Imminent Alien Disclosure?

BTW: I was a gaming-news journalist for 14 years (1999-2014). Example main page of our site.
Here is an example of what an online gaming NewZ site looks like today. In order to increase our influence just like (Today's Influencers on SM) I - the newscaster - routinely & reflexively created fantastic stories weaving in famous Hollywood celebs and creating mythological creatures from folk-tales, famous cartoons, etc... All kinds of totally illusory situations coloring harsh reality to have a coating of Pink Spun Sugar. It was massive fun. We entertained The Working People like Michael Jackson. We created a refuge from everydays-boredom. We became the biggest in our country.

This process of Sugarification[sic] became our blood. We gathered a cult following. Many admitted they were practically "living on our forums". When we ended the site, our "cultist followers" had such strong withdrawal symptoms that they could not endure that they have lost us. So they created a replica gaming news site.

Therefore it could be possible that famous Alt-Media speakers instinctively do the above, because they wanna reach The People and Wake Up as many as possible.
check this out as a neat explanation of 4D space and how it may interact with 3D

Interesting. There's also this

So in 3D we perceive things as 2D and can only make out the 3D aspect of objects by factoring in additional info like shadow, light, perspective etc. A 4D creature would see all sides of a 3D object e.g. sphere at once. 🤷

There's something I don't quite get about this view of dimensions versus the C's description of densities.

Dimensions are described based on how objects would be perceived but the C's describe densities as "awareness".

Have the C's ever explained the difference between dimensions and densities and whether 4th density is in 4th dimensional space?
I would say that we in 3D are not aware of the 4D (we may only feel that there is someting) but the more we are aware of it the more we can feel it, this goes on till we are able to see.
There the dimensionality comes to play, when you are aware enough you will see for e.g. the objekts different, than now (like there is one extra dimension). Meybe you then only can see it and part by part you will learn to interact with it, as showed on the X post.
This is how I imagine it...
Maybe there is someone who get's it better than I. Or it is completely different than that.
Just to give you an idea, perhaps it is a kind of "total vision".

A mix of the Matrix, Wonder Woman and Flash movies.

Any object is seen in its total configuration. The electromagnetic field, the infrared, the ultraviolet, its movement in time, seeing its origin and its destination and manipulating that time in the sense of being able to see a bullet, for example. The sound would have colors, waves, etc...

A road where we would circulate would look complete and we would have to choose to see the section where we are going (when they choose to see you, remember!).

The thoughts of others would be perceived as well as ours.

And I suppose that later in that density you could travel choosing the space-time destination thanks to that total vision.

Those are my maybes.:-D
I liked this interview, although I kept wishing that Grusch could tell more! The interviewer was a new face to me but he appears very knowledgeable on the topic, which was refreshing.

Out of curiosity, I bought and started reading the book that was mentioned during the interview, this one:

The Three-Body Problem (The Three-Body Problem Series Book 1)
by Cixin Liu (Author), Ken Liu (Translator)
Kindle Edition:

I've read only a couple of dozen pages but I'm quite impressed by the quality of writing, this Chinese guy knows how to write in a way that is engaging and wonderfully descriptive!
I also bought these books and started reading - generally there is a whole series + a translation into Polish.

In addition, there is a serial adaptation (Chinese version with English subtitles) of the book available online if anyone wishes.

Netflix is set to release its screen adaptation in 2024.

Source english sub Chines version
I would say that we in 3D are not aware of the 4D (we may only feel that there is someting) but the more we are aware of it the more we can feel it, this goes on till we are able to see.
There the dimensionality comes to play, when you are aware enough you will see for e.g. the objekts different, than now (like there is one extra dimension). Meybe you then only can see it and part by part you will learn to interact with it, as showed on the X post.
This is how I imagine it...
Maybe there is someone who get's it better than I. Or it is completely different than that.

Just to give you an idea, perhaps it is a kind of "total vision".

A mix of the Matrix, Wonder Woman and Flash movies.

Any object is seen in its total configuration. The electromagnetic field, the infrared, the ultraviolet, its movement in time, seeing its origin and its destination and manipulating that time in the sense of being able to see a bullet, for example. The sound would have colors, waves, etc...

A road where we would circulate would look complete and we would have to choose to see the section where we are going (when they choose to see you, remember!).

The thoughts of others would be perceived as well as ours.

And I suppose that later in that density you could travel choosing the space-time destination thanks to that total vision.

Those are my maybes.:-D
Yeah, similarly, I’ve always felt it’s a perceptual layer that you might interact with depending on number of factors - “environmental receivership” comes to mind 🤔

That state of being (4th density) doesn’t have to be persistent - nor can it be when grounded at 3rd density. Often times if I feel I’ve been in a time manipulated event there’s a kinda after image of what has transpired — a memory that feels like dream…
Yeah, similarly, I’ve always felt it’s a perceptual layer that you might interact with depending on number of factors - “environmental receivership” comes to mind 🤔

That state of being (4th density) doesn’t have to be persistent - nor can it be when grounded at 3rd density. Often times if I feel I’ve been in a time manipulated event there’s a kinda after image of what has transpired — a memory that feels like dream…
Yes, and above all I was fascinated by the character of Flash in the movies.

He generates a huge electromagnetic field where his time is fluid (he can literally live for a long time in a standard second).

And in the last movie, when he pushes his abilities to the limit, he manages to travel back in time.
I stumbled upon an interesting discussion on Reddit about the 4th dimension.
User "Michael_Armbrust" writes:
Yeah 4D shadows are cool. In the same manner, a 4D creature would write in 3D. I'll rapid fire a few more cool 4D things. 4D objects can rotate in two different directions simultaneously. Even weirder than it sounds. Just like how there is no up and down in deep space, a 4D organism would have no concept of left and right. A "left" foot could become a "right" foot just by rotating their body. Forward/backward and up/down for 4D organisms would still be normal. Rivers in a 4D world would be trivial to walk around. No need for bridges. Walkways and paths in a 4D world would be 3D. Some could be tube shaped, others could be triangular prisms. Just in general 3D things in our world can have a lot more variety in 4D. A 3D sword is more or less always the same general shape, a handle with a long blade, but a 4D sword can have a square, diamond, circular, hollow, etc. shape. A thin sword with just a long blade could stab a 4D object but it could not cut a 4D object in half. The fourth dimension is the largest dimension to have unique regular polytopes. Beyond that the same 3 "designs" are just repeated.
Quite close to what the C's suggested:
Q: (A) Is the concept of density related to what Sakharov was doing?
A: Close. Think of hyperspace as 4th dimension.
Q: (L) I guess they will. (T) Well, I don't know, that's why I'm asking. (J) Their perception is going to change! (T) But, how can their perception change if they're not going into fourth density? (L) No, they said they are going in to fourth density! But they're not "going" anywhere (J) There will be no traveling involved. (T) We're not "going" anywhere, we're shifting our frequencies up to the next density, not moving from where we are.

A: Picture driving down a highway, suddenly you notice auras surrounding everything.... Being able to see around corners, going inside little cottages which become mansions, when viewed from inside... Going inside a building in Albuquerque and going out the back door into Las Vegas, going to sleep as a female, and waking up male... Flying in a plane for half an hour and landing at the same place 5 weeks later...
Q: (Ark) And the information field that you were talking about, is it going only within the brane, or is it goes also between the branes?
A: Between, outside, inside.
Q: (L) Okay, now, there are a lot of current teachings that say that the 'dregs' of other planets are being sent to Earth to 'refine' them, so to speak, and that this is why the human race is so divided and antagonistic... that the interactions are supposed to result in annihilation of the weak and survival of the strong in both physical and spiritual terms.

A: First of all, confusion abounds here due to incorrect interpretations of the last subject discussed. Dimensions are not densities!!!! Dimensions are strictly the result of the universal consciousness as manifested in the imagination sector of thought. Density means level of development as measured in terms of closeness to union with The One... Cycle. So, obviously, the "chupacabras" is a manifestation of human consciousness, and, human beings are a manifestation of the Chupacabras consciousness. Get it? Now, a shocker for you: You would not exist if someone didn't "dream you up."
Q: Okay. And, beneath this 4th density reality, there is an etheric reality; and the etheric reality consists of 5th density. Okay? Beneath the 5th density reality, there is the 6th density reality which I am trying to describe in terms of geometry. That geometry is the underlying, essential thing about ideas, natures or aspects of concepts that come into being in our material world; that geometry is the essential nature of things. Am I getting there? But, beyond this geometry, from what does the geometry emanate? I know you are going to say something like "The One," or "Seventh Density," but I would really like to have a concept because I can't get beyond this. Even if it is inadequate, from what does geometry, which expresses as gravity, emerge?
A: Not in sync.
Q: What will get me "in synch?"
A: No "beneaths."
Q: Okay. Since there are no "beneaths," what term would be a suitable replacement?
A: Around.
Q: Would it be safe to say that it is "nested?"
A: No, no, no. You still think in terms of a limited domain. When one goes out into space there is no above, below, up, down, left, right, beneath, etc. There is only around. In a spherical sense.
Q: Every point is the center?
A: Closer.
I think there are two meanings to "dimensions" that are to be somehow distinguished. There is the concept of "parallel dimension" as a parallel reality or parallel "universe", in which there could be an infinitude of 3d dimensions. And there is "dimension" in the mathematical sense, where a 4 space dimensions would consist of length, width, depth and something more. 4th density consciousness could allow operating in 4d space framework (+ 2 time frameworks? more? none?).
Also, density as a level of consciousness could also be related to a sort of sophistication of understanding. For example, a 2 density being, even in a 3 density universe, thinks in 2 opposites, good-bad, yummy-yukky, etc. A 3 density being is supposed to think according to the law of three: there is good, bad and circumstance/context. Maybe a 4 density being thinks in terms of 4: good, bad, context, and something else. Just speculating here.
Interesting. There's also this

So in 3D we perceive things as 2D and can only make out the 3D aspect of objects by factoring in additional info like shadow, light, perspective etc. A 4D creature would see all sides of a 3D object e.g. sphere at once. 🤷

There's something I don't quite get about this view of dimensions versus the C's description of densities.

Dimensions are described based on how objects would be perceived but the C's describe densities as "awareness".

Have the C's ever explained the difference between dimensions and densities and whether 4th density is in 4th dimensional space?
Hi @SOTTREADER, I had a look on and found the following references which may be relevant:

(T) There is the Realm Border. The Earth is moving into a 4th density area of space. Or it is moving toward us, or both. This Realm Border, this crossover between densities, and it's also a crossover between dimensions - a quick sidebar on dimensions: dimensions, according to the Cassiopaeans are lateral realities; all possible realities of a density level, an infinite number; there is a difference between density and dimension.

Q: (L) Well, that is certainly true, considering the stuff that is coming back to me about the "Wave." But, all my internet postings are dated, so it would be fairly easy to track. We have some questions here: Physicists talk about multi-dimensional universes. The idea is that our 3 dimensional space and 1 dimensional time is an illusion of plane beings, while the true universe has more dimensions perpendicular to the above ones. Physicists have different guesses here: 5, 6, 7, 11, 256. How many dimensions does the true universe have?

A: Not correct concept. Should be: How many universes does the "true" dimension have?

(L) Alright, then. I think that from a previous session we were told that the number of universes was not countable. Is that correct?

A: Infinite, maybe, but more to the point: variable and selective.

Q: (L) Is it that there can be more at one time and less at another?

A: No.

Q: (L) Does this mean that any potential universe can be selected at any time to be the ONE that is cued? (T) No, the "jukebox" idea relates to time. Explain variable and selective, please?

A: For those who know how, universes can be created at will in order to transmodify reality merge.

Q: (L) What is a reality merge?

A: What does it sound like?

Q: (T) Merging of realities from one universe into another? A creating of a new reality which is then merged with the old to create a new universe. (L) Maybe it means the realities of different people merge to create a sort of "mutual universe?" Like the idea "you create your own reality?"

A: Terry is closer, Laura is playing "left field."

Q: (L) The next question: The Cs, Andromedans and others talk about 'densities.' We are supposed to live in 3rd density. Does this number 3 have anything to do with 3 space dimensions?

A: Close. Means: Original definition closer to 3rd level of experience, relating material/ethereal spectrum, but denizens of Terra Locator came up with "Third Dimensional" explanation due to influences upon the subconscious mind from soul memory connection to Akashic record.

Q: (L) J talks about dimensions, densities and states. What about states? (T) Yeah, there's Georgia and Arkansas... no, that's not really a state...

A: You forgot poor little Rhode Island! Tsk tsk! Mirth!

Q: (L) Okay, does "state" refer to some state of being that entities can exist in?

A: On this, consult psychological text books for more information, if you are so inclined as this is the only area where this term applies.

Q: (L) Well, J has come up with the number 384 dimensions which comes from some obscure formula... he also says that these dimensions differ by entropy and that the next dimension above us is a superconducting dimension, that there are dark and light dimensions, forward and time back dimensions. Aside from the fact that we have already disposed of the NUMBER of dimensions...

A: We suggest that J create a universe thusly.

Q: (L) Okay, do densities differ by entropy?

A: No, but maybe by "atrophy."

Q: (L) Now, do we have densities that are superconducting?

A: ???

Q: (L) Do you mean that we need to discover in this area? Are there dark and light densities?

A: This line is not productive to your quest.

Q: (T) Well, this J does not seem to be able to grasp the idea that time is not a dimension, it is just a localized variable. (L) The C's said once that 4th density is "going with the speed of light." I think I remember that you said that there was NO speed of light there because "speed" was a 3rd density concept.

A: Please... we are drifting! Tell A that "aether" is Terran material science's attempt to address ether. The trouble is, there is simply no way to physicalize a plane of existence which is composed entirely of consciousness. It is the union of perfect balance between the two "states" or planes, that is the foundation and essence of all creation/reality. You cannot have one without the other!

Q: (L) When you say the two states or planes, you are saying the physical state and the state of consciousness...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And you can't have one without the other. And the state of consciousness and the state of material existence are so completely connected, that both are infinite? One cannot exist without the other...

A: Yes, connected, intertwined, bonded... Merged.

Q: (T) A structure of the universe that holds the levels together... everything is connected. The consciousness of 6th density is perfectly bonded and balanced with 3rd density, and the quasi physical level of 4th density, and the totally physical levels 3 through 1, and the total ONE of 7th, and whatever 5th is. (L) We have four levels of physical expression, so to speak, going from the really solid, minimal consciousness level 1 to....

A: Yes, but the Terran scientists have been programmed to believe that nothing can exist unless it can be measured, estimated, calculated and represented in some way in the physical material plane. Not true!!!!!!! For example: We are in NO WAY physical.

Q: (L) Well, I also want to know why you refer to a technological device that supposedly transports someone from one density to another, as a 'Trans Dimensional Remolecularizer?'

A: In order to reconstruct 3rd density into 4th density physical, other dimensions must be utilized in the process. Remember, we are talking about exact duplicates which are merged.

Q: (L) But, a little while ago you said there was a single dimension and many universes, and now you are saying utilizing another dimension, so the terminology is getting to be a little bit confusing... (T) It is like a program loading onto a computer. Some programs just load straight in. Others need to create a space on the hard drive to put files that they need to LOAD the program, but are not PART of the program, and when it is finished loading, it erases all the "loading instructions." The hard drive is still the hard drive, but for a time, the program used a sector of the hard drive, and created a temporary dimension, let's say. (L) Is this what we are looking at here?

A: Close. And remember, we said "true" dimension!

Q: (L) So, it is like one hard drive, many programs, loading instructions for new programs that are then erased, etc. If there is one "true dimension," and infinite universes within it, does one particular universe exist, of and by itself, at any given time, until it is merged into a new one, or is there within this one true dimension, multiple universes as real as ours is, to which we could go, and could be there alongside ours, so to speak?

A: Yes to the latter.

Q: (L) And, can infinite numbers of "dimensions" exist within each level of density, even if temporary?

A: Yes. If you want to go back and change "history," either for individuals or for universal perception, you must first create an alternate universe to do it. Your 4th density STS "friends" have been doing this a lot.

Q: (L) If you, being a general term, create an alternate universe, does the former one continue to exist, or does the former one merge into the new one?

A: Both.

Q: (L) If the former one continues to exist, does it exist and evolve on its own, disassociated with the second one, or this offshoot?

A: Clarify.

Q: (T) The universe you are in: you are going along and say, "I think I will create a new Universe." You do it, and move to it, and you bring your universe with you. That is the merging of realities. But, when you move to the new universe, you are no longer in the original one which continues along on its own. The pattern of the old universe, you bring into the new one, and when you become part of the new universe you have just created, you are no longer part of the old one you just left. It just goes along with everybody else there. (L) Is this correct?

A: Sort of... remember, one can create all ranges of types of alternate possibilities.

Q: (L) So you could create a new universe with a new "past," even?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, in that way, both actually occur and you can change the whole thing?

A: When merged, the former never existed.

Q: (T) Not for the person creating the new universe, but the former will continue for everybody else.

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, for the person creating a new universe, the former never existed, but the other beings who are satisfied with that old universe, and "go" with it, are still continuing along as though...

A: Your 3rd density mind restrictions limit the scope of your comprehension in this area.

Q: (L) If you decide you don't like your present universe, and you work like crazy to learn how to create a new one, and you do it, do you, essentially, forget that you did this? And why you did this? And forget the other universe?

A: If you wish.

Q: (L) So you can or you can't... (T) Going by what you just said: "an unhappy universe," is that because your perceiving the universe you are in as being unhappy because that is the way you are and where you are at, in terms of learning, and by creating a new universe, you are simply wishing to change the way the universe is around you, and really its not the universe that has a problem, but you...

A: Off track.

Q: (L) So, the universe you are in, is what it is, and you are in it for some reason... (T) You're in it to learn lessons... just to change the universe because you don't want to learn the lessons you've chosen to learn... (L) Or, you have learned them and thereby CAN change the universe... (T) When you learn, you just move on automatically, you don't have to change the universe. The universe will change for you.
Here's a question - what does "awareness" mean to the Cs? This is how they describe densities, right?

Is awareness synonymous with knowledge? I say I'd disagree - think of a primitive tribe in the Amazon, they don't have knowledge the way "we" do but yet they are here in 3D and I dare say, dependent on how individuals live within those "closed" societies, it is quite possible some primitive tribal folk from deep in the Amazon will find their way to 4D.

So I'm not sure the knowledge the C's talk about is the same knowledge that people understand.

People can describe the difference between 3d and 4d spatial dimensions from "how things will look" but what is it from an awareness level?

What's 3D awareness? @mkrnhr alluded above that the 3rd ingredient may be context. 🤷
Here's a question - what does "awareness" mean to the Cs? This is how they describe densities, right?

Is awareness synonymous with knowledge? I say I'd disagree - think of a primitive tribe in the Amazon, they don't have knowledge the way "we" do but yet they are here in 3D and I dare say, dependent on how individuals live within those "closed" societies, it is quite possible some primitive tribal folk from deep in the Amazon will find their way to 4D.

So I'm not sure the knowledge the C's talk about is the same knowledge that people understand.

People can describe the difference between 3d and 4d spatial dimensions from "how things will look" but what is it from an awareness level?

What's 3D awareness? @mkrnhr alluded above that the 3rd ingredient may be context. 🤷
Perhaps linked to the surrounding. I mean you need to learn the more you can have for a specific surrounding. If you live in a primitive tribe in the Amazon you can certainly be very advanced in plants, animals, energy, meditation, humans relations, etc... if you work on it.

On the other hand, perhaps if you incarnate in a primitive tribe that mean you have/want to learn very "basic" thing, I mean related to the Earth, before having access to a broader knowledge in a "futur" life and so be able to advance.
I guess that may circle back to thread on information density: Information density - densities of information?

This is a GREAT thread! SO many great thoughts and replies to Luc's initial query. Most of what I thought I could share has already been covered, but I'll post some of my thoughts in my own words, since I suck with other's. I'm replying to Konstantin's specific post but will address it later.

As many here have shared, when it comes to information what really matters is learning how to parse it for objective truth. I believe what matters isn't merely the information sea that surrounds us, but the learned ability to see the truth through the lies present within this sea, and that takes a very specific focus that most of us on these boards have learned and applied over the years, blessings of Gurdjieff et. all. There's a reason why we do this: it's as the C's have said, it's all about what you SEE that matters. And we've experienced ALL levels of "truth" and misinformation recently, far more than enough to hone our senses!

We've all been through the wringer, especially these last several years, trying to understand what information we are presented with is lies, truth, or other. Many of you've done this a hell of a lot longer than I have. But: we all experience repetition after repetition on so many different subjects that it has become second nature to us all. Sure, sometimes we are still wrong individually, but it's a learning process, learning how to see through BS and glean the essential truths of any matter. That is what I believe this forum teaches, ultimately.

I think that this is where we are superior to AI: we can accumulate and process intuitive truths that show through the lies, while AI will miss it because it can't cognate otherworldly realities and dimensions as we can, even if we aren't entirely clear on the concept - because AI ONLY exists on it's OWN level of reality. Those of us who've been around a while can see right through the lies not based on objective truth because we've learned to cognize parts of realities we have not fully experienced yet, but know MAY be true based on our prior experiences in understanding what are real, objective truths that may span other dimensions.

And this is where my response to Konstantin comes in: he talked about "DNA changes in the physical body." So, I then ask: what if all this learning we are doing over and over again trying to understand what is the objective truth, actually results in being gifted with a new physical "organ" such as the "gift" of a "Third Eye?" What if all this training we've endured ends up in us having that "gift", where we are presented the ability to truly SEE the stark naked truth of reality in every single thing that we look at because we've exercised our objective truth muscles for so long that we've learned how to handle seeing and accepting the truth in ALL scenarios, while others continue to inure themselves to it all and act as ostriches, unable to handle such a "gift" were they given it?

(Edit: I'm assuming a "Third Eye", based on what I've read about them, shows the stark realities one can see about any situation people look at, which only those who learned to grok objective truths can truly benefit from.)
Back on the topic of "disclosure", the UK Telegraph published this article:

The Telegraph said:

'Alien' bodies are complete skeletons, scientists say after X-rays​

Experts still sceptical over Jaime Maussan’s claims of ‘non-human beings’, after unusual presentation to country’s congress

Two “aliens” that were presented to Mexico’s congress by a discredited ufologist were tested by doctors on Tuesday, amid cries from scientists of a hoax.

The small skeletons, some 2ft in length, prompted a bizarre break in proceedings last week as Jaime Maussan presented them to lawmakers in large wooden caskets.

Mr Maussan claims that the bodies were found in Peru and are “non-human beings that are not part of our terrestrial evolution”.
However, scientists and academics have dismissed the discoveries as yet another stunt by Mr Maussan in his quest to prove the existence of aliens.

José de Jesús Zalce Benitez, the director of the Health Sciences Research Institute of the Secretary of the Navy, which carried out the tests, said that they showed the bodies had not been assembled or manipulated. That contradicted earlier suggestions that the bodies had been assembled with animal or human bones, though is unlikely to assuage Maussan’s critics because of his relationship with Mr Benitez. The pair appeared alongside each other at the Mexican congress to give evidence of their discoveries.

“[They] belong to a single skeleton that has not been joined to other pieces,” he said.

Footage of the team carrying out the tests shows one of the bodies bearing an elongated head, two slanted eyes and a small upturned nose. While it bears a resemblance to fictional depictions of aliens, scientists have yet to suggest that they are indeed from another planet.

One theory put forward by academics and archaeologists is that the remains are mummified human bodies.

The Peruvian government has said they are pre-Hispanic objects, with officials there saying that they have begun a criminal probe into how the bodies left the country.

Mr Maussan, 70, has said he is innocent and has done “absolutely nothing illegal”.

However, Mr Maussan could not explain how the corpses came into his possession and has a history of peddling discredited narratives around aliens.

He appeared in a 2017 TV documentary about other remains found near the Nazca Lines, which experts have said appeared to feature doctored mummies.

Of his recent finds, he said he would reveal all “at an appropriate time”.

Dan Evans, an assistant deputy associate administrator for research at Nasa, said earlier this week: “Our primary goal today is to steer away from speculation and conspiracy theories and towards a scientific and rational approach, and this is achieved through rigorous data analysis.”
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