Imminent Alien Disclosure?

I don't know where to leave this video. I have not read until the moments here that what happened about the MH370 video is a real video. So until proven otherwise, I leave you with this video of how a professional in VFX could easily fake a UFO video and make it viral.

We Put Fake UFO Footage on Reddit and it Went Viral

A long time ago I found a similar video, it was a plane that practically vanished when hitting a UFO, I'm looking for it but I don't think I'll find it or at least not so easy, it was a long time ago. The funny thing about these videos is that they always have the same low quality, whether it's a compact camera or a satellite... I'm already starting to think that it's intentional to keep the worst quality possible. Nowadays old videos can be improved to very high current resolutions with AI Enhanced like this:

What If Jason and the Argonauts Had Smoother Stop-Motion?
What if the 1963 movie Jason of the Argonauts had smoother stop-motion animation for its effects scenes made by the famous Ray Harryhausen? I used an AI program to interpolate the scene to a higher frame rate to see what that would look like.

WW2, 1944: P-47 Thunderbolt Crash Lands Into Plane | 60fps, Colorized, Sound Design, AI Enhanced

WW2 Crash Landings, Historic Restored Footage | 4K, 60fps, AI Enhanced, Sound Design

Hindenburg Disaster in 1937 - [60FPS - Color - 4K] - Old footage restoration with AI

VHS restoration with Topaz Video Enhance (AI engine)

Well, the usual dilemma, if there is no evidence it is a lie but if there is evidence it is possibly false, demanding public (laughs). Although on the other hand, in times as artificial as these, we can be told the truth in the most brazen way and still reject it. After all, denial is only part of the scheme.
Read 'Secret' memo for Trudeau on unidentified object shot down over Yukon
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was provided a classified memo on the subject of "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)" in February, CTV News has learned.

Obtained through a freedom of information request, the heavily redacted document offers a glimpse into how the Canadian government responded to the unidentified object that was detected and shot down over northern Canada's Yukon territory on Feb. 11. According to the "Secret" memo, the Yukon object was the 23rd so-called "UAP" tracked over North America in the first few weeks of 2023.
"NORAD numbers objects on a sequential basis, per year, to track every detected object that is not immediately identified; upon cross-examination most objects are found to be innocuous and do not meet the threshold for higher reporting or engagement," the memo explained. "Object #23's function, method of propulsion, or affiliation to any nation-state remains unverified."
"UAP #23" was one of three unidentified objects shot down by fighter jets over North America earlier this year, immediately following the Feb. 4 downing of a suspected Chinese spy balloon. While the three objects have not been publicly identified, all were reportedly much smaller than the 200-foot-tall apparent Chinese surveillance device.On Feb. 16, U.S. President Joe Biden said the three mysterious objects likely no posed no threat and were probably private or research balloons.
Transmitted on Feb. 14, the "Memorandum for the Prime Minister" was classified "Secret" and for "limited distribution." It was CC'd to Trudeau's national security advisory, Jody Thomas, and signed by Janice Charette, who then served as the powerful clerk of the Privy Council.
Canada's Privy Council Office, or PCO, is a centralized hub that directs the country's public service and is responsible for providing non-partisan support to the prime minister and cabinet as they make policy decisions.

Detected on the afternoon of Feb. 11, the Yukon object was shot down the same day by a U.S. F-22 fighter jet. At the time officials described it as a "suspected balloon" that was "cylindrical" in shape.

"NORAD Canadian CF-18 Hornets had been scrambled but the F-22s were better located based on time, space, and fading light," the memo stated. "As additional UAP are detected, we will continue to keep you apprised."
Due to harsh winter conditions and the remote mountainous terrain, efforts to recover debris from the Yukon object were called off on Feb. 17.
"It is unknown whether it poses an armed threat or has intelligence collection capabilities," the memo added. "The area in which the impact occurred is a known (caribou) migration route, which opens the possibility of future accidental discovery by Indigenous hunters."

Extensive redactions were made to the memo under sections 15 and 69 of Canada's Access to Information Act, which pertain to national security and cabinet confidentiality.

The declassified document was provided to by a civilian researcher who wished to remain anonymous. verified the document's authenticity by filing a new information request with the Privy Council Office. The PCO and Prime Minister's Office did not respond to requests for comment.
In a statement to, Canada's Department of National Defence would not disclose how many other unidentified objects have been detected over North America since the flurry of February incidents.

"Following the identification of the larger high-altitude surveillance balloon, NORAD adjusted our detection capabilities to give us better fidelity on seeing smaller, slower objects at various altitudes," a Canadian defence spokesperson said. "Each event is unique and NORAD's response is determined on a case-by-case basis."

Short for North American Aerospace Defense Command, Norad is a joint Canada-U.S. defence group that is responsible for protecting the continent from incoming attacks.

Iain Boyd, a professor of aerospace engineering and director of the Center for National Security Initiatives at the University of Colorado, says the memo shows how Canadian and U.S. elements of Norad effectively work together "without regards to national boundaries."

"It also appears to indicate a low level of understanding of the object in terms of its capabilities and function," Boyd added. "Under normal circumstances, you’d like to think that the decision to shoot it down would only be made after a thorough assessment had been made of the danger it posed based on all information available."
Boyd says the events of February illustrate Canadian and U.S. limitations when it comes to detecting, tracking and identifying objects in their airspace.
"We have gone from a crazy few days where four objects were shot down, to nothing in the six months since," Boyd said. "It would be interesting to know what changes in procedures, if any, have been undertaken by Norad and other organizations charged with protecting Canada and the U.S."
The Canadian military routinely states that it "does not typically investigate sightings of unknown or unexplained phenomena outside the context of investigating credible threats, potential threats, or potential distress in the case of search and rescue has discovered at least four incidents that apparently met that criteria between 2016 and 2020. Canadian defence officials have also attended meetings with Pentagon UAP investigators.
A federal aviation incident database shows that reports of unusual lights and objects in Canadian airspace have been filed for decades by police officers, soldiers, air traffic controllers and pilots on medical, military, cargo and passenger flights operated by WestJet, Air Canada Express, Porter Airlines, Delta and more. Transport Canada, which operates the database, also does not typically follow up on such reports.

In March, revealed that the federal government's top scientist had launched the first official Canadian UAP study in nearly three decades. Known as the Sky Canada Project, the effort from Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada seeks to understand how UAP reports "are managed in Canada and to recommend improvements." A new Sky Canada Project webpage promises a final public report in 2024.
The US National Archives has once again attracted the attention of the public by posting thousands of declassified documents about UFOs on its website. These documents contain written evidence, photographs and videos that may be the key to solving mysterious phenomena in the sky. The disclosed data includes information from the Blue Book Project, a secret program of the US Air Force to investigate unidentified flying objects, as well as records of the famous Roswell incident of 1947.

The Blue Book Project was created in 1947 and operated until 1969. It was conceived for the systematic collection and analysis of information about unidentified flying objects. As part of this program, thousands of UFO-related cases have been analyzed and detailed reports have been compiled. Now these reports are available to everyone who wants to study the mysterious facts and evidence.

Link to official archive:
Caught this one today:


Four people in Michigan recently reported seeing a UFO being chased by two fighter jets.

According to a report filed with the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), the eyewitnesses saw two F-16 fighter jets "dogfighting" something the man couldn't see at first.

However, the report states that it was clear that the jets were "looking intently for something" and, soon, a "white/metallic disc" appeared.

"The UAP was extremely fast it was capable of overtaking and outmaneuvering the fighter jets with extreme ease. It would overtake a jet, stop suddenly and seemed to turn toward the incoming jet like spin in there direction without moving," the NUFORC report states.
The witness said that the jets then began shooting anti-missile flares "like it was under direct attack."

"The UAP was also comfortable to just spin again and make the next jet flanking shoot its anti missile flares! There was clear distress," the eyewitness said.

According to the witness, this cat-and-mouse game went on for three rounds before the jets took off in "an ear-shattering retreat."
The witness said the UAP hid from the jets in the sun several times during the altercation. Once the incident ended and the fighter jets took off, the UAP "sat in the sun a moment longer and seemed to circle the area almost as in a victory lap, it then departed with absolutely no sound in the complete opposite direction as the fighter jets had flown."

The witness said that the fact that the altercation took place in the glare of the sun, they were unable to get "anything other than a blinding glare and noise" on their phone.

"I did not see if the UAP had shot anything I could define as a weapon," the witness noted.

Almost two weeks later, NUFORC spoke with the wife of the witness who filed the initial report, and she corroborated the sighting, which took place while the couple was dropping off their camper.

"I was sitting in my car as my husband unhooked the camper from the truck. Suddenly, the roar of jets filled the air; they were both loud and incredibly fast," the woman stated.

The woman added that she then saw a UAP that the jets were circling that was "emerging from the brilliance of the sun."
"It’s difficult to describe what I saw accurately, but the object appeared to be a disk-like shape and metallic in color. The peculiar type of metallic hue was blending with the sunlight, making it rather hard to discern," the witness claimed.

The second witness reported the same cat-and-mouse game as her husband that took place before the fighters departed.
"It seemed as though they were having difficulty tracking the object, perhaps losing it in the sun’s glare. Remarkably, the UAP was silent, moving in a sort of skipping motion. After they lost sight of it once more, the jets promptly departed," she stated.

The National UFO Reporting Center is an independent watchdog that for five decades has received, recorded, corroborated and documented reports from individuals who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO-related events.

Throughout its history, the center has processed more than 170,000 reports, and has distributed its information to thousands of individuals.
Bob Lazar in 1989, talking about human beings as "containers". Which as you know, is also in the transcripts in various places.

The “container” thing is a running theme throughout the alien contact / abduction phenomenon- Whitley Strieber et al speak of it, and this reportedly is coveyed by the ETs themselves, that humans are containers. That could possibly mean a whole host of things, none of which are probably good.
He also mentioned "Externally corrected evolution" so, that to me sounds like Intelligent design.

Yeah, the whole "we are your ancestors from underground, your global warming thing has happened many times before, it happened to us and we had to go underground to protect ourselves. There, we developed new super green tech that means we do not pollute and we want to share it with you to save you" is gonna be a really bad day for Darwinists, even without any suggestion of our "ancestors" tinkering with our dna.
Yeah, the whole "we are your ancestors from underground, your global warming thing has happened many times before, it happened to us and we had to go underground to protect ourselves. There, we developed new super green tech that means we do not pollute and we want to share it with you to save you" is gonna be a really bad day for Darwinists, even without any suggestion of our "ancestors" tinkering with our dna.
Good point, although I can see someone going "but it still is evolution technically.. just externally corrected"
Externally 'corrected' is an odd term. Came across something recently that talked about tinkering with the genes of flies so that they were born without eyes. The genetic tinkering held for about 14 generations before flies started to be born with eyes again - they just reverted to their original genetic potential. The external correction might have something to do with preventing some characteristic from being expressed.
While driving across the country, I’ve been trying to catch up on what’s happening towards disclosure and came across this new interview with Grusch. He’s a lot more open here, but still reserved on certain issues. It’s a great condensed summary of everything that’s been going on recently with a little historical context thrown in there.

Physics, history, and UFOS.. Well produced!

Externally 'corrected' is an odd term. Came across something recently that talked about tinkering with the genes of flies so that they were born without eyes. The genetic tinkering held for about 14 generations before flies started to be born with eyes again - they just reverted to their original genetic potential. The external correction might have something to do with preventing some characteristic from being expressed.
Yes, I see it something similar to bonsai trimming, they can only cut things here and there to try and use the natural expression, which can't be really controlled entirely, in an attempt to get a desired result. And this is done via several means, not only physiological with toxic food and vaccines, or EM pollution and the like, but also through mental/psychological, psychic and emotional ones I would say.

I seem to remember someone saying that our habits can change our gene expression, given that emotional and mental events affect our choices, I would say this external correction, has to be an effort in several different levels.
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