
A Saudi military Black Hawk helicopter has crashed in Yemen, leaving at least 12 servicemen dead.

Saudi Military Helicopter Crashes in Yemen, at Least 12 Killed

According to Al-Ikhbariya TV-channel, the crash took place in the Marib province during a combat mission. The casualties include four officers and eight non-commissioned officers.

Saudi Press Agency said the cause of the crash has not yet been established.

Some reports suggest that the aircraft was shot down accidentally.

The US planes once again dropped aid packages over ISIL-held regions near a town in Western Nineveh province, the spokesman for Asa'eb al-Haq Movement affiliated to the Iraqi popular forces of Hashd al-Shaabi said.

US Continues to Airdrop More Aid Packages to ISIL Terrorists in Northwestern Iraq

Javad al-Talaybawi said that a US airplane has airdropped supplies and aid to the ISIL terrorist group West of the town of Tal Afar. He further underscored that the US forces are sending aid to ISIL to prolong their so-called war on the terrorist group.

Al-Talaybawi added that the US move to provide ISIL with aid testifies that Washington's claims about war on terrorism are sheer lies.

Al-Talaybawi said in early March that the US forces carried out a rapid heliborne operation and evacuated two commanders of ISIL terrorists from Western Mosul in Northern Iraq.

Al-Talaybawi said that the US forces carried out the heliborne operation in one of the Western neighborhoods of Western Mosul, evacuating two senior ISIL commanders to an unknown location after the commanders came under siege by Iraqi government forces in intensified clashes in Western Mosul.

A new group of US forces have arrived in Ein al-Assad military airport West of al-Anbar province, local sources disclosed on Tuesday.

Fresh US Soldiers Arrive in Military Base in Iraq

Sky News network quoted local sources as saying that a fresh unit of the American military forces have arrived in Ein al-Assad base in al-Anbar province to take part in the operation to capture the regions of Anah, Rawa and al-Qa'em. Ein al-Assad has been home to the US soldiers since occupation of Iraq by the American forces.

The spokesman for Asa'eb al-Haq Movement affiliated to the Iraqi popular forces of Hashd al-Shaabi said earlier today that the US planes once again dropped aid packages over ISIL-held regions near a town in Western Nineveh province.

Javad al-Talaybawi said that a US airplane has airdropped supplies and aid to the ISIL terrorist group West of the town of Tal Afar.

At least sixteen Taliban insurgents including the shadow governor of the group for Northeastern Takhar province were killed in an operation in Afghanistan's Northern Kunduz province.

Taliban’s Shadow Governor among 16 Killed in Northern Afghanistan

The Kunduz police commandment in a statement said the attack was carried out in the vicinity of Dasht-e-Archi district, Khaama Press reported.

The statement further added that the insurgents were targeted in Pul-e-Moman area of Dasht-e-Archi, leaving Taliban’s shadow governor Qari Tayeb dead along with at least 15 insurgents.

A prominent Yemeni analyst said the US has been paid several trillion dollars by Saudi Arabia to protect its crown, adding that Riyadh has recently bribed Washington's support for the Yemen war with $200bln.

Analyst: US Bribed into Yemen War with $200bln

"Washington has asked for more money to defend the Saudi regime and Riyadh has recently paid $200bln to the US for the costs of its support for the war in Yemen," Saleh al-Qarshi told FNA on Tuesday. "This is apart from the huge amounts of money that Saudi Arabia pays to the US treasury for protecting its crown," he added.

According to al-Qarshi, former Saudi Intelligence Chief Turki al-Feisal revealed last year that his country has bought the low-profit US treasury bonds to help the US economy.

Relevant reports said late last week that Saudi Arabia has sponsored the United States' recent missile strikes on al-Shayrat airbase in the Syrian province of Homs, adding that Riyadh has even offered more financial aid to Donald Trump for continued attacks on Syria.

"The Saudi officials who were not optimistic following the election of Trump decided to coax the American businessman into cooperation by financial offers," a diplomatic source close to the Saudi family said on Sunday.

Referring to the Saudi King's initiative for a phone conversation with Trump immediately after the US missile attack on Syria, the source said the phone call was not just aimed at expressing pleasure in the attack, and the Saudi King expressed the hope that similar strikes on Syria would be repeated by the US.

According to the source, King Salman has also underscored his country's preparedness to provide Washington with great financial incitements to continue airstrikes on Syria.

Other source close to the Saudi family also said that Trump has ordered his team to assess the whole costs of launching missile attacks and airstrikes against Syria to be submitted to Riyadh.

On April 7, the United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian military airfield in Shayrat near the city of Homs.

Donald Trump said the attack was a response to the alleged chemical weapon use in Syria's Idlib on April 4, which Washington blames on the Syrian government.

Syrian opposition had claimed forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad had used a chemical gas on people in the Northwestern province, killing nearly 80 and injuring 200. Syrian president argued his government has no chemical weapons after agreeing to have them destroyed in 2013. He also ruled out having used chemicals against own people.
For the past months, Washington has faced the urgent need to distract the world’s attention from its devastating failure in Mosul in order to hide the huge number of casualties among the local population. Perhaps, this became one of the main reasons for carrying out a new full-scale campaign to topple and discredit Bashar Assad.

Washington Tries to Hide Its “Failure” in Mosul

However, every effort that is made by the U.S. to hide its failures, in fact, is futile. The ‘counter-terrorist’ operation in the Iraqi Mosul has been going on for more than 6 months. According to the Pentagon, the number of losses among the coalition forces has already reached at least 9,000 military personnel and 1,600 units of military equipment. Of course, we must admit that the overwhelming majority of casualties are among the Iraqi military. But we should not forget that the Iraqi soldiers are led by generals of the international coalition. Thus, all the losses during the assault of Mosul are the result of U.S. direct command.

It’s not a secret that the U.S. indiscriminant air strikes lead to a daily increasing number of civilian casualties. Considering the fact that all this is happening under the patronage of the United States, the natural question arises – how effective is Washington in fighting terrorism, if it can’t minimize the losses among civilians?

An example of such a destructive activity of the coalition led by the United States is the air strike blown at Mosul western regions last week. This was stated by the Iraqi Observatory for Human Rights on Sunday. The human rights organization reported the deaths of dozens of civilians. Subsequently, it called the coalition on to “plan strikes more precisely to avoid civilian casualties.”

In addition, according to the Associated Press, the coordinator of the UN humanitarian mission Liz Grande said that the destruction in the western part of Mosul is two and a half times more than there is in the eastern part of the city. This indicates that the coalition forces do not take into consideration the fact that Mosul still has civilians and the coalition does not want to minimize losses and scale of destruction.

Obviously, Washington is ready to use any means to mislead the general public. This can be attributed to the recent completely fabricated incident in the Syrian village of Khan Sheikhun, and the subsequent Syrian government air base Shayrat attack by the US Air Force. Such actions allow the White House to get away from undesirable questions concerning their failures in Mosul.
Recent Turkish media reports suggest that Ankara is planning to launch a new cross-border military incursion into the town of Sinjar in northern Iraq, codenamed Tigris Shield, ostensibly against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) outlawed in Turkey. Sputnik Turkiye talked to the Mayor of Sinjar, who said that they won't allow the Turkish invasion.

With Your Shield or On It: Iraq Says It Won't Allow Turkish Invasion

According to recent reports in the Turkish media, Ankara is planning a new operation against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in northern Iraq. The operation, code-named Tigris Shield, is set to involve thousands of tanks, vehicles and artillery pieces which were used in Syria. It will be aimed at the town of Sinjar, which is inhabited mainly by Yazidis, with a Muslim Kurdish minority.

Turkey has recently announced that it had completed its half-year Euphrates Shield operation in northern Syria against Daesh and Kurdish militants, although it is keeping a presence in the country to maintain security in towns now under the control of pro-Ankara Syrian rebels.

Earlier in April, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Euphrates Shield was only a “first stage” and new military operations were being planned, including for Sinjar. The new operation would begin in late April or May.

Back in March, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said Turkey is determined to prevent the PKK from securing a base in northern Iraq's Sinjar region and also indicated that Ankara plans to conduct a military operation against the PKK base in Sinjar.

We [Turkey] will use military options against the PKK in Sinjar. I'm not saying that we will only use military force if necessary, I'm saying that we will use military force without question," Çavuşoğlu told Daily Sabah while on his way to Brussels to attend the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting on March 30.

Underlining that from Turkey's perspective there is no difference between Sinjar and the Qandil Mountains where the PKK have bases in Iraq, Çavuşoğlu also added that this issue was among the topics that had been discussed during US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's visit to Ankara on March 30.

Sputnik Turkiye talked to the Mayor of Sinjar, Mıhemed Xelil, who said that they won't allow the Turkish invasion.

"We do not have any information on the planned military operation of the Turkish armed forces. However we won't allow Turkey to conduct any military operation against the PKK on the Kurdish territory. The PKK is a Kurdish organization and we do not want Kurdish blood to be spilled in Sinjar," he told Sputnik.

He further explained that the presence of the PKK in Sinjar is solely the problem of the Kurds and the Iraqis and there is no need for Turkey's interference.

"We have every intention of giving a decisive rebuff to all the attempts of invasion, either by Turkey or of any other force. Such actions bring no benefits either for Turkey or Iraq or Sinjar," he said.

Mıhemed Xelil, however, added that neither Turkish military nor the Kurdish PKK should be present on the territory of Sinjar, part of Nineveh Province that was decisively liberated by Iraqi Kurds from Daesh (ISIS) terrorists in November 2015.

Meanwhile, the leadership of the regional administration of Iraqi Kurdistan has been informed of the planned operation of the Turkish military, which is said to be prepared to use its 16 military bases located on the border with Iraqi Kurdistan.
The comprehensive military campaign by Iraqi military forces to liberate the Northern city of Mosul from ISIL militants continued on Monday, as local reports said Iraqi security troops freed several children who were held by the ISIL militants in the Western parts of the city.

Battle for Mosul Day 188: Children Held by ISIL in Western Mosul Freed

Iraqi Security Forces Liberate Children Held by ISIL in Western Mosul - Iraqi security troops freed several children who were held by the ISIL militants in West of Mosul after one of the children was found dead due to being tortured by the militants, a security source in the country's Nineveh province said.

“The security forces liberated a group of children who were detained by ISIL in al-Zanjili district, in Western Mosul,” said the source, Al Sumariya reported.

“The troops were able to save three of the children after one of them succumbed to death due to being tortured by the militants,” the source added.

ISIL Leader Killed West of Mosul - Hashd al-Shaabi announced that Iraqi mobilization forces have killed an ISIL leader, abu Omar al-Aafari, West of Mosul in Nineveh province.

“In light of the crackdown on ISIL militants and as the launch of military operations to liberate Tel Afar, received information indicated moves by ISIL toward Baaj, the only exit linking Syrian borders to Al-Jazeera desert,” Qassim Musleh, commander of al-Tufuf brigade stressed, Iraqi News reported.

The ISIL group has sustained severe losses in personnel and ground since a special operation was launched in mid October to retake Mosul, the second-largest Iraqi city and the militants’ last urban stronghold in the country.

Iraq's PMF Calls on Erdogan to Stop Meddling in Neighboring Countries - Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces have delivered a counterblast to the Turkish president who had called the volunteer force fighting ISIL a “terrorist organization”.

The group, known as Hashd al-Sha’abi by its Arabic name, has joined forces with the Iraqi government against ISIL terrorists, presstv reported.

Last November, the Iraqi Parliament approved a law, giving legal status to the fighters and recognizing them as part of the national armed forces.

The Yemeni army and popular forces fired another ballistic missile at the military positions of the Saudi-backed militants in al-Jawf province, killing several of their commanders.

Saudi-Backed Militia Commanders Killed in Yemen's Ballistic Missile Attack

The Saudi-backed militias' military positions in al-Jawf province came under Yemen's Qaher-M2 ballistic missile attack that killed a number of them, including Badr al-Habishi.

Another pro-Hadi commander named Ebrahim al-Vayeli was badly wounded in the attack.

A suicide car bomb attack took place close to a military base in Southeastern Khost province of Afghanistan.

Suicide Car Bomb Attack Near Military Base in Khost Province

Afghanistan's Ministry of Interior confirmed the incident took place close to the Campaign military camp, Khaama Press reported.

The ministry acting spokesman Najib Danish said the incident took place around 1 pm local time after a car bomb was detonated near the base.

There are no reports available regarding the casualties so far as Danish said further details will be released later.

No group including the Taliban insurgents has so far claimed responsibility behind the incident.

Afghan troops, with support of US aircraft, have killed the Taliban's (a terrorist group outlawed in Russia) shadow governor of the northern province of Baghlan, local media reported Wednesday.

Security Forces Kill Taliban Shadow Governor of Northern Afghan Baghlan Province

Mawlawi Lal, who was a commander of the Taliban's troops in the region, as well as over 50 other militants were killed in the raid that started at 11 p.m. local time (18:30 GMT) on Tuesday, the Tolonews broadcaster reported citing local officials. The media outlet noted that no official figures had been released yet.

The broadcaster added that dozens of US aircraft assisted the Afghan servicemen in the anti-Taliban operation conducted in Baghlan's Pol-e-Khomri city.

Afghan soldiers' amid recent Taliban attack has risen to some 135 soldiers, local media reported Saturday citing an Afghan official.

Taliban Attack on Afghan Army Base Death Toll Rises to Over 130

The number of deaths of Afghan soldiers, caused by the attack of the terrorist movement Taliban (outlawed in Russia) on the Afghan army base in country’s northern province of Balkh, has risen to some 135 soldiers, local media reported Saturday, citing an Afghan official.

On Friday, US Central Command (CENTCOM) spokesperson Col. John Thomas said that over 50 individuals, among them soldiers and civilians, were killed when the Taliban terrorists stormed the Afghan National Army's 209 Shaheen Corps Headquarters and attacked individuals in the base’s mosque during prayers.

The number of deaths has risen to some 135 soldiers, while at least 60 soldiers were injured, some of them are currently in critical condition, the TOLOnews outlet reported, citing a government official.

Other media reports suggest that the death toll rose to 140 people, while the Afghan Defense Ministry confirmed on Friday that over 100 individuals died in the attack.

In his letter to Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated New Delhi’s support to Kabul in fighting terror. Experts said India should scale up its contribution to Afghanistan and actively engage with Russia, which has upped the great game in the country.

Modi Condemns Taliban Attack on Afghan Army Base, Vows to Help Injured

In a series of tweets, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Gopal Baglay said that PM Modi has also offered all possible assistance for those injured in the Mazar-i-Sharif terror attack on April 21. The death toll has gone up to 140 in the attack.

Modi described the attack as “barbaric” and offered medical support to the victims. Since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, India has contributed more than $3 billion in relief and aid to Afghanistan.

In recent years, India has even supplied military hardware to the Afghan government and that should be scaled up by India along with more active engagement with Russia, which is making outreach efforts for a negotiated settlement in the country.

Afghanistan’s defense minister and the country’s army chief of staff resigned following a recent attack by the Taliban militants that took the lives of scores of Afghan army soldiers.

Afghan Defense Minister, Army Chief of Staff Resign after Taliban Deadly Raid

The Afghan presidential palace announced in a post on its Twitter account that President Ashraf Ghani had on Monday accepted the resignations of the defense minister and the army chief of staff, presstv reported.

“Defense Minister Abdullah Habibi and Army Chief of Staff Qadam Shah Shahim stepped down with immediate effect,” the presidential palace tweeted.

Shah Hussain Murtazawi, an acting spokesman for Ghani, separately told Reuters that the resignations were because of the Taliban attack on a military base in the Northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif, which killed some 140 army soldiers.

The base attacked was the headquarters of the Afghan National Army’s 209th Corps, which is responsible for security in much of northern Afghanistan.

The scale of the loss of life and the apparent ease with which the Taliban militants managed to stage the attack have raised serious questions as to the state of security in Afghanistan, likely providing impetus for the resignations.

During the attack, some 10 Taliban militants, disguised as Afghan soldiers and driving military vehicles, entered the base and engaged in the carnage. They continued the attack for several hours and were not stopped until special forces arrived.

Some Afghan officials have reportedly said that a final death toll is likely to be higher.

President Ghani traveled to Mazar-i-Sharif on Saturday to visit the base. He also ordered a day of national mourning on Sunday.

Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has arrived in Afghanistan on a surprise visit.
In Iraq, even the animals are doing their part to fight the jihadis.

Hogs of War: Wild Boars Gore Daesh Terrorists to Death in Iraq

Wild boars attacked a Daesh base in the al-Rashad region of Kirkuk Governorate late Sunday, IraqiNews reported, specifying that three members of the internationally condemned terrorist group were left dead.

The clash occurred because the animals had encroached on the terrorists' farmland.

Alsumaria News quoted a source as saying that "Daesh militants took revenge on the pigs that attacked the farmland," but did not provide details.

On Saturday, Daesh launched another chemical attack in the al Saura district of the Iraqi city Mosul, killing six and injuring 12, a source in the internal security forces told Sputnik Arabic. Meanwhile, one of the unit commanders of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces told Sputnik Turkiye that Mosul will be fully liberated within one month.

Iraqi City of Mosul to Be Fully Liberated From Daesh Within One Month

On Saturday, Daesh launched yet another chemical attack in the al Saura district of Mosul in northern Iraq, a source in the country's internal security forces told Sputnik Arabic. Terrorists have used bombs with mustard gas, which have killed six people and injured twelve more.

The attack has become the seventh assault in which the terrorists have used chemical weapons and was launched when the Iraqi government forces entered the district to rescue local residents.

The terrorists' last chemical attack was launched less than one week ago, on April 18. Over 80 residents of Mosul, predominantly women and children, have already died as the result of inhaling toxic poisonous gas.

Meanwhile, Sputnik Turkiye talked to one of the unit commanders of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces, a major Iraqi state-supported umbrella group, also known as Al-Hashd Al-Sha'abi.

Commander Ali Haşim Huseyni told Sputnik that the operation of the Iraqi government forces and Popular Mobilization Forces is still going on in the city and that they were able to liberate 75 percent of the city's territory from Daesh, which is now under government control.

"At the moment, fierce fighting is going on in the western part of Mosul, in the districts of Sehra and Fehra. For the last two days, the Iraqi police have liberated two more districts from Daesh and [now control them]. The Mosul operation has entered its final stage, as 75 percent of the territory of the city has already been liberated from terrorists. The remaining territory will be taken within a maximum of one month. As soon as the western part of the city is cleaned of terrorists, [we'll] be able to say that the operation is over," Ali Haşim Huseyni told Sputnik.

Washington added another $94 million in humanitarian assistance to Yemen, according to the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

US Approves Additional $94Mln Humanitarian Assistance Package for Yemen

On Tuesday, the United States added another $94 million in humanitarian assistance to Yemen, bringing the total aid amount to nearly $526 million, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) announced in a press release.

"The new funding will provide food and clean drinking water to vulnerable families, treatment for malnourished children and hygiene kits to fight the spread of disease," the release said. "More than 17 million people are at risk of starvation."

The release explained that included in the assistance package are also medical supplies, training for health care workers and funds for emergency shelters for the displaced.

Deputy Foreign Minister said that Russia has this year allocated an additional $1 million to the UN World Food Programme (WFP) budget for humanitarian assistance to war-torn Yemen.

Russia Allocates Additional $1Mln for Humanitarian Assistance to Yemen in 2017

Russia has this year allocated an additional $1 million to the UN World Food Programme (WFP) budget for humanitarian assistance to war-torn Yemen, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said Tuesday.

"This year we have allocated an additional $1 million to [WFP] budget for the humanitarian needs," Gatilov said at the High-level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen at the United Nations in Geneva.

He added that Russia allocated $2 million in 2015 for the purchase and supply of wheat flour to Yemen.

Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak said that Ankara will contribute $1 billion for humanitarian assistance to ease the political crisis in Yemen.

Turkey to Allocate $1 Bln for Humanitarian Aid to War-Torn Yemen - Deputy PM

Ankara will contribute $1 billion for humanitarian assistance to ease the political crisis in Yemen, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak said Tuesday.

"I would like to announce that Turkey will allocate $1 billion for aid to Yemen," Kaynak said at the UN High-level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, a UN event co-hosted by the governments of Switzerland and Sweden, taking place in Geneva on Tuesday.

The Turkish politician added that in 2010 the Turkish government pledged to contribute $200 million to developing countries, however, it eventually allocated more than $2 billion. Among Ankara's actions to improve the humanitarian situation in Yemen is the creation of field hospitals as well as medicine supplies, Kaynak noted.

The report by the private intelligence firm Soufan Group showed that the US now faces the difficult reality of an unending combat commitment in Afghanistan to bolster local authorities that has not won the support of its own people, and has not been able to take and hold territory from the Taliban for more than a decade.

US Military Faces 'Unending Combat' in Afghanistan With Little Chance of Success

A successful Taliban attack that killed as many as 160 Afghan soldiers at a military base earlier this week illustrates a quagmire for US forces that is likely to grow worse despite planned increases in US troops in Afghanistan, according to a report by the private intelligence firm Soufan Group on Tuesday.

"The US now faces the difficult reality of an unending combat commitment in Afghanistan to bolster a partner that has not won the support of its own people, and has not been able to take and hold territory from the Taliban for more than a decade," the report stated.

The report highlighted overly-optimistic US status reports, which continually claim "the next year would be ‘the key year’ in turning around a failing effort."

Additionally, the report places much, if not all, of the blame on the Afghan government’s inability to govern effectively, rampant corruption at all levels, poor military leadership, Taliban infiltration in the ranks and high attrition and desertion rates.

Moreover, Monday’s attack on a base near the northern Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif, which occurred as US Department of Defense Secretary James Mattis visited the country, illustrates that the central Afghan government remains ill-prepared to fight a determined and growing enemy, Soufan said.

The Defense Department has asked for 3,000 additional troops in the most recent attempt to turn around a quagmire that will only get worse in the years ahead, the report concluded.

Former Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai has vowed on Saturday to increase efforts aimed at withdrawing US military forces from the country, following the US bomb strike on Afghan Nangarhar province.

Ex-Afghan Leader Vows to Oust US Forces From Country After Recent Bomb Strike

According to Khaama Press, Karzai criticized the Afghan government for allowing the US forces to carry out the strike, raising at the same time questions about suddenly intensified US attacks on terrorist positions.

The former Afghan leader stressed that use of the MOAB was an insult to the country.
A 100-soldier US special force has stationed at the Iraqi army’s command center in Ramadi, West of Anbar province.

US Special Forces Station at Iraqi Army’s Headquarter in Ramadi

The force stationed at the army’s al-Jazeera Operations command near the Haditha Dam, West of Ramadi, Kurdish-owned Rudaw network reported.

The network quoted Ahmed al-Dulaimi, an Iraqi army captain, saying the force was fully armed, and was expected to partake in arrangements for an anticipated military offensive to retake the ISIL stronghold city of Annah, West of the province

Al-Dulaimi added that there has been a continuous, intense aerial bombardment by bombers from the U.S.-led coalition on Annah, with the aim of exhausting the group’s fighting capabilities before invasion by security and tribal forces.

ISIL has held the Western towns of Annah, Qaim and Rawa since it emerged in 2014 to proclaim a self-styled “Islamic Caliphate”.

The U.S. military has moved its headquarters from central Iraq to the Al-Anbar Governorate in the western part of the country, Iraqi activists reported on Wednesday.

US military moves HQ from central Iraq to Syrian border

According to reports, the U.S. Special Forces has moved from the Balad Airbase in the Salaheddine Governorate to the Al-Assad Airbase in western Iraq.

Iraqi analyst, Haider Sumeiri, believes this latest move by the United States shows a “strong indication” that the battle for western Al-Anbar is coming.

Sumeiri is referring to Al-Qa’im in western Al-Anbar; this is the last border-town under the Islamic State’s (ISIL) control near Syria’s Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Islamic State insurgents deployed hit-and-run operations to lethal effect this weekend, with so-called Inghimasi infiltration attacks targeting numerous military bases defended by garrisons of the Iraq Armed Forces.

Iraqi Army suffers heavy casualties due to ISIS raids across several province

On Sunday, Amaq Agency claimed a twin suicide attack behind enemy lines killed 25 Iraqi troops near the town of Hamam al-Alil in the Nineveh governorate. Meanwhile, ISIS militants carried out a localized offensive near Tal Afar Airport, killing 17 members of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) and injuring an additional 13 soldiers.

The ISIS outlet also said four PMU fighters were shot dead by sniper fire on the road between Baiji and Haditah in the Saladin governorate, north of Baghdad.

With most of the Iraqi Army tied up in the ongoing Mosul offensive, jihadist fighters in western Anbar renewed their offensive on Rutbah, killing 18 PMU fighters and capturing 16 Iraqi troops in and around outposts north of the town.

The casualty claims represent bulletins released by Amaq Agency and cannot be independently verified by Al-Masdar News sources.

US Marines returned to Afghanistan’s Southern Helmand province, the first to be deployed in the war-torn country since the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ended its combat mission in 2014.

US Marines Sent to Afghanistan's Helmand Province

US General John Nicholson, the commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, attended a ceremony on Saturday marking the return of the Marines to Helmand, where US forces faced intense fighting until 2014, presstv reported.

About 300 Marines will form part of the so-called Operation Resolute Support, described by NATO as a train, advise, and assist mission consisting of over 13,000 troops.

The Marines were among the first US forces sent to Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in the US. Several thousand were deployed in Helmand, only for it to slip deeper into a quagmire of instability.

The deployment came one day after the Taliban militant group announced the start of its "spring offensive," a heightened campaign of bombings, ambush attacks, and other raids that begin as weather conditions improve.

The new deployment is the latest sign of how the NATO military alliance is increasingly being drawn back into fighting in Afghanistan.

The Marines will largely operate from a sprawling installation known during earlier Marine operations as Camp Leatherneck, but will be based in other locations and could engage in combat.

The US has around 8,400 troops in the country with about another 5,000 from NATO allies.

The Pentagon said Wednesday that two US troops were killed in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province during a military operation against the ISIL terrorist group.

In total, 2,217 American soldiers have died in the country since the invasion in 2001 and another 20,000 have been wounded, according to the Pentagon.

On Monday, US Defense Secretary James Mattis visited Afghanistan as President Donald Trump's administration looks to craft a new policy in the country.

The change of policy was put on display earlier this month, when Gen. Nicholson ordered a Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb—also known as Mother of All Bombs— to be dropped on a purported Daesh target in the eastern province of Nangarhar.

A US serviceman has died from wounds sustained during an explosion near Mosul, Iraq, according to a statement issued by Operation Inherent Resolve command.

US Soldier Dies After Explosion Near Mosul

The US soldier died outside Mosul, the embattled city in northern Iraq that coalition forces are attempting to wrest back from Daesh control, after an explosion that happened on Saturday.

Iraqi national armed forces, aided by militia groups and advised by US forces, have been engaged in the battle to retake Mosul since October 2016. Daesh took control of the city in 2014.

The command provided no details beyond the information that the soldier had died in an "explosive device blast," but promised to release more information as appropriate, according to CBS News.

It is likely that the serviceman died after a blast from an improvised explosive device (IED) left by Daesh militants. US troops are not supposed to be taking part in actual combat in the city, but providing advance support and advice and helping with de-mining efforts around the area.

Daesh is known to rig buildings, cars and even toys and items of food and drink with explosives as it retreats, according to media reports.

ISIS is now punishing members who escape battles with Iraqi troops in Mosul by cutting their ears, local sources in Nineveh said on Tuesday, Arabic-language Al-Sumaria News reported.

ISIS Cut Off The Ears of Dissident Fighters in Mosul

The source said ISIS cut off one ear of each of the 33 members who had fled the battlefield with the punishment carried out in a local hospital, the source claimed.

“The leadership of the extremist group threatened to cut both ears if escapes are repeated,” said the source, asking not to be named.

The source highlighted how ISIS did not execute the fighters as they have done mostly in the past. It is known that ISIS are struggling for man power as Iraqi forces continue to advance against them.

A senior leader of the Taliban group was killed by unknown gunmen near Peshawar city of Pakistan.

Senior Afghan Taliban Leader Killed in Pakistan

The senior Taliban leader, Mawlavi Daud, was killed near Shamshato refugee camp on Friday, Khaama press reported.

Taliban sources quoted by Pakistan’s Daily Times newspaper have said Mawlavi Daud, the former Taliban governor of Kabul, was killed as he travelling in the area.

The sources have further added that the driver of Mawlavi Daud was also killed in the attack.

No group or individual has so far claimed responsibility behind the killing of Mawlavi Daud so far. This is not the first time a senior leader of the Taliban group has been killed by gunmen in Pakistan.

A senior leader of the Taliban group identified as Qari Syed Murad was killed in a similar attack in Pesawar city of Pakistan last year.

Qari Murad was a member of the military commission of the Taliban group for eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.
A senior Iraqi parliamentarian revealed that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to hold back the Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi Mobilization) forces from any operation to liberate Tal Afar.

Erdogan Warns Baghdad against Liberation of Tal Afar

"Erdogan has in a message to Abadi warned that if Hashd al-Shaabi advances towards Tal Afar, the Turkish forces will also be deployed in the region," Nahleh al-Hababi was quoted as saying by al-Mouqef al-Iraqi news website on Sunday.

The Iraqi legislator, meantime, underlined that Hashd al-Shaabi has surrounded Tal Afar region from several fronts and would play the main role in the liberation operation.

In relevant remarks earlier this month, a senior commander of Hashd al-Shaabi underlined his forces' full preparedness to launch offensive against the ISIL bases in Tal Afar.

Tal Afar is the ISIL's last base in Mosul. We have surrounded the city since several months ago," Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes said.

Stressing the importance of Tal Afar and its liberation, he said, "The Iraqi volunteer forces are fully ready to attack Tal Afar but the decision to start the attack is upon the General Command of the Armed Forces."

Mohandes said that 5,000sq/km of Iraq's territories have been freed from the ISIL so far.

An Iraqi army officer said Iraqi government forces are opening new front in their battles against ISIL militants in Western Mosul, targeting the recapture of four last districts, local reports said.

Iraqi Army Opening New Front in Western Mosul Eyeing Liberating 4 Last Districts

The army colonel said the new front would be opened from the recaptured region of Badush, with the aim of charging at the districts of 17 Tamuz (July 17th), Harmat, Mesherfa and Hawi al-Kanisa in order to accelerate the liberation of the city, Iraqi News reported.

Iraqi army forces, backed by their allied forces, recaptured Eastern Mosul from ISIL members in January after three months of fighting. A complementary offensive launched in February to retake the Western region.

Iraqi generals say they control 70 percent of the western side of Mosul, and that the total of territory held by ISIL in Iraq is less than seven percent.

The government troops are still struggling to purge the Old City, home of the Grand Nuri Mosque where the ISIL ringleader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, made his infamous sermon in 2014.

Military commanders estimate the number of remaining ISIL fighters in Mosul by less than 1000. While those are facing at least 100.000 government and volunteer forces, it is their deployment within civilian communities that has delayed the elimination of the group.

Iraqi security forces arrested a group of ISIL members who were planning an attack with chemical weapons against army troops in Western Mosul.

ISIL's Plan for Another Chemical Attack in Mosul Defused by Iraqi Forces

Al-Sumariya News quoted an intelligence source saying on Sunday the group was arrested while [Iraqi] government troops were patrolling al-Sihha district in Western Mosul in Nineveh province, adding that amounts of toxic substances were found within the group’s possession.

The ISIL militants have used chemical weapons several times against the Iraqi soldiers and civilians in the city of Mosul, since the army troops started the special operation to recapture terrorist group's de facto capital.

The Iraqi troops progress in the old city center is much slower than the early phases of the military operation by the stubborn resistance of ISIL militants, in addition to the orders to the Soldiers that restricted the use of heavy bombings and increased sniper fire against the terrorists holed up in densely populated area to reduce civilians casualties.

Meanwhile, the army's advance has hardly moved for more than a month at the edges of the old city center as the federal police and special forces, known as Rapid Response, have been fighting heavy back and forth clashes against ISIL militants in the narrow streets in the old neighborhoods around the historical al-Nuri Mosque in the middle of Mosul's city center.
According to Iraqi authorities the damages caused by the ISIL terror group's activites to Iraq's infrastructure are estimated to be around 37 billion dollars.

Report: ISIL's Damage to Iraq’s Infrastructure Amounts to $37 Billion

Abdulzahra al-Hindawi, the spokesperson for the Iraqi ministry of planning said the total figure does not include the damages to the houses and personal possessions of residents of the war-torn areas, Anadolu reported.

The official added the Ministry of Planning conducted a survey in the areas which were under the ISIL control and found the volume of the damages “extremely extensive, as 80% of the areas has been razed.”

The remarks by the Iraqi official came as Iraqi forces have made remarkable achievements in the ongoing war against ISIL since February, retaking main government buildings in the strategic city of Mosul. The troops have recently pushed deeper into the Old City, a densely-populated and -structured area which military officials view as central to the desired victory over ISIL militants. Also an Iraqi commander said on Sunday that it is estimated that the Iraqi troops would announce the total victory against ISIL by the end of May.

Most of Mosul has been retaken by the combined forces of counter terrorism units, police and the military, as the militants now use mortar fire, booby traps and snipers to try to fend off the troops that surround them.

The comprehensive military campaign by Iraqi military forces to liberate the Northern city of Mosul from ISIL militants continued on Sunday, as local reports said Iraqi security forces arrested a group of ISIL members who were planning a chemical attack against army troops in Western Mosul.

Battle for Mosul Day 194: ISIL's Chemical Attack in Mosul Defused

ISIL's Plan for Another Chemical Attack in Mosul Defused by Iraqi Forces - Iraqi security forces arrested a group of ISIL members who were planning an attack with chemical weapons against army troops in Western Mosul.

Al-Sumariya News quoted an intelligence source saying on Sunday the group was arrested while [Iraqi] government troops were patrolling al-Sihha district in Western Mosul in Nineveh province, adding that amounts of toxic substances were found within the group’s possession.

The ISIL militants have used chemical weapons several times against the Iraqi soldiers and civilians in the city of Mosul, since the army troops started the special operation to recapture terrorist group's de facto capital.

Iraq's PMF Troops Launch Offensive to Liberate Villages Northwest of Hadher - Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces liberated the village of Im Shurak, Northwest of Hadher region, as they launched the military operation on Sunday to free villages still held by ISIL militants, the Iraqi army's media service said.

“The PMF forces liberated Im Shurak village and combed it in search for explosives,” the media service said in a statement, Iraqi News reported.

“Military operation was launched from al-Hajaf village in three directions to secure the defenses of the troops in the Northwest of Hadher.”

Iraqi Army Opening New Front in Western Mosul Eyeing Liberating 4 Last Districts - An Iraqi army officer said Iraqi government forces are opening new front in their battles against ISIL militants in Western Mosul, targeting the recapture of four last districts, local reports said.

The army colonel said the new front would be opened from the recaptured region of Badush, with the aim of charging at the districts of 17 Tamuz (July 17th), Harmat, Mesherfa and Hawi al-Kanisa in order to accelerate the liberation of the city, Iraqi News reported.

ISIL's Plan for Another Chemical Attack in Mosul Defused by Iraqi Forces - Iraqi security forces arrested a group of ISIL members who were planning an attack with chemical weapons against army troops in Western Mosul.

Al-Sumariya News quoted an intelligence source saying on Sunday the group was arrested while [Iraqi] government troops were patrolling al-Sihha district in Western Mosul in Nineveh province, adding that amounts of toxic substances were found within the group’s possession.

The ISIL militants have used chemical weapons several times against the Iraqi soldiers and civilians in the city of Mosul, since the army troops started the special operation to recapture terrorist group's de facto capital.

Erdogan Warns Baghdad against Liberation of Tal Afar - A senior Iraqi parliamentarian revealed that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to hold back the Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi Mobilization) forces from any operation to liberate Tal Afar.

"Erdogan has in a message to Abadi warned that if Hashd al-Shaabi advances towards Tal Afar, the Turkish forces will also be deployed in the region," Nahleh al-Hababi was quoted as saying by al-Mouqef al-Iraqi news website on Sunday.

The Iraqi legislator, meantime, underlined that Hashd al-Shaabi has surrounded Tal Afar region from several fronts and would play the main role in the liberation operation.

The leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Qassim Al-Raymi, issued a statement that his terrorist organization is ready to fight the Yemeni army and the popular forces the war-hit country.

Al-Qaeda Leader Declares Readiness to Join Forces with Saudi-Led Groups aganist Yemeni People, Army

“Above all, we say that we will never miss any chance to unite efforts to fight" against the Yemeni Army, said the terrorist leader, Al Masdar reported.
“But we won’t fight is a situation where any one can strike us from the back.”

Saudi-led military coalition claimed last Sunday that the Yemeni popular forces arrested several leaders and members of Al Qaeda during a raid in support of their anti-terrorism operations in Yemen, a thing which Al Qaeda denied in a statement on 26 April 2017.

Al-Raymi also said he is ready to make truce with Yemen's fugitive President Hadi government and to set for negotiations but with conditions.

“All external interference on Yemeni affairs must be stopped and all US intervention must be banned,” Al-Raymi added.

On the same context, Qasim Al Raymi, confirmed that a huge number of those Yemeni citizen whom America has put on terror list have no organizational connection with Al-Qaeda.

Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and his UAE counterpart Mohammed bin Zayed have financially supported the ISIL and al-Qaeda terrorist groups, documents show.

Document Reveals S. Arabia, UAE Financial Support for Al-Qaeda, ISIL

According to al-Masdar news, the documents which were obtained from the Qatari embassy in Washington also showed that US deputy secretary of the treasury has told Qatar's Ambassador to Washington Mohammed Jaham Al Kuwari that the two princes have been in touch with Abdullah bin Fisal Alahdi and Ali bakr Hassan, the two infamous al-Qaeda terrorists in Yemen.

The documents also showed that Khalid bin Ali Al Humaidan, the Saudi intelligence chief, has financially supported the two terrorists to provide the ISIL with weapons and equipment.

In the six-page document, the US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury has clearly criticized bin Salman’s role in strengthening the ISIL and al-Qaeda.

A senior Yemeni military commander disclosed in January that Saudi Arabia is taking advantage of the presence of terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda and the ISIL, in Bab al-Mandab region.

"The Yemeni army and popular forces have tried hard in recent days to prevent the advances of the Saudi-led militias in the Northern part of Dhubab region," Senior Yemeni Commander Hamed Anwar al-Nour told FNA.

He said the Saudi-led troops are also using al-Qaeda and ISIL in their attacks.

The commander reiterated that the Yemeni forces blocked efforts by the Saudi-backed militants who had the support of the kingdom's Apache helicopters to advance towards al-Jadid, al-Kadaheh, al-Khazra and al-Amri regions and from there towards Northern Dhubab region.

"Tens of Riyadh-backed militants were killed and wounded while their armored vehicles were also destroyed," he said.

The commander said that Saudi Arabia's bombardments of Yemen's residential regions have not helped the Saudi-backed militants to advance in Dhubab and al-Mukha regions.

Germany urged Saudi Arabia to halt its deadly aggression against Yemen, while Berlin has been supporting the oil-rich kingdom with arms.

Germany Wants End to Saudi Aggression on Yemen While Agreeing to Train Saudi Soldiers

"We believe in the UN-led process of diplomatic resolution…We do not think that there can be a military solution to this conflict," visiting German Chancellor said in Saudi port city of Jeddah, Al Waght reported.

Angela Merkel added that measures must be taken to reverse the "extremely bad humanitarian situation" in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia launched brutal aggression against its Southern neighbor on 27 March 2015 in a bid to restore power to Yemen's resigned president who fled to Riyadh after Yemeni people's uprising in 2015. The military aggression has claimed the lives of more than 13,100 people, most of them civilians.

Berlin sold Riyadh over €500,000 million worth of weapons in 2016 and earlier this month, approved millions of dollars worth of arms sales to the United Arab Emirates which is assisting Saudi Arabia in its onslaught against Yemen. But it seem that under public opinion pressure it is no more willing to sign new arm deals with due to the controversial Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen.

Knowing that, Saudi Arabia has refrained from asking for more weapons from Germany.

"We accept the German reticence with regard to exports to Saudi Arabia, we know the political background," Saudi Deputy Economy Minister Mohammed al-Tuwaijri told Der Spiegel.

However, agreements were signed for both Saudi soldiers and policemen to receive training from their German counterparts, with some expected to be stationed in Germany.

During the trip, Merkel met with Saudi Arabia's King Salman, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel waived the legal requirement to wear a head covering in public during her one-day visit to Saudi Arabia .

recently Merkel also did not wear a hijab during a previous tour of the region in 2007, and more, neither have Hillary Clinton, in her role as Secretary of State, nor Theresa May, during her first official visit to the Middle Eastern state as Prime Minister earlier this month.

While Saudi men do not usually acknowledge women in public, Merkel greeted King Salman and other top officials from the House Saud with handshakes as a lavish luncheon banquet was laid on in her honor.
An infamous PR firm that specializes in damage control during “crisis situations” has been hired by Saudi Arabia to improve the image of the Wahhabist military alliance that is led by the Gulf state. But the firm will likely find itself defending the country’s ongoing war in Yemen as well.

Saudis Hire Controversial PR Firm To Push Legitimacy Of 41 Nation ‘Muslim NATO’

With plans to step up its grotesque war in Yemen and the first major meeting of defense ministers for the 41-nation military alliance it leads fast approaching, it’s no wonder the Saudi government has called upon public relations firm Burson-Marsteller for its services.

The New York-based company, known as one of the world’s most controversial public relations firms, has now become the latest Western PR firm to land on Saudi Arabia’s payroll. They’ve been hired with the specific intent of improving the image of the so-called Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism – an alliance occasionally referred to by the nickname “Muslim NATO,” as it is modeled after the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The alliance, founded in late 2015, was created by the Saudis in partnership with 34 Muslim majority nations with the intention of sharing information and training, equipping and providing forces needed to combat Daesh (ISIS) militants who are active in Iraq and Syria, as well as fighting “any terrorist group that appears in front” of the alliance. The move was welcomed by the Obama administration, which had been seeking greater regional involvement in the U.S.-led campaign to fight Daesh.

The praise bestowed upon the alliance by Obama administration officials was unusual, given that the Obama State Department was aware at the time
that Saudi Arabia provides “clandestine financial and logistic support” to Daesh and other extremist terrorist groups that are active in Syria and Iraq.

In addition, according to a leaked memo authored by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Saudi Arabia is known to the State Department
to be the world’s largest funder of Wahhabi militant groups worldwide, including al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Other members of the Islamic military alliance – Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates – were also listed as countries known to be funding Wahhabi terrorists.

Many of the alliance’s member nations are also known for their sordid human rights records, an inconvenient truth that some have argued is being hidden by the peddling of a “terrorist-fighting” military alliance. As Husain Abdulla, executive director for Americans For Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain, told Middle East Eye: “Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and many other members of this coalition are masterful at diverting attention from their systematic human rights abuses. Their participation in the Islamic Military Alliance is a clear example of how they use the fight against terrorism to distract from abuse and repression.”

Notably, the alliance fails to include Muslim-majority nations like Iran and Syria – countries that have a proven track record of fighting the Wahabbist terror groups that the Saudi-led alliance claims to fight but is actually funding. As Middle East Eye noted, the exclusion of Iran and Syria, among others, has prompted concern from Iran that the alliance is a sectarian force with ulterior motives.

While the organization’s official name may paint the alliance as being inclusive of all Muslims and focused on fighting extremism, the Saudis – in addition to being internationally recognized as the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism – are well-known for spreading sectarianism via the exportation of Wahhabist ideology.

As political analyst and writer Catherine Shakdam noted in 2015:

“Wahhabism is merely the misguided expression of one man’s political ambition – Mohammed Abdel-Wahhab, a bigot who was recruited by the British Empire to erode the fabric of Islam and crack the armor of the then-Ottoman Empire by breeding sectarianism and dissent. It is Abdel-Wahhab’s alliance to the House of Saud that ultimately unleashed this now seemingly unstoppable evil we know today under the tag of Islamic radicalism. If not for the Al Saud Royals’ billions and the silence of Western powers, Wahhabism would never have crossed the deserts of Saudi Arabia. If not for the kingdom’s lavish sponsoring of the Wahhabi school of thought, extremism would never have come to be in the first place.”

Thus, the assertion that this alliance represents Islam as a whole is misleading, as a majority of Muslim practitioners are viewed as “unbelievers” and deserving of death through the lens of Wahhabism.

Now, less than two years later, alliance members are suggesting that they will be targeting not Daesh terrorists, but a Yemeni resistance movement led by Houthi rebels who have been actively fighting al-Qaeda in Yemen, as well as fighting the influence of Saudi Arabian colonialism in the country. Last week, Saudi Major General Ahmed Asiri, a major player in the alliance who is currently being investigated by British authorities regarding alleged war crimes, told the Wall Street Journal that the alliance’s scope could be extended to include fighting against the Houthis.

The Houthis have been targeted by the Saudis since early 2015 in a war that has crippled the nation, killing thousands of civilians and provoking a massive humanitarian crisis that is estimated to claim the life of one child every ten minutes. Much of the death and destruction in Yemen owes to the Saudi-led coalition’s repeated bombings of hospitals and civilian infrastructure, leading many in the international community to accuse the Saudis of war crimes.

In addition, Saudi Arabia has weaponized humanitarian aid that is being provided to Yemen by blocking shipments of medical aid and food from humanitarian organizations.

Calm in crisis: Burson-Marsteller’s damage control track record

The Saudis, worried about bad PR from their campaign in Yemen right before the alliance’s first major conference, have enlisted the services of the world’s premier PR firm for corporations and authoritarian governments in crisis.

Burson-Marsteller, while offering a range of PR services, is best known for its “crisis capabilities.” In other words, corporations – ranging from ExxonMobil to Blackwater – enlist the firm’s services when they find themselves in hot water and are in desperate need of damage control.

Burson-Marsteller rose to prominence in the 1980s, when it was hired by Johnson & Johnson in the aftermath of the Chicago Tylenol murders. Seven people died after taking Tylenol that had been contaminated with cyanide by an unknown suspect who was never apprehended.

Other notable cases taken by the firm include representing the builders of the Three Mile Island nuclear station following the station’s near-meltdown, as well as Union Carbide (now Dow Chemical) after a chemical disaster at one of its plants killed thousands in India and tobacco giant PhillipMorris after the Environmental Protection Agency warned about the dangers of second-hand smoke.

In addition to its work in the corporate world, Burson-Marsteller has also worked on behalf of several governments with questionable human rights records. Among their past clientele include Argentinian dictator Jorge Videla in the late 1970s and Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, as well as the governments of Nigeria and Indonesia after those governments were accused of genocide.

The firm has also had several lucrative contracts with the U.S. government, including a $4.6 million contract with the Department of Homeland Security in 2005. The firm’s leadership is also deeply connected to the Clinton family, with former CEO Mark Penn serving as a key “behind-the-scenes” figure in the Clinton White House, as well as chief strategist for Hillary Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential campaign. Current CEO Don Baer has also worked for the Clintons, having served as a senior adviser to the Clinton White House, as well as its director of communications and top speechwriter.

Saudi Arabia has employed Burson-Marsteller in the past, most notably just days after the Sept. 11 attacks, when it hired the firm for its crisis management expertise. Working in connection with Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States, the firm launched an advertising campaign in newspapers across the country seeking to distance Saudi Arabia from the attackers, 15 of whom were Saudi nationals.

Burson-Marsteller is not the only Western PR firm the Saudis have employed in recent years. The Saudis recently came under fire for their use of U.S.-based lobbying firms in order to convince Congress to repeal or rewrite the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, also known by its acronym JASTA, or simply as the “9/11 bill.”

Some of the firms employed for this particular purpose have included Edelman PR, the Podesta Group, DLA Piper, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, Qorvis MSLGROUP and the Capitol Media Group. The latter two are especially controversial for the exploitation of veterans that played a role in their anti-JASTA lobbying efforts.

With Saudi Arabia having recently been appointed to the UN’s women’s rights commission, it seems that the Gulf Kingdom’s use of western PR firms is paying off.

Correction: This article was originally published with the headline: Saudis Hire Controversial PR Firm To Push Legitimacy Of 34 Nation ‘Muslim NATO’. The alliance was initially founded with 34 members but has since grown to 41 members. We regret the error.
The ISIL terrorist group launched chemical attack in Mosul city in Nineveh province for the eighth time in the recent months, hitting severely Iraqi soldiers and civilians.

Iraq: ISIL Uses Chemical Weapons in Mosul Again

The ISIL terrorists once again used chemical weapons against Iraqi troops and civilians, dropping mustard gas bombs on the al-Saura quarter, in the Southwestern part of the city of Mosul. It is the eighth attack in which the terrorists have used chemical weapons. It was launched at a time when Iraqi government forces entered the district to rescue civilians.

Relevant reports said on Sunday that the Iraqi security forces arrested a group of ISIL members who were planning an attack with chemical weapons against army troops in Western Mosul.

Al-Sumariya News quoted an intelligence source saying the group was arrested while (Iraqi) government troops were patrolling al-Sihha district in Western Mosul in Nineveh province, adding that amounts of toxic substances were found within the group’s possession.

The ISIL militants have used chemical weapons several times against the Iraqi soldiers and civilians in the city of Mosul, since the army troops started the special operation to recapture terrorist group's de facto capital.

A spokesman and senior commander of Hash al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) underlined that the PMF has thwarted the US and its allies' plots against Iraq.

Spokesman: US Plots against Iraq Foiled by Hashd Al-Shaabi

"As everyone knows, the US administration acts based on its interests in the region," Spokesman of Iraq's Jihad Battalions Mohammad al-Hattab told FNA on Wednesday.

Stressing that the PMF has defused all plots hatched against Iraq's territorial integrity, he said, "The enemies are headed by the US, the Zionist regime and certain neighboring states."

His remarks came after a senior commander of Hash al-Shaabi said the US military has worked out a scheme to bring the ISIL back to power in al-Anbar province, warning that ISIL's sleeping cells have been activated in the region already.

"Al-Anbar province has not yet been cleansed completely as a result of the Americans' interference in the liberation operations," Javad al-Tabibawi was quoted as saying by Soumeriya news on Tuesday.

He warned that the US plots to return the ISIL to the province will be exercised with the support of the US security firms.

Al-Tabibawi said that Hashd al-Shaabi and Iraqi security forces should have been entrusted with the establishment of security in al-Anbar to guarantee ISIL's ultimate demise in the province.

Before his comments a new group of US forces have arrived in Ein al-Assad military airport, West of al-Anbar province.

Sky News network quoted local sources as saying that a fresh unit of the American military forces have arrived in Ein al-Assad base in al-Anbar province to take part in the operation to capture the regions of Anah, Rawa and al-Qa'em.

Ein al-Assad has been home to the US soldiers since occupation of Iraq by the American forces.

Iraqi special forces and police fought ISIL militants to edge closer to the al-Nuri mosque in Western Mosul, tightening their control around the landmark site.

Iraqi Forces Edge Closer to Mosul Mosque

The close-quarters fighting is focused on the Old City surrounding the mosque, where ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi made an infamous sermon nearly three years ago across territory controlled by the group in both Iraq and Syria, NRT reported.

"We are now in the heart of the Old City in the right half of the city of Mosul,” Colonel Ibrahim Hwayel said.

“Forces of the federal police are surrounding the Old City and are advancing cautiously to spare the lives of civilians and protect their properties and houses. Families are fleeing the oppression of ISIL and we are receiving them and evacuating them to safe areas."

Political analysts believe that Riyadh is hiding the exact number of the Saudi army casualties during the three-year war against Yemen, adding that the measure could lead to the collapse of the House of Saud.

Analysts: Riyadh Seeking to Hide Real Death Toll in Yemen War

According to al-Najm al-Thaqib news website, the official Saudi news agency has reported that 63 Saudi soldiers and officers have been killed in the past 4 years while the number stands at 124 military men.

Analysts believe that the Yemen war has cost dearly for Saudi Arabia and if the precise number of military death toll is revealed, a chaotic situation would prevail over the country which could even lead to the collapse of the al-Saud.

Reports said last month that the Yemeni army forces in joint operation with the popular forces have killed 384 Saudi forces and the country's mercenaries in the month of April alone.

The death toll includes Sudanese mercenaries, soldiers of the Saudi-led coalition and the local Yemeni troops fighting on behalf of ousted Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, Al Masdar reported.

In addition, 1029 Saudi-backed troops suffered injuries and wounds, roughly half of which were defined as critical. Meanwhile, 10 troops were taken captive by the popular forces while the latter destroyed a total of 27 armored vehicles.

Meanwhile, attacks by the Yemeni army and popular forces continue to plague three Southern provinces of Saudi Arabia, as the ongoing clashes in Yemen are especially intense in Taiz, Marib, and Bayda at the moment.

The Yemeni army and popular committees launched missile strikes and sniper attacks against the Saudi mercenaries, inflicting dozens of casualties on them.

Yemeni Army Attacks Saudi Bases with Ballistic Missile, Kills Tens of Mercenaries

The army launched an offensive against the positions of the Saudi mercenaries and forces loyal to fugitive president Mansour Hadi in Melh district of Sanaa's Nehm region with Zelzal 2 ballistic missiles, killing and wounding several militants and destroying their military vehicles.

Also the army's snipers killed 33 mercenaries loyal to Mansour Hadi in Seravah region.

On Tuesday, the Yemeni army soldiers, backed by fighters from allied Popular Committees, shot dead three Saudi troopers in the kingdom’s Southwestern border region of Jizan, in retaliation for the Riyadh regime’s military campaign against the crisis-hit country.

Yemeni forces also shot and killed two Saudi troopers at al-Farizah military base of the region, located 967 kilometers Southwest of the capital Riyadh, on Monday evening.

Earlier in the day, three civilians sustained injuries when Saudi military aircraft carried out an airstrike against a residential neighborhood in Ar Rahidah town of the southwestern Yemeni province of Ta'iz.

Two civilians were also killed and four others wounded when Saudi warplanes struck an area in the Maqbanah district of the same Yemeni province.

Hundreds of Bangladeshi female workers gathered in the missions in Riyadh and Jeddah after reportedly failing to get promised jobs or allegedly being tortured by employers.

Hundreds of 'Tortured' Bangladeshi Women Flee Saudi Arabia

Around 329 such female workers took shelter in the Bangladesh Embassy in Riyadh and the consulate general and the number is growing everyday, BDNews24 reported.

Bangladesh Labour Counsellor Sarwar Alam in Saudi Arabia said that 502 female workers, who had taken shelter in the embassy, were sent back on Mar 29.

Out of the 329 who have taken shelter since then, 74 are in the Jeddah Consulate General while the rest are in the Bangladesh Embassy in Riyadh.

These workers have alleged they did not get the job as promised by agents in Bangladesh. They came to Saudi Arabia through private recruiters as legal workers.

Some of them said they were promised nurse and peon's posts but they got cleaner's posts. Most of the workers who have taken shelter at the embassy and the consulate general have gone to Saudi Arabia to work as housemaid.

They have alleged that they were not provided food three times a day, let alone regular payments. Some of them, on condition of anonymity, also alleged physical and sexual torture by their employers.

One of the workers said: "I had been told that I would get the job of an assistance of a nurse in a hospital. But I was given the job of a cleaner in a house. Then I was tortured. So I fled and took shelter in the embassy three weeks ago."

Many others, waiting for more time than her, do not know when they can return home. Some have fallen sick in the overcrowded shelters stretched beyond the capacity.

Jeddah Consulate General official Abu Jara said it has the capacity to shelter 35 but 74 workers have taken shelter there. He told that the process to send back 34 of them already started.

He said it 'would not be easy' to send back the 40 others because they fled their employers.

In line with rules, the Saudi Arabia government has to be informed by the employers if any worker flees. It takes time to send back such workers without completing the administrative process. "We've informed the foreign ministry and now we are waiting for the reply," Abu Jara said.

Asked when all the female workers who have taken shelter in the embassy and the consulate general could be sent back, Bangladesh Ambassador in Saudi Arabia Golam Moshi told that it is an ongoing process. "It usually takes two to eight weeks for us to send any worker back after he or she comes to us," he said.

The workers are regularly taking shelter in the embassy and we are sending them back," he said, adding that the Saudi authorities were 'very cooperative' in this regard. "The workers leave job by breaching their contracts following misunderstanding most of times. But the Saudi authorities always cooperate with us to send them back," he said.

If the public were to rely solely on the U.S. government and its respective mouthpieces for its source of news, one might assume Iran is to blame for the current crisis engulfing Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest country.

Yemen: War Crimes, Mass Starvation and Genocide. What You Aren’t Being Told About US Involvement in Yemen

[...] Yemen is home to al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the brand of al-Qaeda that Washington previously regarded as the deadliest. It is also home to ISIS because the terror group capitalized on the instability and managed to latch itself onto a decent foothold in the war-torn country. Yet Saudi Arabia is not targeting either of these two groups. Further, the Houthi rebels are actually sworn enemies of these two violent terror groups; if Washington were genuine in prosecuting its war against al-Qaeda, then the Houthis would technically be a natural ally.

[...] In addition to supplying billions of dollars’ worth of arms to the Saudi kingdom, U.S. and U.K. personnel provide overwhelming assistance to the Saudi-led coalition to wreak this devastation on Yemen by sitting in the Saudi’s command and control center, for example.

As if this barbarism wasn’t cruel enough, the Saudi-led coalition purposely destroyed the cranes that Yemen used at its port of Hodeidah to uplift cargo, meaning any food and aid that actually makes it through the Saudi blockade never makes it to shore.

[...] As this conflict rages on at a catastrophic rate with millions upon millions of civilians suffering, it is almost impossible to take the Trump administration’s claims regarding human rights in Syria seriously. Legal experts have already warned the U.S. government that its complicity in these attacks can make them a co-belligerent in Saudi Arabia’s vast, extensive list of war crimes. This warning has not helped at all in deterring the Trump administration from continuing some of Barack Obama’s worst policies.

If the U.S. pulled its support for Saudi Arabia, Yemen’s suffering could stop tomorrow. Rather, the words of Britain’s foreign secretary Boris Johnson brilliantly capture the West’s lack of empathy towards Yemen’s civilian population. He stated that if the U.K. didn’t supply arms to Saudi Arabia, someone else would.

[...] In this context, the notion that the U.S. would consider supplying Saudi Arabia – a country so backward that women aren’t allowed to drive – with nuclear weapons is nothing short of suicidal.
Iraq's prime minister has said there will be no lingering US combat troop presence in his country after the battle to remove Daesh is finished, contradicting earlier reports.

Iraqi Prime Minister Says No US Combat Troops Will Remain After Daesh Ousted

Officials from both countries on Thursday reportedly said talks were ongoing regarding maintaining US combat troops in Iraq after Daesh is ousted, but Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in a statement on Twitter on Friday that no US troops would stay on.

Abadi's statement, described as a "clarification" stressed that there actually are no foreign combat troops on Iraqi soil. There are "civilians and advisers" from several countries who may remain to advise Iraqi forces and help the country stabilize after the battle to evict Daesh from its strongholds there is over, it said. But Iraq's government "has not expressed any jurisdiction regarding the [American] military role for the stage beyond the decisive victory over terrorism," the statement said, according to Task and Purpose.

US forces have been acting officially as advisers in the battle to oust Daesh from Mosul, which began in October, though they have come closer and closer to the front lines and some are now carrying out combat operations with Iraqi troops. A US soldier who was killed by an improvised explosive device in the city last week was described as part of "advise-and-assist" support to Iraqi troops by He was the second US servicemember to die in the battle for Mosul.

Calling the US forces in the country advisers also helps Abadi get around the rule requiring parliamentary approval for foreign combat troops to operate in the country, the Christian Science Monitor points out. The Iraqi official who told AP about the ongoing talks said any forces who remained would continue to be designated as advisers for the same reason.

There are currently nearly 7,000 US troops in Iraq, many of whom are there on temporary tours or fall under other classifications that allow them to remain publicly unacknowledged.

The Iraqi army said at the end of April that it expected to finally clear Daesh from Mosul in May.

The Syrian army forces have prepared the ground for closing off the country's border with Iraq with the help of Russia.

Syrian Army Ready to Seal Border with Iraq with Russian Help

An informed source told Younews website that the Syrian army is preparing for massive military operations to seal the country's border with Iraq.

The Syrian soldiers have also established security at the country's border with Lebanon by purging terrorists from the regions between Western al-Qalamoun and Zabadani in the Western Ghouta of Damascus.

The development came after the second day of negotiations between the Damascus government and armed opposition in the Kazakh capital, Astana, ended on Thursday.

The Taliban established control of a district in Afghanistan's Northern province of Kunduz after two days of clashes.

Taliban Captures Strategic District in Northern Afghanistan

The militants attacked the Qala-I-Zal district in Kunduz on Friday morning and were able to occupy it on Saturday, the broadcaster TOLO news reported.

The news outlet underlined that authorities could not specify the number of casualties in the attack so far.

The Taliban, which is notorious for its numerous acts of violence in Afghanistan, controls vast territories of the country and is attempting to establish Sharia law there. For years, the province of Kunduz has been a battlefield between government forces and Taliban militants. Militants even controlled the provincial capital for several days in fall 2015.

A senior Afghan legislator disclosed that the US forces have attacked the Taliban in Nangarhar province and rescued the ISIL terrorists after the latter were trapped in the battlefield.

Afghan MP: ISIL Members Trapped in Nangarhar Battlefield Rescued by US

"A large number of ISIL members were surrounded by the Taliban in Masjed Sefid region of the town of Chaprhar but the US military men hurried to help them with warplanes and rescued them," Zaher Qadir said on Saturday.

He said that after clashes erupted between the Taliban and the ISIL, the US planes, carrying special forces, flew over the region and pounded the Taliban and rescued the besieged ISIL members.

Stressing that the Taliban and the ISIL are both enemies of the Afghan people, Qadir said that the US is openly inclined towards reinvigorating the ISIL.

Afghan officials have identified Nangarhar, located along the Pakistan border, as ISIL’s primary stronghold in the region.

ISIL is primarily active in the Achin, Kot, Nazyan, and Chaprhar districts of Nangarhar.

In 2015, the United Nations reported that Chaprhar and Achin are among “the main opium poppy cultivated districts in Nangarhar province”.
A senior commander of Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces) announced that the resistance forces in his country and Syria will conduct joint operations at bordering areas to impose full control over regions near Mosul and Deir Ezzur.

Commander: Iraqi, Syrian Resistance Forces to Launch Joint Operations at Borders

"Given the fact that the Mosul operation is nearing end, I declare that the Hashd al-Shaabi forces will move towards the Syrian borders in the next few days and new operations will start against the ISIL in that region. Also, the resistance forces in Syria, including Hashd al-Shaabi fighters, will start their operations on Syrian soil and from al-Zamir region towards al-Nataf and their operation will cover a region 180 km in length," Abu Ala al-Velayee said on Sunday.

Explaining that the operations will lead to cleansing terrorists and regaining full control over the bordering regions between Syria and Iraq, he said,
"The Operations will start from three points; the first point will be covered by the Syrian army, while the Lebanese Hezbollah and Hashd al-Shaabi forces will be present in the two other points. In the end, all forces will meet each other in regions along the border border."

His remarks came one day after reports said that the Syrian army forces have prepared the ground for closing off the country's border with Iraq with the help of Russia.

An informed source told Younews website that the Syrian army is preparing for massive military operations to seal the country's border with Iraq.

The Syrian soldiers have also established security at the country's border with Lebanon by purging terrorists from the regions between Western al-Qalamoun and Zabadani in the Western Ghouta of Damascus.

The US officials and media have started inspiring the public with perceived necessity for the American military troops' continued build-up in Iraq even after Mosul is taken back from the ISIL terrorist group.

US Conducting Secret Attempts to Deploy in Western Iraq in Post-ISIL Era

Some Iraqi media outlets have recently reported that Washington and Baghdad have inked an agreement to prolong the US deployment in Iraq after retaking control of Mosul from the ISIL, but Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's office rushed to issue a statement to strongly reject the reports.

The media reports were released after Chief of Staff of the US Army General Mark Milley spoke of the US commitment to support Iraq and the Iraqi Kurdistan region in the post-ISIL era.

Also, US Senator Marco Rubio revealed the negotiations between Washington and the Kurdish officials to supply the Peshmerga forces with weapons and equipment, without any coordination with the government in Baghdad.

Meantime, Spokesman for Iraqi Kurdistan Region's Peshmerga fighters Jabbar Yavar said that Washington seeks to equip two divisions of Peshmerga fighters with different weapons, including heavy arms, and allocate $415mln to pay the salaries of 36,000 Peshmerga fighters who are due to participate in operations to liberate Mosul.

Iraq's prime minister said on Friday that no US combat troops will stay in Iraq after the fight against ISIL is concluded.

Al-Abadi remarks came in a statement following a report by the Associated Press that talks are ongoing between Iraq and the US on maintaining American forces in Iraq.

Al-Abadi said the American troops will be advisers who will help Iraq's security forces maintain "full readiness" for any "future security challenges".

Iraqi forces are struggling to retake the last remaining Mosul neighborhoods ISIL holds in the city's Western half, but even after a territorial victory, Iraqi and US-led coalition officials have warned of the potential for ISIL to carry out insurgent attacks in government-held territory

An ISIL suicide bomber carried out an attack on a base hosting US military advisors in Iraq’s Kirkuk province on Sunday, reportedly leaving at least two people dead and six wounded.

8 Killed, Wounded in ISIL Attack on Iraqi Base Hosting US Advisors

The K1 base near the town of Hawija, which has been controlled by ISIL group since 2014, was assaulted by five militants, Kurdistan 24 reported.

Three ISIL suicide bombers were gunned down by Kurdish peshmerga fighters during a two-hour skirmish, while two others managed to detonate their vests inside the camp. All of those killed and injured were reportedly Kurdish troops.

The militants “were wearing uniforms like the Kurdish peshmerga and had shaved their beards to look like us,” one Kurdish officer told Reuters.

US Central Command confirmed to TASS that the attack on the K1 base had taken place, calling it “unsuccessful,” while noting that no US-led anti-ISIL coalition servicemen had been killed or injured.

ISIL later took responsibility, claiming that it had been targeting “crusaders and apostates.”

The Kurds have been one of the most active players in Iraq’s US-backed military campaign against the Takfiri terrorists.

The terrorist group has recently been stepping up its attacks on civilians and security installations across the country as anti-ISIL forces advance on its stronghold in Mosul.

Iraq's Interior Ministry on Monday that security operations to retake Western Mosul from ISIL militants far led to the death of 3320 militants since their launch in February 19th.

Iraqi Ministry: Over 3000 ISIL Militants Killed in Western Mosul Offensive

Wahab al-Taei, the ministry’s media adviser, said that the ministry’s Federal Police forces took over 525 villages and regions since the start of the security operations, adding that the battle was nearing its end after the forces brought down the group’s last defense lines, Al Ma'alomah reported.

“Nuri al-Kabir mosque, which witnessed the emergence of terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has become within reach, and only a few hundred meters are left to declare full liberation,” he said, referring to the mosque where ISIL leader declared the establishment of the group’s rule in Iraq and neighboring Syria 2014.

Taei’s announcement comes as Iraqi forces continue to sweep through major districts in Northwestern Mosul, shifting to a new axis of operations after finding it difficult to advance to the ISIL-held Old City from the south.

A week earlier, the Federal Police command said its forces had killed more than 850 ISIL members, destroyed more than 500 booby-trapped cars and motorbikes belonging to the group and recaptured a total of 274 square kilometers of territory since the launch of assaults to retake Western Mosul in February. Iraqi forces retook Eastern Mosul in January after three months of battles.

US President Donald Trump said in a statement that he is going to uphold the warring parties a state of national emergency for Yemen, saying that warring parties in the country continue to threaten its peace, security, and stability.

Trump Maintains National Emergency Status for Yemen

US President Donald Trump notified Congress on Monday that he intends to uphold a state of national emergency for Yemen that was issued by his predecessor in 2012.

"The actions and policies of certain members of the Government of Yemen and others continue to threaten Yemen’s peace, security, and stability, including by obstructing the political process in Yemen and the implementation of the agreement of November 23, 2011, between the Government of Yemen and those in opposition to it, which provided for a peaceful transition of power that meets the legitimate demands of the Yemeni people for change," Trump wrote in a letter to the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate, according to a White House statement.

"For this reason I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13611 with respect to Yemen."

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in a Manhattan courtroom on Monday to unseal more details about a botched raid on alleged Al Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula compounds that left civilians, as well as US Navy Seal William “Ryan” Owens, dead on January 28.

Lawsuit Demands Answers on Yemen Raid That Killed Navy SEAL, Civilians

According to the suit, the attack “raised deep concerns about the legal and factual basis” of the operation and its “planning and execution.” Owens was the first service member to lose his life during US President Donald Trump’s time in office.

The ACLU filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the CIA, Pentagon, Justice Department and State Department in March. While the Defense Department admitted a dozen civilian casualties in the incident, journalists and NGOs allege the real figure may have been more than twice that. Some agencies have failed to reply to the FOIA request, while others have been cooperative.

“This White House cannot be trusted to give the public accurate information,” according to Hina Shamsi, director at ACLU National Security Project. Of course, these details are “especially critical when the president authorizes military action that kills civilians,” she added.

Shamsi noted the Obama administration’s poor record on transparency when it came to civilian war casualties, not to mention US sales of military gear to Saudi Arabia to conduct its own strikes on funeral mourners, though the Trump administration, in turn, has earned “little credibility.”

The documents we seek are essential for public accountability when civilians are killed in the name of our national security,” Shamsi said.

The head of an ISIL's offshoot group in Afghanistan was killed during an operation in Eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.

ISIL Head in Afghanistan, Mastermind of Kabul Military Hospital Attack, Killed in Nangarhar

The Office of the President, ARG Palace, said earlier tonight that the leader of ISIL Khurasan Abdul Hasib was killed during an operation of the Afghan Special Forces in Nangarhar province, Khaama Press reported.

A statement by the ARG Palace said Hasib was killed along with a number of the senior ISIL commanders nearly ten days ago.

The statement further added that the government delayed the announcement of Hasib’s death to confirm the report.

Hasib was the main mastermind and had ordered the deadly attack on Kabul’s main military hospital, Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan hospital, the statement added.

The Ministry of Interior of Afghanistan said that 37 Taliban insurgents including 5 of their prominent commanders were killed during the operations in Qala-e-Zal district of Kunduz in Northern Afghanistan.

5 Taliban Leaders among 37 Insugents Killed in Afghan Security Operation in Kunduz

The ministry's spokesman Najib Danish told reporters that additional troops have deployed to Qala-e-Zal district, Khaama Press reported.

He said the clearance operations are still underway in Qala-e-Zal district and at least 37 militants including five prominent commanders of the group have been killed during the operations so far.

The spokesman further added that the Taliban leaders killed during the operations have been identified as Qari Belal, Shamshad, Jabir, Abdul Rauf and Habib.

He also added that a delegation of the ministry of defense has arrived in the northeastern Badakhshan province.

According to him, the areas under the control of the militants in Zebak district will soon be cleared of the insurgents.

This comes as the provincial council officials in Kunduz said Saturday that the control of Qala-e-Zal district fell to Taliban after almost 24 hours of heavy clashes.

Kunduz is among the relatively volatile provinces in Northern Afghanistan where the Taliban insurgents are actively operating in its various districts and often carry out attacks on its key districts, including the strategic Kunduz city.
The military command leading operations against the ISIL in Western Mosul said Monday its forces had recaptured more areas on a new front taken up last week.

Iraqi Forces Recapture More Areas on New Western Mosul Front

The Joint Operations Command said the army’s elite Counter-Terrorism Service troops took over Wadi Akab and Ghanem al-Sayyed industrial areas,
hours after commanders reported earlier gains in the Northwestern axis of operations primarily taken with an eye on the ISIL-held Old City, Iraqi News reported.

Federal Police chief, Lt. Gen Shaker Jawdat, said in statements on Monday that his forces took over Shuqaq al-Haramat district, while moving forward at al-Haramat al-Thaniya, approaching Ektesadiyen and the major Islamic State stronghold district of 17 Tamuz (July 17th).

Jawdat said 16 militants were killed and several combat equipment were destroyed during the offensives.

The Yemeni army and popular forces repelled several attempts by Saudi forces and their allies, to advance in the Saudi cross-borders battle fronts of Midi.

Report: Saudi Army, Mercenaries Facing Dilemma in Midi, Yemen

The Yemeni army and popular forces rebuffed the attacks by Saudi forces, backed by F-16, reconnaissance aircrafts and Apache warplanes support, to advance in the Saudi cross-borders battle fronts of Midi, ended in killing many Saudi soldiers and Sudanese mercenaries and injuring many others, AWD News reported.

Saudi army with Saudi mercenaries tried many times in vain to advance into Midi in the North of Hajjah province.

In a renewed Saudi-led offensive Yemeni army and popular committees clashed fiercely with the Saudi-led mercenaries in the North of Midi desert, killing scores of terrorists and forcing the rest to withdraw.

Abu Dhabi is in conflict with Riyadh on holding power in Yemen and it is arming the Salafi groups to replace the UAE troops in the Saudi-led coalition which has launched the devastating war against the Yemenis.

UAE Prepares for Leaving Saudi-Led Anti-Yemen Coalition

According to the Yemeni news website, Naba'a, the UAE is attempting to strengthen its military presence in Yemen by supporting the allied Salafi groups to preserve its influential role in the war-hit country even after leaving the Saudi-led coalition.

Based on the report, Brigade 7 of the forces affiliated to fugitive president Mansour Hadi has given over control of al-Kadhah front's bases to Abu al-Abbas brigades to focus on Moqbenah front in the Southwestern parts of Ta'iz province.

An informed source close to Abu al-Abbas brigades revealed that they have received more weapons and equipment from the UAE in the past two days, adding that they have been sent from Aden and the coalition's command center.

The report came after the German government in April approved more arms sales to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is assisting Saudi Arabia in its deadly military campaign against Yemen.

Berlin had approved the sale of 203,448 detonators for 40-mm mortar shells to the Arab kingdom as well as 134 million dollars worth of armor-plating for military vehicles.

The move indicated that Germany was continuing its policy of supplying arms to countries directly involved in the Middle East conflicts and disregarding the vetting process of the deal for potential humanitarian impact.

A radio station airing propaganda in the favor of the ISIL terrorist group was destroyed during an operation in Eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.

ISIL Radio Station Destroyed, 34 Militants Killed in East of Afghanistan

Afganistan's Ministry of Interior said in a statement that in past 24 hours, 34 ISIL terrorists killed and a radio station run by ISIL terrorists destroyed after Afghan Air Forces targeted militants’ hideouts in the Naziyan and Achin districts of eastern Nangarhar province, Khaama Press reported.

The statement further added that the station was broadcasting illegally across Nangarhar, spreading the group’s messages and issuing threats to the people and governmental staffs.

“The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces have stepped up Counter-Terrorism operations to suppress the insurgency activities of the terror groups,” the statement added.
The chief of the General Staff of the Iraqi army said that Iraqi government forces are expecting to liberate the western part of Mosul from the Daesh terrorist group before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins this year on May 27.

Liberation of West Mosul From Daesh Terrorists by May 27

Iraqi government forces are expecting to liberate the western part of Mosul from the Daesh terrorist group before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins this year on May 27, the chief of the General Staff of the Iraqi army said Thursday.

Saudi authorities raided the historic neighborhood of Al-Masoura in Al-Awamiya, killing two people and injuring several others.

Saudi Forces Raid Al-Masoura in Awamiyah, Open Fire, Destroy Houses

Masked Saudi forces stormed the historic neighborhood, opening fire on the people who refused to leave their houses, a decision by Saudi authorities in a bid to destroy Al-Masoura’s houses, Al Manar reported.

A Saudi man and an Indian one were killed in the shooting, Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar quoted local sources in Al-Awamiyah as saying.

Saudi forces cordoned off the area, preventing people from evacuating the injured people, local sources said.

The attack started when Saudi forces bringing bulldozers and other vehicles to raze some houses, another local source said, noting that several houses were destroyed.

Al-Masoura is a neighborhood that comprises historic buildings in Al-Awamiya, in Qatif province, which lies in the Eastern province.

The Saudi authorities have warned the residents to evacuate the area, claiming the destruction operation is aimed at building modern compounds to place the “buildings which are to fall.”

However, the residents argue that the buildings in Al-Masoura neighborhood are ancient structures that belong to the area’s historical memory, noting that the Saudi authorities can repair the building as they did with several areas across the Kingdom.

In this context, Al-Masoura residents stress that the attack on their neighborhood mounts to collective punishment against the people in the region over their role in the peaceful demonstrations demanding reforms in the Kingdom.

Iraqi army forces killed more than 1300 ISIL militants since operations launched on February 19th to retake the Western flank of Mosul, military media said.

Iraqi Army Kills Over 1300 ISIL Militants in Mosul Since February

The Defense Ministry’s War Media Cell, quoting the command of the Nineveh Operations, said the army’s 9th division had killed 1336 ISIL members, including senior leaders, since the start of offensives in February, Iraqi News reported.

The statement said a total of 55 districts, villages and vital facilities had been recaptured, covering a total area of 406 square kilometers.

A total of refugees evacuated from the division’s scope of operations stood at 111750, according to the media outlet.

Besides human losses on militants behalf, 139 booby-trapped vehicles were detonated, 11 drones shot down, 61 rest houses, ten booby-trapping workshops and five command centers were demolished.

Earlier this week, the Interior Ministry said its forces had killed more than 850 ISIL members since the start of the Western Mosul offensive.
A senior Iraqi legislator blasted the US and Turkey for their antagonistic behavior towards efforts to liberate the city of Tal Afar in Nineveh province.

Iraqi MP: US, Turkey Impeding Liberation of Tal Afar

Iskandar Watout, a member of the Iraqi parliament's Security and Defense Committee, told reporters in a press conference that the process to take back Tal Afar is facing resistance and pressures by Turkey and the US.

He called on the Iraqi government not to become influenced by Turkey and the US or Iraqi Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani and try to expel the Turkish forces from Iraq's soil.

Watout described Tal Afar as a vital and important city hosting tens of ISIL bases, and said, "Operations against the terrorist groups in Iraq should continue unstopped until full victory."

In relevant remarks in April, another Iraqi parliamentarian revealed that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to hold back the Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi Mobilization) forces from any operation to liberate Tal Afar.

"Erdogan has in a message to Abadi warned that if Hashd al-Shaabi advances towards Tal Afar, the Turkish forces will also be deployed in the region," Nahleh al-Hababi was quoted as saying by al-Mouqef al-Iraqi news website.

The Iraqi legislator, meantime, underlined that Hashd al-Shaabi has surrounded Tal Afar region from several fronts and would play the main role in the liberation operation.

The Iraqi security forces could open their way into several districts in Western Mosul after forcing the ISIL terrorists to withdraw from the region on Sunday.

Iraqi Forces Start Massive Operations to Free Remaining ISIL-Held Areas in Mosul

According to a statement by the Mosul Operations Room, the Iraqi counter-terrorism forces arrived in al-Eraibi and al-Rifaie regions and could shatter the ISIL defense lines.

Also, the Iraqi rapid reaction police forces could retake al- al-Ektisadieen region and the Southern and Northern parts of 17th of July district.

The Iraqi defense ministry has predicted that Mosul city will be fully seized back before the holy month of Ramadan.

Earlier today, a senior Iraqi military commander said government forces have launched a new push to drive ISIL militants from four neighborhoods in West Mosul.

Lt. Gen. Abdul-Amir Rasheed Yarallah said in a statement Sunday that Iraqi special forces are moving to the al-Eraibi and al-Rifaie neighborhoods, while federal police and regular army forces are fighting ISIL in nearby al-Ektisadieen and 17th of July neighborhoods.

Yarallah said the forces "have broken through the enemy fortifications" without giving more details.

A local official in Iraq's Diyala province announced that the country's security forces have discovered a mass grave near the border with Iran.

Iraqi Security Forces Discover Mass Gave Near Border with Iran

"The security brigades discovered a mass grave which included 8 corpses, including 5 women, in Sha'anoun region, 20km of Qazaniyeh and 120km of Eastern Baqubah, following a report by a shepherd," the official told al-Sumeriya news on Sunday under the condition of anonymity.

"The mass grave is close to the Iran-Iraq borders," he said, adding that all the corpses inside the grave were hand-cuffed.

Saudi Arabia suffered new losses in its ongoing war on neighboring Yemen, with a spy drone shot down and more troops and mercenaries killed by Yemeni popular forces.

Saudi Drone Downed, Mercenaries, Saudi-Led Forces Killed in Yemen

A military source said Yemeni army soldiers and allied Ansarullah fighters downed a Saudi drone in Midi Desert in the northwestern Hajjah Province on Sunday, Al Masirah reported.

Yemeni fighters also foiled an attempt by Saudi mercenaries to infiltrate into a military base in Dhale Province, the news channel reported.

Separately, Sudan’s army spokesperson Ahmed Khalifa al-Shami said two of the African country’s troops were killed and several others injured in Yemen.
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