I was just gifted a beautiful horse :)

Guardian said:
Shijing said:
Psylocke for me -- X-women rock :D

I have to admit that I don't know much about any of these "X" characters...but they sound like women I would admire :)

I think so :) An interesting sidenote about the X-Men is that they were originally developed in 1963 as a sort of statement on the minority and segregation issues that were still very much in the public consciousness at the time in the US. The main protagonist and antagonist, Professor X and Magneto, were modeled on Martin Luther King, Jr and Malcolm X, respectively, and their philosophies about how to approach the problem of segregation. It's ironic that the original X-Men were all white Americans, but there was a second wave of "new" X-Men that were introduced in the '70s which included more diverse racial backgrounds and nationalities -- which is where Storm came in (who I agree kicks butt -- as does Jean Grey :) ).
I liked Xena, but was also entertained by Gabrielle. I named my last Doberman Xena. :)

On the other side of the Super Heroes, Storm was a favorite of mine, too. :cool:
Nienna Eluch said:
Galaxia, is that a pinto Clydesdale or Shire? I've never see a pinto one of either of those before. Very pretty!

They say it is a "piebald" horse. I, personally, always referred to it as a booted paint horse :P

NO! No bit either, eventually she'll learn to turn in the opposite direction from where I touch her neck...if she's not neck reigned already :)

That's good :)

When I see horses with neck retainers who are parked on the side of the road, I feel bad and I go up to them a scratch their hard-to-reach places and they love it!

Mrs.Tigersoap said:
TS said:
Fwiw though, Storm used to be my favorite superhero.

Oh, I love X Men! My favourite is Jean Grey/Phoenix!
Xena has never been my thing, I must say. She freaks me out :lol:

Edit: spelling

From horses to x-men. Never a dull moment! This is fun :D

My favorites would have to be Psylocke and Gambit.

And I gotta agree that Jean Grey is pretty awesome. I like her costume as Dark Phoenix more. The live action movie's adaptation of her was horrible and disappointing :\

Xena was OK. I liked it when I was small. I lost interest in it later on, though. It became too sexed up for me.
Galaxia said:
And I gotta agree that Jean Grey is pretty awesome. I like her costume as Dark Phoenix more. The live action movie's adaptation of her was horrible and disappointing :\

The X Men trilogy? I love it! I think Famke Janssen was great for that part (but then again, i like her to begin with), but I can see how one would be disappointed when compared to the comics.
The reason I like X Men so much is the same reason I like the Heroes series: people who are different ('mutants') and outcast getting together to join forces and try to live in a better world. It kinda reminds me of something :whistle:

Galaxia said:
I asked on YQ with the picture and they say it is a "piebald" horse. I, personally, always referred to it as a booted paint horse

It looks like she's wearing bell bottoms! Very disco! :)
The horse in Galaxia picture is a beautiful breed type called Gypsy Vanners bred from actually Gypsy horses that pull their carriages or "vans." They are a small draft type horse, usually black and white with long hair referred to as feathering on their feet. Piebald is a British term for the two tone spotted coloring that in the US we call pinto. Paints are technically a registered breed of Quarter horse breeding with the pinto coloring but many people use the term paint interchangeably with pinto to designate color.

If you want to see some beautiful horses Google "Gypsy Vanners" or go to


They are rare in the US, very expensive and have become popular in the well to do horsey set. I certainly can't afford one but was tempted to breed my black mare to a Vanner stallion; but decided I have too much to do and would rather spend the time I have with the horses I already have. But I can look! :D and do--check them out they are gorgeous.
Galaxia said:
My favorites would have to be Psylocke and Gambit.

Funny you should say that -- after the X-women discussion, I was trying to think of what I would answer for my favorite X-man, and I decided on Gambit too. The ragin' Cajun must have the right stuff :cool:
In the ninties I was an obsessive watcher (pun intended) of "The Highlander" TV series. Except for being a serial killer, Adrian Paul's character seemed like the prefect guy. As far as X-men--Wolverine. . . . hmmm--I see a pattern here.
Well, I have to add Wolverine gets my vote as a character on a journey of transformation, slowly making room for the divine feminine in an otherwise completely macho self. Of course, that's my projection on the character. It helps that my partner thinks I remind her of Wolverine with my sideburns and, in her opinion, manliness - awooo!
Personally, I've never felt very manly as I have always been sensitive to the extreme. Funny how others see us. Got to love the mirror offered by those around us.

shellycheval said:
But I can look! :D and do--check them out they are gorgeous.

OMG... yes they are!!! They really do look like a Paint crossed with a Shire or Draft horse...I had no idea they were their own breed. Bet they eat a lot :P

Thanks for the pics!
Guardian said:
truth seeker said:
Yes I can see them and she's sooo cute! Sorry, but what was the problem?

I think the problem was on my end...our server was down for about 12 hours and Galaxia was kind enough to repost the pictures before I even realized there was a problem. SORRY! The last two days have been quite a ride :shock:

Just to wrap this up: the problem was on my end. I finally got fed up with Safari last night and reinstalled firefox. I can see the pics you originally posted!

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