March 6th, 2010
4:59 pm
9/11 WAS a big fabrication. Tying it to Ahamdinejad and conflating it with his views on the Holocaust is a classic ad hominem logical fallacy.
"Arguments of this kind focus not on the evidence for a view but on the character of the person advancing it; they seek to discredit positions by discrediting those who hold them. It is always important to attack arguments, rather than arguers, and this is where arguments that commit the ad hominem fallacy fall down."
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Venice Beach
March 6th, 2010
5:12 pm
Yep, that's what happens when a president and his administration lies to Congress about WMD's, make up "yellow cake" stories, out a CIA agent who was a whistleblower's wife, twist the law so they can torture, condone rape and murder by mercenaries, lie to the American people over and over again. No wonder there is a large swath of the population who suspects that 9/11 is not all that it is claimed to be. This is the danger when you operate without integrity. Your enemy will use it against you in their propaganda to undermine you.
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Jackson Hole, WY
March 7th, 2010
11:44 am
crazy people can say truthful things. don't labels and propaghanda keep you from looking at the obvious facts on 9/11.
1. 3 buildings brought down by controlled demolition.
2. 2 total hours, 50 minutes each, hijacked airplanes with NO fighter jet intercepts.
3. NO large plain wreckage WHATSOEVER at the pentagon and penn crash sites. No jet fuel, no fires, no tail, no wings, no fuelsalage, no engines, no seats, no bodies.
4. The flight path of the plane that hit the pentagon. Official story; this 757 hit 10 to 15 feet above the ground, 1st and 2nd floor, yet NEVER hit the ground. The jumbo airliner flew parallel and 10 feet above the ground to strike the pentagon. and flown by an amatuer pilot!
5. Etc, Etc, etc, etc. stop pointing fingers and just look at the evidence.
6. And if your really stubborn...just take a look at this video and tell me if this isn't a classic controlled demolition - (collapse videos).
9/11 was an inside job
World Trade center 1, 2 & 7 were brought down by controlled demolition.
Checkout & watch the collapse videos.
learn the truth
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Louis Anthes
Long Beach, CA
March 7th, 2010
11:44 am
It's sad that Ahmadinejad is able to manipulate public opinion to collapse holocaust denying into 9/11 denying.
The simple fact is that there are people who have raised valid questions about the events of 9/11. It is also true that the questions they raise rely on facts which have not been fully and satisfactorily vetted by the official venues charged with the responsibility of doing so.
Most compelling to me remains the collapse of World Trade Center building 7, which was not hit by a plane but by debris, and fell, all 41-stories, in on itself, when in architectural history there are no previous examples of an entire building collapsing perfectly in on itself due to fire.
WTC building 7, must be explained by other means that resorting to the theory of plane crashing into it. And the current explanations are not persuasive.
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Sheila Casey
March 7th, 2010
11:45 am
Over 1000 architects and engineers agree with Ahmajinedad that 9/11 could not have happened the way we were told, and that all three WTC towers were brought down by controlled demolition. Details at
In addition, no plane wreckage was found at either the Pentagon or Shanksville. Over a hundred tons of metal does not just vaporize, but all early witnesses to the scene said they saw no sign of a plane at either Shanksville or the Pentagon.
Ahmajinedad is right.
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March 7th, 2010
11:45 am
Tragically, this type of article detracts from the legitimacy of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and all of those who have raised valid questions about the anomalies and lies in the official story. If Ahmadinejad declared evolution to be a fabrication, it would not cause anyone to doubt the scientific data that supports it. But 9/11 is a taboo topic in the NYT and the rest of the corporate media. How sad is that? Just Google '9/11 facts' - not theories or conclusions, just facts that seriously challenge what we've been told. What is everyone so afraid of?
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adam syed
March 7th, 2010
11:48 am
Many average citizens have looked into 9/11 and have indeed concluded, like Ahmadinejad, that the official story of 9/11 is a big lie. From the demolition of all THREE buildings at the World Trade Center (go to youtube and watch a video of WTC7 collapsing if you're not familiar) to the lack of large scale wreckage of any airliner debris at the Pentagon, to the same strange lack of wreckage in Shanksville PA, the official story of 9/11 is a farce at all levels. If you're near a Barnes and Noble or Borders store, please do yourself a favor, pick up a copy of "New Pearl Harbor Revisited" by David Ray Griffin, and take it to the cafe and start reading it. I guarantee you'll end up buying it because he demolishes, in a very thorough and scholarly fashion, the official story of 9/11. Also read "The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7" by the same author.
Over 1100 architectural and engineering professionals have signed the petition at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, rejecting the official explanation of the WTC collapse and demanding of congress a truly independent investigation.
Not just architects and engineers either; there are lawyers, firefighters, intelligence officers, former Asst. Secretaries of the Treasury, pilots, air traffic controllers, veterans, and many more who have united via the internet to oppose the Big Lie which is the official story.
Of course, the casual citizen might not be aware of these numerous groups because the mainstream media doesn't mention them. No, they only seem to mention the mentally unstable violent people like the Pentagon shooter, or when the person is the leader of an "enemy country."
Investigate 9/11!!!
9/11 Truth NOW!
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March 7th, 2010
11:52 am
Ahmadinejad is sadly right that 9/11 is a "Big Lie." Scientific peer-reviewed papers have pinpointed the use of high US Military explosives in the World Trade Center dust and debris. "Super-thermite" is made in US weapons lab-- NOT in a cave in Afghanistan. The presence of explosives and molten steel is hard evidence that these skyscrapers were brought down via explosive demolition. A real investigation is needed NOW. Already, 1,100 Architects and Engineers demand a new Congressional investigation.
Also, check out for a listing of US Military and Government officials, Pilots, Firefighters, etc. who say the same thing that that Ahmadinejad has said, only from the perspective of American Patriots, and not an enemy. Folks, the former 9/11 Commissioners THEMSELVES admit that their report is based on government lies. If they don't trust their own report, then why should we? Let's join the Jersey Girls and Scientists and the millions of other patriots throughout America in demanding truth about what really happened. The truth is patriotic and we deserve nothing less.
Investigate 9/11 NOW.
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March 7th, 2010
11:53 am
A lot of Finns agree that 9/11 was a false-flag operation, one only too familiar from history (and of which we have had our share). And in an international poll a year or two ago, less than 50 percent of the respondents thought that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by "Al-Qaida".
To believe the official account of 9/11, one would have to believe, for example, that the third skyscraper, WTC 7, somehow managed to be destroyed by fire (=the final official explanation) in a way that matches a highly skilled controlled demolition. Or that the investigation of such unprecedented highrise disasters can begin with the destruction of the research material (NIST: "no steel was recovered from WTC 7").
Or that the traces of military-grade nanothermite as described in a peer-reviewed study, published by Bentham, by an international group of researchers somehow found their way into the WTC dust in a purely benign way. Google "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe".
Qui bono?
Time to wake up, America.
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March 7th, 2010
11:55 am
Since he is so demonized by the western media, it's strange that Ahmadinejad is publically expressing what many other public offiicials and citizens outside the USA are saying; basically, that the story we're told by the government is nonsensical on its face.
There's also 1100 architects, engineers and physicists who express the same doubts about the official story, but we don't hear much of them here unless it's with glib, uninvestigated dismissals.
One day, your hearts will break at what your eyes have already seen and your minds refused to believe about that awful day.
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March 7th, 2010
11:58 am
as quoting Paul Craig Roberts:
"Americans who think "their" government is some kind of morally pure operation would do well to familiarize themselves with Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods was a plot drawn up by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff for the CIA to commit acts of terrorism in American cities and fabricate evidence blaming Castro so that the U.S. could gain domestic and international support for regime change in Cuba. The secret plan was nixed by President John F. Kennedy and was declassified by the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board. It is available online in the National Security Archive. There are numerous online accounts available, including Wikipedia. James Bamford's book, Body of Secrets, also summarizes the plot:
"Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman [Gen. Lemnitzer] and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war."
Prior to 9/11 the American neoconservatives were explicit that the wars of aggression that they intended to launch in the Middle East required "a new Pearl Harbor."
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March 7th, 2010
11:58 am
Yep, He's just as crazy as the 1000 architects and engineers who signed a petition demanding a new investigation, Not to mention 5 members of the 911 commission itself who say they were lied to. The 911 truth movement will not go away.
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Poughkeepsie, NY
March 7th, 2010
11:58 am
This is becomming another media field day. To quell unbalanced angry people from performing violent acts, and to appease thousands of intelligent people who question the official conspiracy theory of 9/11, let us have an impartial forensic investigation of the alleged terrorist attack including all of the known evidence. I support the petition of over a thousand professional architects and engineers. Let the chips fall where they may.
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San Diego
March 7th, 2010
11:59 am
While claims that the Holocaust is a "myth" obviously is factually incorrect, the concept that it was used as a "pretext" for the creation of the state of Israel cannot be so easily dismissed. Please read the history of the Zionist movement and the partition of Palestine by the Colonial occupiers. Americans may find this language and the hyperbole of many in the Middle East distasteful, but the creation of Israel in Palestine after Europeans committed the Holocaust can easily be seen as making Palestinians pay for the crimes of Europeans, hence the Holocaust as a "pretext" for Zionism and the creation of Israel.
And, BTW, if you want to condescendingly dismiss Ahmadinejad because he believes 9/11 was staged, you will need to similarly dismiss the belief of millions of American. Maybe you should watch "Loose Change," available on Netflix, and see how the facts presented there line up with the official story. Of course the US would never create a pretext for going to war - but then again who cares if we destroy countries like Viet Nam or Iraq based on fictitious evidence.
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March 7th, 2010
12:00 pm
I'm certainly no fan of Ahmadinejad but he is correct. The official story about 9/11 is a total lie.
This really isn't that difficult to understand. Simple science proves the inside job aspect of 9/11. Both WTC towers fell at near 'freefall acceleration'. Freefall acceleration is described as the time it would take to drop an object a given distance until it reaches the ground with only gravity as the downward force. Ex: the time it would take to drop a baseball off the top of one of the 110 storey World Trade Center buildings until it hit the street below with only air as the resistant force. (About 9.2 seconds.) Therefore, as each tower collapsed, how is it physically possible for them to collapse at this speed with all of the massive steel and concrete support structure below giving NO RESISTANCE? Also, what was the energy force that caused massive multi-ton steel support columns to be ejected laterally outward up to 600 feet embedding them into nearby buildings? What was the energy force that caused all of the concrete to be pulverized into a fine powder covering all of lower Manhattan? The Physics Law of Conservation of Momentum does not allow for this. You can't have it both ways. If the Official Government Conspiracy Theory claims that the weight of the part of the building above the plane impact area crushed the lower structure how can it also have the energy to eject the steel outward and pulverize the concrete too? Simple answer. It can't.
It's simply science. The only way the three WTC buildings could fall at this rate is that the structure columns were being removed (demolished using explosives) as the buildings fell causing no resistance. The laws of physics don't/can't lie. Governments and their paid propagandists can and do.
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Dana C.
Oakland, CA
March 7th, 2010
12:01 pm
I am consistently amazed by Americans' inability to separate facts from opinions.
For example, it is a fact that WTC Building 7 fell at free fall speed for 2.25 seconds at 5:21 p.m. on September 11, 2001, according to the Final version of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report released in November of 2008. It is a fact that this behavior would be impossible unless all of the vertical steel support columns were somehow rendered simultaneously un-supportive so that the building, in falling, met no physical resistance. It is also a fact that the only known means of simultaneously eliminating the resistance provided by vertical structural steel columns in a building is through the use of well-timed explosive charges. It is therefore reasonable to infer that explosives were used to deliberately cause the collapse of Building 7.
What has been expressed by Iran's President Ahmadinejad is an opinion. We have not heard enough from him to know if his opinions are based on facts. What we are reading in most of the comments above are nothing but opinions about Mr. Ahmadinejad's opinions. Mr. Ahmadinejad's opinions do not determine whether the official story about 9/11 is true or false. Only a proper reading of the facts can accomplish that.
I have cited above a series of facts about Building 7. Those facts would seem to indicate a deliberate (and apparently successful) attempt to demolish a building at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 using explosives.
I would like to see Americans compare the official explanation of the events of September 11, 2001 with the facts that are currently available. I believe (my opinion) that the facts are almost entirely inconsistent with the official explanation, and that therefore, suspicion of the truth of the official story is well warranted.
Expressing opinions about Mr. Ahmadinejad's opinions accomplishes absolutely nothing but demonstrating ignorance as to the difference between facts and opinions.
graham marsielle
Vancouver BC
March 7th, 2010
12:03 pm
I despise that man but 9-11 is a very questionable event.
I too thought questioning the official 9-11 narrative was crazy. You need to research this story thoroughly to have a well immersed opinion. That can take months.
You also need to clear your mind of any preconceptions or beliefs of whether it was an inside job or not. How else are you going to see the evidence clearly if you are personally skewed in one direction or the other? You will only cherry pick the evidence that fits your initial bias.
After doing over 100 hours of research on this topic I am left with a new world view about powerful entities that we do not get to hear or read about in the mainstream news.
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" Albert Einstein
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March 7th, 2010
12:06 pm
...140 stories obliterated in roughly 12 seconds (2 times!); that is a rate of more than 10 floors per second. 200,000 tons of steel were decimated as if they were suddenly made of tissue. google WTC7 and watch how that 46 story building "collapsed" into it's footprint in 6.5 seconds at 5:20pm on Sept. 11, 2001. Yes i know two planes impacted both building (though not WTC7) -- but why should i believe that both Twin Towers were destined to fall from such an impact; afterall, the Pentagon was struck the same day and the (physical) damage was merely a 15 meter hole that somehow swallowed the remains of the aircraft and its two titanium steel engines. you will excuse me if i am not concerned with your source; it is rather the other portion of your headline that intrigues me...
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West Holywood, CA
March 7th, 2010
12:08 pm
Definition of a "conspiracy theory":
Nineteen amateur pilots who could barely fly single-engine Cesnas, lead by a cave-dwelling Muslim on kidney dialysis, commandeer four commercial jumbo-jets with box-cutters and fly them into US targets with pin-point accuracy while causing the entire US military to stand-down for an hour & 20 minutes. In NY, three massive concrete and steel buildings are spontaneously blown to smithereens mid-air and melted, collapsing into the path of most resistance at free-fall speed, defying the laws of physics.
The Pentagon, however, oddly remained standing when hit by the same fuel-filled jet plane.
The fundamental laws of physics contradict the US government's explanation of the events of 9/11. Osama bin Laden has never been indicted for any of the crimes of 9/11. It was a false flag operation, deliberately planned to create the impetus for an endless war.
Go to: ae911truth dot com
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March 7th, 2010
12:09 pm
Mr. A is an odd man with different ways. He is correct though, 9/11 was staged and its a total cover up. The real physics and engineering prove the 9/11 report is completely wrong and misleading. They found superthermite in the metal and the dust/powder. For better or worse the truth movement has uncovered the truth and the world wants to know what really happened. Everyone should remain skeptical however one cannot disprove molecular formulas and laws of physics.
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Barry R
Brisbane Australia
March 7th, 2010
12:11 pm
Almost every world leader knows 911 was a big fabrication - it's obvious to anyone who takes the time to look. Even the 911 commissioners said themselves said there report was a half baked farce.
Wake up people - we have all been duped - a guy in a cave with a laptop did not shut down America's defenses for 2 hours so the attacks could be carried out.
Simply is not possible - the logical conclusion is that it was an inside job that was never properly investigated. Absolute tragedy.
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Watching Certain People
Milwaukee, WI
March 7th, 2010
12:12 pm
Six of the ten members of the 9/11 Commission have gone on record this past year as believing the government conspired to lie to them about the 9/11 attacks--to cover negligence, incompetence or worse. As you will find at the website, there are many Americans from all walks of life who are questioning the official story of 9/11. Our media attempt to mock anyone who even asks questions about the attacks, yet Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth recently gathered the signatures of 1000 colleagues questioning the events of that day. Within the past two weeks the Jersey Girls--who sat in on every session of the 9/11 Commission--have endorsed the work of these professionals. There are similar groups all around the world looking at this. Very strange how the media hysterically try to convince the public that there's nothing here to see. Grow some courage, America, and study the facts for yourselves. Ahmadinijad has nothing to do with this.
Ted Tyson
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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March 7th, 2010
12:12 pm
Ironicaly,I just watched a documentary that was rather convincing and backed up with tons of original,unaltered footage. Why hasn't the government come forward about the fact that the pentagon wasn't hit by a plane? If you look at earlier images before the wall of the building collapsed, the only point of impact was about 14-16 ft across. There was also original tv footage and interviews with some of the firefighters on the scene at the WTC. They were certain there were bombs in the world trade center staged to "pull" the building down in the manner at which it collapsed. Not to mention that one of the planes that hit the towers wasn't even a commercial airliner but some sort of military plane.The question should be really why is our government still lying to us?
new york city
March 7th, 2010
12:14 pm
he's right on this one, and millions of americans agree. 9/11 required more then just 19 guys who "hate our freedoms" from a cave in afganistan. they were mostly saudis and well connected. CIA cleared their visas in Jeddah. Building 7 has no explanation other then demolition. there most definitely were people on the inside helping them. wake up or find yourself manipulated into a police state.
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March 7th, 2010
12:16 pm
Incredible how many people here are still clueless about the fact that
over 1100 architectural and engineering professionals have signed a petition at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( demanding a new 9/11 investigation.
At least in this case, science is on Ahmadinejad's side.
But of course, anonymous poster's negative comments, with NO links to documentation to verify their empty claims, carries more weight than architects,structural engineers, physicists, and many, many more professionals who are calling for a new 9/11 investigation.
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March 7th, 2010
12:18 pm
It is continually disappointing to me how many otherwise intelligent Americans have such disabling cognitive dissonance about what really happened on that day. Anyone who actually examines the EVIDENCE has to admit that jet fuel fires cannot melt steel. Anyone who LISTENS to the tapes of firemen working in the twin towers before they fell can easily see that there were no fires such as those necessary to make the Official Conspiracy Theory true. Even on the NYT website there is abundant evidence preserved, of the official interviews with first responders: [count the number of firefighters saying they heard explosions]
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