I will adopt a new dog.

Iwould say even couple of months until they settle completely, Bach rescue remedy is good choice, I wouldn't give arnica, I would rather give only one dose of Aconite 30c if he still has anxiety attacks.
Radagast said:
Iwould say even couple of months until they settle completely, Bach rescue remedy is good choice, I wouldn't give arnica, I would rather give only one dose of Aconite 30c if he still has anxiety attacks.

Thank you Radagast. Blacky is not doing anymore anxiety attacks. :) But I still give him the Rescue and I will have Aconite 30c in case. No more trembling, no more fear at the dawn of the day. I know his recovery will take time, he is afraid of loud noises. I have the impression that he was living in a manufacture. He is afraid also of my photographic aparatus. When I take a picture of him I have to take it without his consent. ;) He is a good boy, gentle and gentleman.
Yesterday, by the way, something happened that gives an insight about the past of Blacky. My room is divided in two, one large part is where I am writing now, with a big table where the two dogs sleep under, and the other part is where I have my bed. So it was time to go to sleep, I was in the bed and my husband was coming. He closed the lights of the room where is my table. We hear a noise, like a cup falling, so I asked my husband if he can peek and see what it was. My husband has a lantern in the form of a beacon for using during the night instead of opening the lights. So he lighted up the lantern and went to the other side of the room. Right away Blacky came in my bed room trembling, he get up on the bed terrified! He was trembling and extremely frightened. So we deduce that this dog was tortured, I am sure, by a night watcher! The image was so clear in my mind: a night watcher arriving where Blacky was in the obscurity with his lantern and doing bad things to him. I consoled him, he was so scared that he was chocking, I gave him Rescue and take him outside, to walk a little, to take air. So this is what it is: Blacky surely was caged and living in a store house where a night watcher arrived every night with a lantern, in plain obscurity, to make him suffer. I felt so sad not just for Blacky but for all the sufferance of all the dogs that are tortured by psychopaths. :cry:
loreta said:
Yesterday, by the way, something happened that gives an insight about the past of Blacky. My room is divided in two, one large part is where I am writing now, with a big table where the two dogs sleep under, and the other part is where I have my bed. So it was time to go to sleep, I was in the bed and my husband was coming. He closed the lights of the room where is my table. We hear a noise, like a cup falling, so I asked my husband if he can peek and see what it was. My husband has a lantern in the form of a beacon for using during the night instead of opening the lights. So he lighted up the lantern and went to the other side of the room. Right away Blacky came in my bed room trembling, he get up on the bed terrified! He was trembling and extremely frightened. So we deduce that this dog was tortured, I am sure, by a night watcher! The image was so clear in my mind: a night watcher arriving where Blacky was in the obscurity with his lantern and doing bad things to him. I consoled him, he was so scared that he was chocking, I gave him Rescue and take him outside, to walk a little, to take air. So this is what it is: Blacky surely was caged and living in a store house where a night watcher arrived every night with a lantern, in plain obscurity, to make him suffer. I felt so sad not just for Blacky but for all the sufferance of all the dogs that are tortured by psychopaths. :cry:

It seems to me that Blacky suffers from Post Trauma Stress Injury, hence the fear of loud noises. And hence the immense fear he displays. But he obviously trusts you, which is a very good thing, OSIT.
I don't know what happened to your dog, Loreta, it could be anything.

I was wondering: do you give Rescue after your dog stops trembling? Do you allow him to go through that process? I am not a vet, but I wonder whether vets are aware of the healing properties of shaking and trembling? And whether we suppress these healing properties with stuff like Rescue or anything else? Can you find a dog therapist, if you will, who is knowledgeable about trauma to animals. Or perhaps a therapist for humans who knows about trauma and animals? I am under the impression that few people in the professional field know what trauma does to animals, but I could be wrong, of course.
Mariama, I don't think that the Rescue is to stop trembling. The Rescue help to accept was is happening, no more no less. They can calm but the Flowers work in a very subtle dimension, giving patience, for example, or courage, or to have less fear of something. It is not a medication that you take it and the symptoms disappear right away. The trembling was still there even if I gave him the Rescue. I was remembering what you told me about trembling so I talk to him, reassuringly, caressing his head. The Flowers of Dr. Bach will make him accept his situation now, I am sure. Now he is in security, with us. I know he knows but he has to work himself with the fear. And Rescue helps in this sense.

Next week I am going with a friend to a vet for her cat so I will ask him about post-trauma in dogs.
you might want to order this book

My greyhound had a big problem with loud noises and I found Tail TTouch and Ear TTouch very helpful, it didn't completely cure the problem but now he is not anymore total nervous wreck during thunderstorms or fireworks .
Again Radagast thank you. The book you recommend seems perfect for me.

One question: I bought Aconite. Do I have to give him just when he has panic attacks or every day?
shellycheval said:
TTouch work has be very beneficial for my horses--good luck with it.

I will buy it next month. I am looking forward! Something new to learn! I love that. :)
loreta said:
Mariama, I don't think that the Rescue is to stop trembling. The Rescue help to accept was is happening, no more no less. They can calm but the Flowers work in a very subtle dimension, giving patience, for example, or courage, or to have less fear of something. It is not a medication that you take it and the symptoms disappear right away. The trembling was still there even if I gave him the Rescue. I was remembering what you told me about trembling so I talk to him, reassuringly, caressing his head. The Flowers of Dr. Bach will make him accept his situation now, I am sure. Now he is in security, with us. I know he knows but he has to work himself with the fear. And Rescue helps in this sense.

Next week I am going with a friend to a vet for her cat so I will ask him about post-trauma in dogs.

Good to know, Loreta. I think that Rescue might also be suitable for my dog, although the Ignatia is also working well. :)
Mariama said:
loreta said:
Mariama, I don't think that the Rescue is to stop trembling. The Rescue help to accept was is happening, no more no less. They can calm but the Flowers work in a very subtle dimension, giving patience, for example, or courage, or to have less fear of something. It is not a medication that you take it and the symptoms disappear right away. The trembling was still there even if I gave him the Rescue. I was remembering what you told me about trembling so I talk to him, reassuringly, caressing his head. The Flowers of Dr. Bach will make him accept his situation now, I am sure. Now he is in security, with us. I know he knows but he has to work himself with the fear. And Rescue helps in this sense.

Next week I am going with a friend to a vet for her cat so I will ask him about post-trauma in dogs.

Good to know, Loreta. I think that Rescue might also be suitable for my dog, although the Ignatia is also working well. :)

The first time I knew about Rescue was while I was working in a store selling animals, specially Prairie Dogs (I have nightmares remembering this job.) One day a woman came and asked me if she can spray Rescue to the Prairie Dogs because they were very nervous, poor little babies. I said yes and after that I asked question about this Rescue. After that I used Rescue every day and I saw a big difference. I always use Rescue for myself also, before anything that makes me nervous. And even before going to bed or when I argue with my husband. ;)

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