Tasha, I recently wrote this in another thread, because it seems to be an increasingly common question, so in case it helps, here it is again:
I think it's really important to take a look at this 'I don't have time' idea - or this 'I can't do what others have done' idea. Where does it come from? It's not objectively true. All any of us have is the time before us - right now - each day. It is what we do with this time that matters - not whether we have enough time to do what we think (from our limited vantage) 'needs' to be done. We can't know that!
What we can know is that each moment matters - whether we choose, in each moment, to follow the part of us that wants to sleep or the part of us that wants to grow.
We often (if not always) are in exactly the situation we need to be in, in order to begin the Work. Your life is your creation and a reflection of you and it is within that life that one can Create and learn to Be. Yes, there are challenges - it IS Work after all and this entire reality is designed to make it difficult to escape - but - there is a Way and it is not impossible!
These thoughts of 'not enough time', 'I'm not like others', 'I can't do this', 'I'm not strong enough/smart enough/young enough/tough enough/important enough/enlightened enough' - are ALL the 'predator' and defeating you in advance. They are ALL lies.
So - perhaps it might be really helpful if the next time these thoughts spring to mind you simply say, "lie" - and get back to it - get back to learning, to pushing your own boundaries, no matter how small or large, to giving when you don't think you have the energy to give and to making these moments you have in THIS life - right now - matter in any way you can.
You matter. THIS matters. The attempt to awaken, to learn, to give and to become who we were each destined to be matters - it's not about 'time' - it's about right now, each moment and following that part of yourself that is great, not that part of yourself that is small, at every opportunity - and there are many opportunities.