand, play the game in terms of domination, subjugation and absorption of other consciousness. But they too understand that the rules of the game posit that in order for them to truly consume into their being another consciousness, that this other must choose to become part of this self-aggrandizement. An unwilling food source is not as nutritious. If the consciousness does not choose, it becomes a poison to the consciousness that seeks to consume it.
So, we have to understand here that the true agenda of the negative realm is to consume consciousness. So, this actually prevents an overt take-over in literal, physical terms. If an invasion were detected, this would mean the veil would be lifted and all would see the “man behind the curtain”, would be disgusted and would turn away. Just as in the Wizard of Oz, those ruby slippers must be obtained very carefully!
Gathering the essence is an art of great subtlety. The agenda of the negative realm is in its purest sense stalking.
The aim of stalking is to create a completely controlled artificial environment composed of thoroughly predictable human behaviors. Behaviors made predictable because the humans have been programmed to respond to cues of conditioning, inculcated through centuries of lies and obfuscations presented in the form of religions. And all of this revolves around a story that is actually untrue, and wholly misrepresentative of the actual negative aim.
For centuries these programming signals have been being set up — either because of time travel capabilities, or because of actual historical presence. Various prophets or religious leaders have been influenced to preach, teach, or prophesy philosophies designed to lay a foundation for later take-over — possibly in our present time. When people begin to wisen up, those in the negative realm simply go back into the past, add something to the soup to adjust for the new awareness. This then acts as a domino effect and influences our present. Time loops and all that. A lot of people think that the alien invasion scenario is a ruse concocted by the government to create the impression that there is a forming “threat,” thereby enabling the institution of a New World Order. But, this idea is based on a misrepresentation of the process just described.
The important thing to remember is this: there is not a unified conspiratorial activity going on here in the hierarchy of government. The divide and conquer effect has also manifested at this level and suits the alien purposes to a tee. Such activity at all levels is consistent with their program of stalking, in which confusion and cross-purpose prevent a clear perception on the part of the stalkees.
Yet, at some deep level there may be a direct conspiratorial interaction between the secret government and the negative aliens … but it is unlikely that any name of those involved would be recognized by anyone, no matter how in the know they are regarding the subject. These secret superiors are just that: secret. Any organization you can name, or about which you are aware, are merely outer circles.
What is the designed objective of this stalking? It is two-fold. First, the effect of stalking is sort of like stampeding a herd of cattle. Bit by bit, they are consolidated into a negative mode that consists of the idea of “us vs. them”. Even though on the surface it may seem that this mode is positive or STO, (i.e., save the world because it is wrong or flawed, or blighted with original sin or whatever) the very fact that it is formed in the dominator mode of perceiving salvation outside, means that it can more easily be taken over in body, mind, and soul, at a level that is unseen and imperceptible. In other words: Satan can and most often does appear as an angel of light!
It is only at the lower levels of the power structure that many still believe they are playing out the basic antagonism and self-protection roles. They believe that sending love and light to those in need is appropriate, without realizing that this activity is predicated upon a deep belief that there is something wrong, in error, in rebellion, and thus becomes again, “us vs. them”.
There is evidence that extensive implant technology may be used to ensure influenced obedience; yet a degree of freedom must be conserved through the consciousness due to the essential fact that the valued commodity is consciousness. A completely drugged, surgically altered and thoroughly programmed psyche is only good for robotic service (and this may also be taking place, by the way). It is in this understanding that we find our way out of the trap. It isn’t easy, but it is a way.
The primary object of negative stalking is to persuade through strongly influenced but not robotic behavior pattern. For the free choice of the targeted consciousness to align with negative higher density existence. Because, in the long run, the object is the eating of functioning units of consciousness by the negative hierarchy, with free will intact. Otherwise, it is not good food.
And this is where physics comes in again … because the conserved element of true consciousness is the irreducible value of free will. The mind of the subject must retain free will, which distinguishes consciousness as such.
The instant the negative polarization is chosen as a result of true prerogative of free will, the subject functionally becomes a part of the higher density negative entity responsible for having induced the choice in the first place. And this is regardless of the deceptive means employed, or the persuasive misrepresentations used in conditioning the terms through which the fateful choice is made. In other words, confusion, physical, emotional and mental pain, exhaustion, blackmail, and even forms of torture are legitimate modes of persuasion. Of course, the more subtle the means used, the more value is retained.
A tortured consciousness is the equivalent to being overcooked. Many higher density negative entities are veritable connoisseurs. They particularly relish the subversion of those who are truly pure and strong willed.
There’s an immediate psychic bond in this relationship to the higher density negative entity; the handler of the human agent who is now a functional part of his new master, and, the negative hierarchy is proportionately enhanced with each induction of an additional member.
In other words: the negative hierarchy is a pyramidal food chain. The apex of the pyramid is comprised of the most persistent of negative graduates, the one who has stuck it out against every evidence of diminishment, and is the ultimate example of wishful thinking.
This ultimate wishful thinking means they cannot see that they do not become God by assimilation and control of others but that the real result is a gradual compaction, implosion, and dissolution into primal matter and Non-being.
And here is where physics comes in again to help us get a handle on this conflict:without duality, there would be no existence to discuss.
From the One there is bilateral emergence. Exactly one half joyfully seek life, creation, play, and exploration … a love of adventure of sorts. The other half expresses a fundamental fear of losing self in this play and exploration. This causes it to recoil upon itself and thus establishes the tension of polarization. This is the stuff of which the cosmos are constructed.
This can be more easily understood as “love of God through others,” i.e., by loving others unconditionally as God, since all are one, even though differentiated; as opposed to “Love of God through self”, i.e., believing that love of himself is love of God, therefore others must love him too.
The former view sees all others as self, and loves all and seeks to serve others. The latter sees only self and seeks to appropriate all others to self so as to restore equilibrium; to go back to the cosmic sleep of Oneness.
One analogy would be the difference between a free and adventurous child who is full of the sense of adventure as opposed to a child who wishes to own the mother and cling to her and incorporate her to himself, i.e., jealousy.
The love of God through self is in fact a state of consciousness that has existed from the very beginning of individuation and which covets attention for itself alone. This consciousness hates, fears and deeply distrusts creation, and just wants to effectively roll over and go back to sleep in eternal union with the One.
An important point here is: this negative consciousness arises from the self viewing self at the instant of creation and is therefore an integral part of creation. It cannot be separated from creation because it exists only due to positive creative inception. Neither can exist without the other. It’s that simple.
Negative consciousness — or darkness — is the selfness of creation. The gravity that draws all that exists back to itself. It is the aspect of the One involved in contemplation and rejection of creativity in its own heart. Frozen in that moment of vertigo; experienced at the outrush of creative energy.
And, because this state of consciousness occurs in conjunction with and precisely because of creative potential, and is in fact identified through that factor, it cannot be done away with without all returning to the One and just going back to sleep. Thus we see that the efforts to save the world via punishment of the wicked, or conversion to the light or spiritualizing matter with love, are all expressions of the fundamental desire to undo creation itself; to kill God. Through the idea that darkness is a rebellion, a fault, a thing to be done away with, the twist is introduced that lays the groundwork for domination and absorption. This is why, even though promulgated “Christian principles” seem to be good and uplifting and in fact can be, the fundamental raison is flawed and also expresses itself throughout Christian history in such ways as the many slaughters that have been instituted in the name of Christianity.
So the bottom line is: this other half of the all, this darkness born along with the creative upsurge, becomes focused on actualizing its own impulse. To undo creation. For it realizes that only then can it be at peace.
The only way it can achieve this ideal narcissistic withdrawal into itself in infinite self-contemplation is through reclaiming all attention and consciousness. This is in effect borrowed against the inconceivable magnitude of consciousness in cosmic sleep.
Darkness becomes, in effect, an incurable insomniac.
The consciousness of darkness feels that it must tear apart the creative fabric of existence, thereby liberating the units of energy involved in the creative functions and swallow them back into itself, erasing their differential properties and powers so as to restore the One as One.
However, this is not clearly seen at the lower densities until the masks are stripped away. The deepest implications of this are hidden by many veils. And even fourth and fifth density participants do not necessarily comprehend this ultimate dissolution. Much like the ultimate light eater preaching the gospel of devolution as though it were salvation.