Is gender a social construct?

Something is Terribly Wrong With Céline Dion’s “Genderless” Clothing Line

"Céline Dion is the face of a new “genderless” fashion brand for babies named CELINUNUNU. Everything about it is wrong and creepy. Here’s a look at the disturbing symbolism surrounding it."

Those pictures are very disturbing. I would not be surprised if the designers are pedophiles/psychopaths.
It has never been clearer to me that religion is a means of controlling and enslaving the masses than it is now. The Church of England has joined the gender neutral madness and stated that God is neither a 'he' nor a 'she'

What's next, they're going to dress baby Jesus in outfits designed by Celine Dion? I don't think I'd be very surprised. At this stage all my bets are off. Jesus wept... :umm:

Archbishop of Canterbury Declares God Gender Neutral

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has said that God is “not male nor female,” after female bishops demanded the Church of England stop referring to God solely as “he.”

The head of the worldwide Anglican communion told attendees at a lecture at St Martin-in-the-Fields in Trafalgar Square: “All human language about God is inadequate and to some degree metaphorical.

“God is not a father in exactly the same way as a human being is a father. God is not male or female. God is not definable.

“It is extraordinarily important as Christians that we remember that the definitive revelation of who God is was not in words, but in the word of God who we call Jesus Christ. We can’t pin God down.”

Professor of Christian history Diarmaid MacCulloch backed Archbishop Welby’s statement, telling The Times that the reason God has been perceived as male is due to “patriarchal assumptions” of early Christian societies of Greece and Rome.

“The world is now different,” Professor MacCulloch said, “and we have to show that our view of God is wider than that and not get stuck with archaic terms.”

The comments by England’s most senior bishop follow those of the first female bishop Right Reverand Rachel Treweek, bishop of Gloucester, and Rt Revd Dr Jo Bailey Wells, Bishop of Dorking, who said in September that referring to God as a man was a “growing problem” and said the Church should stop referring to the deity as solely male.

Treweek argued that the use of male language could be damaging to young girls and boys, and that gendered language would be insufficiently welcoming to non-Christians.

Wells said she goes out of her way to use both “male and female imagery” when preaching.

In the U.S., the United Methodist Church voted down an amendment to its Book of Discipline in May that would have said God is not “male or female.”

Meanwhile the U.S. Episcopal Church set up a committee in July to “provide a pathway” towards revising its Book of Common Prayer to include gender-neutral language.

Church leaders called for the revisions to correct the “overwhelming use of masculine language” which they believe to be a “barrier to evangelising young people,” according to Fox News.

Let Children Experiment with Gender Identity, Church of England Tells Schools | Breitbart

The Church of England has said schools should encourage young children to experiment with their “gender identity”, in its new guidance on bullying.

“Pupils need to be able to play with the many cloaks of identity (sometimes quite literally with the dressing-up box),” reads the latest church advice on homophobic bullying, which has been updated to warn of the perils of “transphobic” and “biphobic” harassment — using “HBT” as a shorthand.

4,700 schools, which serve more than a million pupils in total, were told by the Church of England Education Office to allow young children to experiment with their gender identity, in advice which said that primary school and nursery school children, in particular, must be a period of “creative exploration”.

“Children should be at liberty to explore the possibilities of who they might be without judgment or derision. For example, a child may choose the tutu, princess’s tiara and heels and/or the fireman’s helmet, tool belt and superhero cloak without expectation or comment”, it reads.

The Church adds: “Children should be afforded freedom from the expectation of permanence. They are in a ‘trying on’ stage of life, and not yet adult and so no labels need to be fixed.”

Also endorsing the progressive message was Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, who writes in the foreword: “Central to Christian theology is the truth that every single one of us is made in the image of God. Every one of us is loved unconditionally by God.

“We must avoid, at all costs, diminishing the dignity of any individual to a stereotype or a problem.”

Many experts have urged caution in the debate over “transgender” children, including Lord Robert Winston — professor of science and society and emeritus professor of fertility at Imperial College London — who warned that “a big portion” of patients come to regret the “horrendous” consequences of their transition.

Citing his work at fertility clinics, the TV presenter reported almost a quarter of “transgender men” who have had their breasts removed “feel uncomfortable with what they’ve done”, and expressed concern over the risks of “transition” — such as permanent damage to patients’ fertility — when scientists do not actually yet understand what causes gender confusion.

UKIP’s education spokesman David Kurten acknowledged “bullying is bad and needs to be prevented”, but said that the persecution of individuals is “an entirely different issue to allowing the damaging ideology of genderqueer theory to be taught as normal”.

“Children are of course full of imagination at a young age, but teachers and schools need to separate imagination from facts,” the science teacher told Breitbart London on Monday. “In the end, it is young children who will be damaged, and their normal development as boys and girls will be corrupted,” he said.

Speaking of how the Church of England, along with schools watchdog Ofsted, has joined the British Conservative party as in hock to “unscientific rubbish”, as a result of having become overwhelmed with liberal ideology, Kurten added: “It is time to drain the swamp.”

It was revealed in The Times last week that Roman Catholic primary schools were found to be breaching government policy by placing the words “mother” and “father” on admission forms.

After a parent complained that the terms discriminated against “gay parents” and families with step-parents, the schools’ adjudicator demanded the terms be wiped from admission forms.

Just when I thought that the Church of England has lost the plot, it turned out that Sweden has a similar problem:

Church of Sweden to stop referring to God as 'he' or 'Lord'

The Church of Sweden is urging its clergy to use gender-neutral language when referring to the supreme deity, refraining from using terms such as “Lord” and “he” in favour of the less specific “God.”

The move is one of several taken by the national Evangelical Lutheran church in updating a 31-year-old handbook setting out how services should be conducted in terms of language, liturgy, hymns and other aspects.

The decision was taken on Thursday at the end of an eight-day meeting of the church’s 251-member decision-making body, and takes effect on 20 May on the Christian holiday of Pentecost.

A former state church, headquartered in Uppsala, some 37 miles north of the capital, the church has 6.1 million baptised members in a country of 10 million. It is headed by a woman, Archbishop Antje Jackelén.

Jackelén told Sweden’s TT news agency that a more inclusive language had been discussed as early as the 1986 conference.

Theologically, for instance, we know that God is beyond our gender determinations, God is not human,” Jackelén said.

The change was met with criticism, however. Christer Pahlmblad, an associate theology professor at Sweden’s Lund University, told the Kristeligt Dagblad newspaper in Denmark that the move was “undermining the doctrine of the Trinity and the community with the other Christian churches”.

“It really isn’t smart if the Church of Sweden becomes known as a church that does not respect the common theology heritage,” he said.

Those pictures are very disturbing. I would not be surprised if the designers are pedophiles/psychopaths.

Based on the content of the article Josi posted above, I'd be rather surprised if that wasn't a part of their agenda.

Some really disturbing excerpts:

NUNUNU’s agenda is not only about gender-neutrality. It is about something much darker. A quick trip down the brand’s Instagram Page reveals some disturbing material: The sexualization of children, satanism and Monarch mind control. In short, all of the obsessions of the occult elite.

This is part of the brand’s “Holiday” collection. Don’t tell me they don’t know what a “Ho” is. I mean, come on.

Are they aware that the song Let’s Get Physical is about sex? Why are there children under that sign?


A baby with a devil-horns hat. So cute.

Creepy. Also, Satanists wear animal masks during Black Masses.

This looks like some creep put his big dirty hand on that girl’s chest.


This is 100% satanic. Yes, this is on the IG account of a children’s clothing brand that is extremely popular in Hollywood.
Those pictures are very disturbing. I would not be surprised if the designers are pedophiles/psychopaths.

Save 40% off Black Friday's Specials'
Kids Trendy Boutique Clothing | NUNUNU WORLD

Nununu Press Page | Celebrity Clothing
The brand name is Nununu, so I googled the word Nu, and it happens to be an animal, which in Spanish is called Ñu and in English, Wildebeest or Gnu.

From: Wildebeest | National Geographic

The ungainly gnu (pronounced “g-new” or simply “new”) earned the Afrikaans name wildebeest, or “wild beast,” for the menacing appearance presented by its large head, shaggy mane, pointed beard, and sharp, curved horns. In fact, the wildebeest is better described as a reliable source of food for the truly menacing predators of the African savanna: lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, and hyenas.

Both males and females grow horns.

I thought it might be related to their use of horned animal masks.

Apparently there are two species, the Black Wildebeest and the Blue Wildebeest.

Black Wildebeest



Blue Wildebeest



Well, I don't know which one is their favorite.

Besides that, in their About Us section, it says:

the nununu image conveys an air of detachment. it is never cute or sweet, but always ready for the challenge. the brand operates in a way where instead of defining differences it dissolves them, blurring out any boundaries and making divisions completely insignificant.

So they assume that their clothes aren't cute, and instead are awful (well, they didn't say this last part, but I can say it for them). And also, I don't know if avoiding capitalization of a word at the beginning of a paragraph or after a period is part of their plan to eliminate inequality, but if you're going to have a professional page at least respect the basics rules of grammar. Besides the fact that their proposal seems ridiculous to me, such carelessness in grammar makes it less professional. 👎
Strange days from pocketsofthefuture ! Strong language

Published on Nov 22, 2018 / 8:05

Published on Nov 17, 2018 / 21:01
All this insanity is worse than then flat earth nonsense. You don't need a human brain to figure out the differences and commonalities between men and women. Even the less sophisticated insects can do that. If people are not able to figure out the obvious for themselves, that tells a lot about anything else that requires more reflection and consideration (and a more focused cognitive effort). In addition, there is this sick obsession with children's sex, and by extension their sexuality, that is unsettling. It wouldn't be surprising if this is an effort from 4DSTS to sabotage the human soul, because social constructivism and the "you can be of the sex you imagine despite reality" is the ultimate manifestation of wishful thinking and "you create your own reality".
All this insanity is worse than then flat earth nonsense. You don't need a human brain to figure out the differences and commonalities between men and women. Even the less sophisticated insects can do that. If people are not able to figure out the obvious for themselves, that tells a lot about anything else that requires more reflection and consideration (and a more focused cognitive effort).

That's exactly it, IMO.

It's bad enough with all the gender-bending and men vs. women nonsense, but in and of itself that's not the most depressing part.

The worst part is that if something so ridiculously obvious and fundamental can be screwed up in people's minds, then there is no chance they will ever "get" anything even slightly more complex or important in the broader worldly or cosmic sense.

Every day I read the news, and I go, "Oh, so that's what it looks like when everything falls apart..." Rinse and repeat, every day!
The worst part is that if something so ridiculously obvious and fundamental can be screwed up in people's minds, then there is no chance they will ever "get" anything even slightly more complex or important in the broader worldly or cosmic sense.

Every day I read the news, and I go, "Oh, so that's what it looks like when everything falls apart..." Rinse and repeat, every day!

And every day I think that we have reach the bottom of the barrel, but the news tell me that they are still digging deeper. It seems that there is no end to this insanity.
The Church of England has joined the gender neutral madness and stated that God is neither a 'he' nor a 'she'
Though, that is correct. 'God' being 7D All is One is either genderless, or both male and female principles combined - or paradoxically genderless AND male/female.
The brand name is Nununu, so I googled the word Nu
Far more apt if 'Nu' or 'Nun' correlates with the deification of the primordial watery abys of Ancient Egyptian mythology. "Primordial watery abyss" sounds genderless.

Nu (mythology) - Wikipedia

"The name is paralleled with nen "inactivity" in a play of words in, "I raised them up from out of the watery mass [nu], out of inactivity [nen]"

Genderless = sexual "inactivity" indeed! Maybe Nun is were the word "none" originates from?
So all those people are autistic? How many autists are there and what the heck autism really is?
Though, that is correct. 'God' being 7D All is One is either genderless, or both male and female principles combined - or paradoxically genderless AND male/female.
I think the same, problem is that, they are just following the "genderless" agenda to influence more people .... worse, via church/religion morality :(
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