Hurricane Helene Brings Catastrophic Flooding to US South

Exactly. In the context of human life on this planet, nature and natural processes are infinitely more powerful (and way more awe inspiring) than the machinations of a secret elite. So I find the inclination of some members here to default to "secret govt. weapons" a bit strange.
In my defense, I did as a kid watch the skies as the government cloud-seeded our town during a drought and it did initiate some rainfall; and also, that government weather document I linked to from the 70's was pretty compelling, especially once I started double-checking some of the events they claimed occurred and I "verified" them by reading old newspaper articles from the areas affected by their "magic".

Looking at it now with fresh eyes I see that most of those weather events supposedly created by government programs were quite local in effect; usually involved messing with existing weather patterns; and were really inefficient overall. And most of the "events" in that document I could not actually find corroboration for.

So, all these claims the government is able to control the weather to any significant degree have to be taken with a grain of salt, remembering that governments will always try to claim that they are in fact in control of almost everything and FEAR THEM!!

And we see this all the time, as governments claim:

- "Chemtrails" are their creation and not, in actuality, mostly micrometeorites and comet dust
- "Fracking" is a main source of earthquakes rather than natural processes
- "Man-made diseases" are the main cause of illnesses rather than nature
- "Nukes/HAARP cause tsunamis and earthquakes" instead of nature
- "Nukes" will be blamed for future comet and asteroid impacts
- "Most big fires are caused by DEW's" though most are of natural origin (or arson) add geoengineering weather events to that list.

There is truth that government entities can indeed cause some of those events at a small scale, but they are all bush-leaguer's when compared to Mother Nature.

I haven't seen this posted yet, but it turns out Ben Davidson ("Suspicious Observers") actually sees a lot of what we so here concerning HAARP and weather warfare. If only he would consider that major Earth disaster events are comet-related and not solar "micronovas"...

They couldn't get Milton at all correct - despite it being right there in front of them and observable from multiple angles and datapoints - yet they've convinced billions that they know how the global climate's going to be a century from now!

To be fair, climate is not weather, and predicting climate uses vastly different methods than predicting weather. Just because an organisation is good/bad at predicting climate does not necessarily mean they will be good/bad at predicting weather.

And Joe was referencing the data collected by the NWS after the fact, which they still do a pretty good job of.
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