I am using my cell phone to post and for some reason there isn't the option to edit my previous post. One other observation I have made about this type of dreaming has to do with with the following:
ity to recognize "flavor" coming from system 1.
6. If you are attempting to do The Work then it may be utilized as prep school for observing emotions and its connection to the feedback loop of the "dream field". If something in your dream is attacking you then the usual response is fear or anger. If you working on trying to observe your emotions then you can observe it in "dream time" and you can see how watching it changes the surrounding "dreamscape" This may lead to bringing your emotional horse under conscious control in reality.
What I have noticed is that the connection of the emotional state and the surrounding "dreamscape" to observation and allocation of memory capacity. For me, dreams take on a certain "personality" it has its own wishes, desires and ideas of impressions received. It seems that system 1 is the "ruler" if this domain. Since it is an associative machine it will suggest very quickly suggest to system 2 a coherent reality that will cause you to believe that everything you are
experiencing makes "perfect sense". However, the logic used here will seem wholly illogical if system 2 has not been drained or depleted of its resources to access both short and.long term memory storage in addition to allocation of new memories. And it seems that in "dream reality" the capacity for the allocation of the new memory is very small and almost zero. For example, if you are observing your emotions while being attacked, say by a wolf, the surrounding "dreamscape" will take on another set of wishes, desires and have a "personality" wholly different from the preceding one. This is where allocation of new memory becomes important. If system 2 is depleted then it will "forget" the immediate past and believe whatever system 1 has told it without question. It will be as though the previous "personality" never existed and that.the current "personality" is the "true" one. Of.course this is nonsense and is a result of believing something without question. However, if system 2 is not depleted of its resources then you it will be able to allocate new memory of the previous "personality" in addition to the present "personality" being suggested to you by the very quick actions of system 1 that is once again sorta hypnotizing you into thinking that the present "personality" is the "true" one. To me, this is the dream equivalent of "self-remembering". In this case, the thoughts are not ideas but take on the appearance of the "true" reality. Each "reality" will lull you into thinking that it is the only true one and if system 2 can't "self-remember" then you will most likely start believing it. For me, the ability to do this dream equivalent of "self-remembering" has improved. I think this.has to do with doing the work in actual reality (and may be aided by doing it in dreams as well).
The ability to observe and also remember the changing "dreamscape" is analagous to remembering strings of numbers. In the case of dreaming each number is a "personality or dreamscape" that has taken on the appearance of a three dimensional environment. If system 2 is.depleted then it will be able to remember, at most, a sequence containing one number. Each number is the one and only number and there was no.other number before it (you will think). If it.is.not depleted then of course the sequence or string will be a number greater than one. The difficulty in remembering a string of numbers is proportional to its length and its sequence. Ifbyou are given the string 2591413835567994 I'm sure you will find it difficult to remember the entire sequence in the order given but if you use the resources of system 2 you may recognize an easier way to always know the entire string. In this case the string contains the first 16 digits of the number pi. If system 2 can "see" the number pi in the sequence then it can developing a "working hypothesis" about the nature of the string and the order within it. If it.cannot "see" it.then it will see entropy instead. In the "seeing" case, system 1 has been reprogrammed to "see pi" thus freeing up space in system 2's working memory. What was unknown before now.becomes self-evident. Once.again, I am basing.this on experience. FWIW