Is it possible to search the forum for certain 'terms' or 'phrases' or combination of words?


What I mean by that is, that It's been my habit for quite a while to search something on the net using quotation marks around the searched words to narrow down otherwise thousands or millions of results.

An example: if I was to search on the net for info about the book 'myth of sanity', I would enter it like "myth of sanity", to make sure that only certain, included combination of words are included in the search, as the results would otherwise include any and every separate words(or combinations of the same).

I think it might be just the way the forum software works, but is there other ways than using net search engines with certain parameters(which I guess would show only public threads) to search from this site?
You can type: "myth of sanity" on duckduckgo (or some other search engine).
Good solution, at least for public part of forum.

Why forum search works like that?
Search must be fast and affordable, so some optimizations have to be done.
Imagine that someone wrote post
A lazy dog jumps over the fox
Since words "a", "over", "the" are very common (Most common words in English - Wikipedia) it is not worth to allow to search by them, answers wouldn't be really relevant and You could abuse it by spamming for "a" and asking forum to use all its processing power to check almost every post possible.
So after excluding most common words system keeps index with "lazy", "dog", "jumps", "fox". That way each time You search for "dog" it only checks list of those 4 words instead of doing letter-by-letter comparison on every post possible.

Would it be possible to bring full search to this forums.
Most likely yes, with paid plugins.
I don't think it would be worth purchasing, unless enabled for certain, small group of users, otherwise there would be a risk of people abusing that feature.
The best way to enhance search on XenForo is to use the official Enhanced Search add-on, which uses Elasticsearch. Unfortunately, that requires a 2nd server just to run ES. ES is kind of like "run your own Google for your web site".

Exact text searches are indeed a pain since the most reliable way to do them is with a mysql LIKE query, which is very, VERY slow - especially when it must search through our 1 million posts!
To find key words in transcripts, I use:
"your key word here" session

To find keywords in transcripts its more comfortable to use this:
With .html version You can just use quick find (CTRL+F) to do fulltext search on all transcripts at once.
According to Internet Xenforo should use MySQL fulltext search (FTS). FTS is more expensive than LIKE but it has two nice features: relevance calculation and morphology support. I've just searched "full text search" on this forum and the first result link contained only one word from the query, though somewhere at 15th position there was a result with highlighted "full text search" text. So it ain't know a thing about relevancy.

Scottie, does XF require manual activation of FTS and uses LIKE by default?
Maybe searching with asterisk placeholder helps. It makes for kind of fuzzy searches like 'somethi*'. For example searching 'myth*of*sanity' (without the single quotes) brings up Quill's and others posts from this thread.
I got XenForo sources and peaked inside. It uses MySQL FTS in BOOLEAN mode. Here is a link to MySQL documentation explaining how to compose correct search queries. XF search index table is of MyISAM type. For example to find exact phrase you need to put it in double quotes, like "full text search". Searching the same phrase without quotes makes XF return all posts with at least one of the phrase words which is not helpful at all.

There is also a rather long list of stop words excluded from searching in XF. For example every word in "everything becomes possible" is in this list.
'a\'s', 'able', 'about', 'above', 'according', 'accordingly', 'across', 'actually',
'after', 'afterwards', 'again', 'against', 'ain\'t', 'all', 'allow', 'allows',
'almost', 'alone', 'along', 'already', 'also', 'although', 'always', 'am',
'among', 'amongst', 'an', 'and', 'another', 'any', 'anybody', 'anyhow',
'anyone', 'anything', 'anyway', 'anyways', 'anywhere', 'apart', 'appear', 'appreciate',
'appropriate', 'are', 'aren\'t', 'around', 'as', 'aside', 'ask', 'asking',
'associated', 'at', 'available', 'away', 'awfully', 'be', 'became', 'because',
'become', 'becomes', 'becoming', 'been', 'before', 'beforehand', 'behind', 'being',
'believe', 'below', 'beside', 'besides', 'best', 'better', 'between', 'beyond',
'both', 'brief', 'but', 'by', 'c\'mon', 'c\'s', 'came', 'can',
'can\'t', 'cannot', 'cant', 'cause', 'causes', 'certain', 'certainly', 'changes',
'clearly', 'co', 'com', 'come', 'comes', 'concerning', 'consequently', 'consider',
'considering', 'contain', 'containing', 'contains', 'corresponding', 'could', 'couldn\'t', 'course',
'currently', 'definitely', 'described', 'despite', 'did', 'didn\'t', 'different', 'do',
'does', 'doesn\'t', 'doing', 'don\'t', 'done', 'down', 'downwards', 'during',
'each', 'edu', 'eg', 'eight', 'either', 'else', 'elsewhere', 'enough',
'entirely', 'especially', 'et', 'etc', 'even', 'ever', 'every', 'everybody',
'everyone', 'everything', 'everywhere', 'ex', 'exactly', 'example', 'except', 'far',
'few', 'fifth', 'first', 'five', 'followed', 'following', 'follows', 'for',
'former', 'formerly', 'forth', 'four', 'from', 'further', 'furthermore', 'get',
'gets', 'getting', 'given', 'gives', 'go', 'goes', 'going', 'gone',
'got', 'gotten', 'greetings', 'had', 'hadn\'t', 'happens', 'hardly', 'has',
'hasn\'t', 'have', 'haven\'t', 'having', 'he', 'he\'s', 'hello', 'help',
'hence', 'her', 'here', 'here\'s', 'hereafter', 'hereby', 'herein', 'hereupon',
'hers', 'herself', 'hi', 'him', 'himself', 'his', 'hither', 'hopefully',
'how', 'howbeit', 'however', 'i\'d', 'i\'ll', 'i\'m', 'i\'ve', 'ie',
'if', 'ignored', 'immediate', 'in', 'inasmuch', 'inc', 'indeed', 'indicate',
'indicated', 'indicates', 'inner', 'insofar', 'instead', 'into', 'inward', 'is',
'isn\'t', 'it', 'it\'d', 'it\'ll', 'it\'s', 'its', 'itself', 'just',
'keep', 'keeps', 'kept', 'know', 'known', 'knows', 'last', 'lately',
'later', 'latter', 'latterly', 'least', 'less', 'lest', 'let', 'let\'s',
'like', 'liked', 'likely', 'little', 'look', 'looking', 'looks', 'ltd',
'mainly', 'many', 'may', 'maybe', 'me', 'mean', 'meanwhile', 'merely',
'might', 'more', 'moreover', 'most', 'mostly', 'much', 'must', 'my',
'myself', 'name', 'namely', 'nd', 'near', 'nearly', 'necessary', 'need',
'needs', 'neither', 'never', 'nevertheless', 'new', 'next', 'nine', 'no',
'nobody', 'non', 'none', 'noone', 'nor', 'normally', 'not', 'nothing',
'novel', 'now', 'nowhere', 'obviously', 'of', 'off', 'often', 'oh',
'ok', 'okay', 'old', 'on', 'once', 'one', 'ones', 'only',
'onto', 'or', 'other', 'others', 'otherwise', 'ought', 'our', 'ours',
'ourselves', 'out', 'outside', 'over', 'overall', 'own', 'particular', 'particularly',
'per', 'perhaps', 'placed', 'please', 'plus', 'possible', 'presumably', 'probably',
'provides', 'que', 'quite', 'qv', 'rather', 'rd', 're', 'really',
'reasonably', 'regarding', 'regardless', 'regards', 'relatively', 'respectively', 'right', 'said',
'same', 'saw', 'say', 'saying', 'says', 'second', 'secondly', 'see',
'seeing', 'seem', 'seemed', 'seeming', 'seems', 'seen', 'self', 'selves',
'sensible', 'sent', 'serious', 'seriously', 'seven', 'several', 'shall', 'she',
'should', 'shouldn\'t', 'since', 'six', 'so', 'some', 'somebody', 'somehow',
'someone', 'something', 'sometime', 'sometimes', 'somewhat', 'somewhere', 'soon', 'sorry',
'specified', 'specify', 'specifying', 'still', 'sub', 'such', 'sup', 'sure',
't\'s', 'take', 'taken', 'tell', 'tends', 'th', 'than', 'thank',
'thanks', 'thanx', 'that', 'that\'s', 'thats', 'the', 'their', 'theirs',
'them', 'themselves', 'then', 'thence', 'there', 'there\'s', 'thereafter', 'thereby',
'therefore', 'therein', 'theres', 'thereupon', 'these', 'they', 'they\'d', 'they\'ll',
'they\'re', 'they\'ve', 'think', 'third', 'this', 'thorough', 'thoroughly', 'those',
'though', 'three', 'through', 'throughout', 'thru', 'thus', 'to', 'together',
'too', 'took', 'toward', 'towards', 'tried', 'tries', 'truly', 'try',
'trying', 'twice', 'two', 'un', 'under', 'unfortunately', 'unless', 'unlikely',
'until', 'unto', 'up', 'upon', 'us', 'use', 'used', 'useful',
'uses', 'using', 'usually', 'value', 'various', 'very', 'via', 'viz',
'vs', 'want', 'wants', 'was', 'wasn\'t', 'way', 'we', 'we\'d',
'we\'ll', 'we\'re', 'we\'ve', 'welcome', 'well', 'went', 'were', 'weren\'t',
'what', 'what\'s', 'whatever', 'when', 'whence', 'whenever', 'where', 'where\'s',
'whereafter', 'whereas', 'whereby', 'wherein', 'whereupon', 'wherever', 'whether', 'which',
'while', 'whither', 'who', 'who\'s', 'whoever', 'whole', 'whom', 'whose',
'why', 'will', 'willing', 'wish', 'with', 'within', 'without', 'won\'t',
'wonder', 'would', 'wouldn\'t', 'yes', 'yet', 'you', 'you\'d', 'you\'ll',
'you\'re', 'you\'ve', 'your', 'yours', 'yourself', 'yourselves', 'zero'
Last edited:
Some time ago, I wrote an article exploring words below I have included the beginning, but hidden the introduction and more behind spoilers, as to present the more relevant information for using the SOTT Supersearch. By now there are so many articles and so much information on SOTT, that it can be helpful to be able to use Supersearch.

What does it take to wake up to realize that we are often being lied to by governments, media, and authorities. I asked a couple of friends and one suggested it was a result of programming over a long time. Another pointed out that we are brought up to believe the perceived enemy is spouting much more propganda than our own side, but that is not necessarily the case, as a closer analysis of the reporting of the same event by two different sides may show.

We benefit from training and influencing. That is the way we learn to speak our native language and how to behave in the societies we live in. In due course we also adopt beliefs and opinions that reflect what is expected of us. During our development and life we are exposed to influences from within, as in the experiences of pain pleasure, thoughts, dreams, ideas, inspiration and without as for instance when we speak with people, study, work, or read news.

In this article, I have looked up words and concepts that lead to ways we can be influenced, examples of some of those influences, words that relate to concepts about how we think and process information.

Words and concepts connect to others that are similar, like synonyms; or derivatives that have the same root, but have a different prefix of suffix. Words can also be related but opposite, like antonyms. A topic may have a certain vocabulary; thinking of one subject easily brings others to mind. We can create associations between words and link them to each other. Maybe we could call the process networding, which plays on the similarity with networking, but with the idea being that words when consciously related can become like nets where some each word serve as a hub of information.

In preparation for the the exploration of words and article headings, first there is an explanation of how I used the search tool with an initial example followed by a list of words, examples of articles and occasionally quotes from the articles that show the meaning of concepts.

Using the SOTT search engine to find articles
Motivated by the first question about waking up, I chose "awakening":and entered it into the SOTT articles search engine, like this:
This will give a number of results, at the time of the screenshot it was 232 hits.
To refine the search, one can click the wheel to the right of "Search Results", to open SuperSearch:
One enters the same word as before, but can now select if the search is to take place within Titles, Author, Source, Summary, Text, Comment, or Location. In the field to the right one can select between Match any words, Match all words or Match exact phrase. Trying this approach and selecting "Titles" and "Match any words" gave:

In this result, there were 44 articles with 10 previews showing per page. To copy a link for the search one can press the copy symbol to the left of the the number of articles, With this link, one can access the search result anytime, but the number may increase, in case new articles fulfil the search criteria.

The format using the SuperSearch function was to begin with a word, and then refine using different field descriptions:
Title: # articles
Summary: # articles
Text: # articles
Comment: # articles
Title and summary: # articles
Title, summary and text: # articles
In this way looking for "Awakening" gave the following number of articles and search links at the time the study was carried out which was late 2022 - early 2023.

Title: 44 articles
Search code: intitle: "awakening"
Summary: 199 articles
Search code:
insummary: "awakening"
Text: 845 articles
Search code:
intext: "awakening"
Comment: 92 articles
Search code:
incomment: "awakening"
Title and summary: 11 articles
Search code:
intitle: "awakening" AND insummary: "awakening"
Title, summary and text: 7 articles
Searh code:
intitle: "awakening" AND insummary: "awakening" AND intext: "awakening"

The advantages of using Supersearch over the normal search
In the above example looking for awakening, there were 232 using the normal search funtion, which is in the same range as the number of results, in this case 199, appearing when searching for awakening the article summaries. While the number of results returned from searching the text was much: 845. Another advantage is that one can pin down a search, by not only looking for words, but also by defining the source and even the author, though I have not used this function much, as the interest was mainly limited to words and their use. If the reader is interested in the Author function, here are a couple of examples. If you look for articles by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, it helps to skip the hyphen, as in Laura Knight Jadczyk, and then chose "Match all words" or "Match exact phrase". At the moment there are 139 articles. Similarly if you look for there are 21 articles. If you use SOTT, there are 335 articles.

How to correct faulty links

Above, I included the text to enter into the search field. With this knowledge, you will be able to correct a link that does not lead to the desired results. For instance, I have more than once found a link that did not show what I wanted it to show. The error happened, when a link was improperly copied, so I ended up pasting the same link twice. However most of the links should be working as intended.

Does it make a difference if there is quotation marks around the words or not?
Above, I used awakening in quotation marks, but for single words, it does not seem to make a difference. If there are two or more words in the search it is very important to use quotation marks to ensure the results contain only those articles, where both words occur together. For instance if one just enteres say: Political awakening, it will return 17264 hits, if you instead enter "Political awakening" it will be only 8 articles.
However if you already are in the Supersearch field, entering Political awakening and selecting Match exact phrase, will do the same.

If one is looking for an expression of two words say, cognitive bias, and would like to include variations like cognitive baises, using the asterisk wildcard character after bias, wrting cognitive bias* and choosing Match exact phrase does not appear to include the plural of bias in the search results. To overcome this obstacle, one can try using the wildcard character, in this case the search item will become cogntive bias* but select Match all words instead of match exact phrase. In this example I received 6 articles using cognitive bias* and Match exact phrase, but 21 articles using cognitive bias* and Match all words.

Using the wildcard character asterisk, *, to find similar words
Frequently it can be an advantage to search for a range of similar words, that are derived from the same word. This can be done by adding the wildcard character, asterisk (*), to the essential part of the word one is looking for. For an example see under the word: Arrogance. Mostly, I have listed just one word from the familly of similar words, as the heading, even I have used the wildcard character in the search.

Searching for three letter words and acronyms
Some words and acronyms work, examples are CIA, KGB, MI5, MI6, FSB, SBU but not WHO, which has many other meanings, or two letter acronyms like EU, UN or the US. In cases where the acronym does not return results one an try to search for the full name behind the acronym, as many articles will refer to it somewhere in their text.

When the text hides the search word, look in the source text for the article
The number of hits may for all field descriptions except "Title" include some where there are no visible mention of the word. This riddle can be resolved by displaying the source code and then make a search for the word. If this procedure is unfamiliar, to view the source code of a page, one can in Windows use the shortcut Ctrl+U. After that follow with Ctrl + F to open the search field for the page and enter the search word. The search function should then go to the place in the source code where the word is hiding. In case there are two words in the search, just enter one of them in the source text search, as the number of possible combinations usually is very limited. An alternative to a search in the source text is to hold the mouse over the hyperlinks, as a pop-up will then show the underlying text of the link. This approach works well if the number of hyperlinks is small, or the text is short.

A note about expanding a search beyond SOTT Supersearch
In this article, I have used SOTT Supersearch and given a range of words, For each, one can use search engines on the Web, or try the search words on other websites. Furthermore, different engines give different results, as will a country specific web search using the same search engine. If a search engine is not searching in other languages, one can translate a term, search using the translated term and then translate the result back into a language one prefers. Since some information is not presented in text format, a search within images or video can yield surprises. A different option is to do searchers within social media networks that one happens to subscribe to.

Examples of results using SOTT Supersearch that mention awakening in their title
A search word and link does not show how a concept is used, To make a search result more meaningful, below a search word and links, there are one or more examples:
The Don Cherry-Jess Allen double standard is awakening Canada's silent majority
Society is made of narratives - Realizing this is one step to awakening from The Matrix
Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration: The awakening of self-awareness
Is Vladimir Putin an agent of the awakening?
VIDEO: The five stages of the awakening
Awakening Within a Network of Mutuality
2012 - Collective Awakening or End of the World?

Next are three examples, where there are two words. In such instances one has to choose between "Match exact phrase" , "Match any words" or "Match all words". The following example used "Match exact phrase" in Supersearch and returned these results:

Political awakening
Search: "Political awakening"
Title: 1 articles
Summary: 8 articles
Text: 36 articles
Comment: 4 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Title, summary and text: 1 article
Zbigniew Brzezinski: 'Global Political Awakening' Making Syrian War Difficult
When one opens up a search link for a two-word-search like the summary articles, notice that the preview in some instances only shows one of the words, as in Is Kanye a disaster for Democrats? Some Black voters are changing their allegiance where one encounters this preview: are tearing up their Democratic memberships, arguing the party no longer has their best interests at heart. Is this a new political trend or a mere flash in the pan for the GOP? At least since the 1960s, following a raft of civil rights legislation put fo...
To find the context, unless it is hidding in a source link as described above, open up the article and do a text search Ctrl+F using one of the words and you will find:
The latest phase of this political awakening, as it were, occurred last week as the singer Kanye West committed a heresy - at least as far as the Liberals were concerned - far worse than mocking Taylor Swift during a music awards ceremony.
Below are more two-word examples related to awakening:

Spiritual awakening
Search: "Spiritual awakening"
Title: 1 article
Summary: 7 articles
Text: 38 articles
Comment: 3 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Title, summary and text: 1 article
Wake up call: Depression holds tremendous potential for personal growth and spiritual awakening

Rude awakening
Search: "Rude awakening"
Title: 5 articles
Summary: 25 articles
Text: 75 articles
Comment: 18 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Peter Schiff: Americans are in for a rude awakening

Some writers will not use awakening, but:
Wake up
Search: "Wake up"
Title: 89 articles
Summary: 572 articles
Text: 2533 articles
Comment: 237 articles
Title and summary: 24 articles
Title, summary and text: 10 articles
"We must wake up!"
Grande Prairie man says 'wake up Canada' Freeland is 'selling out the country'
MindMatters: Wake Up! Gurdjieff on Sleep, Knowledge and Politics

Another variation is:
Waking up
Search: "Waking up"
Title: 50 articles
Summary: 254 articles
Text: 781 articles
Comment: 113 articles
Title and summary:4 articles
Words can have different meanings some more literal, some more metaphorical. Waking up provides examples of both:
Trouble waking up? Camping could set your clock straight
Celebs waking up? Oscar winner Tim Robbins tells Russell Brand how he saw the light on media bias, 'Orwellian' COVID rules based on politics, not science
Montana hit by strongest earthquake in over 20 years, raising concerns that Yellowstone 'supervolcano' is slowly waking up

Free will, the choice is ours
The idea of waking up is alright, but all may not agree over "to what". if for instance someone expects me to wake up to a flat earth or to accecpt a no virus theory, then I choose to disagree. More generally, we can accept or resist an invitation from someone else for us to acknowledge or accept their particular point of view, the same goes for the people we interact with. Here are some articles that discuss the topic of free will:

Search: "Free will"
Title: 30 articles
Summary: 97 articles
Text: 451 articles
Comment: 31 articles
Title and summary: 24 articles
Title, summary and text: 19 articles
More anti-free will idiocy from Darwinist Jerry Coyne
The Truth Perspective: Free Will Is Not An Illusion: Why Materialists Are Wrong To Deny Their Own Freedom
Free will experiment suggests: People who meditate are more aware of their unconscious brain
Free will and the point of no return
Fruit flies display rudimentary free will
Social Harmony in Times of Global Dischord ["Free will" in text.]

While on the subject of free will, if people are not really asking by being interested in learning what is true or by trying to convince us to believe a lie, in which case we are justified in defending ourselves, trying to convince someone of a particular point may not be justified. This list of words with the articles is intended as a help for those interested in learning more or perhaps finding knowledge to stand their ground. In a school or classroom setting, various small excercises could be created to help students learn tools to search for knowledge.

Describing different degrees of understanding of what goes on in the world
Becoming aware of what goes on in a world takes time, Even the most astute observers and commentators of what goes on, were once children. Thrugh interest and life experience they grew in understanding. Variatiions in understanding are decribed by models for the level of learning of understanding among students, like the Structure of Observed Learning Outome:
Solo taxonomy
Already from the schematic representation one can arrive at the idea that acquiring and connecting bits of information can assist the growth of knowledge and learning. The prestructural level describes a situation where the student has not grasped a concept and responds to questions with irrelevant comments. As a student grows in understanding, at the uni-structural stage, questions receive answers that are slightly relevant, vague, and lack depth, which is progress compared to the prestructural level. For more on this topic in general see Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding (short-film about Constructive Alignment and The SOLO Taxonomy)

A difference between learning from articles published in news and an educational situation where there is a plan for what is to be learned, is that news article compete for our attention. Furthermore, the goals of the writers, the senders of the information, can vary. There are differences between an article appearing as on opinion piece in a newspaper, a novel, an legal text, an instructional manual and a research paper in journal of biochemisty.

What we learn also depends on our background, including our upbringing, our attention, and what we already know about the topic. There is also a difference between being exposed to an item of information in an article, podcast, research paper, a meme, a video, and a news broadcast, between being concentrated on what is being presented or distracted doing something else.

A part of the meaning that we receive in a message is generated later, as when we connect it with other messages or share or discuss the content with others. See The power of networking: Groups are better than individuals at sniffing out lies or Srudy: Brain Works Like Internet - Networking WORKS!

A comment on the choice of search items and the examples of articles where the words, concepts or expressions are used
Search items appear together with other words to convey meaning as intended by the writers of the articles. From this perspective a search for a word can lead to an range of perspectives on the world we live in. Some words have overlapping meanings and lead to articles of similar content, other words have different meanings and can be used in different contexts.

List of words covered in the search
Below is a list, but all variations of the same word are not included. There may also be words that the reader think ought to have been there, but having explained how the search was done it sould be possible to do independent work.

Awakening, Political awakening, Spiritual awakening, Rude awakening, Wake up Waking up, Free will, Accurate, Admit, admission, Agenda, Agents of chaos, Alien, aliens, Alien abduction, Archetype, Arrogance, Astroturfing, Authoritarianism, Authoritarian personality, Bias, Black and white thinking, Blacklist, Blackmail, Blindsided, Brainwash, Bread and circuses, Cancel culture, Cencor, censorship, Clandestine, Cognitive bias, Cognitive dissonance, COINTELPRO, Collude, collusion, Complicit, Conceit, conceited, Conditioning, Conditioning + any of classical pavlovian, operant, social, Confuse, confusing, Conspire, conspiracy, Contradictory, Controlled opposition, and paid opposition, Controversial, Co-opt, Correct, Corrupt, Corrupt science, Counterintelligence, Covert Coverup, Criminal mind, Critical thinking, Crowd control, Cultural programming, Damage control, Data fraud, Debunk, Deceive, Deception, Declassify, Deep State, Delete, Deliberately, Deluded, delusion, Deny, denial, Deprogram, Deprogramming, Deviance, Devil in the details, Dichotomy, Disclose, Dishonest, Disinfo, Dissident, Disprove, Distort, Distract, Distrust, mistrust, Diiverting, diversion, Divide and conquer, Dogma, Donning-Kruger effect, Double standard, Downplay, Dubious, Dumbing down, Duplicity Edit out, Elite, Emotion, Erroneous, Error, Evidence, Evil, Expose, Fact, facts, factual, Fact-checking, Fake democracy, Fake news, Fallacy, False, False flag, Falsify, Fearmongering, Fraud, fraudulent, Freedom of expression, Freedom of speech, Gaslighting, Greenbaum, Greenwashing, Groupthink; group think, Group pressure, Honest, Hubris, Humanitarian intervention, Hyperdimensional, Hypnosis, Hypocrisy, Hysteria, hysterical, hysterics, Hystericize, Ideology, Ignore, ignorance, Illusion, Incompetence, Inconsistency, Incriminate, Indoctrination, Infiltrate, Information manipulation, Influence operation, Information operation; Information overload, Information war, Information warfare, Intelligence agency, Lies, Limited hangout, Logical fallacies, Made up, Mainstream, Make-believe, Manipulate, Mask of sanity, Mass formation, Mass hypnosis, collective hypnosis, Mass hysteria, Materialism, Mendacity, Mentality, Mind, Mind control, Mindwar, Miscalculat, Misconception, Misinformation, Misinterpret, Misjudge, Mislead, Misperception, Misquote, Misreport, Misrepresent, Mistake, Misunderstanding, MK Ultra, Monolithic, Moral compass, Muddle, Narcissism, Narrative, News blackout, No evidence, Normalize, Nudge Unit, Obfuscat, Objective reality, Objectivity, Obsess, Omission, Overestimate, Overlook, Overton Window, Panic, Paradox, Paramoralism, Paranoid, Paranormal, Peer pressure, Peer review ring, Perception management, Plot, Ponerize, Ponerology, Populism, Post-truth, Powers That Be, PTB, Problematic, Programming, +social +conditioning +programming, Propaganda, Prove, Provocateur, Psychic, Psyop/psyops, Psychological operation, Psychological terror, Psychological warfare, Puppet, puppeteer, Question, Radical, Reality Creators, Remote viewing, Retract, Reveal, Revelation, Russophobia, Sacred cows, Scandal, Sceptical, Science denier, Selection and substitution, Shadowban; shadow ban, Show trial, Silence, Sleepwalking, Social engineering, Social proof, Social psychology, Soul, Spellbind, Spy, spies, Status quo, Stupidity, Subconscious, Subjective, Subjectivity, Subliminal, Subterfuge, Suggestibility, Superstition, Suppress, Suppression of information; Information suppression, Tampering, Thought control, Totalitarianism, Totalitarian democracy, Transmarginal inhibition, True believer, Truth, Tyranny, tyrannize, Unconventional warfare, Underestimate, Undermine, Undercover, Underreported, Whistleblower, Whitewash, Zombie.

One can group words to explore a theme or concept
From the list of words, one can explore a theme by grouping words and look them up. For instance, a few concepts are more about the actors, institutions and agencies that are involved in guiding the content and presentation of the ideas fed into our minds
Examples could be: Agents of chaos, Controlled opposition, and paid opposition, Deep State, Nudge Unit, Powers That Be, PTB, Puppet, puppeteer, Provocateur, Reality Creators, Totalitarian democracy, Tyranny

Many words relate to how information or events are presented, or perhaps, not presented. Examples could be concepts like: Cencor, censorship. Often we only discover what was hidden long after as when documents are declassified, something is revealed, or we change our perspective and discover what was already in front of us.

If we walk down a busy shopping street and someone later asks us for a few details about the persons and surroundings we passed, lhow many could give an accurate description? If on the other hand we are told beforehand to notice a particular feature like the number of people wearing hats, it will become easier. In this way, knowing of different words and concepts can offer people a choice to change their perspective and learn about the concepts as they appear in the every everyday settings of their own lives. In plain words, if you know what a rat smells like, you can later based on your sense of smell conjecture the presense of a rat, even if you don't see it. Are their other signature indications you can have some confidence, take precautions, but also pay attention to later evidence, if we turn out to be wrong, we can adjust our thinking and make better desicions in the future.

Some concepts are about the effects news presentations are intended to have on us. When someone lies to us, what were the intentions, what is more true?. If we find out we are being misled, how did it happen? Has it to do with our own mind, thinking, perception, or beliefs?
The above is part of: SOTT links study part 1: A-G, see also SOTT links study part 2: H-Q, and SOTT link study part 3: R-Z, posted on the Danish SOTT page even if only the first two lines are in Danish. The reason there are three articles is because they did not fit into one one. A message came up twice saying the article was too long, which is not really true, except that the hundreds of embedded links take up a lot of code space.
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