The Living Force
this world is 3 density, and STS are dominant. STS humans will always try to gain trust to use for personal ends. STO inclined people will always have a tendency to initially trust people they don't know. this gives STS an advantage in day to day life as explained in the theory on political ponerology. this isn't the first time someone has thought about this - Karl Marx and Engels were observing similar things nearly 2 centuries ago. As long as some people have faith in others good intentions, other people will see that as an opportunity for themselves. I think that it sits well with the cass material to conclude that we will not be able to create a functioning society in this reality - but that doesn't mean that the STO inclined among us will stop trying of course. But the dream of a functioning society is an old one, and the human material will see to that it will never come to pass - OP's. We should always strive to make matters better for all of us, but I think we will lose sight of our goal if we focus too much on the practial ends of constructing a society - it will always be undermined by OP's. We need to focus on personal growth in each and every one, in my opinion, and through that try to make this and our own spheres where we live in into as good a living environment as we can, but be realistic about it.