I'm looking for a particular session I'm unable to find, can anyone help?


A Disturbance in the Force
I believe it was Laura, Frank, A, and me at the session. I've already looked at the first 3.5 years of sessions, and have been unable to find it.

In this session the C's talked about the iron in our heads, and how it has a particular orientation and, if I remember correctly, that the orientation changes as we get closer to transitioning....I could have faulty memory about that.

At any rate, with the graphene oxide in the vaxxes, I'm am really wanting to review this session, and have wanted to for a few weeks now. I do know I am a persona non grata around here, but this is very important to me to see this session, so.....yeah, I registered to see if someone would be so kind as to help me out. I will unsubscribe after someone can maybe supply the particular session to me. I don't want to be be where I'm not wanted.

Thank you to whoever might be able to help me out. My heart to youse guyses.....😊
Dear Violette, you are more than welcome to stay and join the discussions.

Check the following sessions which contain references to magnetite and iron.

June 7, 1997
August 16, 1997
November 22, 1997
June 20, 1998
August 22, 1998
September 19, 1998
November 14, 1998
November 28, 1998
December 5, 1998
April 8, 2000
Thank you for the references, Laura.

I check in on the new transmissions and, regardless of all else, I do hope for the best for you and yours.

But, have youse guyses checked into the relationship between the graphene oxide in the vaxxes with relationship to that information about the iron in the brain, and it orienting one way and then another....didn't that have to do with transitioning?

I of course have not taken the vaxx, but I am wondering if at some level, this is why or part of the reason why graphene oxide is used in the vaxxes....because perhaps it would malfunction the iron orientation from orienting the way it would if left well enough alone.
You participated also in the session of July 5, 1997

: Violette wants to start with a couple of health related questions.

A: Go ahead, Violette.

Q: (V) I have been studying the nutrition books and have come to some conclusions. Can you tell me if I am on the right course here?

A: Yes.

Q: (Violette) Can you offer any more insight?

A: Iron bars. Not the metallic kind. Nutrition "bars" as in granola, for example.

Q: (Violette) In my dream last night I had a mouth full of nasty stuff and I was spitting it out. Am I correct in my understanding that I am getting rid of ugly stuff?

A: Guilt purges.

Q: (Violette) I'm getting rid of guilt?

A: Or attempting.

Q: (Laura) Anything else for Violette?

A: More energy?

Q: (Violette) I have felt low on energy. I have been very exhausted. Do you mean put more energy into clearing?

A: Then rearrange foo
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