
The ISIL has transferred several weapons and military equipment seized from the Syrian army in Palmyra (Tadmur) to Aneh town, 190 kilometers to the West of Ramadi city, in Iraq, an intelligence officer in al-Anbar province said.

ISIL Transfers Military Equipment from Palmyra to Iraq

Nazzim al-Juqaifi was quoted by Sumeriya News as saying that after its occupation of a part of Palmyra in Homs province, the ISIL transferred a number of these weapons and equipment to Iraq. He said that some of these arms and equipment were targeted by fighter jets.

According to the Iraqi officer, the equipment and weapons included BMP1 combat personnel carriers, tens of artilleries and other war instruments.

The Iraqi army and volunteer forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) repelled an attempt by the ISIL to cut their supply lines Southwest of Kirkuk province.

Iraqi Army Repels ISIL's Attack in Southwestern Kirkuk

The ISIL terrorists tried to cut the Iraqi forces' supply routes from al-Rashad and al-Riyadh regions towards al-Fatheh region in Southwestern Kirkuk, but they were pushed back by the army and Hashd al-Shaabi.

At least 15 ISIL terrorists were killed and tens of others were wounded in clashes with Iraqi forces in Southwestern Kirkuk. The remaining terrorists fled the scene.

The ISIL terrorist group is trying to disrupt the concentration of the Iraqi forces in the Northern parts of Salahuddin province and the Northern countryside of Mosul by penetrating into these regions.

The terrorists are also trying to cut the flow of equipment and forces from Central Iraq to Nineveh province, but they have failed.

UK government analysis indicated that British-made cluster bombs have been used by Saudi Arabia-led forces in the war in Yemen.

UK Probe Indicates British-Made Cluster Bombs Used by Saudis in Yemen

According to sources close to the issue, British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon is among ministers to have been made aware of the analysis, News and Stars reported.

The UK Government said it takes the allegations "very seriously" and has raised them with the Saudi-led coalition.

The analysis comes after the prime minister of Yemen's government accused the UK of "war crimes" for supplying arms.
This is a cross-post from the Putin-Syrian thread - on a suppose "Saudi Intelligence" report of possible kidnappings - of Yemen "Foreign" Aid workers. On the heels of this warning, another report surfaced, of a large donation for International Aid from South Korea. The aid is to be used to operate three mobile clinics. I suspect "the plot" is to get rid of local Aid organizations, so they can be replaced with the (false) White Helmets, along with the services of Doctors Without Borders, who are generally found working in and around the same locations? Although this warning was issued for Yemen, a report has now surfaced on a Red Cross employee(s) being kidnapped in Afghanistan. If you're following reports, there's another big Military build-up in Iraq and Afghanistan with US/NATO forces.

Saudi Intelligence, Al-Qaeda Plot to Kidnap Foreign Aid Workers in Yemen

07.12.2016 - The Yemeni Interior Ministry has reportedly urged both local residents and foreigners working with humanitarian aid organizations to be especially vigilant and to cooperate with security agencies.

"Liaison officers working with the Saudi intelligence met leaders from al-Qaeda in the border Al-Waidah crossing point on Saturday, 29 October, to coordinate the kidnapping operations," an unnamed Yemeni official said, as quoted by the local SABA news agency.

IOM Receives $400,000 for Humanitarian Work in Yemen from South Korea

02.12.2016 - South Korea has donated $400,000 in aid to International Organization for Migration (IOM) operations in war-torn Yemen, IOM said Friday.

The funds will be used to operate three mobile clinics servicing some 27,000 internally displaced Yemenis, almost half of these children, according to the statement.

Each clinic is staffed with one doctor, an assistant, a nurse and a midwife. (Note - same medical set up as the Russian Mobile Hospital that was attacked in Syria.)

A member of staff working for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was abducted in Afghanistan by the unidentified armed men, according to official statement.

Unidentified Armed Men Kidnap Red Cross Employee in Afghanistan

19.12.2016 - A group of armed men kidnapped an employee of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Afghanistan, ICRC said on Monday.

"A member of staff working for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been abducted in Afghanistan. It happened around 11am local time [06:30 GMT], on Monday morning," ICRC said in a statement.

The unidentified armed men stopped two vehicles with ICRC staff members traveling from the city of Mazar-e-Sharif to Kunduz and took one of the employees, ICRC added.

The Committee is currently in contact with various authorities to secure the release of the employee.

The situation in Afghanistan has significantly deteriorated in recent months. It is suffering from the activity of the Taliban, a militant group formed in the 1990s, seeking to establish Sharia law in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and from other terrorist groups like Islamic State, banned in Russia and many other countries.
Media claims that the kidnapped employee of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Afghanistan is a Spanish national, but the Spanish Foreign Ministry has not confirmed the information so far.

Kidnapped Red Cross Employee in Afghanistan Identified as Spanish National

The kidnapped employee of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Afghanistan is a Spanish national, the El Pais newspaper reported, citing police in the Afghan city of Kunduz.

The Spanish Foreign Ministry has not confirmed the information so far.

On Monday, a group of unidentified armed men stopped two vehicles with ICRC staff members traveling from the city of Mazar-e-Sharif to Kunduz and took one of the employees.

A notorious ISIL security commander along with a number of terrorists were killed in an Iraqi air raid on their base in Western Anbar, a commander of the country's volunteer forces, Hashd al-Sha'abi said Monday.

Senior ISIL Security Official Killed in Iraqi Airstrike West of Anbar Province

Nazem al-Jaqifi, the commander of Hash al-Shaabi in the town of Haditha, said that the Iraqi warplanes bombed an ISIL base in the Central part of al-Qaem city in Western Anbar, killing 12 terrorists, including Walid Saeed al-Jamili also known as Walid al-Atrash.

Several vehicles of the ISIL also sustained major damage in the air attack.

Nine ISIL terrorists were killed on Monday in an airstrike carried out by Iraqi army fighter jets West of Anbar, a source said.

Reports said earlier today that the Iraqi air force jets pounded an ISIL hideout in the village of Raihana in the town of Annah, killing nine militants inside, Al Sumeriya News reported.

Meanwhile, Iraq's Defense Ministry said in a statement the warplanes targeted ISIL's ammunition stacks and booby-trapping workshops in Okashat desert area, also in the West, as well as in al-Akra village in Haditha.

ISIL militants still maintain holdouts at Western Anbar regions, most notably at the towns of Annah, Rawa and al-Qaem, launching from there occasional attacks on civilians and security forces who respond with airstrikes on the group’s locations relying on intelligence tips.

Special units of Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi popular forces) killed several ISIL commanders in a high-risk operation in Nineveh province.

Iraqi Popular Forces Hunt ISIL Commanders in Surprise Attacks

The Hashd al-Shaabi special units monitored the ISIL leaders' moves in the Western parts of Tal Afar city after several weeks of intelligence operations and killed them in surprise attacks.

They infiltrated the terrorists' hideouts in the North of al-Sharia village and killed the ISIL commanders without being noticed.

They could safely leave the terrorists' den after their successful operations.

A senior commander of the Iraqi volunteer forces disclosed on Sunday that the ISIL's supply routes are being disconnected one after another from the West of the city of Mosul to the Syrian border.

A senior military commander disclosed that the Yemeni army and popular forces are very close to winning back the Southern part of Ta'iz province, and killed a notorious commander of the pro-Saudi mercenaries in al-Jawf province.

Yemeni Forces Close to Retaking Southern Ta'iz, Pro-Saudi Commander Killed in Bomb Blast in Al-Jawf

"The Yemeni army has taken full control of 60 percent of the entire Ta'iz province in three tough battles with pro-Saudi mercenaries and they are very close to winning back the entire province very soon," Senior Ansarullah Commander Hossein al-Houthi said.

Meantime, the Yemeni sources disclosed that a senior pro-Saudi commander along with a number of his forces has been killed in al-Jawf province.

"Taleb al-Qoh was killed when a roadside bomb targeted his military vehicle," the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed military source as saying on Tuesday.

Al-Houthi reiterated that the Yemeni army and popular forces repelled the pro-Saudi mercenaries' attempt to advance in Jahmaliyeh region in Ta'iz province, and said, "The Yemeni army's artillery units also pounded the pro-Saudi mercenaries' fortifications in Jabal al-Han in the city of al-Zobab, injuring a number of militias.
Four Iraqi aid workers and at least seven civilians were killed by indiscriminate mortar fire this week during aid distribution in two separate incidents in Eastern Mosul, the United Nations said Thursday.

Four Aid Workers Killed in Mortar Attacks in Mosul

A UN statement did not assign blame for the attacks, but ISIS militants retreating from the Iraqi military's offensive in the Northern city have repeatedly shelled "liberated" areas, killing or wounding scores of residents fleeing in the opposite direction, the Daily Star reported.

The operation in Mosul, the extremists' last major stronghold in Iraq, has retaken a quarter of the city but the troops' advance has been slow and punishing. The campaign launched by a 100,000-strong alliance of local forces on Oct. 17, has become the biggest in Iraq since the 2003 US-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein.

Lise Grande, UN humanitarian coordinator for Iraq, condemned the attacks as a violation of humanitarian principles.

"People waiting for aid are already vulnerable and need help. They should be protected, not attacked," she said. "All parties to the conflict, all parties, have an obligation to uphold international humanitarian law and ensure that civilians survive and receive the assistance they need."

The authorities do not release figures for civilian or military casualties, but medical officials have said dozens of people are wounded each day in the Mosul battle.

As many as 70 members of ISIL terror group were killed in an aerial operation on terrorists' positions in the Northwestern Iraqi Nineveh Province, a defense ministry statement said Thursday.

70 ISIL Terrorists Killed by Iraqi Airstrikes in Nineveh Province

Iraq's Defense Ministry said in the statement that around two dozen ISIL commander were among those killed in the airstrikes conducted on ISIL's positions South of Tal Abtah in Nineveh Province.

The statement, published by Sumeriya News, added that the operation resulted in the annihilation of 20 ISIL commanders along with 50 other members of the terror outfit.

In a separate operation, the Iraqi warplanes destroyed an ISIL's weapon and ammunition cache and a workshop used by the militants for making IEDs and other improvised devices in the Akashat Desert in Western Anbar Province.

Earlier on Thursday, the ISIL terrorists exploded two car bombs and an explosive package in Kokjeli, West of Mosul, killing at least 15 people and wounding dozens more.

media reports said Riyadh’s decision to decrease oil production may alienate Saudi Arabia from its traditional Western allies and pose a serious threat to the House of Saud.

Saudi Royal Dynasty Likely to Fall Like Shah of Iran

Mainstream media outlets in the US and UK unleashed a barrage of criticism upon Saudi Arabia, blasting the country for signing an oil deal with Russia, Sputnik reported.

The Guardian even predicted that the falling oil prices and a sharp drop in demand for oil from that region will spell doom for the Saudi government.

The newspaper likened the possibility of the Saudi ruling dynasty’s demise to the fall of the pro-American Shah government in Iran which caught Western intelligence agencies by surprise.

However, Hassan Hanizadeh, former chief editor of the Mehr News Agency, told Sputnik Persian that the fate of Saudi Arabia could be much worse due to a number of factors.

"It’s no secret that the US and the West consider the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia their ally and chief treasurer for various goals. Up until today the Saudi money helped only the US and its allies to advance their interests. However, now that the oil prices have dropped and the kingdom’s annual budget has decreased by $100 billion, their Arabian treasurer has become worthless to them. Everyone knows that the US does not have any constant allies in its foreign policy; that is, when the US realizes that a country becomes too weak to bankroll American projects, it simply drops them," he explained.

Hanizadeh also remarked that the lack of democratic processes within the country also poses a significant threat to the Saudi government.

"Saudi government structure is based on the clan society principles. The power belongs to the most influential members of several clans; this system is completely devoid of even a concept of constitution. The despotism that the ruling Saudi clan practices towards other citizens of the kingdom, for example, the five-million Shiite population, is also an important factor.

Shiites live in the eastern regions of Saudi Arabia, the biggest oil cluster of the kingdom. And yet their rights have been being violated since the very founding of the kingdom. The so called successors, 6000 Saudi princes, simply pocket about 60 percent of all oil revenues," he said.

All in all, Hanizadeh concluded, the lack of any forms of democracy makes the Saudi government extremely frail, and any economic or political defeats, along with spending billions of dollars on launching airstrikes against civilians in Yemen, may cause the government to collapse at any moment.

"Many analysts believe that 2017 will mark the fall of Saudi Arabia’s ruling clan. And the fall of the al-Saud dynasty will be much worse than the end of the Shah in Iran in 1979, as it is likely that it will be accompanied by a bloody civil war across the kingdom. One should not discount the probability of feuds and discord between numerous power-hungry would-be successors, each of whom is backed by his whole tribe. In this scenario, the enmity between tribes will inevitably lead to a civil war," Hanizadeh said.

Saudi Arabia on Thursday projected a 2017 budget deficit of about US$53 billion and a lower than expected shortfall for this year after government cost-cutting in response to lower oil prices.

Saudi Arabia Projects US$53b Deficit in 2017

Expenses next year will reach 890 billion riyals (US$237 billion) against revenues of 692 billion riyals ($184 billion), the cabinet said in a statement, Channel News Asia reported.

It said this year's deficit will be 297 billion riyals ($79 billion), down 8.9 per cent from 2016's budget forecast.

"This budget comes at a time of a highly volatile economic situation... and which led to a slowdown in world economic growth and a drop in oil prices that impacted our country," King Salman said on official television, with Finance Minister Mohammed Aljadaan seated nearby at a table of cabinet ministers.

Revenues for this year are expected to be 528 billion riyals, higher than projections a year ago of 513.75 billion, the cabinet said.

Spending is expected to come in at 825 billion riyals for 2016, 1.8 per cent lower than foreseen.

The world's biggest oil exporter froze major building projects, cut cabinet ministers' salaries and imposed a wage freeze on civil servants in the wake of last year's record deficit of $97 billion.

Analysts said that figure was 15 per cent of gross domestic product, making it one of the largest in the emerging world.

The government made unprecedented cuts to fuel and utilities subsidies last year in a country long accustomed to some of the cheapest petrol prices in the world.

A year of cutbacks left retailers complaining of lower sales and residents saying they had less money to spend.

"Given the opaqueness of policy announcements, the budget will provide investors with an opportunity to gauge the government's commitment to fiscal austerity," London-based Capital Economics wrote in a pre-budget briefing.

Oil prices, which were above $100 a barrel in 2014, sank below $40 in 2016 but recovered towards the end of this year and traded on Thursday below $55. The plunge in global oil prices led Riyadh to intensify economic reform efforts, which are being led by Salman's son, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 31.

In April the prince released the Vision 2030 program for diversifying the oil-dependent economy.

At its heart is a plan to float less than five percent of state oil giant Saudi Aramco on the stock market, with the proceeds helping to form what will be the world's largest state investment fund, holding about $2 trillion in assets.

The IPO could take place in 2018 and would be the biggest in history.
Iraqi Air Force has airdropped some four million letters on the city of Mosul to assure its residents of upcoming liberation from Daesh, Operation Inherent Resolve said in a release on Thursday.

Iraqi Aircraft Drop 4 Million Letters to Reassure Mosul Residents in Liberation

The letters encouraged Mosul residents to be patient and reassured them that the victory against Daesh "will come soon."

This initiative by the people of Iraq reassures the residents of Mosul, held hostage by ISIL [Daesh] for more than two years, that they have not been forgotten and that the rest of Iraq is standing with them, waiting to welcome them back in solidarity when ISIL is defeated," the release stated.

On Wednesday, Operation Inherent Resolve press office told Sputnik the Iraqi Security Forces have paused the offensive to liberate Mosul in order to resupply and get ready for the next steps in the military campaign.

A rocket attack on cargo vessel off Yemen coast resulted in deaths of seven Pakistani nationals, media reported Thursday.

Rocket Attack on Cargo Ship Reportedly Kills 7 Pakistanis Off Yemeni Coast

According to the Geo TV broadcaster, the rocket attack, which ignited fire on the vessel, was conducted on Wednesday night, when the ship was heading from Egypt to Dubai.

Solely one man, identified as officer Kabir, out of eight crew members managed to stay alive, as he jumped overboard and reached the shore, the broadcaster added. Local insurgent groups in Yemen and other territories across the Middle East and North Africa are known to pledge allegiance to Daesh cells. Daesh is a Sunni radical group, which is outlawed in many countries across the world including Russia and Pakistan among other nations.
Iraqi Ministry of Defense said the country's Air Force is to receive 24 T50 Golden Eagle fighter jets from South Korea during the first quarter of 2017.

Iraq to Receive 24 Korean T50 Fighters Early 2017

The ministry statement said the air force leadership paid a recent visit to South Korea to get briefed about progress in manufacturing of the training and medium-fighting jets involved in an agreement reached in 2013, Iraqi News reported.

It added that the manufacturing process was finished, and delivery is scheduled during the first quarter of 2017.

The delivery was initially slated for April 2016, but the Suwaira airbase in Wasit province, where the new arrivals are planned to settle, is, however, not finished yet, an Iraqi air force major told Anadolu Agency on conditions of anonymity.

The statement by the ministry said Iraqi pilots will be trained on conducting the equipment in Korea until the airbase is operational. Suggestions are also considered to deploy part of the jets temporarily at other airbases at Dhi Qar and Salaheddin.

Iraqi air forces, assisted by jets from a US-led international coalition, have been actively bombarding ISIL militants’ locations in several Iraqi provinces as part of a major operation that launched in October to drive the group out of Iraq.

Iraq's joint military forces continued their advances in Nineveh province, Inflicting heavy losses and casualties on ISIL terrorists.

Iraqi Forces Kill 10 ISIL Terrorists, Destroy 3 Bomb-Laden Vehicles

Commander of Iraqi Federal Police Raed Shaker Judat said that the Iraqi armed forces managed to destroy three bomb-laden vehicles of the ISIL and killed 10 terrorists in the Western part of the city of Mosul in Nineveh province.

Judat said that the armed forces carried out three separate military operations in Koukajli and al-Quds districts in Western Mosul.

The Iraqi commander also said that the country's Federal Police units also repelled the ISIL terrorists' offensive in the Southern part of Nineveh province.

The Iraqi military troops also destroyed four command centers and 14 artillery units of the ISIL terrorist group.
Vehicles stolen from Syrian Army by ISIS in Palmyra spotted in Iraq

A Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units based in Abvar announced on Monday that Syrian Army vehicles that were seized by ISIS in Syria's Palmyra have now appeared in Iraq's Anbar province.

“ISIS have brought some Syrian army vehicles to the town of Annah,” said Nazem al-Jugheifi. “They seized it after regaining control over the Syrian city of Palmyra,” he continued.

“International coalition air forces have pounded some underground tunnels where ISIS hide those vehicle,” he said.

Eastern Syria and western Anbar province still remain ISIS strongholds in the region.

Heavy rains killed seven members of ISIS in Hawija district a security source in Kirkuk province told Al-Sumaria News on Sunday.

Seven ISIS terrorists killed near Kirkuk because of heavy rains

The source told Alsumaria News, “Today, heavy rains resulted in the collapse of one of the Islamic State’s (ISIS) tunnels in Hawija district (55 km southwest of Kirkuk).”

“Seven members of the Islamic State, who were hiding from air strikes inside the tunnel, had been killed when the tunnel collapsed,” the source added.

“Rains also helped displaced people fleeing from Hawija to discover IEDs planted by the extremist group, as well as revealing the tunnels that were submerged by rainwater,” the source further added on condition of anonymity.

Heavy rain downfall has flooded refugee camps in Khalidiya town in Anbar Province, Ali Dawoud, the precinct’s chief, said on Saturday.

Photos: Refugee camps in Iraq flooded by immense rainfall

Dawoud stressed the urgency of the situation and called out for international and local organizations to provide assistance to the refugees as tents and essentially utilities have been flooded.

This has rendered refugees exposed to the cold and the rainfalls.

There are currently more than 42000 internally displaced Iraqi families in Anbar’s refugee camps, according to IraqiNews.
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi ordered the security agencies on Tuesday to launch an investigation into the reported kidnapping of a local journalist by unknown gunmen, local media reported.

Iraqi Prime Minister Orders Investigation Into Kidnapping of Local Journalist

Abadi urged guaranteeing the safety of the kidnapped journalist and prosecuting "whoever proved to be involved," the Iraqi News agency reported, citing the prime minister's office.

Earlier in the day, reports emerged that Afrah Shawqi Hammudi, employed by London-based Asharq al-Awsat pan-Arab newspaper, had been kidnapped by several gunmen having presented themselves as members of the security forces from her home in Baghdad. The gunmen also stole her mobile phone and computer, according to reports. According to the press freedom watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Iraq is considered to be one of the most dangerous countries for the work of journalists. It ranks the 158th out of 173 countries in the RSF 2016 World Press Freedom Index.

It will take two more years of hard work to clear Daesh from its strongholds in Mosul and Raqqa and kill or capture those who attempt to escape into the desert between Syria and Iraq, the US commander in Iraq says.

US Commander: Two More Years to Clear Daesh from Mosul, Raqqa

Speaking with The Daily Beast in Baghdad, Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend said the ongoing campaign, though it is proceeding slowly, is unfolding about as well as can be expected.

When the Mosul offensive was launched in October, some Iraqi officials said they hoped to have the city cleared by the end of the year, while more "conservative" voices said it would take at least three to four months of street to street fighting. However, with US officials estimating last year that the fight oust Daesh would take three years, Townsend's schedule remains roughly on track.

Townsend refused to put an exact timeline on the battle, but he did stress the time Daesh has had to dig in, as well as the brutality of the tactics US troops and their coalition partners are faced with.

Vladimir Putin said that Russia considered Kurdish sovereignty to be a domestic issue of the Iraqi government.

Putin Says Kurdish Sovereignty Iraq’s Own Business

Russia considers Kurdish sovereignty to be a domestic issue best to be left to the Iraqi government and will not meddle in Iraq’s internal affairs, President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

"As for the issues of sovereignty and independence of parts of states, I presume we will act within international laws and the rights of the Kurdish people, its inalienable rights will eventually be secured. But how and in what form this will be done depends on Iraq and the Kurdish people," Putin said at the annual news conference. "We have and remain in contact with both Baghdad and [Iraqi Kurdistan’s capital] Erbil but we are not going to interfere in Iraq’s internal process," Putin pledged, stressing that Russia "has always been friends with the Kurdish people."

The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate said 20 reporters were killed in Iraqi in the year of 2016, as the fight against ISIL militants stepped into a new phase in the year.

Iraqi Journalists Syndicate: 20 Reporters Killed in 2016

The syndicate released a report on Tuesday saying most of the journalists were killed during the war against ISIL militants, NRT reported.

The Iraqi journalists syndicate added the number of journalists killed since US forces entered Iraq in 2003 has risen to 455 journalists.

“Journalists also face threats of murder as an attempt to prevent the fourth power to carry out its role and investigation,” the report said.

The syndicate’s report came after the Iraqi Journalists’ Rights Defense Association said on December 21 in 2016, across Iraq, 13 journalists were killed and 179 wounded.

A number of journalists have also been threatened by unknown individuals for publishing articles about corruption in the country’s institutions, the group stated.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said in a report on December 16 that Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and Burundi became “too dangerous” for journalists to carry out their work.

(Note - The Iraqi journalists syndicate is a legitimate organization. The added insertion of the last sentence with reference to Reporters Without Borders (RSF) seems to be "tacked-on" to give the RSF some legitimacy? It's creator and main financial backing comes from Soro's.)

Dozens of Saudi princes and princesses have left the country for the fear of their lives after the empowerment of King Salman and his son Muhammad bin Salman as deputy crown prince.

Tens of Princes, Princesses Fleeing Saudi Arabia in Anticipation of Death

The Palestinian daily, al-Manar, quoted informed sources as saying that many members of the royal family have fled Saudi Arabia to other countries after increased internal differences and rivalries in the House of Saud and their policies in the region.

A large number of the royal family members believe that their lives are at stake and could be assassinated any moment.

According to the report, a number of these princes and princesses aren’t allowed to leave the country and are still in Saudi Arabia under the supervision of the security bodies.

Meantime, the fear is not confined to Saudi Arabia and certain Qatari and UAE princes and princesses have also left their countries.

The report came after a US-based think-tank raised the possibility that Saudi King Salman may leave the power in favor of his son Muhammad bin Salman who is now the deputy crown prince and defense minister.

"Increasingly, the kingdom's crucial decisionmaker is seen as thirty-one-year-old Deputy Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (aka MbS) rather than eighty-year-old King Salman or fifty-seven-year-old Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef (aka MbN). The king, described by the New York Times as suffering from "memory lapses," is believed to favor MbS, the eldest son of his favorite wife, as his successor," the Washington Institute for Near East Policy wrote in November.

"Making that happen anytime soon would be a challenge, however. For one thing, Saudi kings traditionally keep going until they drop -- King Abdullah died in 2015 at ninety-two, and King Fahd was eighty-four when he eventually passed away in 2005, ten years after suffering a debilitating stroke. Palace politics and rivalries may pose a formidable obstacle as well," it added.

"King Salman has already exercised his royal authority to change the crown prince, naming MbN three months after taking the throne, so he could do so again at any time. Yet whether MbN and the wider royal family would accept MbS being made crown prince or the king abdicating in his favor is debatable, since support for the young prince's forceful policies as defense minister and economic 'visionary' is hardly universal," the Washington Institute concluded.

The US think-tank's speculations were raised after Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force Commander Major General Ghassem Soleimani said Saudi Arabia's deputy crown prince is so wild and thirsty for power that he could even kill his own father to take the throne.

Muhammed bin Salman, the youthful, ambitious son of King Salman bin Abdul Aziz who is also the defense minister is so thirsty for power and has taken the country's affairs into his hand in such a bold and aggressive manner that many believe he is the heir apparent and would topple the Crown Prince, Muhammad Bin Nayef, in one way or another soon.

Addressing a ceremony in Tehran in October, General Soleimani said the Saudi prince "is so impatient that he might kill his own father, the king".

Mohammed bin Salman's ascension has been surrounded by a great deal of palace intrigue, including the grumbling protestations of royals angry about the prince skipping the lines of succession.

Saudi Sources revealed in late June that Saudi Arabia’s young deputy crown prince is being advised by the UAE on how he can win backing from the US and ascend to the throne by the end of the year.

Two "well-placed Saudi sources" have said that de facto UAE ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan is advising Mohammed on a two-pronged strategy to become Washington's preferred choice as the next Saudi ruler.

The first Saudi source said bin Zayed has told bin Salman that he must “end the rule of Wahhabism” if he wants to be accepted by the Americans.

Wahhabism is the radical ideology dominating Saudi Arabia which has inspired Takfiri groups such as ISIL and al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front to wreak havoc in the Middle East. Bin Zayed has also told bin Salman that he must open a “strong channel of communication” with Israel if he is to be Washington’s preferred candidate to be king.

The second Saudi source reportedly said bin Salman is willing to win the backing of Washington after telling close associates recently that he would complete the mission of becoming king before the end of the year.

The 30-year-old bin Salman, who also serves as the Saudi defense minister, has been granted increasing power since he was named the third in line to the throne last April. He is heading up the country’s economic reforms plan, the kingdom's policy towards Syria and its deadly aggression against Yemen. The young prince’s meteoric rise, however, has sparked tensions within the Saudi royal family.

According to the report, bin Salman would seek to fundamentally change the role of religion in the kingdom on bin Zayed's advice.

One of the two Saudi sources said that bin Salman plans to cancel the Council of Senior Scholars, which is the kingdom's highest religious body, and stop all activities that serve Wahhabism. “The aim will be for bin Salman to be hailed as a hero by the press, Congress, and academics, so that the US administration is forced to follow.” Such a plan is highly risky given the influence of religious bodies in the kingdom and could lead to a serious showdown.

A Saudi source told Middle-East Eye on June 20 that bin Salman had secretly carved out a plan to severely curb the influence of Wahhabism, the strict interpretation of Islam followed in Saudi Arabia, by arresting clerics and shutting down institutions.

A Saudi expert who asked not to be identified told NBC that Riyadh was at such a critical juncture that either "it's bin Salman or it's ISIL group." The second strategy advised by bin Zayed to win Washington’s backing was developing close relations with Israel. Israel has covert ties with Arab states despite their claims that they would normalize relations with Tel Aviv only when it reaches a deal with the Palestinians.

In April, the Jerusalem Post wrote that “rather than being isolated, Israel is being incorporated into the Saudi-led orbit,” citing the opening of a mission in Abu Dhabi and increasing contacts in the Persian Gulf States.

One of the Saudi sources said Washington could be swayed into supporting bin Salman's bid to be king if he could achieve good communication with Israel, even if the Americans like their long-time ally bin Nayef.

Saudi whistleblower Mujtahid, who is believed to be a member of or have a well-connected source in the royal family, revealed in May that US Secretary of State John Kerry has warned the Saudi officials that Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef is Washington's redline.

"In his recent meeting with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Muhammad bin Salman, John Kerry has emphasized that Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayif is the US redline," Mujtahid wrote in a tweets in May. Elsewhere, he referred to the intimate relations between UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed and Muhammad bin Salman, and said, "These ties will affect Saudi Arabia's social, economic, security, military and foreign policy."

Bin Nayef may be the first in line to throne but his quietness, and bin Salman’s prominence, has led many to conclude the experienced 56-year-old's power is waning.

During bin Salman’s recent visit to the US, where he met President Barack Obama, a report emerged that American intelligence officers believed the current Saudi ruler King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef suffer from ill health.

“We’ve put a lot of markers down on Mohammed bin Nayef. It’s the smart move to do the same with bin Salman. It’s an opportunity to get to know him,” Bruce Riedel, an ex-national intelligence officer and a member of Obama’s transition team, said.

The visit to the US by Saudi Arabia’s young deputy crown prince raised speculation that his superiors have been seriously ill and being pushed out of the kingdom’s political scene.

Bruce Riedel, a former national intelligence officer and a member of US President Barack Obama's transition team, told NBC News that 30-year-old bin Salman was visiting the US because his father King Salman and Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, second in line to the throne, are both seriously ill.

Bin Nayef, bin Salman's cousin, has long been seen as a steady pair of hands and, unlike some vying for power in the kingdom, not a long-term threat because he has no children of his own. He has also traditionally been viewed as the US favorite and has cooperated closely with Washington on security and counter-terrorism issues for years, but he has increasingly kept a low profile, with speculation running rife about why.

A well-informed Saudi source told Middle East Eye on June 20 that 56-year-old bin Nayef was physically fine and recently went on a hunting trip to Algeria.

Instead, the source said, bin Salman's trip was “designed to make him US’s number one Saudi ally and to push bin Nayef out of the scene”.

Simon Henderson of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy also said that bin Salman is "notionally number three in the hierarchy, but effectively he's number one" because the 80-year-old king prefers that his son take over the kingdom.

A Bahraini source also said that the trip was probably part of a longer-term plan to bolster the young prince’s international reputation and that it is widely believed he will be made crown prince and heir apparent in the not too distant future. Bin Salman has been awarded a staggering amount of power since he was named deputy crown prince last April. He also serves as the defense minister, heading up the kingdom’s war in Yemen and Syria policy, and is pushing through ambitious economic reforms that aim to privatize part of the national oil giant Aramco and lessen Riyadh’s dependence on oil.

By official accounts, his Washington trip was a feat, despite eyebrows being raised about bin Salman meeting with Obama, a rare honor usually reserved for heads of state.

Earlier in June this year, Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud health state drastically deteriorated with visitors barred from seeing the ageing monarch, an informed source said. Saudi Defense Minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman issued orders to the Saudi court banning any manner of meeting with the king due to his "brain damage", Alwaqt reported on June 2.

The Palestinian Manar online newspaper also on the same day quoted an informed saying that the denial of visiting rights encompasses all members of the royal family and foreign dignitaries. The source noted that foreign embassies, especially that of the US, are diligently tracking Salman’s health and reporting back to their countries.

Over the recent months King Salman has been trying to disguise a teleprompter he uses to be able to make coherent sentences when holding talks with foreign dignitaries

Foreign leaders visiting the Saudi regime ruler have noticed that there is a large flower display positioned just in front of where the 80-year-old monarch sits. On closer investigation, the visitors realized that the purpose of the flowers is to conceal a computer which acts as a teleprompter, enabling the King to appear capable of carrying on a coherent conversation about important issues.

Sources close to the Saudi monarchy say the 80 year old King Salman is suffering from dementia, a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Reports say the octogenarian monarch suffers from periodic blackouts and inability to speak. The failing health of the Saudi monarch has also led to intense rivalry between Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef and King Salman's son, Deputy Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman. This rivalry has led to an increasingly weird and self-destructive nature of present-day Saudi foreign policy that suddenly shifted from cautious use of Saudi Arabia’s vast oil wealth to further its aims to a militarized and confrontational pursuit of foreign policy objectives.

There has been mounting discontent at the Saudi king's decisions, including his controversial appointments, support for Takfiri terrorists in Syria and Iraq, the brutal and costly war against impoverished Yemen, and the execution of prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr.

Unsurprisingly, Prince Salman's meteoric rise has caused ripples, and has antagonized some other members of the vast royal House of Saud who resent being shunted aside by the younger generation.

Analytical websites had predicted early this year that Muhammad bin Salman would use the kingdom's army which is under his control to topple Muhammad bin Nayef to prevent his ascending to the throne.

"That Muhammad bin Salman controls the Saudi army is a valuable advantage for him because in case Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef becomes a king, Muhammad bin Salman can use the army to topple him," the Russian-language 'Landscape of the New East' wrote. The Russian analytical website also reiterated that Saudi Arabia would eventually be disintegrated as a result of an implosion and its abundant oil reserves will fail to help the country's rulers to prevent this collapse. It noted that Muhammad bin Salman has grown more active and in a sense he has become a spokesman of the Riyadh government despite the fact that Muhammad bin Nayef is the crown prince and, hence should be the one who talks on behalf of the ailing King.

On January 19, a prominent Saudi media activist revealed that the Crown Prince, Bin Nayef, had held secret talks with the country's tribal leaders to heighten internal conflicts and prevent empowerment of Muhammad bin Salman. "After news reports said that the Saudi king has decided to leave the power to his son, the Saudi crown prince has held some meetings with the tribal leaders to destabilize domestic conditions in Saudi Arabia," the activist who called for anonymity for security reasons told FNA.

Noting that the details of these meetings were not known, he said Muhammad bin Nayef saw himself entitled to the throne, and he, thus, sought to spark internal problems and insecurity with the help of certain tribes to stir crisis and prevent the deputy crown prince, Muhammad bin Salman, from ascending to the throne.

Reports in August 2015 had informed that the Saudi crown prince had enhanced security arrangements for fear of assassination plots of rival princes in the royal family.

"Muhammad bin Nayef has changed the venues of his daily tasks, procedures and itinerary of his visits and appointments, his team of bodyguards and their methods to decrease the danger to minimum levels," Mujtahid wrote in his tweets at the time. Noting that the Saudi crown prince used helicopter flights for most of his visits to different places, he said, "Tens of armed vehicles and over 80 security forces always accompany him during his visits."

Mujtahid said that Muhammad bin Nayef rarely stayed in his palaces and used his father's palace on an island in the Red Sea behind fortified security measures and large numbers of security forces there. "He also spends a lot of time to eavesdrop the phone calls of the ruling family members," the Saudi activist revealed.

In April 2015, King Salman relieved Muqrin of his duties as crown prince and appointed his nephew, Deputy Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, as the new heir apparent. It is the first time that a grandson of the founder of the country (Ibn Saud), rather than a son, has been appointed crown prince.
Muhammad bin Nayef, 55, the grandson of the founder of Saudi Arabia, was appointed as crown prince and also minister of interior. Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal was also replaced by Saudi Ambassador to Washington Adel al-Jubair.

The changes signaled a major shift at the top of the ruling Al Saud family away from princes chosen by the late King Abdullah, who died in January 2015, and towards those close to the new monarch.
[quote author= article angelburst29]The world's biggest oil exporter froze major building projects, cut cabinet ministers' salaries and imposed a wage freeze on civil servants in the wake of last year's record deficit of $97 billion.[/quote]

I never understood why Saudi Arabia is building huge skyscrapers. Is it for their non-existing tourist industry? Why build a tower above 1 KM when nobody is going to show up to see that thing.

This country with their oil is like Sim-City with cheatmode and they still don't get how to prevent an uprising. You just have to spend it and invest it in your population.

Instead, they rather build 1 KM buildings and wage imperialistic wars. Hopefully this vile kingdom will fall asap. They need to pay War reparations to Syria.
Commander of Nineveh Operations announced on Monday, that new military reinforcements have arrived in the liberated neighborhoods, in the eastern side of Mosul, IraqiNews reported.

Reinforcements arrive in Mosul to continue battle against ISIS

Major General Najim al-Jabouri said in a press statement, “Military reinforcements arrived in the neighborhoods of the eastern side of Mosul, and were deployed in the liberated areas.”

“Iraqi army forces are enhancing their presence, as well as preparing to storm into the remaining areas of the eastern side of Mosul,” Jabouri added.

Iraq's federal police commander, General Raed Shakir Jawdat confirmed that his forces continue to target ISIL defenses South of Mosul, in preparation to start a new round of military operation against the terror group in the Northern city.

Iraqi Federal Police Target ISIL Positions South of Mosul

The federal police forces have killed four terrorists and destroyed armed vehicle equipped with heavy machine guns in al-Intisar neighborhood on the left side of Mosul,” Jawdat said in a statement on Tuesday, Badr News reported.

“The federal police forces have destroyed a defense post used by ISIL terrorists near al-Akrab intersection and killed four of them,” the commander said.

Iraq’s foreign ministry fired back on Tuesday at criticisms of Popular Mobilization Forces, also known as Hashd al-Shaabi, by Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir who said Iraq cannot realize unity in the existence of the militia forces.

Iraq Hits back at Saudi FM over Remarks on Hashd Al-Shaabi

Recurrent abusive remarks and accusations by the Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir of the heroes and sacrifices of al-Hashd al-Shaabi reflect that Saudis maintain their tense approach on Iraq, which is made on narrow, sectarian backgrounds,” said ministry spokesperson Ahmed Jamal in a statement, Iraqi News reported.

Jamal said that approach caused Saudi Arabia “many opportunities for positive and constructive communication with regional states”, adding that Saudi policies made the kingdom one reason behind continued tensions and crises in Yemen and Syria, “which we will not allow in Iraq”.

Jamal maintained that PMF remains “a national, courageous combat force that operates within the limits of the law enacted by the parliament, and is one of the official security formations of the state”.

In a press conference with his Jordanian counterpart on Monday, Jubeir described PMF as a “sectarian organization" adding that “there should be no place for PMF if we want a united Iraq”.
A member of Iraq's Nineveh provincial council announced the return of hundreds of displaced families to their liberated areas in the left coast of Mosul city after being guaranteed by members of the provincial council.

Iraqi Official: Hundreds of Displaced Families Return Liberated Areas in Mosul

“Hundreds of Nineveh’s displaced families, who had taken refuge to the camps of Cham Hassan and Khazar as housing, have returned to the liberated areas in the Eastern side of the left coast”, said the Iraqi official Hossam al-Din al-Abbar, Badr News reported.

He added that those families had been returned to their homes in the left coast after being guaranteed by members of the provincial council to prevent the presence of any collaborator with ISIL terror group.

“Other groups of displaced people from Qayyara camp have returned to the liberated areas in the left coast. The majority of displaced people want to return to their areas, but the terrorists are targeting the neighborhoods with mortars shells, especially the areas nearby ISIL- controlled neighborhoods”, al-Abbar added.

The Ministry of Displacement and Migration has announced on Tuesday, that the number of displaced people who have returned to their areas since the start of Nineveh’s liberalization operations has reached more than 18 thousand displaced people.

Iraqi security forces detained at least 15 top ISIL members, including a top aide to the terror group's chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, during an operation on the western banks of the Northern city of Mosul, a security source said.

ISIL Chief's Top Aide Captured by Iraqi Forces in Mosul

The security source in Nineveh Province said Iraqi security forces, tipped off by local residents about the terrorists' hideout in al-Bakr neighborhood, managed to capture Abu Harith al-Matyooti along with fourteen other ISIL members, including some of the group's informants and intelligence elements during the raid.

Earlier this week, two notorious ISIL security commanders along with a number of terrorists were killed in an Iraqi missile attack on their base in the city of Mosul.

Iraqi Federal Police Commander Raed Shaker Judat said Abu Seif and Abu Ayoub al-Qoreishi, senior ISIL commanders, were killed when an Iraqi missile hit the terrorist group's military base in Hay al-Quds on the West and Bab al-Toub on the East of Mosul city.

Several other ISIL terrorists were also killed in the Iraqi air attacks on the terrorist group's military positions in Mosul city.

Over 400 leaders of the Taliban group were killed in the past 9 during the operations conducted by the Afghan Special Forces, Afghanistan's Ministry of Interior said Wednesday.

Afghan Ministry: Over 400 Taliban Leaders Killed in Past 9 Months

The ministry's spokesman Sediq Sediqi said the Minister of Interior Taj Mohammad Jahid praised the Special Operations Forces of the Afghan National Police during an event in Kabul on Wednesday, Khaama Press reported.

Jahid has said the ongoing violence in Afghanistan is not having roots to insurgency led by Taliban and ISIL loyalists.

He said the Afghan nation is facing a major undeclared war but insisted that the Afghan people have never surrendered to oppression.

Jahid further added that the enemies of the country have done all they could do to kill the Afghan people in the past 16 years.

According to Jahid, the enemies of the country were looking to take control of the major parts of the country and close the highways for the traffic and passengers but they continuously failed in their attempts.

The officials are saying that the leadership councils of the militant groups are based outside the country from where they plan and coordinate attacks in Afghanistan with the help of the regional spy agencies.

A Yemeni military expert disclosed that the pro-Saudi militias backed by the US' spy agencies failed to launch a large-scale attack on the Ninth District in the Northeastern part of the city of Sana'a.

Military Expert: Yemeni Forces Repel Saudi Militias' Heavy Attack on Sana'a

"The allegations about the victories of the pro-Hadi militias in the Ninth District of Sana'a is fictitious and in line with covering up their continued defeats from the Yemeni army and popular forces," Qasr al-Jamli told FNA on Wednesday.

He noted that the Saudi regime is seeking to take control of Sana'a's strategic Ninth District in a bid to have the upper-hand in the upcoming peace talks.

The military expert reiterated that after the visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to Riyadh, the Saudi mercenaries in cooperation with spy agencies of the West and the US have intensified their attacks on the strategic Ninth district of Sana'a in Northeastern Sana'a.

"The Yemeni army and popular forces are engaged in tough battle with the US and Saudi militias who operate under the supervision of Ali Mohsen al-Amr and American and British experts," al-Jamali added.

"The strategy of the Saudi regime is to fully control the Ninth District of Sana'a even at the price of killing all the residents of the South, but the Yemeni army and popular forces will not allow them to do so," al-Jamli said.

A senior Yemeni military commander disclosed that the Riyadh government has cut the wages of its mercenaries in Ma'rib province.

Saudi Regime Halts Paying Mercenaries in Ma'rib, Al-Qaeda Smuggles Weapons to Aden

"The pro-Saudi militias have revised their military plots after sustaining heavy defeats from the Yemeni forces, including cutting the salaries of their mercenaries in Yemen's Ma'rib province," Senior Ansarullah Commander Hesam Qais told FNA on Wednesday.

He reiterated that Saudi Arabia has halted its financial and logistic aids to some of its mercenaries after they were badly defeated by the Yemeni forces.

"Saudi Arabia has stopped sending financial aid and foodstuff to pro-Hadi militias due to its grave budget deficit," Qais said.

Meantime, a road accident unveiled smuggling of weapons and explosives to Aden by Al-Qaeda.

A vehicle was exploded in an accident in Arqoub road as and the ammunition that it was carrying blasted.

The exploded vehicle was heading from al-Baydha province to Aden province, when the blast took place as a result of the accident.
After decades of silence and denials, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has inaugurated an online database that offered alleged full access to 200,000 pages of declassified documents on the 'Yemenite Children Affair,' which the Israeli government hopes will "correct historical injustice" and bring closure to the controversy.

Bang to Ransom: Israel Declassifies Yemenite Children Affair Documents

The 'Affair' involved the disappearance of hundreds of babies and toddlers born to Yemenite immigrants to Israel, from 1948 until 1954. Yemenite parents were told by doctors their children had died, while in reality the children were kidnapped and given or sold to Ashkenazi families. In all, over 1,000 families have expressed suspicions their children were taken in this manner.

Three government probes were conducted into the affair; each one concluded the children had all in fact died.

Despite this, rumors and questions have continued to circle the case, as affected families were not given their children's bodies or informed of their burial places, provided with death certificates were riddled with errors, and some of the missing children were sent army draft notices 18 years after their alleged deaths. There have also been instances where adopted children have tracked down their Yemenite parents and conclusively determined their relationship via DNA tests. The new raft of declassified documents are papers arising from the trio of investigations.

Today we right a historic wrong… for close to 60 years, people did not know the fate of their children, in a few minutes any person can access the pages containing all the information that the government of Israel has," Netanyahu is reported to have said at the documents' unveiling.

However, some figures in Israel, including many relatives of disappeared children have expressed doubts about the database.

Nurit Koren, a member of Netanyahu's governing Likud party, who chaired one of the taskforces on the Affair, told Israel's Army Radio that the documents represented only half of the total generated by each inquiry and stop short of covering the entire controversy; while the publicly-available trail ends in 1954, reports of suspicious disappearances continued way into the 1960s.

​Yaakov Ben Aba, a Yemenite Jew who emigrated to Israel in 1944, called the database a "mockery." He lost five siblings between 1944 and 1953, and believes they were kidnapped:

"Opening the protocols to the public is mockery. It's in order to keep covering up the affair. Instead of opening the adoption files, they are throwing a bone at us in the form of protocols that will not really get us closer to the truth." Shosh Levy, whose brother Tzion Salem disappeared, said many of the details included in the files relating to her case are inaccurate: "We saw the death and burial certificate, and it says my brother was born on February 29, 1956, was hospitalized on July 22, 1956 and died the next day. That didn't match the Interior Ministry records. There were inaccuracies in regards to his age too.

"Some documents noted he was hospitalized when he was 18 months old, and others say he was hospitalized at 10 months. My mother insists he was hospitalized because of a hernia, while the commission's report says that the reason of hospitalization was malnutrition and diarrhoea. Moreover, the most important thing is that there is a contradiction between the testimony my mother gave to the commission and the actual testimony written in the protocol.
Someone made sure to ‘beautify' the reality and rewrite the evidence."
Iraqi security forces begun the second phase of the Mosul operation in a number of Eastern and Southeastern districts of the city on Thursday, following a major halt of the offensive for much of December, security officials said.

Iraqi Forces Launch Second Phase of Mosul Military Operations

Iraqi Federal police initiated the advance on the districts of Somar, Saha, Intisar, and the industrial area on the left bank of Mosul, General Yahya Rasul, the spokesperson for the Iraqi Joint Command said, Baghdad Post reported.

Also, Abdul-Ghani Al-Asadi, commander of the Iraqi Counterterrorism Forces (ICTF) told Iraqi media that the fresh offensive begun at 7:00 am this morning,

He said his forces have entered the eastern district of al-Quds, and made “progress” in the early hours on Thursday morning.

A military statement for the Nineveh operation said that the Iraqi army, the federal police and the ICTF are taking part in a joint operation to “fully liberate the left bank of Mosul”.

The commander of the Golden Division, Fazil Barwari, earlier told Rudaw that he expects to liberate the East side of the city by New Year ’s Eve.

Yemeni forces shot down a Saudi Apache helicopter in the kingdom’s Southern Najran Province in fresh counterattacks in response to Riyadh’s deadly military aggression.

Yemeni Forces Shoot down Saudi Apache Helicopter in Najran

The chopper was brought down on Thursday as it was attacking positions held by the Yemeni fighters, Al Masirah reported.

The report further noted that the Yemeni forces destroyed an Abrams tank and killed five Saudi soldiers at Najran’s Qiyadah military base.
The Turkish Security Forces killed one of the leading militants of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), who had been allegedly conducting attacks for some 20 years, local media reported Friday.

Turkish Security Forces Kill Leading PKK Militant

The security forces killed the militant identified as S.I., code-named Ozan, in the eastern Tunceli province as he tried to attack on a station of the Turkish forces, Anadolu news agency said, citing the General Staff's statement.

PKK is outlawed in Turkey as a terrorist organization. Tensions between Ankara and the Kurds escalated in July 2015 when a ceasefire between Turkey and the PKK collapsed over a series of terror attacks allegedly committed by the PKK members. Turkish authorities have imposed several round-the-clock curfews in Kurdish-populated towns in country's southeast, preventing civilians from fleeing the regions where the military operations are taking place.

A leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), Murat Karayilan, has promised to withdraw his troops from the Sinjar area in northern Iraq, saying that he will be continuing negotiations with the region's ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

PKK Leader to Withdraw Forces From Northern Region of Iraq

"The period we are in is an important period in which the fate of our people will be determined. At such a time, the unity of the Kurdish people is more valuable than ever. Therefore, we want to solve all existing problems with dialogue," Karayilan said in a statement, as quoted by Hurriyet Daily News on Friday.

Karayilan outlined the importance of national unity and stressed that it was in the Kurdish people's best interest to build that unity without wasting the "blood of the martyrs".

The PKK leader added that the Kurdistan Workers Party and the KDP have been conducting ongoing negotiations on the subject of the former's presence in Sinjar and that PKK was ready to leave the area at the conclusion of the talks.

Sinjar was liberated from Daesh, a terror group outlawed in Russia and many other countries, by Kurdish-led forces in November 2015. Kurds have already established a military base in the region.

In Turkey, Kurds represent the largest ethnic minority, and are striving to create their own independent state, however, the PKK is outlawed in Turkey. The Kurds comprise ancient tribal groups, which are currently living in parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. Kurdistan is an autonomous region of Iraq. Its status is formalized in the country’s Constitution. Earlier this month, Saad Hadithi, spokesman for the Iraqi prime minister, said that Iraq opposes the presence of PKK on its territory and is not involved in financing the party.

The Iraqi military, assisted by Kurdish fighters and the People's Mobilization Forces are expected to drive Daesh out of eastern Mosul within a week, Mahmud as-Surdji, a volunteer fighting to free the second largest city in the country, told Sputnik.

Iraqi Army Expected to Secure 'Major Victory' in Eastern Mosul Within Days

"Terrorists have offered no major resistance thanks to an unexpected offensive led by the Iraqi Army as part of the second phase of the operation to free Mosul," he said. "Due also to the fact that [Baghdad-led forces] have opened new fronts the Iraqi Army has successfully advanced to the city center."

The Iraqi military and its allies launched the second phase of the operation to free Mosul on December 29. "The Iraqi Army is expected to secure a major victory in eastern Mosul" within days, he said. "It is thought that eastern Mosul will be declared free of terrorists within a week." Mahmud as-Surdji also mentioned that US special operations forces were not taking part in the operation. They have offered advice and provided intelligence data to the Iraqi Army, he added.

The Yemeni Army and popular forces shot down a Saudi spy drone flying over Jizan province Southwest of the kingdom.

Yemeni Army Shoots Down Saudi Spy Drone over Jizan Province

The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was brought down after it was intercepted over the strategic Mash'al military base in Jizan province.

Local security sources said that the Saudi drone was on a surveillance mission, taking images of the Yemeni Army and Ansarullah’s facilities.
The Iraqi capital of Baghdad was rocked by two explosions on Saturday. At least 28 people were killed, about 54 injured, local media reported, citing the police and medical services.

Iraqi Baghdad Hit by Two Explosions, at Least 18 Reported Dead (Photos - video)

According to the Kurdistan24 broadcaster, both explosions occurred in the shopping area of the central Sanak district. The second bomb went off when people started gathering to rescue the wounded in the first explosion.

One of the explosions was performed by a suicide bomber, while the second blast was caused by the put explosives, a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told the media. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack so far.

The Daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility for the two massive blasts, which hit the Iraqi capital on Saturday.

Daesh Claims Responsibility for Explosions in Baghdad (Video)

Baghdad was rocked by two explosions on Saturday morning. At least 28 people were killed, about 54 injured, local media reported, citing the police and medical services.

Both blasts occurred in the shopping area of the central Sanak district. The second bomb went off when people started gathering to rescue the wounded in the first explosion.

One of the explosions was performed by a suicide bomber, while the second blast was caused by the put explosives, a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told the media.

Iraqi security forces blew up a car bomb headed to Baghdad's Shia-populated Kadhimiya district, hence preventing a terror attack, the security forces' Baghdad operations command said Saturday.

Iraqi Security Forces Prevent Terror Attack in Baghdad's Shia District

Earlier in the day, the Daesh terrorist group outlawed in Russia and many other countries claimed responsibility for conducting a twin terrorist attack, which hit central Baghdad during the morning rush hour, claiming lives of at least 28 and injuring 54 people.

Provided with the intelligence data, Iraqi forces in the northern sector of Baghdad followed a car bomb driven by two suicide bombers to Kadhimiya district for a terror attack and managed to trap and undermine the car, killing the terrorists. In addition, the security forces defused bombs in several Baghdad's southern districts," the statement said.

Militias of the Houthi movement known as Ansar Allah on Saturday said that they shot down a Saudi reconnaissance plane in the southern part of Saudi Arabia not far from the border with Yemen, Houthi-held media reported, citing a military source.

Houthis Claim Downing of Saudi Reconnaissance Aircraft Close to Yemeni Border

Ansar Allah members backed by loyal army units downed Saudi reconnaissance aircraft in Jizan province, located beside Saudi-Yemen border, the Saba news agency reported.

The Saudi-led coalition, which has been fighting against the Houthis, has not commented on the reports so far.

A prominent Yemeni politician underlined that Britain along with the US and Israel should be blamed for the crimes committed by the Saudi regime against the Yemeni civilians.

Politician: Britain, US Accomplice in Saudi Crimes against Yemen

"The British officials are the US and Israel's accomplices in massacring the Yemeni people," Odai Abdulhamid told FNA on Saturday.

"Instead of commitment to the international laws and efforts to demine the regions contaminated with the British-made clusters bombs, Britain has been directly and indirectly involved in killing the Yemeni people," he added.

Abdulhamid underscored that based on the international laws which ban using cluster bombs, the countries that come under attack with such bombs are entitled to prosecute all states which have been involved in using cluster bombs and try them at the international courts.

Cluster bombs, which can contain hundreds of bomblets, pose risks to civilians both during and after attacks. Unexploded bomblets can claim lives long after a conflict is over.

Senior Iraqi counterterrorism commanders dismissed the news reports by the western media on the US army troops accompanying Iraq's joint military forces in their military operations to seize back the city of Mosul in Nineveh province.

Senior Iraqi Commanders Reject Media Reports on Presence of US Troops in Mosul Battle

"The second phase of the Nineveh liberation operation is underway in Northern Iraq as planned and the presence of any foreign troops, including the US military in the military advances in the city of Mosul is not correct and is strongly rejected," Major General Abdulwahab al-Saedi said on Saturday.

General al-Saedi said that his forces have fully taken control of al-Qods region in the Eastern part of Mosul city and are advancing in the region to seize back more lands.

He pointed to the western media reports on the presence of the US troops in the Mosul liberation operations, and said, "This is sheer lie; if the US soldiers had been fighting against the ISIL, the US Command Headquarters would have surely announced it before anyone else."

General al-Saedi said that not even one US soldier is present in the Mosul military operations, adding, "This operation is conducted only by the Iraqi forces and they are advancing in all scenes and battlefronts; even one non-Iraqi soldier (whether American or non-American) is not present in the battlefield."

Yemeni security sources disclosed that a Turkish plane has transferred tens of Al-Qaeda terrorists from Syria's Northern city of Aleppo to Yemen's Aden and evacuated wounded pro-Saudi militias to medical treatment centers outside the country when returning to Turkey.

Turkey Transferring Al-Qaeda Terrorists from Aleppo to Aden

"The Turkish airplane landed at Aden International Airport to transfer the pro-Saudi mercenaries wounded in the Yemeni forces' offensives in Ta'iz province for treatment in Turkish hospitals," the Arabic-language al-Ahd news website quoted informed sources as saying on Saturday. The sources noted that some 150 al-Qaeda terrorists stepped out of the plane as soon as it landed, adding that they had been relocated from Syria's Aleppo to Aden.

Then when the Turkish plane was preparing to fly back home, a sum of 158 wounded pro-Saudi militias went on board to be transferred to Turkey.

More than 12,800 Yemenis, including women and children, have been killed in the course of the Saudi military aggression against neighboring Yemen since March 2015.

This is while international right groups have repeatedly condemned Riyadh over its onslaught against Yemen. They have also warned of a humanitarian crisis in the impoverished country.

The Saudi campaign was launched with the aim of reinstating Yemen’s former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

Hadi, a loyal Riyadh ally, resigned last year and fled to the Saudi capital. He later returned to the country’s port city of Aden.

Hadi has rejected a United Nations peace roadmap, saying the initiative favors Ansarullah movement, while the movement is the main popular base which has been defending the country against the Saudi invasion.

On December 28, Iran said that its air defenses had warned off several US fighter planes and drones during an ongoing military drill. In an interview with Sputnik Persian, prominent Iranian political analyst Sabbah Zanganeh described the US behavior as a provocation.

Gate Crashers: Iran Warns Off US Fighters, Spy Drones During Drill

On December 28, Iran said that its air defenses had warned off several US fighter planes and drones during an ongoing military drill. In an interview with Sputnik Persian, prominent Iranian political analyst Sabbah Zanganeh described the US behavior as a provocation.

"In the past three days of military drills, air defense has given warnings to 12 aircraft of trans-regional countries to stay away from the country's airspace," General Abbas Farajpour told the semi-official Tasnim news agency.

The agency said the aircraft included US fighter jets and UAVs.

“What are the Americans doing in this region? Why are they stoking up tensions and conflicts here by meddling in the internal affairs of the countries located in this sensitive part of the world? I wonder what they are doing near the Iranian border,” Sabbah Zanganeh told Sputnik Persian.

He added that just as the independent Iranian state was holding naval and air defense drills on its territory, the US suddenly waded in trying to complicate things and gather information.

“Or maybe they are trying to set the stage for riots and conflicts? These latest attempts by the US to violate our air space are highly disturbing, they are a threat to peace and stability in the region and are seen by us as a provocation,” he emphasized. Not very long ago the Iranians presented Russia with an exact replica of a US RQ-170 spy drone they seized control of in 2011 in the north-east of the country using an electronic warfare system. The drone was then delivered to an Iranian military base in the northeast of the country. Following the incident the military released a video showing the UAV with no visible damage on it. It was one of many instances of US drones venturing close to the Iranian borders, Emad Abshenass, a senior editor with the newspaper Iran Press, told Sputnik Persian.

“The US and its allies are trying hard to sneak a peek at Iranian weapons and defense technology. They are also trying to assess the degree of our armed forces’ combat readiness and the country’s defense potential in general. All these attempts have fallen flat though,” he said.

Emad Abshenass recalled numerous attempts by US spy planes to break into Iran’s airspace.

“Once we even had to fire warning shots to warn off one of their spy drones. In another instance, we managed to intercept one of these drones and built an exact replica that proved to be even better than the original. We presented one such replica to our Russian colleagues,” Emad Abshenass noted. “The Americans are desperate to get as much information as possible about Iran’s combat readiness. There will be more such attempts coming up and we must be ready for them,” he added.

On Thursday, Iran’s Air Defense Forces wrapped up a large-scale military exercise across southern regions of the country with missile drills to target hostile drones.

The drill, codenamed Defenders of Velayat Skies 7, included detection and interception of the hypothetical enemy’s unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with homegrown missile systems. Iran’s Air Defense holds routine military exercises throughout the year. The country’s integrated air defense network protects 3,700 sensitive sites across the country, including nuclear facilities.
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