i feel weird

abstract said:
The ONLY reason i work at a donut shop is because that was the job availible at the time, and i was desperate to re-establish a cash flow.
Actually, it's funny, my mother works there too, she helped me get the job.

why would i work in a donut shop to induce conscious suffering? Makes no sense. :lol:

My reasoning was that one could fall into the trap of thinking that struggling against a sugar addiction (even if it is only psychological) while working in a donut shop could be a form of conscious suffering... though I think it is more kamikaze... The point I was trying to make is that over the long term, working in a place where you are exposed on a daily basis to that stuff is making it harder on yourself than it needs to be. Yes, I am certain you have days where it is easy to resist the sugar. But then there are days where it isn't so easy, where that little voice of temptation will say, "Ah, you've been so good this week. Just have one..."

At least that is my experience. :)

I have been kind of wanting a day schedule, but alas, i quite enjoy being awake while the rest of the people sleep. It's quiet. There is less traffic, etc.

I completely understand and had exactly the same reasons for living at night: it's quiet, no traffic, no people. Trouble is, there are some important physiological reasons for getting to bed before midnight, processes in your body that won't happen if you are awake. It is a difference that I feel if I stay up late a few days in a row.
Aaron said:
Aragorn said:
Aaron said:
I even had an argument with my wife a week ago and I felt like I was seriously going to lose it (by which I mean say something I would later regret) but I didn't. I was able to take a deep breath and somehow, someway, made it through it without feeling embarrassed with myself afterwards.
Hi Aaron. I've been struggling a lot with this type of reactive behaviour and I still have a lot of work to do in cleansing my programming. Reading this part of your post wanted me to ask if you feel that there's more to this 'feeling of seriously going to loose it' than dietary issues? With the little experience I have from cleaning out my narcissistic intrinsic behaviour programming I warmly recommend working on ways to see where these reactions actually stem from. Maybe you've begun this work already in which case my post is unnecessary.

Just wanted to share some thoughts on these matters, FWIW.

There is definitely more than just dietary issues at play methinks. I was programmed at an early age to react with anger when, well, when just about anything didn't meet my expectations, including when people don't agree with me. But dietary issues, especially sugar intake, seem to play a big role in weakening my ability to resist these programs.

Hi Aaron and Aragorn,

As I see it, food, being what we are made of has a direct effect upon mood. Sugar for one example, being one of the main poisons. I think that in order to address mood issues, it is important to start by "fixing" one's own body which invariably will have been out of order for long. Once chemical imbalances are dealt with, it will likely be easier to deal with the remaining unbalances.

The reason for mood swings, depression, re activity, anger etc, lies for many people, on inflammation caused by improper diet. For others, these same issues stem from old bruises, but they will still very, very likely be enhanced by improper diet, osit.

I have been dealing with anger over the past 2 months or so, I am aware that I am doing a major clean on my emotional issues, and anger is coming up real bad as a consequence. However, and since I became stricter with my diet, particularly after beginning with supplements, I just feel that my capacity to think, and have the energy to deal with these issues is incomparably stronger then before :)
Galahad said:
......"Ah, you've been so good this week. Just have one..."

I did a flight a few days ago to Melbourne and as is usual, the stewardess came up to ask what I would like for breakfast. After telling me the choices available, I just told her that all I wanted was the scrambled eggs and nothing else.

A few minutes later she comes back with my tray and she had placed two tiny slices of toasted bread as well. Now at this stage I hadn't had any bread of any kind for at least 3 months or longer, and true enough that tiny little voice said, "Go on. You've been so good. Indulge a little. It's not going to hurt you, and so on."

So yep, I took both slices with plain butter and although it seemed to taste a bit odd, I thought it must be because I haven't had it for so long. Oh boy! What a mistake I made! Within half an hour, I started coughing and needless to say the rest of the day, I had that itchy throat and constant coughing. The coughing only subsided once I had got back and took some vitamin C and a few other supplements.

Lesson learnt! No indulgence whatsoever, stay away from toxic stuff and zip that little voice up! :cool2:
Vulcan59 said:
Lesson learnt! No indulgence whatsoever, stay away from toxic stuff and zip that little voice up! :cool2:

You bet! A friend gave us a vintage bottle of port wine for Christmas. My partner told me to just give it away, but I said, well, only a sip, it shouldn't hurt, after all, we've been soooooo good! On the first sip, I felt the weirdest sensation spreading across my arms, as if freezing them both, then it continued to the jaw. It's nothing like I've ever felt.
It's amazing what happens when getting one's sensitiveness back with a good diet, makes me really wonder what have I been doing to my body all these years?
I too took some cheese "to celebrate" and I regret it because I feel some weekness in my joints and inflammation inside me. Hope the sensation goes soon. I've been a cheese eater all my life (bread, olive oil, cheese, and oranges were all i needed to be happy lol) but now my body's telling me that no that I'm stopping it, there is no return, it's a no no no!
mkrnhr said:
I too took some cheese "to celebrate" and I regret it because I feel some weekness in my joints and inflammation inside me. Hope the sensation goes soon. I've been a cheese eater all my life (bread, olive oil, cheese, and oranges were all i needed to be happy lol) but now my body's telling me that no that I'm stopping it, there is no return, it's a no no no!

I've also had cheese a couple times over the last week, and boy howdy, my body kicks back with a vengeance. I'm still working on cutting out some of the bad stuff from my diet, my biggest struggle is with bread and cheese. When I jones for those, it's intense, but the resolve to stay away from them is getting stronger and the last couple days have been good.

Point being, abstract, stick with it. If you go "off the wagon" don't beat yourself up, just remind yourself of why you're making changes and continue on with more resolve. I agree with the other posts in this thread, once you begin making changes in the way you eat, you'll notice a HUGE change in the way you think.
Sugar is inflammatory. Peanuts are inflammatory for a lot of people. When your body's natural sensitivity to what it, personally, finds poisonous, you will notice this almost immediately. This helps to guide you as to what is good for you and what isn't. It IS individual to each person even if there are general no-nos for about everyone. Abstract, you need to get cleaned out so you can start finding out in detail what is inflaming you. Because when you are inflamed, your BRAIN is inflamed too!
Geezs Laura, almost didn't recognise you. ;) Got so use to seeing your previous avatar. Nice picture. :thup:
What about a small glass of wine, red/white - while having supper?...maybe not wine; vine can be nasty if cheap.
Maybe something pure, like a shouter of whiskey???
What about a small glass of wine, red/white - while having supper?...maybe not wine; vine can be nasty if cheap.
Maybe something pure, like a shouter of whiskey???

I'm not sure i understand... :huh:
Oh,... it is not directly related to you...the only relation could be that you like to enjoy something sweet and I like a shot of wihiskey every now and then... :D

So i was just wandering ... :P
I do enjoy the gin, unfortunately i'm not 21 yet, just about 4 months left. Not that i would over indulge.

Oh,... it is not directly related to you...the only relation could be that you like to enjoy something sweet and I like a shot of wihiskey every now and then...

So i was just wandering ...
Vulcan59 said:
Geezs Laura, almost didn't recognise you. ;) Got so use to seeing your previous avatar. Nice picture. :thup:

Thanks. I got tired of the avatar some time ago, just couldn't decide what to use. Joe took that photo a couple hours ago and it wasn't bad (I'm NOT photogenic!), so I figured I'd use it on Facebook. Then I decided, why not make an avatar out of it?
abstract said:
I do enjoy the gin, unfortunately i'm not 21 yet, just about 4 months left. Not that i would over indulge.

Oh,... it is not directly related to you...the only relation could be that you like to enjoy something sweet and I like a shot of wihiskey every now and then...

So i was just wandering ...

Both EXTREMELY inflammatory - like you would NOT believe! Alcohol is pure POISON to your body!
Oh man...!
Thanks L ! I was suspecting it.

Dropped !
Never really like it anyways....yackhhh!!! :whistle:

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