INOCULATIONS: The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction

The Full title of the article I am hoping can be reviewed by Rebecca Carley, MD is...INOCULATIONS THE TRUE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION CAUSING VIDS (VACCINE INDUCED DISEASES)...Court Qualified Expert in VIDS and Legal Abuse Syndrome amended June 23, 2008.

I checked in the "search" section with both the authors name and title of this paper and found nothing about her, but I have done that before with a number of other topics, only to be told about posts already existing, so I am not sure why the Search section does not work very well for me. I used the boxes for Keyword search, Author search, All Forums, Message text and topic subject.

I also tried to copy and paste the whole article but for some reason it is resistent to being transfered in that way.

I feel this article is Excellent and Dr, Carley shows a fine knowledge of the complex subject matter and many interrelated topics that she clearly explicates and weaves together in this piece. I particularly liked the way she uses the word writing it as beLIEf, which so accurately describes how a LIE is so often hidden by surrounding positive things, or in this case letters. It also makes me think of something Ark said, in affect about beliefs needing to be replaced with Factual Knowledge. Beliefs in other words are the Cause of most of the worlds problems because most of them are Not supported by Facts, Data, True Knowledge.

So I'm just wondering if you the SOTT team also agree with Dr Rebecca Carley's research and scholarship in this matter? Do you think this piece warrants being showcased in some way on this site?
fyi: I'm not apart of the signs team in your question, but I read the article and these where my thoughts:

I don't think the article reads very well for a number of reasons.

I would agree that the article starts off pretty well, afaik, about the vaccines and what is really going. I would be ok with this except the medical lingo is ridiculous and I couldn't understand just about half of it. Maybe if I had a medical background I could understand what she was talking about and realize oh thats what an autoantibodies to N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor is!

On page 4 she goes off to list just about every obvious disease that most common people should know about, and claims that it is caused by the vaccines. Maybe this is true, but I don't really understand where she is connecting all these diseases to the vaccines, wheres all the proof, the facts of how you KNOW all this is caused by the vaccines. All I see is some guy named Dr. Brown who she has a link to an article of his. Well ok, at least his article is very well footnoted, (something hers lacks) but wow, I don't understand anything hes saying past the third paragraph so I'm just supposed to take her word that what she's saying is correct then?

Reading along farther on page 8 she says:
The good news is that these VIDS can be reversed using natural remedies (especially
homeopathy) contained in the Hippocrates Protocol (_www(dot)drcarley(dot)com).
Well getting deeper into that she says she cures you through something called "Nosodes"
In her footnotes she defines "Nosodes" as follows:
[5] A nosode is a homeopathically prepared remedy, made from a disease or a
pathological product. Nosodes are used in the same way as vaccines; they sensitize the
body, prompting the immune system to react (and detox, or eliminate, the offending
agent). However, as they are extremely dilute and oral in application, they do not lead to
the corruption of the immune system caused by inoculation with disease.

Where I got from Google homeopathy: Natural form of medicine that uses immeasurably small doses of medicines to stimulate the body's own defense and healing process. Homeopathy focuses on bringing the entire body back into homeostasis, or balance. homeostasis

where she defines "Pathologic" as:
[2] Pathologic = pertaining to or caused by disease

" Nosodes are used in the same way as vaccines" So... your going to cure your me with what your saying is killing me? In small doeses? Its supposed to work... but wheres your proof? Uh huh. Your footnote really reassures me with "its so diluted it won't corrupt the immune system" after you just tried to prove that this very thing is killing the me! Am I just misunderstanding this, cause thats what it seems like to me.

Lastly, on her final few pages she just goes off on a rant about all these things she cannot prove. Mostly "the vaccine-induced holocaust" is what really got me. She has some link to a US Code, Title 50, Chapter 32 ~ 1520 and 1524. I don't know what these say and she isn't reproducing them here for me to know what they say. If its so important why wouldn't you reproduce it.

It just seems like too much of a "fear" read than anything else. The only option to reverse the damage done is exactly what she has said has cased the damage, and on top of that it is sold by her. I think too many of her claims are over the top and unverifiable and her argument just falls apart at the end. She goes off on just about all the worlds problems at the end and its all such a big generality that it doesn't fit with the article and makes her sound a little insane if you didn't already know that vaccines are bad.

Could she just calm down and write a simple to read, well footnoted article that explains with facts exactly why the vaccines are so bad instead of making me feel like I'm gonna die from just about every disease known to man because some evil bogyman is out there trying to kill me? Could she sound any more paranoid?

Edit: removed hyperlink.
rise said:
Nosodes are used in the same way as vaccines" So... your going to cure your me with what your saying is killing me? In small doeses? Its supposed to work... but wheres your proof? Uh huh. Your footnote really reassures me with "its so diluted it won't corrupt the immune system" after you just tried to prove that this very thing is killing the me! Am I just misunderstanding this, cause thats what it seems like to me.
Homeopathy has long been misunderstood. The Executive Director of The Minnesota Homeopathic Association, Sally Tamplin explains how homeopathy works.
Tamplin said: of my main priorities is to inform the general public about this wonderfully effective system that can help the body to heal quickly and without the toxic side effects of conventional medications. However, few people understand the principles and practice of homeopathy. Most people that I encounter at my public speaking engagements confuse homeopathy with herbalism. Homeopathic remedies come from different sources and although many are derived from plants there are a number of remedies that come from the animal and mineral kingdoms. The FDA regulates the manufacture of all homeopathic remedies sold within the United States.

The interesting point about these remedies is that they are made in a way that renders them so dilute that in most cases there is nothing of the original substance in the pill. As a result of this process there is no danger of toxic substances building up in the body and producing unwanted side effects. Homeopathy is probably the safest type of medicine that you will ever find. Many people say that homeopathy must work because of the placebo effect. The truth is that no one has been able to explain exactly how the remedies work but for the past twenty years or so veterinary medicine has contributed to the development of homeopathy. It has shown that this system of healing works on animals that are unaware of what they are taking. There has been at least three large scale double – blind placebo –controlled trials to treat people with flu or influenza – like syndrome. Each of these large scale studies were conducted by independent researchers, and a treatment is considered proven when at least three independent studies verify positive results.

During the 1918 influenza pandemic fifty million people died worldwide, much more than those struck down by bullets in the trenches of wartime France. Scientific evidence indicates this was an avian influenza that managed to mutate and infect the human population. It was young people, in the prime of their life, 25 -34 years of age, which were most severely affected; they appeared to have no immunity and succumbed to a pneumonia that would kill within days. It was not uncommon for someone physically strong and in good health to get up feeling well in the morning and by bedtime they would be dead.

Remedies are prepared from natural substances that are similar to the illness in contrast to conventional or allopathic medicine, which treats and often suppresses the patient’s symptoms with large amounts of drugs, which then have the opposite effect.
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed according to the Law of Similars.This law states, “That which makes sick shall heal.” This means that the symptoms caused by an overdose of a substance are the symptoms that can also be cured by a small dose of that same substance. As an example, we know that when we cut up an onion most people experience an acrid runny nose, soreness in the throat and stinging runny eyes. A homeopath will prescribe Allium Cepa, this is the homeopathic remedy made from the onion for the individual who has a cold and a sore throat with these symptoms. Therefore, homeopathy uses remedies

A well chosen remedy acts as a signal, which energizes or stimulates the body’s self healing powers, mobilizing the defense systems and working on all aspects of the body - mental, emotional and physical. Homeopathic literature, both past and present, documents cases, sometimes of severe pathology, that have been cured or significantly helped by homeopathy.

The Flu Pandemic of 1918 – 1919: Homeopathy – the beacon of light

Since its discovery two hundred years ago, homeopathy has provoked much controversy, criticism, acclaim and impassioned support. It is interesting to note that during the 1918 flu pandemic large numbers of people sought homeopathic care and were restored to good health; in numerous cases their lives were saved. (In one book I read the statistics for survival were 99% if treated by a homeopath and 70% if treated by an allopath(traditional medicine) This was a time when homeopathy truly won its laurels and was a beacon of light to so many. If an influenza victim was seen as soon as symptoms began to develop and a good homeopathic remedy was given their life was spared and they went on to make an excellent recovery. The only patients whom homeopathic doctors tended to lose were people who presented late into their illness, usually with pneumonia, and often drugged by large toxic doses of aspirin.

The flu pandemic of 1918 – 1919 was devastating and it was about as deadly as the Black Death. People who lived through it reported that someone who was up and well in the morning could be dead by the evening. 50 million people died world wide and 548,000 in the USA alone. From information recorded and published by these doctors we know that homeopathy was highly successful and in most cases only one or two homeopathic remedies were needed. They were referred to as the “genus epidemicus” and became known through careful observation of the flu cases that were brought to the attention of the homeopathic community.

In an article published in the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy in 1921 Dean W.A.Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 cases of influenza treated by homeopathic physicians with only a mortality rate of 1.05%, while the average conventional medical approach had a mortality rate of 30%. Dr Frank Wieland of Chicago says that in a plant of 8,000 workers there was only one death, the patients were not drugged with the conventional medicines of the time and no vaccines were used. Most workers were given just one homeopathic remedy, Gelsemium. Dr.T.A Mc Cann from Dayton. Ohio wrote: “I have treated 1,000 cases of influenza. I have the records to show my work. I have no losses. Please give all credit to homeopathy.”Dr.W.F Edmundson of Pittsburg related how one physician in a Pittsburg hospital asked a nurse if she knew anything better than what he was doing, because he was losing so many cases. The nurse replied, “Yes, Doctor, stop aspirin and go down to the homeopathic pharmacy and get homeopathic remedies, as the homeopathic doctors for whom I have nursed have not lost a single case.”1500 cases were reported to the Homeopathic Medical Society of the District of Colombia with only 15 deaths. Recoveries in the National Homoeopathic Hospital were 100%.*

A homeopathic remedy is prescribed upon the totality of an individual’s symptoms taken from the mental, emotional and the physical levels. The homeopathic Materia Medica has well over 3,500 remedies. There is no one remedy that is specific to the flu because individuals will manifest symptoms in different ways that are unique to them. The most important point to remember about homeopathy is that it treats the individual.
Before dismissing the efficacy of homeopathy, I encourage you to do more research. Here is a link to Sally Tamlin's article. _ She has compiled a good list for further reading.
mamadrama, your right, I didn't really know what homeopathy was as my post surely has told you, and I will follow your link and read up more on it. My point in my post though is that if someone else who knows even less about vaccines/homeopathy than I do, what are they really going to say about the way Dr Carley is presenting it? She doesn't even define her treatment or give an example of how her medicine works or anything like that. Its just some really small footnote that supposed to convince me? Surely I would hope you would want more evidence before accepting something like that.
Yes, her rhetoric is pretty inflammatory. I did a little digging (will do more later) on Dr. Carley and it seems she has lost her license to practice medicine. I haven't had a chance to look into her science but this is the image on her website.
Rise wrote
"I don't think the article reads very well for a number of reasons.

I would agree that the article starts off pretty well, afaik, about the vaccines and what is really going. I would be ok with this except the medical lingo is ridiculous and I couldn't understand just about half of it. Maybe if I had a medical background I could understand what she was talking about and realize oh thats what an autoantibodies to N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor is!"
Rise, a certain working, foundation knowledge of Medical Nomenclature, Medical Terminology, and Scientific Chemical Language is necessary when discussing complex Medical Issues. To remove words like "autoantibodies, or N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, and many others like them would be anethema to the specific points Dr Carley is making in this report. Intelligability is actually enhanced by their inclusion.

Rise, I would suggest you go the distance and start to look up each and every term that is unintelligable to you; study that term until you have a good understanding of what it means. Then go back to the context the unknown term was found within and reread that section connecting the parts with the newly aquired knowledge of the term until the abstractions become clear representations.

This can be a slow, laborious process for sure, but it's the only way to Clearly Open Up the message she is conveying. Plus once you have thoroughly learned these new terms, you will be able to read similar articles with much greater ease because you have already done the nitty-gritty homework. See?
Rise, I would suggest you go the distance and start to look up each and every term that is unintelligable to you; study that term until you have a good understanding of what it means. Then go back to the context the unknown term was found within and reread that section connecting the parts with the newly aquired knowledge of the term until the abstractions become clear representations.
I would if I felt the article was worth it. When I read this article it sounded like Dr. Carley was trying to convince me of what she ways saying by it being an introduction to people who don't know anything about the vaccine problem. If it is an introduction, I would expect it to be written simply and plainly, not with big words. If the person then agrees and wants to know more, perhaps a more in depth and more "medical" oriented paper can be referred to where the person either knows enough to read it, or perhaps can learn a lot by looking up the terms as you say. This is how I typically see the SOTT articles written. For instance, most of the things on political ponerology on SOTT get introduced with quotes and might get your interested in it, by introducing important points. They then refer you to the book which has all the technical details that you can really get into. Does that make sense?

As for TheSpoon's post, he made a new thread at and I really like how TheSpoon picked out that this article is using Homeopathy to put down conventional medicine. I think a better approach for an article like Dr. Carley's would be to present why homeopathy would be a good way to solve the problems of vaccines and why homeopathy is perhaps a good alternative (whats good about it, how does it work, etc etc...), instead of just calling the other side evil and expecting her audience to believe her.
Just a quick reply here as I have to get to work. I hope to do more looking into this matter later.

Thank you very much RABELAIS and ADPOP for looking into this matter!

It's interesting that Dr Rima Laibow also was also brought into the mix.

I must admit that I thought Rima was a "good guy(gal)" so when the stuff came out about her husband Major General Albert Subblebine III and his notorious involvments with Psy Ops and his link to Admiral Poindexter and nefarious covert operations I was stunned. I hadn't thought of checking out the background of someone's mate, but I guess "like attracts like" ...usually. Though sometimes (and probably in my opinion more often than not) people (with Soul Seed potential) are married to those with the opposite DNA, who seem to be "placed" into their lives with the express purpose of blocking their Soul Growth, or pertebating their Work that promotes the Truth and Light they are trying to get out.

I've watched Dr. Laibow's vids a number of times on You Tube and found them very interesting, and quite factual. She knows her subject well. She can be a very magnetic, convincing public speaker when she wants to be. Yes, she reeled me in. Sigh...

I first heard about her in a blog on this site quite a while ago that seemed to support what she was doing. I don't have time right now to track that one down. Perhaps, way back then, she Was thought to be on the STO side of things.

The idea though of redirecting Money to an organization that may be explaining quite a bit of the CODEX truth, but NOT really doing anything about Changing the status quo threw me. In fact using that money to do the opposite.

Going from the Research done by "Rebelais" CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is not a Federal matter but rather a matter that needs to be decided upon individually at a STATE legislative level. So things are torqued just enough to co opt many people who sincerely want to help in this atrocity only to be funneled into the WRONG organization that appears to be the Saving Grace longed for.

I do remember Dr Laibow speaking about how important it was to educate Congress members on the dire importance of Codex and catching them up to speed. Now that seemed strange to me, since in my opinion Congress members are no doubt already fully aware of what CODEX is all about because they have pretty much ALL been bought and sold, and would therefore ONLY want to promote the final Sordid outcome of World Domination over Foods and Suppliments via the World Trade Organization.

So in short I would think going to Congress is a useless endeavor!!

In regards to Dr Carley so far she seems OK to me overall. But given all the switchbacks to these things ya never know.
Thanks for the link mamadrama, nice to get someone else's view on it as well...
I think now I am pretty much agree with Rebelais and AdPop now.

AdPop said:
I mean, really, totally, emotionally, opposed.
I think that was my initial turnoff, she was just too emotionally invested and didn't really seem like she was looking at the matter very straight... I'm still skeptical, but I guess what she is saying really wouldn't surprise me if it were true. Hope I'm not just making noise here :/
Here’s a video of Robert Kennedy Jr. on MSNBC Talking about dangerous vaccines, fake science and conspiracy.

I hope it helps...
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