Is it safe to take Nattokinase to remove spike proteins from the body?


Padawan Learner
This question has been discussed here briefly.

But do these fibrils arise spontaneously? It is well known that many illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, are preceded by a process where the body cuts up large proteins into smaller pieces, which can in turn produce the harmful amyloid. In their study, the researchers show that an enzyme from immune system's white blood cells can cut up coronavirus' spike protein. When the spike protein is cut up, it produces the exact piece of protein which, according to the researchers' analysis, is most likely to produce amyloid. This enzyme is released in large quantities from one type of white blood cells, neutrophils, which are released early on during infections such as COVID-19. When the researchers mixed pure spike protein with this enzyme, called neutrophil elastase, unusual fibrils were produced.

"We have never seen such perfect, but scary, fibrils as these ones from the amyloid-producing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and pieces thereof. The fibrils starting from the full-sized spike protein branched out like limbs on a body. Amyloids don't usually branch out like that. We believe that it is due to the characteristics of the spike protein," says Per Hammarström, professor at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University.

I have been taking nattokinase for some time and stopped when Harald Kautz advised strongly against taking it in this video (in german). There were also studies posted, suggesting the accelerated formation of harmful amyloids during the breakdown of spike proteins. They used an enzyme called "neutrophil elastase" which suggests the same could perhaps happen if you use nattokinase.

With so many people taking nattokinase in the alternative field where it is highly encouraged (...or "allowed" to be encouraged?), I think this is a question of general interest.
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