Hurricane Helene Brings Catastrophic Flooding to US South

If they get the "short-term conditions of the atmosphere" so wrong for something they have so much data for - indeed, data which, if interpreted correctly, as only Joe appears to have done, should tell you a day or two before Milton makes landfall, that it's barely going to be a Cat 1 hurricane - then it hardly inspires confidence in those same people telling you what "the average daily weather for an extended period of time" is definitely going to be.

I understand where you are coming from, but then there is this: after reading the recent Cassiopaea substack, "Hurricanes, Weather Modification and 4D Battles", it occurred to me that we will never make super-accurate forecasts for more destructive weather phenomena, regardless of how powerful our supercomputers get. And this is because of the interaction between 4D and 3D. Our supercomputers are strictly material, strictly 3D, and as such do not account for the fact that the human experiential cycle intersects. For more mundane weather phenomena, like short-term "garden variety" rainfall/snowfall and temperature forecasts, forecasting accuracy will continue to improve as those phenomena are likely less influenced by non-3D factors, or so it seems to me.

Well, they're not very good at predicting long term climate change, and on this occasion, they weren't very good at predicting the weather. Both are an example of how emotional investment (for whatever reason) can completely derail the scientific mind.

Agreed; it's hard to argue otherwise.
Kind of weird, whether grass roots or manufactured, I would think that the gov would be making more out of this. We'll see.

US emergency workers ‘hunted by militia’ – WaPo​

"Federal employees responding to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in Rutherford County, North Carolina, were threatened last week by militias and had to temporarily pull out, the Washington Post reported on Sunday."

"National Guard claimed to have come across what they called “trucks of armed militia saying there [sic] were out hunting FEMA.”

“misinformation and rumors have made the recovery more difficult,” the reports stated, claiming that some locals were refusing to cooperate with federal officials."

"because they believe the stuff people are saying about FEMA"

"On Friday, President Joe Biden denounced “reckless, irresponsible, and relentless disinformation and outright lies”

It's like the show
Kind of weird, whether grass roots or manufactured, I would think that the gov would be making more out of this. We'll see.

US emergency workers ‘hunted by militia’ – WaPo​

"Federal employees responding to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in Rutherford County, North Carolina, were threatened last week by militias and had to temporarily pull out, the Washington Post reported on Sunday."

"National Guard claimed to have come across what they called “trucks of armed militia saying there [sic] were out hunting FEMA.”

“misinformation and rumors have made the recovery more difficult,” the reports stated, claiming that some locals were refusing to cooperate with federal officials."

"because they believe the stuff people are saying about FEMA"

"On Friday, President Joe Biden denounced “reckless, irresponsible, and relentless disinformation and outright lies”

Chris Langan mentions that this whole episode has some eery similarities to the show Outsiders.

Does anybody here have Internet TV? Of course many of you do. Currently on Tubi, there's a well-scripted, well-acted 2016-2017 WGN/TBC TV series called "Outsiders" that bears eerie resemblance to current events. My wife and I found it sufficiently engrossing to binge-watch it over dinner for a couple of weeks.…It's about a clan of intransigent all-White Scots-Irish Appalachian hillbillies living on a beautiful mountain in Eastern Kentucky overlooking the fictional town of Blackburg. Their community is tight and insular, holding up ancient traditions including the use of Celtic language and druidic "white witchcraft".

They don't like today's filthy monopoly money or the corrupt world it has fostered, and must therefore trade for their own special-recipe moonshine and/or take what they need in ATV raids on local stores, making them "criminals" (just as any White person who complains about the genocidal abuse of bankster monopoly money is classified as a criminal, specifically a "White Supremacist domestic terrorist").

The plot centers on the efforts of a nefarious coal company, greenly and globally named "One Planet", to remove the hillbillies and blow up their mountain in order to make several billion$ from the rich vein of coal beneath. When the refractory White hillbillies resist, their water and soil are poisoned by the coal company executives, resulting in misery and death. The series ends abruptly after two seasons, culminating with the destruction of a dam and resulting inundation of the towns and valleys below. The general idea seems to be that as soon as good upstanding Americans learn about the vicious measures employed by the globalist coal company, they will shut the mining operation down and let the ethnically cohesive, freedom-minded Whites exist in peace on the land they have inhabited for over 200 years.

Because the series is about White Americans potentially emerging victorious against the evil government-corporate public-private partnership of global fascisto-communism (GOG), it was abruptly cancelled after two seasons ... or at least that's what I assume was the reason, given that the producers evidently bent over backwards to comply with MSM/PC strictures by including an anomalous interracial love affair between one of the hillbillies and a black-girl townie.

The final scene is an unmistakeable smoking gun: one of the big, mean, tough-as-nails White hillbillies raises the clan's oaken sceptre over his head and snaps it over his knee, declaring that this vile symbol of White power has caused all of their problems and must be forever broken! One gets a sneaky impression that some disgruntled media mogul, having noticed the possibility that the series would boost White morale, decided to make a final declaration of eternal enmity toward Whitey and White culture before stamping out the series like a threatening, highly contagious mind-virus.

And little wonder. For now here we are, with the predominantly White mountain people of South Carolina and Tennessee being wiped out by flooding due to dam failures following Hurricane Helene, quite possibly the result of meteorological engineering by the "US" global occupation government (which I call GOG instead of ZOG due to the involvement of many self-professed non-Zionists) in cahoots with Albemarle and other members of a globalistic (BlackRock) lithium and quartz-mining investment consortium.

It almost looks as though the series was quashed for being too suggestive of soon-to-be real-world events designed to realize new battery technology supporting the eternal lockdown of Whitey by robotic AI golems containing lots of nifty little quartz microchips. Trust the GOG to make sure that the catastrophic horrors it unleashes on mankind outdo even the most outrageous conspiracy-minded teevee series on its proprietary Bernaysian boob-tube mind-control devices. By all means, feel free to don your GOGgles and have a watch some time. By modern standards, this about as good as a fictional television series can get.
Wow. I heard last week about a FEMA agent getting a beating by some local/s, but don't know if true. I think the thing to watch is land is land grabbing, perhaps facilitated by banks due to debt situations.
Around here, after the Hurricane Floyd flood, I think people were paid something for their property, so no one would build there again. 3 of my near relatives had to leave in this way. Another is still dealing with unbelievably convoluted and non-sensical FEMA stuff. Example: funds granted to a contractor to raise the house, but only by 24". The water came in at 48"! She wants to pay extra herself for additional lift, but the contractor is prohibited to do any beyond 24" since he is under contract with FEMA and his work will be inspected to the letter of that contract before payment issued. :(
I don't have time to look at this now but here is a thread on X discussing this. Another bizarre quirk.
Here's one really good response on X to this story from someone who is on the ground:


I have been on the ground for over a week now. As I move from airfield to airfield and town to town, all heavily impacted by Hurricane Helene, I have met more men and women wearing side arms than I have not. All peaceful and helping their fellow Americans.

I have guns with me too. Does that make us militia? According to Wikipedia, Militia is defined as follows: noun1-a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. "creating a militia was no answer to the army's manpower problem" 2-a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities in opposition to a regular army. 3-historical (in the US) all able-bodied citizens eligible by law to be called on to provide military service supplementary to the regular armed forces.

From what I have learned about this regime, they are doing everything possible to not help Americans. Instead their actions seem to be that of attempting to foment a civil war, so that they can declare martial law and shut down the country, as they really do not want an election. They have been pushing the white nationalist theme for a while now. That evidence is clear.

The local people here wanted help from the good military. The men and women from Ft. Bragg were ready to help immediately. They were delayed per their command. Now under the threat of "militia" the 101st Airborne and 20th Engineer Brigade are pulling up after only a week because they are concerned about militia?


Sorry, not sorry for the sarcasm, but this smells like a set up.
The militia threat is a scam, its made MSM and its being passed around. Here's an update from Shoe whom I posted earlier. No evidence militias doing anything. Feds dressed in full military gear are around and its a mystery what thats all about, a response to the so called militias?. He seems ok not a spook.

This report is possibly where this militia scare originated.

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Short video worth watching on what a charity dispatcher is seeing in WNC. I short there is still a lot of need and will be for a long time, and no surprise that the media is covering it. Also, requests for a large number of body bags, which indicates that the death toll is much higher than reported.

This is absolutely HORRIFIC. I literally just cried my eyes out listening to this lady and I can’t stop crying.

She is in Western North Carolina and wants to let us know what is actually happening there because the News is NOT covering it.

She’s in charge of dispatch and operations and all the leads are coming into her and she’s vetting everything. She said this will be going on for months and she will be helping them until that community is rebuilt and they are no longer needed. She’s also worry that people will forget about North Carolina.

The fact is she’s been assisting with the running missions and dispatch for an operations team. They’ve been running 70 missions a day getting help to the people who are NOT getting help right now. This is FIRST HAND knowledge, the death toll of 200ish that’s being reported is NOT accurate. Her organization sent out 10,000 body bags to local authorities this week and they are requesting more. They have spoken to the funeral homes and the refrigeration trucks that they’ve brought in and there’s 1,000 in this town and 800 in another town and 500 in another and they are finding more bodies every day, this is an ongoing process. They have cadaver dogs and med teams going out and it’s not only deaths from this storm, but deaths since the storms.

PLEASE listen to her whole video because she tells you exactly what they are doing and how they’re helping and also how we can help because the need is so high. PLEASE help if possible [...]

I started listening to the Randall Carlson vid now on Sott, and it's a bit disconcerting. He seems to be advocating citizen pushback against FEMA's either gross incompetence or deliberate interference with disaster relief. He stresses that no one is being allowed to provide clothing to the disaster victims who simply don't have any clothes other than what's on their backs. Plus, winter clothing is going to be needed soon as well. Here in the Columbus, OH, area, temps will be close to freezing tonight and the next couple of nights, so I imagine it could be getting quite cold in NC as well.

Here's a comment to the article that may be hitting the nail on the head:
Uh-oh. This is exactly what the govt wants - to justify martial law tactics. Randall Carlson has got to keep his head and realize that people who listen to him are being set up. The best thing good-hearted people can do is to martial public opinion, and make FEMA look VERY bad. Yes, people are suffering horribly, and yes, another goal is to get them off their land, but if people are incited to directly challenge FEMA's actions and demands, the result will be even more mayhem and death - plus good people being demonized and jailed by the lapdog media. THINK JAN 6th. This is another setup.

Where is North Carolina's governor and its National Guard? They should be in charge and ensuring that aid is being delivered and all help from the outside is being utilized. Ron DeSantis is doing that job for Florida and making clear he is in charge, not FEMA! And that's the way it should be for every state.
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