Imminent Alien Disclosure?

There's quite a number of things to address in that video, but one thing stands out (if any of it is true):

Exactly what is being "traded" in this "interstellar trading" mentioned 3-4 times?
The science-fiction novel "The Morningstar Pass" envisions the future and how the United States of America became the STS empire of the world by Dr. John Brandenburg.

I wonder who the source of this video is.
Dec 14, 2022
Includes Transcript

View attachment 101054
I believe most people will expect ETs to arrive via outer space- but I am of the opinion they will simply blink into our space with zero warning, if in fact they arrive at all.
The biggest threat from space is comets/ asteroids not ET ships. They will have just as much impact (pun intended) on our planet as any ETs can have.
New insider witness. Sarah Gamm worked for the NGA and served on the UAP Task Force. (Grusch also did both, so they most likely worked together.) While there she saw high-res imagery of UAP. Subsequently she tried to share some of this data with AARO, but they weren't interested (no shock there).

But on the subject of AARO, its new director, Jon Kosloski, also worked for the UAPTF with Jay Stratton:

Stratton vouches for the guy, so we'll have to just wait and see if he's any better than the shill Kirkpatrick.
One more interesting recent tidbit. Walter Kirn, who interviewed Grusch extensively last year, did a podcast where he says he spoke to a high-level whistleblower (most likely he's referring to Grusch), and when he asked who's at the top of the UAP pyramid, he responded "Dick Cheney." There have been several hints over the decades that Cheney is fully read in to the program.

Coming out of this mRNA business and possible tech self-assembling bots backstopped with proteins (communicating), whatever the case, one might suspect that implants can be, or might be (and not all) incredibly small to the point we could not even find them if one tried.
I've been thinking that maybe 'they' got the idea and instructions for these nano-bots they've apparently put in some of the Covid jabs from, to quote Elizondo, 'our friends from out of town'. They might even have struck another deal with the STS aliens. Human: "You show us how to construct and use these, and we promise to inject them into most of the human population". Alien: "Mmmm...okay...that will make the human race even easier to manipulate and control. It's a deal!" (secretly thinking how incredibly stupid and gullible humans are). :cool2:
I finished reading Elizondo's book 'Imminent' a couple of days ago. All in all, it was a pleasant and entertaining read, some more detailed thoughts below. I've also listened to his interviews on Rogan and 'That UFO podcast', which added to the picture.

As expected, the book didn't contain any 'bombshells', probably mainly because Elizondo anticipated Pentagon's scrutiny and censorship. So he had to do the usual 'dance' avoiding certain details etc. Still, much can be 'read between the lines' of what he writes, of what has been going on behind the scenes. Some classical UFO incidents are 'confirmed'. He writes about UFOs/UAPs very matter-of-factidly, which compared to many other books on the topic felt different. However, the bulk of the book describes the happenings in the three-letter agencies and DOD affiliated departments, of his everyday work and how things evolved. Based on what he describes, he's done a Herculean effort to further awareness and potential disclosure.

Having said the above, the main thing that I did not appreciate was his...for the lack of a better word...naivety. I got the sense that even though he's seen and read some incredible things, and experienced the dirty work of the PTB, he still appears to have a trust in governmental mechanics. If only we get these things in the open and discussed in Congress, all will be well! I'm sorry, but I don't believe in this. Additionally, I got the sense that he believes that UFO:s are interplanetary and nuts-and-bolts, but I could we wrong.

What's worse, IMO, is the naive belief he apparently has of how 100% disclosure and communicating with aliens will 'solve humankind's problems'. He writes:

"Share [with family and friends] what you have learned and read within the pages of this book. Let them know that you think it is important to speak openly and seriously about the topic. If there are young people in your family, let them know that the world of science and technology hungrily awaits their imagination, creativity, and intellect. Their hands and minds will build the vessels that will take our species into a new frontier and solve the many problems ahead of us" (p. 248).


"Will we unite as a species to communicate with these new potential friends–or will we doom ourselves through unwise policy and violence?" (p. 248).

An interesting detail was his description of green orbs that invaded his home soon after he began investigating the UFO/UAP topic. In his words, this 'stickiness' of the topic, manifesting in weird visitation of orbs and such has happened to many of his colleagues, sometimes with grave consequences.

I'm slowly coming to the opinion that maybe full disclosure isn't such a good idea, after all. Don't get me wrong, I'm against secrecy and 'them' hiding all the facts, and that they want to keep these things secret because of profit, power, military gains, and such things. However, if 100% disclosure comes, what then? How will our masters react when everything is out in the open? I know the 'UFO cabal' is using and has used this same argument for keeping things hidden, but maybe they do have a point?
I believe most people will expect ETs to arrive via outer space- but I am of the opinion they will simply blink into our space with zero warning, if in fact they arrive at all.
The biggest threat from space is comets/ asteroids not ET ships. They will have just as much impact (pun intended) on our planet as any ETs can have.
Although most people who think aliens exist believe that they come from other planets, I suspect the largest number of UAPs actually come from long standing underground and under sea bases here on Earth. The C's mentioned them here:

Q: (L) Are there alien bases in the United States?

A: Yes. New Mexico, Colorado, off Florida, Appalachia, California.

Q: (L) Are these underground bases?

A: Yes. Also, under water.

To the list the C's gave above can be added the underground bases in Alaska and at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, as mentioned by the C's in a recent session.

Thus, the aliens are already here and evidently have been for a very long time. Phil Schneider once said that he thought the Grey aliens he encountered at Dulce New Mexico had been there for at least 500 years. The C's have even given figures for the number of Greys and Lizard beings who dwell here underground, which runs into millions. Some of these aliens have been here so long you can argue they are no longer aliens in the true sense of that word. Indeed, the C's said as much here:
Q: (L) Can you give me an approximate number of aliens currently interacting with, or on, or under our planet as a whole? [MJF: The C’s have recently provided this information.]

A: "Aliens?" What constitutes such?

Q: (L) Okay. Well then, non-human beings. Extra- terrestrials, Ultra-terrestrials, and so forth.

A: These bases have naturalized the inhabitants. Anomalies occur as much because of where the bases are chosen to be located as any other factor. Magnetic faults and their inherent portals, you know!

Q: (L) This guy thinks that there is a rather limited number of aliens, and that people ought to get together and resist this threat because our numbers are greater. Is that, in fact, correct?

A: Not point. The question of the hour is: what is the motive?

Q: (L) Okay, what is the motive?

A: Build a house step by step, and when it is finished, you can move into the neighbourhood and out of the motel.

Q: (L) Oh jeez. So, these are a bunch of aliens hanging out in 'motels' waiting for their house to be built. That does not sound good.

Apart from the aliens, many UAPs seen in our skies may well be those of the underground Aryan civilisation known as the Nation of the Third Eye, some of whom may well be bi-density according to the C's. The C's said that these Aryans started going underground 14,000 years ago, which is prior to the final destruction of Atlantis in 10,800 BC. The Atlanteans were a far more technologically advanced society than ours today and had space craft that traversed the solar system. The C's even said they could travel between Earth and Mars as easily as we undertake short haul flights today. It strikes me that these underworlders never lost their scientific and technological knowledge as the surface dwellers did post the Deluge. This would certainly explain the presence of STS Nordic types who have been seen by abductees working alongside the Greys on UAPs (Betty and Barney Hill's abduction in 1961 springs to mind here).

The underworlders' UAPs may be genuine nuts and bolt craft rather than the more ethereal (4th density or "light matter") vehicles used by the aliens, which might explain the observation made by the three Gypsy commentators, who provided annotated comments on Morris K Jessup's 1950's book The Case for the UFO, where Kenneth Arnold's famous UFO sighting was concerned (which saw the term "flying saucer" being coined):
Session 4 March 1995:

Q: (L) In the annotated copy of the Morris K. Jessup book, there were three people annotating: Mr.A., Mr. B., and one known as Jemi. One of the references was to the sighting made by Kenneth Arnold. In reference to that sighting, Mr.B wrote: "Don't worry, Jemi, those were LM ships not S men. They are an improved type and were on a training flight. That is why their leader interconnected their force fields, to teach them level tele-control without inducing a fear block." Now, what is an LM ship?

A: Light matter.

Q: (L) What is an "S man"?

A: Secret order member.

Q: (L) What is the secret order?

A: That is for you to discover.

Q: (L) What does it mean that their leader interconnected their force fields to teach them level telecontrol?

A: Self-explanatory.

This leads me to suspect that the light matters ships belong to the aliens and the ships of the S men are those of the Aryan underworlders.​
Apologies if this has been mentioned before but a new round of Congressional hearings into UFOs seems to be in the offing according to the UK's Daily Mail newspaper in a recent report.

New UFO hearings to take place in Senate this month after new sighting​

Story by Matthew Phelan Senior Science Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Another round of public UFO hearings are in store for Congress within mere weeks, according to a senior member of the Senate's Armed Services Committee.

The new Senate hearing, which could arrive as early as September, follows another bizarre summer of US military whistleblower claims about these baffling airborne mysteries — including ex-Pentagon official Luis Elizondo's revelations that he personally handled an 'alien' implant removed from a veteran servicemember.

New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who confirmed the hearing, said: 'It's a priority for me because I think it's very important we continue to make things publicly available.'

The Capitol Hill inquiry also comes as many American civilians have also reported their own UFO sightings, which Sen. Gillibrand said she hopes will soon be added to the investigative purview of the Pentagon's only one-year-old UFO hunting office.

Just days ago, in fact, witnesses taped what one called a 'huge' UFO with 'tons of blinking and spinning lights' 60 miles from a US Air Force nuclear weapons base.

The UFO, which can mostly be seen by 'a rotating orange/red light on the bottom' after it shifted from appearing like a long, gleaming white streak, was not one of Elon Musk's Starlink satellite trains commonly mistaken for alien craft, the witness said.

'I'm familiar with Starlink videos,' he emphasized. 'While we were watching the object it was very apparent that the lights were around the silhouette of a large craft.'

'You could not "see between the lights,"' as he explained the encounter to the r/UFOs subreddit. 'It was solid dark behind them. Our take is that we were seeing a disc shape from the side.'

Sen. Gillibrand expressed her hope Monday that the upcoming Senate UFO hearing would renew public trust in the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) and encourage the public to report their own sightings to AARO's UFO hunters.

'We also want to try to continue to build credibility within this office [AARO] so more of the public can feed in sightings and have a place and a platform to send information and inquiries,' she said, 'because that's eventually what this office is supposed to do.'

After a rocky first year, in which AARO's inaugural director Dr Sean Kirkpatrick sparred in public with ex-US intelligence whistleblower David Grusch and others over an alleged UFO cover-up, the office spent most of 2024 guided by only temporary acting leadership.

That changed late last August when the Pentagon announced that AARO's new lead would be an expert in quantum optics and crypto-mathematics from the National Security Agency (NSA): Dr. Jon T. Kosloski.

'I'm hoping that the new head will be the one to testify,' Sen. Gillibrand told Capitol Hill reporter Matt Laslo, who runs the newsletter Ask a Pol.

Gillibrand, whose fellow New York legislator Sen. Chuck Schumer has sponsored a detailed amendment pushing to declassify UFO files, gave a preview of the hearing.

The Armed Services Committee, she said, would host 'a progress report on how many unidentified aerial phenomena we've assessed and analyzed, give examples of what we have identified and give examples of what we haven't identified.'

This kind of public disclosure was a key goal, according to Sen. Gillibrand, 'so that the community can be kept up to speed about what we're actually doing and what this office [i.e. AARO] is doing.'

See: MSN

Related video: NEW UFO HEARING ANNOUNCED Navy Rear Admiral Will Testify

Do the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police get their marching orders for disclosure or coverup?

Big Lue on the Daily Show

Check the comments out, oh la la?
I'd tentatively say yes , on both , Mr. Cliff High has commented on this recently , ( @ Cliff Hifgh ) , he seems to be under the impression of the former ( of sorts ) , spin in any , word , that's for sure. ( pun intended :D )

Do the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police get their marching orders for disclosure or coverup?

Big Lue on the Daily Show

Check the comments out, oh la la?
Sorry, but since I've read extensively on Roswell before, could you tell what new Schmitt has to bring to the table, if anything?
Sorry, but since I've read extensively on Roswell before, could you tell what new Schmitt has to bring to the table, if anything?
I think we've all been well-versed in the subject of Roswell thanks to sessions.

The point was why are all these seemingly disclosures about this past occurrence continuing to be discussed as discloser?

I thought it odd that Schmitt acts like he educating his audience on something different but like you say, it was a nothing burger.

I should have expressed that opinion when I posted it so my bad and my apologies for not doing so.

Meanwhile, Richard Dolan's latest is on the subject of USOs appearing on Morning in America from NewsNation.

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