iChing Politics

ark said:
Observations of what? What kind of experience? Without explaining this - your opinion is useless. Like any other opinion.
Okay point taken
Here it goes....
I first encountered The Book of Change as a teenager. From very early age I was drawn to esotheric. One of my childhood friends was what you might call psychic or person with a "gift". Only now in retrospect I realize this as most of his visions and predictions at the time of happy yugoslavia didnt make any sense and we all use to think he has lost it. As psychopatic events were unfolding later on I was every time shocked with his accuracy. In any case to cut the story short this guy has intoduced us all to I Ching. Slowly but surely - consulting Iching has has become my daily practice. I never took it as far as my other friends. I gues I had better safety mechanism then my friends. In any case throughout several years I use to consult the book regularly. The problem is the sentences in this book can always be interpreted in miriad of diferent ways. What better way then this to exercise wishfull thinking and please your ego. It took me some years but I finally realized this.
Then I forgot all about the book and I rediscovered it again in my late twenties. This time I thought I am more mature, more knowledgable so I will surely use it properly and be able to interpret its deliverations more accurately. Unfortunately the result was always the same. Just a wondeurfull exercise for imagination and self indulgence.
other people were less fortunate in their dealings with the book. The psychic firend couldnt start the day without consulting the book, it was clear that this has become unhealthy opssesion as for every single daily move no matter how trivial it was the book had to be consulted. Being very close to him I could observe carefully this strange relationship that has developed between him and the book. It was as if the book has taken totall control of his life. He was refering to it as a live entity which can be willful and sometimes even petty. We are talking about events that took place almost 20 years ago so I cant remeber all the details but I remeber that it was scary at times. Another member of our group of friends ended up the same. Throughout the years she has developed very unhealthy opsesive relationship with this book too.
Then I moved from my home city and slowly lost the contact with these people. Later on I heard that my friend has been institutionalised several times, tried to comit suicide and is now vegetating on heavy antipsychotics. The girl didnt fare better either, she has developed heroin addiction and is now supposed to be clean but she is indeed very far from being balanced and healthy individual. She still has strong relationship with the book.
Now, one could argue that this would happened anyway as these people were addictive personalities, that very few people remained sane in the terrible turmoils of civil war that took place there, but something tells me , and this is totally irrational , just a tiny voice from within, that tells me someohow book has something to do with all this, at least to certain extent.
And yes, there is another example, my cousin started playing with the book late in her life, she was almost thirty. Several months later she displayed psychotic behaviour and was institutionalized.
I am not saying the book was the reason, maybe it was just a triger, and this was final straw that made me form my opinion about the book.
What I personaly experienced when relating with this book is definitely that there is some powerful presence if not entity connected to it. At first its dormant but more you feed it with your thoughts, feelings - i.e energy more powerfull it becomes. And it is interested not in giving you any valid guidance but only in perpetuating this relationship.

ark said:
Deckard said:
Can you really step out of ego-centrism when expressing your opinion?!
Can YOU?
Not always as its not easy, but I am trying my best. otherwise I wouldnt be here.
ark said:
What is ritualistic about I Ching. Without explaining it - your opinion is useless. Like any other opinion.
Maybe the fact that book makes it clear that you are supposed to treat it with utmost devotion and respect.
It also instructs you that you are supposed to keep it wrapped in special piece of textile ( preferably silk) and never keep it below shoulder level when its on the shelf.
maybe also the fact that you are suppose to bow three times to it everytime before you proceed with consultations.
Coins are to be kept in special container designated for this purpose only, preferably ceramic or of natural material. and nobody else but divinator must ever touch them. It is also advised to light inscense sticks when conducting the consultation.

ark said:
What observations? What "valuable insights? Without explaining it - your opinion is useless. Like any other opinion.
There are many sources where I have so far read that rituals serve for better chanelling of energy,
there was very interesting article I read on the net while ago (unfortunately I dont have habbit of keeping the bookmarks to every site) I think it came up once when I typed in - Reptilian Brain -and if I am not mistaken it was put up by Castaneda circle. In short they were saying that ritualistic bihaviour - and this implies also daily rituals like always shopping in exactly same shop, having lunch always at certain time etc. as main behqavioral component exibited by reptilian brain.
Rituals are also closely connected to hierarchy and it is my understanding that reptilian races trive on hierarchy.
if I am not mistaken Cs ' also advise against rituals

ark said:
Different people will use different divination systems for different purposes. You need to be specific. Otherwise your opinion is uselss.
Well I think I was specific enough. What is the bottom line of need to use divination systems?
Think about it. What is the desire that motivates almost everyone who resorts to divination system?

I agree the motive can deifinitley be thirst for knowledge but alas, how often does it not get corrupted with a desire for personal gain.
Thats what meant when I said a clever trap for ego.
Deckard said:
This is how I see it:
The bottom line of any divination system be it tarot or The Book of Change lays in trying to find a shortcut to deal better with our evryday life.
ark said:
Shortcuts? Do you consider going for a walk to collect your thoughts or reading a poetry a shortcut too? Then, breathing is also a shortcut, right? You need to be specific and exact. Otherwise ....
Come on Ark do we really need to strech it this way. Dealing better with everyday life by doing some stretching with yoga or releiving stress with intense cardio is certainly one thing and peeking into the future and hence trying to gain advantage is most certainly diferent thing. In that sense i called it a shortcut.
It was you who reprimanded me once for trying to escape 3D OPS reality we live in (sun Gazing Topic) . I took this criticism very seriously and now it is my argument.

ark said:
The only special skills required for I Ching is the ability to read and to understand what is written..
Okay I admit maybe you are more gifted then me. Just to demonstrate this ability of yours could you kindly tell me how do you understand the following paragraph:

The Judgement

Oppression. Success. Perseverance.
The great man brings about good fortune.
No blame.
When one has something to say,
It is not believed.

This one is a tricky one isnt it?
While there are some very str8forward ones there are also some whic are really contradictive.

ark said:
This is true, as not all people can read, and even less to understand and to make use of what they read..
To me this comes across as irony and generally I dont have high regard for such way of comunication. But then again I might be too sensitive...

ark said:
What is so dead-ended about using I Ching for helping you in your thinking? Some people open window to get fresh air. Some pray, some smoke, some read Agatha Christie, some play chess, some play I Ching. What's wrong with this?
I explained this before. But I can agree with you that this is true as long as you limit your interaction with the book to decypering of symbolism, nothing more then that. Also lets not forget, one doesn't play I CHing as it is not recreational game

ark said:
Again, you are not specific. What "energy" are you talking about? You mean, you get exhausted when reading I Ching? This may tell something about you, but little about I Ching.
Again I explained in my first remarks

ark said:
You asked for it - you got it. I apologize if my words seemed harsh to you but this is always a very tricky ground - confronting different systems of belief. :)
You know everysince that sungazing topic I noticed you never miss the opportunity to bash me.
Several times I was really offended but then I tried to step out of egocentrism :) . Common sense is telling me that you cannot possibly have personal reasons to dislike me therefore I can only think of two other possibilities...
You either dont think I fit into this forum i.e. you look down on my level of intelligence and generally my ability to grasp the matters discussed here.
If this is the case I would be really sorry as I find this place as one of the few sane places left on this planet and in last couple of months I have developed quite a sense of belonging.

Now if this is the case I would appreciate your telling me as I am very bad at reading hidden messages in human interaction.

Finally if this is not the case please continue and bash me as hard as you can everytime I deserve so
after every such interaction I feel I have made a major leap in the proces of selfobservation and bettering of myself
In trying to understand something we should always try to look into its origins.
What strikes me as very curious is that nobody can tell for sure where did this book really came from.
If we read about the origins of this book there are certan things reminiscent of other "holly scriptures" from different world civilizations and even if I totally cast aside my personal experiences with the book used as divination tool this observation is sufficent to raise my suspicion. On the other hand it would be foolish not to apriciate many short quotes and ancient wisdoms one can find within this book. Still one could say the same thing about the Bible.

It is also an interesting trivia that C. G. Jung devoted alot of time to study of this book.

This is the Introduction to the I Ching by Wilhelm who was one among many to translate it into English:

"The Book of Changes -- I Ching in Chinese -- is unquestionably one of the most important books in the world's literature. Its origin goes back to mythical antiquity, and it has occupied the attention of the most eminent scholars of China down to the present day. Nearly all that is greatest and most significant in the three thousand years of Chinese cultural history has either taken its inspiration from this book, or has exerted an influence on the interpretation of its text. Therefore it may safely be said that the seasoned wisdom of thousands of years has gone into the making of the I Ching. Small wonder then that both of the two branches of Chinese philosophy, Confucianism and Taoism, have their common roots here. The book sheds new light on many a secret hidden in the often puzzling modes of thought of that mysterious sage, Lao-tse, and of his pupils, as well as on many ideas that appear in the Confucian tradition as axioms, accepted without further examination.
Indeed, not only the philosophy of China but its science and statecraft as well have never ceased to draw from the spring of wisdom in the I Ching, and it is not surprising that this alone, among all the Confucian classics, escaped the great burning of the books under Ch'in Shih Huang Ti.[1] Even the common-places of everyday life in China are saturated with its influence. In going through the streets of a Chinese city, one will find, here and there at a street corner, a fortune teller sitting behind a neatly covered table, brush and tablet at hand, ready to draw from the ancient book of wisdom pertinent counsel and information on life's minor perplexities. Not only that, but the very signboards adorning the houses --perpendicular wooden panels done in gold on black lacquer -- are covered with inscriptions whose flowery language again and again recalls thoughts and quotations from the I Ching. Even the policy makers of so modern a state as Japan, distinguished for their astuteness, do not scorn to refer to it for counsel in difficult situations.

In the course of time, owing to the great repute for wisdom attaching to the Book of Changes, a large body of occult doctrines extraneous to it -- some of them possibly not even Chinese in origin -- have come to be connected with its teachings. The Ch'in and Han dynasties[2] saw the beginning of a formalistic natural philosophy that sought to embrace the entire world of thought in a system of number symbols. Combining a rigorously consistent, dualistic yin-yang doctrine with the doctrine of the "five stages of change" taken from the Book of History,[3] it forced Chinese philosophical thinking more and more into a rigid formalization. Thus increasingly hairsplitting cabalistic speculations came to envelop the Book of Changes in a cloud of mystery, and by forcing everything of the past and of the future into this system of numbers, created for the I Ching the reputation of being a book of unfathomable profundity. These speculations are also to blame for the fact that the seeds of a free Chinese natural science, which undoubtedly existed at the time of Mo Ti[4] and his pupils, were killed, and replaced by a sterile tradition of writing and reading books that was wholly removed from experience. This is the reason why China has for so long presented to Western eyes a picture of hopeless stagnation.

Yet we must not overlook the fact that apart from this mechanistic number mysticism, a living stream of deep human wisdom was constantly flowing through the channel of this book into everyday life, giving to China's great civilization that ripeness of wisdom, distilled through the ages, which we wistfully admire in the remnants of this last truly autochthonous culture.

What is the Book of Changes actually? In order to arrive at an understanding of the book and its teachings, we must first of all boldly strip away the dense overgrowth of interpretations that have read into it all sorts of extraneous ideas. This is equally necessary whether we are dealing with the superstitions and mysteries of old Chinese sorcerers or the no less superstitious theories of modern European scholars who try to interpret all historical cultures in terms of their experience of primitive savages.[5] We must hold here to the fundamental principle that the Book of Changes is to be explained in the light of its own content and of the era to which it belongs. With this the darkness lightens perceptibly and we realize that this book, though a very profound work, does not offer greater difficulties to our understanding than any other book that has come down through a long history from antiquity to our time. "

Almost everything wilhelm says in this paragraph can in one way or another be applied to the Bible. An this is interesting food for thoughts...
My own experience with the I-ching is a s follow :

It has come through the book the Tao of chaos by Katya Walter a good ten years ago.
That made me interested in the I-ching in the first place.

To this day I still use it very occasionally when I want another perspective on a situation that I might have not think about.
And to be honest, I don't always understand the results as clearly as on some other times.

To me it has always been clear that the prediction was more of a possible outcome linked to the present situation than an absolute future forecast.

So is the answer "directed" by STS forces ?
it might be, or not, as usual, you're the only one to make a decision, if you follow anything dogmatically, you're bound to be controlled anyhow if you give your silent consent and if you give away your decisions to anyone/anything else than yourself.

What if this book, had been meddled with, to obscure the spiritual knowledge that was held within ?
Or made obviously difficult to grasp to protect something within it ?
I do not know.
Deckard said:
What I personaly experienced when relating with this book is definitely that there is some powerful presence if not entity connected to it. At first its dormant but more you feed it with your thoughts, feelings - i.e energy more powerfull it becomes. And it is interested not in giving you any valid guidance but only in perpetuating this relationship.
Aren't you here assuming the book itself has a consciousness? Another possibility is that certain negative entities could be attracted to the particular FRV of people attempting to use anything (including the I Ching) for self-serving purposes.

Deckard said:
Maybe the fact that book makes it clear that you are supposed to treat it with utmost devotion and respect.
It also instructs you that you are supposed to keep it wrapped in special piece of textile ( preferably silk) and never keep it below shoulder level when its on the shelf.
maybe also the fact that you are suppose to bow three times to it everytime before you proceed with consultations.
Coins are to be kept in special container designated for this purpose only, preferably ceramic or of natural material. and nobody else but divinator must ever touch them. It is also advised to light inscense sticks when conducting the consultation.
I agree with you that these types of things ARE ritualistic, which is why I ignore them. Sometimes I might meditate before consulting it, but it is with the aim of focusing my intention upon the question I am to ask, rather than trying to ensure I get a "correct" or "desired" answer.

Deckard said:
What is the bottom line of need to use divination systems?
Think about it. What is the desire that motivates almost everyone who resorts to divination system?
Why not use divination for inspiration or simply to get a different (even random) perspective on a situation? You are correct in that it can be a trap for ego, but then again nearly anything can be a trap. This is why having an open, yet critical attitude is important.

Deckard said:
This is how I see it:
The bottom line of any divination system be it tarot or The Book of Change lays in trying to find a shortcut to deal better with our evryday life.
Your perspective here is coloured by your friends' experiences I think. And based on your description, I'd say they were obsessive in their behavior. Obsession is not a good way to approach anything - especially things that might lie closer to the borders of 3D reality.

Personally, I use the I Ching to provide a framework for the Universe to answer questions that I ask it in a more "formal" manner. The framework can be anything - Tarot, Ouija board - whatever. I use the I Ching because I find its symbolism to be aesthetically appealing. I also think that the interpretation of the answer requires effort on the part of the questioner in order to increase understanding. Contrast this with something like a "Magic 8-ball" - you could claim that this is divination of a sort, yet the responses are very cut and dried, leading to a tendency for the questioner to reject or accept absolutely the answer given. The I Ching can allow for a wide spectrum of those "Maybe" or "Semi/Sort Of" responses that the C's are so fond of. ;)

I have found the I Ching sometimes works better in retrospect, too - asking it to explain the significance of "so and so" event, rather than attempting to probe the future, where it is more difficult sometimes to keep anticipation at arm's length. Ultimately though, it's just an interesting "take" on a situation - you can't look to it to negate personal responsibility or "soften" the consequences of one's own decisions. Or so I think.

Deckard said:
Come on Ark do we really need to strech it this way. Dealing better with everyday life by doing some stretching with yoga or releiving stress with intense cardio is certainly one thing and peeking into the future and hence trying to gain advantage is most certainly diferent thing. In that sense i called it a shortcut.
But you can only think you can gain an advantage if you believe the future is fixed. My understanding is that the I Ching deals with the possibilities and probabilities inherent at the exact moment of the reading. It is possible that by believing absolutely in what you interpret the I Ching to mean, this will itself affect the probabilities of the future.

Deckard said:
ark said:
This is true, as not all people can read, and even less to understand and to make use of what they read..
To me this comes across as irony and generally I dont have high regard for such way of comunication. But then again I might be too sensitive...
You are just internally considering - identifying too closely with Ark's statement. Think of it generally, rather than applying to you specifically.

Deckard said:
Also lets not forget, one doesn't play I CHing as it is not recreational game
You can use the I Ching however you like. For instance, I use it as a paperweight sometimes.

Deckard said:
You either dont think I fit into this forum i.e. you look down on my level of intelligence and generally my ability to grasp the matters discussed here.
If this is the case I would be really sorry as I find this place as one of the few sane places left on this planet and in last couple of months I have developed quite a sense of belonging.

Now if this is the case I would appreciate your telling me as I am very bad at reading hidden messages in human interaction.
Yes, you are taking it too personally. But this is not unusual - almost everyone does it, and struggling against inner considering can be extremely difficult. We are programmed to identify and take things personally - sometimes from an early age.

If you knew Ark a bit better, you would clearly understand that he is not trying to hurt or belittle you.

Anyway, that's my current perspective on the matter.
Got a couple of questions, Atriedes. How come you haven't done a reading since September? And, do you ask a question, or are all the readings based on whats happening in politics, and if so, is it just US politics or global? I find the iChing facinating, but I'd like to know if the reading was done on anything specific.
Ryan said:
Another possibility is that certain negative entities could be attracted to the particular FRV of people attempting to use anything (including the I Ching) for self-serving purposes.
That is exactly my idea and perception of the book.
Now, we live in STS 3D reality, can you really use anything for anything else then self-serving purposes. You can try, and you may succed for a while but sooner or later this will be corrupted as you cannot escape your real nature. And it appears our nature is basically STS.
Or am I mistaken?!

In any case this was the reasoning behaind my so boldy presenting an opinion that JI chin and most other divination methods are just a dead end for a seeker.
I don't think it should be a dead end Deckard. What's important here is the individual person doing it. That is the context you are missing. It's a lot like channeling. If the person doing it doesn't have the right state of mind/FRV, then certainly their could be negative affects of engaging in this action. But that doesn't mean one should blanket the entire idea of iChing as bad.
Deckard said:
Now, we live in STS 3D reality, can you really use anything for anything else then self-serving purposes. You can try, and you may succed for a while but sooner or later this will be corrupted as you cannot escape your real nature. And it appears our nature is basically STS.
Or am I mistaken?!
You are mistaken. While YOUR nature may be basically STS, you can't possibly know about the nature of other people without doing research. Now, where is your research?
Okay Arkmod this is how I understood it so far:

Our 3D reality was designed as STS reality and being born (thanks to our ancestors/or our own fall) into this reality we are by default STS creatures with a potential to become STO.
Also I understood that you cannot achieve being complete STO being and still belong to the same 3D reality, i.e. one would instantly ascend.
Does this mean you are writing your post from 4D :) ?

Maybe I got it wrong. If I did can you point out where?

I use to get extremely confused with the part where CS's mention 3D STO beings. At first I understood that they were talking about some paralel reality or some other words then our own, but then Laura indicated following

Laura said:
Deckard said:
you will probably remeber that ther is mention of 3D worlds with STO beings. What do they feed on?!
Based on the dated archaeological findings, they were probably hunter-gatherers. They ate meat. Also, since 0 is the oldest blood type, and type 0 requires a lot of high-grade protein, that figures.
This has just further added to my confusion as it would clearly imply two falls ,but then I found this on the Glossary:

"The Cassiopaean take on the fall is that there first was a group soul in 'union with the One,' which collectively decided to experience physicality for faster learning. Then there was a sort of human form living in contact with 4th density service to others beings. This latter group was tempted to experiencing 3rd density service to self by 4th density service to self entities. We probably speak of two distinct events here. The fall to 3D STS took place at the previous passage of the Wave, some 309000 years ago and was accompanied by cataclysmic cometary impacts. This had several consequences, including deactivation and scrambling of the greatest part of DNA, radical loss of psychic faculties, acquiring a basically predatorial and control-oriented mindset, experience of more intense physical sensations. Sexuality is also related to this, probably in the sense of becoming more central to life with greater differentiation of genders."

With this explanation things started to make much more sense.
So coming back to my first statement it is my understanding that it is impossible to exist in our 3D STS reality and be complete STO being.
Deckard said:
So coming back to my first statement it is my understanding that it is impossible to exist in our 3D STS reality and be complete STO being.
This reminds me "the choice and our inherent nature". From "To be or not to be":

Evil is REAL on its own level, and the task of man is to navigate the Cosmic Maze without being defiled by the Evil therein. This is the root of Free Will. Man faces a predicament as REAL as himself: he is forced to choose - to utilize his knowledge by applying it - between the straight path which leads to Being, and the crooked paths which lead to Non-Being. Human beings are required to discern between good and evil - consciousness energy directors - at every stage of their existence in this reality. Because, in fact, they must understand that God is consciousness and God is matter. God is good, and God is evil. The Creation assumes all the different properties of the many "Names of God." The Cosmos is full of Life-giving and Slaying, Forgiveness and Vengeance, Exaltation and Abasement, Guidance and Deception. To attempt to assume God's point of view and "mix everything" at this level, results only in STAYING at this level. Therefore, human beings must always separate God's point of view from their own point of view and the fact that all creation assumes the divine Names and Traits.

Thus, the first Divine Command is BE! And that includes Being and Non-being instantaneously. And therefore, the second law is "follow Being or Non-being according to your choice and your inherent nature." All creation is a result of the engendering command. So, in this respect, there is no Evil. But the second, prescriptive law determines to which "Face of God" one will return: Life, or Death.

If the engendering command alone is considered, there is no imperfection in the cosmos, since all creatures follow what God desires for them. In this respect, what is normally called "imperfection" is in fact perfection, since it allows for the actualization of the various levels of existence and knowledge. In other words, were there no imperfections - in the sense of diminishment, decrease, and lack - there would be no creation. Were there no creation, the Hidden Treasure would remain hidden. Hence Being would be unseen in every respect. There would be no self-disclosure of the Divine Reality, Light would not shine, God would be the Nonmanifest but not the Manifest. But all this is absurd, since it demands the imperfection of Being Itself, which by definition is nondelimited perfection. Being's perfection requires the manifestation of Its peroperties. The effects of the Names and Attributes must be displayed for God to be God. [...] In other words, Imperfection is demanded by existence itself. To be "other than God" is to be imperfect. ...But it is precisely the "otherness" which allows the cosmos and all the creatures within it to exist. If things were perfect in every respect, they would be identical with God Himself, and there would be nothing "other than God." But then we could not even speak about the cosmos, since there would be no cosmos and no speakers. ...So, imperfection is a kind of perfection. [Chittick]
At the particular stage of existence in which man finds himself, he is equally "receptive" toward the Two primary Faces of God: Being and Non-being. The Shaykh tells us that whatever property, or trait, that any human being ultimately "chooses" is what it originally possessed in its state of immutability. The task of the Seeker is to discover what is immutable within, and to purify and amplify it. This is the development of Will. Will is a relationship whtich follows knowledge while knowledge follows the object of knowledge. In the process of "ascension," the object of knowledge is YOU. Knowledge, in and of itself, has no effects. YOU, however, the seeker, can give to knowledge what you actually are, in yourself, thereby displaying YOURSELF in knowledge by your actions in concert with your knowledge.
But there are other relevant details on the article though.
deckard said:
Our 3D reality was designed as STS reality and being born (thanks to our ancestors/or our own fall) into this reality we are by default STS creatures with a potential to become STO.
Not quite. It was an STO reality before it was co-opted. The co-option changed the reality.

deckard said:
Also I understood that you cannot achieve being complete STO being and still belong to the same 3D reality, i.e. one would instantly ascend.
Or not, depending on choice and soul purpose.

deckard said:
Does this mean you are writing your post from 4D smile ?
That's altogether possible since 4D means, more than anything else, "state of awareness."

deckard said:
So coming back to my first statement it is my understanding that it is impossible to exist in our 3D STS reality and be complete STO being.
Nothing is impossible. The question is: what is the definition of a 4D STO being?

deckard said:
Now, we live in STS 3D reality, can you really use anything for anything else then self-serving purposes.
Certainly. C's have described an STO being: one who gives ALL to those who ASK. It isn't easy and the "devil is in the details," but awareness and intent go a long way.

deckard said:
You can try, and you may succed for a while but sooner or later this will be corrupted as you cannot escape your real nature.
Or maybe it is the point to constantly strive to BEcome your true self, to know that there are TWO natures, the STO self, and the DNA modified body that MAY shift if the higher centers can be "seated".

deckard said:
And it appears our nature is basically STS.
Or am I mistaken?!
See above. You are trying to understand nonlinear concepts with linear thinking.

But, getting back to the issue at hand:

Suppose I had never decided to undertake the C's experiment as I did? Using one of the most defamed of psychic tools available today, a ouija board?

Have you read Secret History, by the way? If so, you might remember this passage:

Esotericism is the accessing of facts and actions that are accessible to the field of consciousness of the Soul. When we consider our state in the "real world," we find that this is a very difficult path.

Knowledge is everywhere, but most of it is external to us. When we pour something into a cup, it can only contain an amount equal to its capacity. We are only able to understand according to the capacity of our Being. To be able to evolve esoterically, we must constantly seek to enlarge and enhance our Being, to develop the "vessel."

Esotericism seeks to develop consciousness of the Divine. The problem is that our consciousness is, for the most part, simply a program that runs in our machine. The higher consciousness that is sought in terms of ascension is the real "I" or the soul; it is the theorized permanent point that exists within us throughout many incarnations. This real "I" is something like an impartial referee whose small voice is mostly obscured in the roar of external events and personality programs. Nevertheless, it is this tiny spark of the real self that is the seed of the possibility of esoteric development.

Most human beings rarely - if ever - experience contact with the real "I." Yet, the personality pretends that it has achieved this level of consciousness. We should note that an individual who has actually reached such a level of firm contact and expansion of the real "I" will also possess attributes such as the ability to accurately judge the consequences of his or her actions, the constant exercise of his own will, an ability to do - to initiate acausal events - as well as a bearing or attitude that is consistent with itself in all situations and conditions. Most of all, such a person does not lie to himself.

An objective examination of many of those who claim such qualities is sufficient to demolish such pretensions. There is so vast a chasm between the qualities that people ascribe to themselves, and what they can really DO, that careful consideration of this point ought to be undertaken before one attaches belief to any such claims or any such teacher.

Nevertheless, to establish contact with the higher self, for lack of a better term, this very small seed of the soul connection that exists within us is the object of esoteric science. It seems that the only people who have a real hope of accomplishing this process are those who are "bankrupted." In other words, all the beliefs, all the programs, all the lies that have been part of the self from childhood, must collapse or be stripped away.

We are all corrupted by the exterior world of matter - the domain of Non-being and its gravitational lures. Even when experience contradicts what a person believes about him or herself, they are seldom able to make the cause and effect connection because of the serious deficiencies that are programmed into us from birth.

We generally explain our failures as "lack of will." What people do not realize is that failure is not generally due to a lack of will or desire, but to a lack of BEING. It is only with the development of BEING that we begin to understand the knowledge we have acquired. Only then, with understanding combined with BEING, do we have the ability to Do.

Our personality is the interface between our body and spirit. Because of the nature of our reality, the personality is mostly "programs" of the flesh, or genetic body so to say. The Machine runs on the "do it again principle." Most contemporary human beings are far more concerned about "appearances" or "experiences" that give them a buzz than they are about their Being.

The intimate relationship of the personality to the physical body and its interactive programs is little understood, yet it is crucial to development of the "I" that is more than a "ghost in the machine." We can note that when the average person experiences serious pain, all of their noble instincts fly out the window. Some people, of course, have the ability to master pain and to work on no matter what. They are considered to be heroic, and it is certainly a similar nature that succeeds in esoteric work. It is not a path for the weak.

The interdependence of the personality and the body - the machine which we have to operate with in this reality - leads us to the logical conclusion that it is this very machine and its programs that are most important for us to study in order to learn perspicacity, to learn to distinguish between the real and the false.

It is at this point that we begin to learn about the "tolerances" of our machine. We begin to discover that we spend most of our time swinging between action and reaction with no real input of the true "I." We discover that we have an ideal image of ourselves that has very little foundation in actual fact or "results." However, we cover all of this up by "faith" in our ideal image and our lies that we ARE that illusory self.

We come back to the fact that we attribute to ourselves qualities that we do not possess because if we possessed them, our lives would exactly mirror our image of ourselves. Our lies about what is really happening in our lives are what we use to "patch up" our egos with rationalizations and justifications, all of which conceal from us the fact that we cannot really DO anything because we have no Being.

Generally, to avoid facing the pain of this realization, people will take drugs of both the chemical and spiritual variety. It is only a matter of type and degree.

An individual who has undertaken the process of developing perspicacity in terms of the self, once he has learned to discern between his lies to himself and what is true about himself, can then begin to extend this ability to external knowledge. At that point, the information and observations he or she has been collecting without prejudice will make a "knowledge unit-ligand." When that happens, when a "piece of the puzzle" finally jumps into the right slot of understanding, THEN a whole cascade of things begins to happen just as it happens in the body when a ligand binds receptors.

And at that point, the state changes. And this leads us to the most exciting information about this "separating the milk from the cream" process.

As it happens, sometimes the information communicated to the interior of the cell by the ligands involves instructions to turn specific genes in the cell on or off! The same gene in different environments can produce many variations on a given trait and influence the expression of other genes. What is more, it is a scientific fact that changes in thoughts and behavior are reflected in the changes in the synapses.

It has been shown that Electric potentials release serotonin onto the synaptic terminals, and there is sufficient anecdotal evidence about electrical shocks producing changes in an individual that result in manifestation of "super-normal abilities" as we have already described, that we must stop and consider this question. As we have also noted, having had such abilities "turned on" by either the accident of genetics, an electrical shock, or a blow to the head, does not necessarily relate to the individual being spiritually advanced. What we can surmise from this item of information is that the serotonin released as a result of electric shock must somehow "skip a step" in a potentially natural process of DNA activation that is potential in all of us to one extent or another.

In other words, is there a natural process whereby serotonin is released in large quantities in concert with other ligands which can literally turn on DNA that activates a full range of "paranormal" abilities and that also are directly related to one's spiritual maturity?

There are far more exciting considerations about DNA potentials, but, for the moment, we will leave the subject with the warning that failing to properly "separate" the cream from the milk means that the Seeker will not even get to the point where he can skim the cream off and utilize it. What is even worse, "binding" oneself to that which is false may produce temporary "feel good" results, but in the long run, it not only blocks the possibility of binding Truth, it perpetuates itself by reducing the ability to perceive/bind with truth at ALL. Every single choice to accept something as Truth, to make a "leap of assumption," is a psychic ligand binding to a spiritual receptor. If what is believed is a lie, it is equivalent, in the brain, to a "false" ligand, like heroin. After awhile, there is no longer anywhere for Truth to bind or seat, and the condition of the Seeker is worse than before he began his quest in the same way an individual who has become a skid-row bum by his use of alcohol and/or drugs was far better off before he began his descent into addiction. The fact is: lies ARE addicting. They are made that way on purpose.

However, in terms of the Quest for the Holy Grail, as in the Alchemical pursuit of the Philosopher's Stone, just as it is in the case of the body potentials, when certain natural (spiritual) ligands are produced by sending signals into the cell to activate "sleeping DNA," abilities can be unlocked, including even psychic abilities and powers. And these psychic abilities then put the Seeker on an entirely different level. He has made, effectively, a Quantum Jump in terms of his State of Awareness.

We learn from one Initiate the following:

"The organs which carry and radiate the creative force can only manifest it in a perfect union - a perfect marriage - between the divine and material frequencies. This conductor of force charged with the divine frequency is the 'Ark of the Covenant.'"
There is certainly more to it than that, but for the moment, it is sufficient to know that the principle "As above, so below" is manifested on all planes, and scientific knowledge can most definitely contribute to spiritual understanding. As the Cassiopaeans have said: "Science is most spiritual indeed!" Regarding the gathering of knowledge, the Cassiopaeans have said:

Subtle answers that require effort to dissect promote intensified learning. Learning is an exploration followed by the affirmation of knowing through discovery. Learning is necessary for progress of soul... this is how you are building your power center. Patience serves the questor of hidden knowledge. Search your "files."
Georges Gurdjieff discussed this matter of "ligands of the soul" in terms of "impressions." He noted that Impressions are a kind of "food."

With every external impression, whether it takes the form of sound, or vision, or smell, we receive from the outside a certain amount of energy, a certain number of vibrations. For its normal existence the organism must receive all three kinds of food, that is, physical food, air, and impressions... But the relation of these foods to one another and their significance for the organism is not the same. [...] The flow of impressions coming to us from the outside is like a driving belt communicating motion to us. [...] Nature transmits to us through our impressions the energy by which we live and move and have our being.
Gurdjieff then goes on to talk about "self-observation" as the means by which greater energy is extracted from "impressions." This is where Mouravieff's work is most helpful in explicating exactly what needs to be done. He discusses Impressions in terms of "A" and "B" influences and the Three Forces of Creation, writing as follows:

The three fundamental conditions of Creation manifest in the Universe in the form of three basic principles of life: the static, dynamic and neutralizing principles.

Anything in creation can be analysed and studied in the light of these three principles, which appear in a way analogous to that described while talking about the conditions of creation of the World. They apply uniformly to all levels of the Cosmos. The classical example which the esoteric schools give to represent the play of the three forces is bread. To make bread we must have flour, fire and water. In this example, flour is the conductor of the passive force, fire of the active force, and water of the neutralizing force.

Here we must make it clear immediately that the substance which serves in one case as conductor for the passive force, may in other cases be the conductor.[...]

If the junction of the forces remains sterile, this means that in the esoteric sense their co-operation was not complete. The fault could arise from one of the three forces, from two of them, or even from all three. Analysis in the light of the law in question can greatly assist in determining the one or many causes of failure. For example, with the same good flour, the bread can be bad or inedible if we have added too much water - or not enough - or if the flame was weak or too high.[...]

This [analogy] allows us to grasp the sense and effect of a subsidiary law of the Law of Three. We see that with the same flour - the passive force in our example - we can experience failure due to a defective sharing of the active force (Fire), of the neutralizing force (Water), or of the two together. [...] The passive force contains all the possibilities for creating the phenomenon, while the active force intervenes as the realizer, and the neutralizing force as the regulator, of the relations between the two other forces, determining the dosage for both in an optimal way. This explains and justifies the fact that pre-eminence in the phenomenal world is attributed to the passive force.

Let us note here that this pre-eminence is a direct result of conditions at the first Creation. To pass or cross from the non-manifested state - a mono polar one, concentrated on the unique consciousness of Self within which the Divinity remains before the Creation of the World - the first Idea which makes the Divinity come out of the state of non-manifestation to become manifest, is necessarily that of the You. This idea, conceived by the divine sacrifice of Self-limitation, has Love, a neutralizing force, for third force.[...]

Thus, from the beginning of Creation, the divine existence becomes bipolar, Love being the neutralizing force which sustains relations between the universal 'I' and the universal 'You' [...]

When a substance serves as a conductor for the passive force, we call it Oxygen (0 ); when it serves as a conductor for the active force we call it Carbon ( C) ; when it serves as a conductor for the neutralizing force we call it Nitrogen (Azot) (N). When considered independently from the forces of which it is the conductor, the substance is called Hydrogen (H). [...]

We know that the structure of the lower intellectual centre is bipolar. This structure is perfectly adapted to that of what in the orthodox Tradition is called the 'World'. This 'World' consists in ensemble of the 'A' influences [...]. It is the world in which we live, which appears to the human Personality as the only reality, but is in fact relative or even illusory. [...]as we have already stated, all the 'A' [influences] have counterparts which neutralize them - ['B' influences]. This symbolizes the creation of the world, starting from Zero, by division into two groups of forces, equal in power and diametrically opposed in direction.

The bipolar structure of the intelligence, an exact counterpart of the structure of the 'World', allows man to study and recognize all the 'A' influences, to orient himself in their immediate and furthest field of action, to apply his abilities to it in order to search, calculate, combine, intervene, act and even to create within the limits of the field of action of these influences.

We know, however, that this 'World' is, in fact, illusory; that the 'B' influences represent the only imperishable reality in life. Has not Jesus said: 'Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where rust and worms consume, and where thieves break through walls and steal. But lay up for your selves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth consume and where thieves do not break through walls nor steal.'

It is well understood that it is a question here of two worlds which interpenetrate each other: the world constituted by the ensemble of 'A' influences- 'earth'; and the esoteric world -'heaven', formed by the 'B' influences.

By studying the play of the three forces attentively, the searcher will train himself to recognize the action of the 'A' and 'B' influences, and distinguish between them. This is one of the essential elements of that re-education of which we spoke earlier. [...]

It is by absorbing 'B' influences - divine influences from a higher level, which are consequently more powerful - and by putting full trust in them, as well as by giving proofs of capacity and devotion, that we shall be liberated from the dominion of these 'A' influences -which are ruled by the General Law, assisted by the Law of Accident.

He whose efforts are crowned with success -who attains higher levels of being-is immediately utilized to share in the management and growth of a given level of the lower forces of the Cosmos.

In general he will have to accomplish - as a mission - a task in the domain of the 'A' influences. Above all, this work will require study of the bipolar world. Intelligence is the only tool we possess with which to achieve this end. This is its real reason for being, as well as the reason why its structure exactly reflects the world of the 'A' influences. This instrument thus allows man, in accordance with Plato's principle, to grasp and know the similar by the similar.

Knowing this, the student of esoteric science must guard against falling into the extremes expressed in some teachings; he must neither despise nor neglect his intellectual faculties. The intelligence must be developed and sharpened up to the limit of what is possible, and thought must be- come sharp as the point of a needle. But it must not be forgotten that the Personality, in spite of its complex structure and its many abilities, is nothing but an instrument, whose functioning remains purely mechanical. It is for this reason that in esoteric matters it does not know, and will never know anything with certainty. By its nature agnostic, and concerned with phenomena, it is limited by form and function to three dimensions. It is incapable of exceeding these boundaries, but sincerely takes the world of influences as the only reality.
I would like to try to shed some light on the subject of the Three Forces and Impressions and 'A' and 'B' influences that so exercised Gurdjieff and Mouravieff, but this will require a little bit of background first.

We begin with the question: who were the Celts? We are taught almost nothing about them in school, though they seem to be considered as the ancestors of most Europeans, thus also Americans. Why is it that the religion and culture of the Mesopotamian region dominates our lives and our culture when it is, in effect, "foreign"?

Celtic vernacular literature, including myths, stories and poems, in its written form, dates mainly from the Middle Ages. It is based on oral transmission that goes far beyond the Christian Era. It is very difficult to get a clear picture of the pre-Christian Celts from the transmitted texts, not only because of the typical mixture of myth and reality, and the lapse of time, but also because the Roman empire sought to stamp it out starting with Caesar and continuing with the Roman church.

However, studying what is available closely, one gets the impression of a dynamic, somewhat undisciplined people. The Celts were proud, imaginative, artistic, lovers of freedom and adventure, eloquence, poetry, and arts. You can always discern the Celtic influence by the great artistic talents of these peoples.

The Celts were VERY suspicious of any kind of centralized "authority," and this is, in the end, what brought about their downfall. They could not stand against the hierarchical war machine of the Roman empire. In a sense, you could almost say that this is how Hitler nearly conquered Europe, most especially France. Gauls take the principles of liberty and equality VERY seriously - right down to the common man on the street who in no way considers himself inferior to the Prime Minister.

One of the principal historians of the Roman era, Julius Caesar, tells us that the Celts were ruled by the Druids. The druids "held all knowledge." The Druids were charged with ALL intellectual activities, and were not restricted to religion, per se, which suggests to us that "religion" and "knowledge" in a more or less scientific approach, were considered essential to one another - symbiotic.

It is later writers who began to vilify the Celts by accusing them of the usual things that people get accused of when someone wants to demonize them: human sacrifice, homosexuality, and so on. Most of that nonsense goes back to Posidonius, who has been quoted as an "authority" by every other "authority" on the Celts since. Unfortunately, when one checks Posidonius, one finds that he really didn't have a clue and was probably making stuff up to fulfill an agenda.

The lack of written texts by the Celts has been the greatest problem for historians and students of the Celts. A lot of ideas are "supposed" or ancient sources with agendas have been relied on, and some of them even propose that there was a "taboo" by the Celts on putting things into writing.

Well, I suppose that, if our civilization came to an end and all our records on magnetic media were destroyed, people might say that we didn't put anything in writing either.

There has been a lot of nonsense written about WHY the Celts didn't write things down, and the most nonsensical, considering what we do know about their culture, is that this was how the Druids "kept their power" or that they believed something silly like: "if the sacred myths were revealed, they would become profaned and thus lose their mystic virtues."

What Caesar said was that the reason for the ban on writing was that the Druids were concerned that their pupils should not neglect the training of their memories, i.e. the Frontal Cortex, by relying on written texts. We have discussed the production of ligands and their potential for unlocking DNA . It seems to be very interesting that the very things that we have learned from the Cassiopaeans, from alchemical texts, from our own experiences, and from research - that "thinking with a hammer" is the key to transformation - was noted as an integral part of the Druidic initiation.

It is worth noting that, in the nineteenth century, it was observed that the illiterate Yugoslav bards, who were able to recite interminable poems, actually lost their ability to memorize once they had learned to rely on reading and writing.

Although the Druids prohibited certain things from being written down, it's clear that they DID write. Celtic writings in Ogamic script have been found on many ancient stones. Caesar tells us that the Celts were using the Greek alphabet when the Romans arrived in Gaul in the first century BC.

However, the knowledge of the initiates was transmitted entirely orally, and with the information about ligands and receptors, we are beginning to understand WHY.

The destruction of Celtic culture was so complete that we know very little about their religion. We do know that they celebrated their "rites" in forests and by lakes without erecting any covered temples or statues of divinities. Tacitus tells us:

They do not think it in keeping with the divine majesty to confine gods within walls, or to portray them in the likeness of any human countenance. Their holy places are woods and groves and they apply the names of deities to that hidden presence which is seen only by the eyes of reverence.
Plato had doubts about the Greek origins of Homer's work because not only do the physical descriptions in his poems not correspond to the Greek world, but also the Homeric philosophy is very different from the mainstream Greek philosophy we know about today. The latter is based on the dualism of two opposing elements, thesis/ antithesis, good/ evil, life/death, body/soul, etc. omitting the idea of the Third Force.

Since Plato's times, many have sought to derive "synthesis" from these opposing elements, with little success. The "third force" of Gurdjieff has been brought up many times with little satisfaction in the attempts to understand it, and perhaps it is in what we can derive from the Celtic teachings will help us here.

According to Homer, the philosophy of the ancient world was that there was a third element that linked the opposing elements. Between the body and the soul, there is the spirit. Between life and death there is the transformation that is possible to the individual, between father and mother there is the child who takes the characteristics of both father and mother, and between good and evil there is the SPECIFIC SITUATION that determines which is which and what ought to be done.

In other words, there are three simultaneous determinants in any situation that make it impossible to say that any list of things is "good" or "evil" intrinsically, and that the true determinant is the situation.

In any event, the symbol of this philosophy is the triskele, representing three waves joined together.

The simultaneous existence of the third element does not mean that the notion of "good" and "evil" did not exist or was not reflected in the Celtic law. What was clear was that it was understood that nothing could be "cut and dried" in terms of law, that each situation was unique and the circumstances had to be carefully weighed.

Aristotle considered Gaul to be the "teacher" of Greece and the Druids to be the "inventors of philosophy." The Greeks also considered the Druids to be the world's greatest scholars, and whose mathematical knowledge was the source of Pythagoras' information.

And so, we see that there is another way to consider the "three forces." This brings us back again to "perspicacity" which is a function of knowledge. The ability to "assimilate B influences" as Mouravieff describes it, depends upon the evaluation of the Impression in the specific context in which it is experienced. A very simple way of putting it is: is it Truth or is it a Lie and if either, which has more affinity to the world of the spirit, or Love?

There are those who think that truth or lies are always static, that a lie is a lie is a lie and that to be "good," one must ALWAYS tell the "truth." However, it is not always that easy. For example, consider France during the Nazi occupation. Undoubtedly, many of those involved in the resistance lied daily and regularly about their plans and activities. What was different about their lies was the INTENT and the SPECIFIC SITUATION. In such a situation, speaking the truth to a Nazi soldier who would use that truth to destroy one's fellow resistance fighters would be "evil," so to say, and lying would be "good." This simple example ought to give the reader much to think about in terms of the socialized belief in a "black and white" exposition of "good and evil."

Going back to the example of baking bread: in some cases, the flour could be "truth" and the fire could be "lies" and the water could be the specific situation in which the two meet and interact. If Impressions are "food," then this principle ought to be carefully considered when "taking in Impressions" or "assimilating "B influences" which we now know to be the process of applying the Law of Three to any given situation or dynamic in our lives and "Thinking with a Hammer." We also begin to understand that Love has many faces in Creation as does God. We realize also why such knowledge is reserved for initiates: how easy to twist and distort and misuse such an understanding.
Thanks to Deckard for his question and thank to Laura for her reply.
I also had misconceptions similar to Deckard about STO/STS and it clarified the matter.
err..I think because I want to ask this concerning what you said, if I may ?

deckard wrote:

You can try, and you may succed for a while but sooner or later this will be corrupted as you cannot escape your real nature.

Or maybe it is the point to constantly strive to BEcome your true self, to know that there are TWO natures, the STO self, and the DNA modified body that MAY shift if the higher centers can be "seated".
If I understand this correctly, it is possible to be STS and STO at the same time then, right ?
With various degrees toward one or the other depending on our choices (The more STS you "chose" to be the more mechanical you become, the only way to be more STO is to be conscious of your choices.)

But to "ascend" to 4D STO you need to be 3D STO (or 3D STS/STO at the same time ??) first by seating the magnetic centers as described by Mouravieff.

So the Mouravieff drawings with the A and B influences explains this as well then (I am currently reading the Gnosis books in french).

That's how I understand it but correct me if I am wrong.
Tigersoap said:
If I understand this correctly, it is possible to be STS and STO at the same time then, right ?
From what I understand, each being is part of a specie that has a specific level of consciousness 2, 3, 4,...

Within some of those consciousness levels, are STO or STS orientations : 3D STS, 3D STO, 4D STS, 4D STO,...

Our specie is considered as 3D STS (OP, and non OP could represent two consciousness level subdivisions : 2/3D STS ans 3/4D STS)

Being part of a 3D STS specie doesn't mean that all the actions of all the individuals are STS.

Before uniting its centers, an individual is blind so he can not really make "pure"/"impeccable" actions. Therefore most of those actions are unconscious STO/STS blends with a dominance of STS (because of the specie's nature)

It is through the Work, that an individual starts to raise and unite his centers, increase his Free Will and then he can make impeccable actions that might really become meaningful (strong STO or STS orientation).

When graduation comes (the Wave), human beings having reach more than 50% STO orientation will enter 4D STO, human beings having reach 95% STS orientation will reach 4D STS, others will stay in the current state (3D STS).

This last phenomenom shows that (at least at our level) STO/STS orientation and consciousness level are correlated. The one who don't graduate are the one who don't make a choice, i.e. the ones who follow their specie nature : global/unvoluntary STS orientation (concretely actions including between 50 and 95% of STS orientation).

To graduate one has to strongly orientate his life, his actions (towards STS or towards STO).

Therefore he has to really know who he is, to really know what is STO, to really know what is STS.

Then at each instant, each decision, each action he chooses which god he serves, the STO one or the STS one.

PS : I Ching and these phenomenon might not be very different

Human beings have to do conscious actions, serving STO or STS

Trigram = the three component of any action (active/passive/neutralizing)
The eight trigram = the Yin/Yang (STO/STS) duality diffusing within the three forces law (2*2*2=8)
Laura said:
We generally explain our failures as "lack of will." What people do not realize is that failure is not generally due to a lack of will or desire, but to a lack of BEING. It is only with the development of BEING that we begin to understand the knowledge we have acquired. Only then, with understanding combined with BEING, do we have the ability to Do.
I was thinking about this during the past days, and reviewing also what Gurdjieff said about "understanding" ["seeing"]:
"Knowledge by itself does not give understanding. Nor is understanding increased by an increase of knowledge alone. Understanding depends upon the relation of knowledge to being. Understanding is the resultant of knowledge and being. And knowledge and being must not diverge too far, otherwise understanding will prove to be far removed from either. At the same time the relation of knowledge to being does not change with a mere growth of knowledge. It changes only when being grows simultaneously with knowledge. In other words, understanding grows only with the growth of being.

"In ordinary thinking, people do not distinguish understanding from knowledge. They think that greater understanding depends on greater knowledge. Therefore they accumulate knowledge, or that which they call knowledge, but they do not know how to accumulate understanding and do not bother about it.

"And yet a person accustomed to self-observation knows for certain that at different periods of his life he has understood one and the same idea, one and the same thought, in totally different ways. It often seems strange to him that he could have understood so wrongly that which, in his opinion, he now understands rightly. And he realizes, at the same time, that his knowledge has not changed, and that he knew as much about the given subject before as he knows now. What, then, has changed? His being has changed. And once being has changed understanding must change also.

"The difference between knowledge and understanding becomes clear when we realize that knowledge may be the function of one center. Understanding, however, is the function of three centers. Thus the thinking apparatus may know something. But understanding appears only when a man feels and senses what is connected with it.

"We have spoken earlier about mechanicalness. A man cannot say that he understands the idea of mechanicalness if he only knows about it with his mind. He must feel it with his whole mass, with his whole being; then he will understand it.
This quote is from the book "In search of the Miraculous", I skipped the part of mechanicalness, which is opposed to Doing.

Then, while reading the signs editorial "Happy Birthday, Fulcanelli", I came upon the following quote from Fulcanelli:
Under the action of the vibratory bombardment, the spirit, freed from the body, takes on, for our senses physical qualities characteristic of its active phase: luminosity, radiance, heat.
This reminded me the concept of "frequency resonance vibration", which is explained in Laura's article "Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich" and I'm taking the freedom to quote big chunks of it ;) because it has to do with the development of BEING/"STO":

A person's "will to be" is his natural frequency. And, when you marry will to knowledge, you have hope of using the will in a particular way. This Will is the "mustard seed" of the Biblical parable. Again: Will to Be, or orientation, is your Frequency.

Application of will via knowledge, to choices produces FREQUENCY RESONANCE VIBRATION in the consciousness which can then manifest in the experience of the individual.

Frequency Resonance Vibration is directly related to what is called Forced Oscillation. Any wave system may be driven by a force from the "outside." Whenever a system is made to vibrate by a periodic force, the resulting motion is called Forced Oscillation. An example would be the glass that shatters when the opera singer hits the "right note."

Forced Oscillations take place with the frequency of the driving force rather than with the natural frequency of the system. The amplitude of the response depends on how the driving frequency is related to the natural frequency. If these frequencies are nearly the same, even a very weak driving force can, in time, feed enough energy into the system to give it a large amplitude of motion. This condition is called Resonance.

Everybody has probably pushed a child on a swing. What you notice is, after a series of very strong pushes to get the swing going, you can stand there and just give an occasional push or "tap" to keep the same swinging motion going. But, as every parent knows, it has to be given at exactly the right instant. The tap must be applied in the same direction, and at the very instant of the swinging away motion for it to work. If you give a push at intervals instead of at every return, you will find that an increase of force is necessary depending on how many times you let the swing come and go before applying another tap. If you set up a series of "every other return" before pushing, you will have to apply the exact same force at each of these arbitrarily determined intervals which will be a multiple of the force you would have to apply if you pushed with every single return. These intervals of pushing at arbitrarily designated returns are submultiples of the natural frequency. And, as you see from this example, they can produce the same resonance also, the Frequency Resonance Vibration being the swinging in response to being pushed.

If the pushes are continued, and if the swing had long enough ropes and a brave enough child, a regular series of pushes could eventually launch the child into outer space! [...]

The consciousness of a human being could be considered to be a series of Forced Oscillations either from his own will and consciousness, or from the will and consciousness of others.

And here we come to the problem:
Besides depending on how close the driving frequency is to the natural frequency, the amplitude of response of the forced vibrations of a system also depends on the strength of the damping. The less damping there is, the greater the response of resonance. The resonance frequency is always lower than the natural frequency but gets very close as the damping is reduced. [Freeman, Physics Principles and Insights, 1973]
Now, as we have said, a human being is a combination of frequencies of the cellular structure, the etheric/genetic body, and the consciousness orientation. If these different frequencies operate in harmonious submultiples of a certain fundamental frequency, we say that the system is in harmony, that is to say, there is Harmonious Frequency Resonance.

We can also say that, by changing one of the frequencies and amplifying it, the others may be brought into harmony by the process of Forced oscillation IF the natural frequency of each is a harmonic of, or is close to, the driving frequency.

At the same time, the act of changing ANY of the frequencies can be accomplished by Forced Oscillation from the "outside," whether for harmony or not. That is to say, if the forced oscillation is not close to the natural frequency, there will be less amplitude.

Now, a human being, in general, is under the powerful influence of the matter of which his body is constructed. Matter is the result of the STS "Thought of Non-being," or "Sleeping Consciousness" of God. Therefore, in a general sense, by being in 3rd density, to a great extenct, man is "asleep;" he is under the influence of the frequency of the STS polarity. His Frequency Resonance Vibration is STS, or that of matter/contraction - the predator's mind.

But, man has a possibility of CHANGING FREQUENCY, aligning with STO polarity, IF he can find that part of himself that is truly of Service to Others and AMPLIFY it through the process of Frequency Resonance Vibration, resulting from the Forced Oscillation of making choices of alignment with the STO thought center. It is only his Will that can do this, and it is only WHEN it is "married to knowledge" so that he can truly KNOW what his choice is and how to implement it. These choices are the "pushes" of the swing. If sufficient amplitude is achieved, ALL of his other frequencies will also gradually move into Frequency Resonance Vibration.

Of course, this process is not only dependent upon the natural frequency of the individual, but also upon the dampers that may be in place that can restrict the amplitude. The fewer dampers, the greater the amplitude that can be achieved with the least application of energy.
We have to discover and remove the "dampers" to our systems.

Again, it is in the gaining of knowledge that we can remove the dampers, little by little. It is hard work and it is painful. But as we do this, we come, step by step, to the position of humility and self-knowledge that enables the alignment of the will. If the natural frequency of STO is present in the moment of choice, this pure will "becomes the friend of the highest of knowledge" and they "enter into a bond of eternal union." And one is then able to connect with the Eternal Creative Light within, which then becomes the Forced Oscillator that changes the Frequency Resonance Vibration in dramatic and life changing ways. This amounts to giving up self-will to allow the greater will of the Thought Center to manifest. The manifestation of this in one's daily life via choices become "pushes" of the swing of the etheric/genetic body and the atomic signature of the cellular structure which then changes the entire reality.

When we finally achieve Self-recognition/humility, we understand that it is implementation of our choices at THIS 3rd density level that increases the amplitude of our Frequency Resonance Vibration, which IS, in actuality, our polarization. Amplitude constitutes our "ripeness" for advancement to the next density. What we are choosing is, in effect, which part we will play in the NEXT cycle of creation! What we do now determines our course into either consciousness that creates, or the intensely contractile Thought of Nonbeing that "goes to sleep" as primal matter. Neither of them are "higher" frequencies, they are DIFFERENT.

Mass and "Spring Constant" are the determinants of Frequency in material terms. Using the principle of "As above, so below," we must assume that similar constructs apply to "spiritual frequencies." The Spring Constant is the measure of the force needed to extend the mass by an arbitrary measure. Mass, since it relates to matter, in spiritual terms is analogous to "sleeping consciousness" or IGNORANCE. This means that the fundamental "ignorant" or "sleeping" nature of the STS orientation equates to greater mass AND Spring Constant. Greater mass and Spring Constant require greater strength of Forced Oscillation to produce Frequency Resonance Vibration even if the Natural Frequency is very close to the frequency of the Forced Oscillator. Thus, since the "Natural Frequency" of the human being is that of matter to the greatest extent, it is more inclined to be influenced by the STS polarity Forced Oscillation.

Less mass and Spring Constant are the result of knowledge. Knowledge is a function of consciousness, and all knowledge that IS knowledge and not assumption, prejudice or illusion, increases consciousness.
Q: (L) We have been discussing memories and how memories of, say, past lives are stored, and that leads to the question of what is the structure and composition of the soul? How does the soul remember? How does it carry its memories from lifetime to lifetime, from body to body, whether simultaneous or sequential? How does the soul "store" them?
A: Has to do with atomic principles. These with gravity present the borderland for the material and the nonmaterial. Which theoretical atomic particulates would you think form the basis here?
Q: (L) How about tachyons?
A: Maybe neutrons? Neutrinos.
Q: (A) Neutrinos are funny particles because they are massless. But, some people don't believe that neutrinos exist. Do they exist?
A: Okay, we are going to throw caution to the "winds," and say yes. [Laughter.]
Q: (L) In terms of these neutrinos and soul composition, how are memories formed or held or patterned with these neutrinos?
A: Contained within for release when and if suitable.
Q: (L) Memories are contained within the neutrinos?
A: Sort of.
Q: (L) Are they contained within patterns formed by the neutrinos?
A: Closer.
Q: (L) So, that means that if one "consciousness unit," or soul, has more memories or experiences than another consciousness unit, it would have more neutrinos?
A: No.
Q: (L) What's the difference?
A: More data per unit, sort of.
Q: (L) Does that mean that an individual neutrino can be, in and of itself, more "dense" in data, so to speak?
A: So to speak.
Q: (L) Does this increased density of data change the nature or function of the individual neutrino?
A: Maybe it changes the function of the awareness, thus the environs.
Q: (L) Is there a specific number of neutrinos that constitutes a consciousness unit, or soul?
A: Number is not quite the right concept. Orientation is closer.
Q: (L) What are the orientational options?
A: Vibrational frequencies.
Q: (L) Do the vibrational frequencies increase or decrease with density of data?
A: Change; better not to quantify.
Note that the nature of the soul is fundamentally changed by changing the ORIENTATION of the basic units and orientation has to do with CHANGING frequencies. And the process of changing orientation or frequency is dependent on increasing the data within the basic units; making them more "dense." Vibrational Frequencies change with increase of density of data.

Increase of data changes the frequency in a natural way from the orientation of STS to that which is closer to STO which results in a reduction in Mass and Spring Constant which means that less energy must be input from the Forced Oscillator in order to produce Frequency Resonance Vibration! [...]
Hmm, very interesting
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