I will adopt a new dog.

Thanks everybody. I don't care if he is small or big.... I just wanted to show that like in infants, the firsts years are very important for the development of their bodies. And if something is not made correctly you can have some issues. But he is cute, beautiful, gentle, timid, and curious. I like him very much and he seems to understand that I am the leader. ;)
He is a beautiful dog, thanks for sharing his photo. Your so sweet to adopt a rescue animal. Be sure and let us all know how he is doing once he gets settled into your home.
loreta said:
In life also you have to take care of beings that need help, and dogs are always a lesson.
Thanks everybody. I don't care if he is small or big.... I just wanted to show that like in infants, the firsts years are very important for the development of their bodies. And if something is not made correctly you can have some issues. But he is cute, beautiful, gentle, timid, and curious. I like him very much and he seems to understand that I am the leader. ;)

A worthy lesson they are indeed. Congratulations on your new family member, and as much as you are the leader of this new pack, he will know of your care for him and give back much more as they always do. :)
Blacky is learning little by little that here he will be safe. He is also learning Catalan (I always talk to my animals in Catalan). He is also learning how to take food from my hand without hysteria, I just have to say "doucement!" and he takes the food gently. He sometimes have anxiety so I give him the Rescue Remedy. He has meet the others dogs of the village, and everything is working well. :) In this picture he looks more relax. He is really a good boy.


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He is very anxious, specially when the sun goes down. I started to give him a series of Flowers of Bach and I will give him Arnica. Yesterday he even make me feel also very anxious! His fear and anguish is sometimes contagious. It is the first time I have a dog with a problematic past, that's why. I am sure he will recover, with time. I see some improvements, like now he is not afraid to come in the house or go outside. Or to go inside the car. But sometimes, specially at dawn, he starts to have a sort of panic attack, following me and looking at me and trembling a little bit. I try to calm him. He seems to look for protection. I will be there for him, always. If you have any advice it will be very well accepted. :)
From what I have understood from Peter Levine's book 'In an Unspoken Voice' trembling and shaking is very good. That is what animals and we humans do when we have experienced a very stressful and painful event or series of events. The body takes over if you will and starts processing (for lack of a better word) which results in trembling and shaking. Obviously, something happened to your dog at dawn or sunset? and he is reliving it, because he can do that now that he has found safety with you. OSIT.

I would read the book if I were you and I would also give him time to tremble. It will eventually pass. Stay with him and support him, but do not try to stop the trembling.

When my dog came out of surgery (she had that tumour removed) and as soon as we were reunited she started trembling uncontrollably. I just staid by her side and held her a bit (she's a big dog) and eventually the trembling subsided. Then she became hyperactive. ;)

Animals in the wild for example do not develop trauma, because their bodies release it by shaking and trembling. It is an amazing quality. It is when we suppress the trembling and the shaking that trauma can occur.

PL said:
The shaking and trembling I experienced while lying on the ground and in the ambulance are a core part of the innate process that reset my nervous system and helped restore my psyche to wholeness. Without it I would have surely suffered dearly. Had I not been aware of the vital purpose of my body's strange and strong sensations and gyrations, I might have been frightened by these powerful reactions and braced against them.
Wow Mariama, I didn't know this about trembling. I associated trembling with bad bad feelings, fear, anguish but in a very negatively way. I remember my trembling when I first had my depression, long time ago, and how bad I was feeling, how terrified I was of this my body acting like this. So when I see Blacky trembling I try to console him but now I will accept this as a positive reaction and be less protective about it. Thanks for this insight! I have to read this book, I will check right now for it in Amazon.

For me trembling was to be near my death, I thought that my trembling was my body dying... Now I can see something different, there is suddenly a light in a mystery of my past and a light that is there because of Blacky and what you have said.

P.S. I just ordered the book for my dear Kindle. Thanks again!
You will enjoy the book. :) Peter Levine also studies and writes about animals, which gives the book a special quality. OSIT.
loreta said:
In this picture he looks more relax. He is really a good boy.

He looks like he's smiling :) What a beautiful baby. May you have MANY wonderful years together!
loreta said:
Blacky is learning little by little that here he will be safe. He is also learning Catalan (I always talk to my animals in Catalan). He is also learning how to take food from my hand without hysteria, I just have to say "doucement!" and he takes the food gently. He sometimes have anxiety so I give him the Rescue Remedy. He has meet the others dogs of the village, and everything is working well. :) In this picture he looks more relax. He is really a good boy.

What a nice dog. :) Thanks for sharing.
Thanks to all of you for your concern with Blacky. He is everyday more and more well, maybe the Flowers of Bach are doing a good job, he seems to have less and less anguish, specially at dawn. He sleeps beside Colette, my other dog. Bark also, and move his tail. So in a week I saw a big difference. Dogs are really interesting beings to live with.
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