Is Swaruu a Real Direct 4D STO Contact?

@axj thank you for your sharing..

I see many examples of people from different countries who come into contact with extraterrestrial life and channel work. There is always a federation issue. They bring messages for ascension to humanity. There is a lot in common.

Not all people doing these works have to be malicious.

But it just doesn't seem sincere to me. I feel like it's part of a negative game.
The same theme like in the Derilish: Ertugrul, Season 1 and 2, but without the faith background and an Ertugrul role model catalyst.
Not only that but painting the humanity as refugees narrowly escaping harrowing situations makes it look like an ascension out of necessity and not out of free will. A lottery of an indiscriminant fate. I might be wrong but I see yet another false prophet rising a tower to broadcast more fear porn.
I completely understand the skepticism, since most sources of information are corrupted in one way or another. But I also think that the skepticism can sometimes go too far and lead us to "throwing the baby out with the bathwater". Not saying that this is the case here, but just a possibility to be aware of.

As Laura said one time:
I know that many of us (myself included) are often knee-jerk skeptical, and that is understandable; we swim in a sea of lies and corruption.
It is good to be sceptical (and I am too, which is why I am asking), but isn't it the same with the C's message? It is also a benevolent group from a higher density helping us evolve to a higher state. It is only by looking at it more deeply that we can see whether it is helpful or not.
I don't know if I would call the message the same, It's very different to say to someone who has asked that they have potential and limitations and it's all dependent upon their choices and work. And another one entirely to flat out call them powerful and special guides to humanity. One of them is objective truth, the other one seems to stroke the ego of the receiver, that is an essential point of difference that I think matters.

They are also saying that there are no "negative forces" within the Federation, only different opinions on what the right approach is that respects the free will of humanity - while also making sure there is no nuclear war, for example. So there are limits to that "hands off" approach and different opinions on even how to interpret what the free will decision of humanity is. They mentioned that participating in elections can be interpreted as agreeing with the decisions the (compromised) elected leaders make.
And here's a contradiction, they have disagreements over how to best respect the free will of humanity, but only if the free will of humanity is not to have nuclear war, because if humanity freely decides to have a nuclear war, then no free will may be respected.

You said you ventured a guess, but now you seem quite sure that it is ultraterrestrial misinformation. It could be, or it could be real. The fact that these are not channeled conversations makes this contact certainly quite unique. The usual flavor of the fake contacts (which @PopHistorian analyzed) seems to be a sort of "all is well" message and only general platitudes, while these do not shy away from stating the problems and the "horror of the situation", such as a genocide and enslavement being likely outcomes of where we are headed.
But from what I have seen, they're also subtly placing the only hope of humanity outside of itself, on a group of 4D activist who are rebelling against the mandates of the federation. The C's responded to a request, and are here as such, they did not come because they disagreed with how tings were being handled on earth, or because they disliked it. Someone asked and thus they responded. These folk seem to be acting on their own behalf because of their disagreement, in that sense it's just as self serving as the federation mandates they claim to be rebelling against, so I don't know if I could call that STO.

I do not like to dismiss things out of hand, and while I do think that it is possible that at some point we might encounter legitimate messages from 4D STO, I do not think they will come as easy and they will sound as pleasant. When you actually think about it, the message is a rather pleasant one of problem-solution, and all you have to do is trust us, we're on your side.

And perhaps they are providing a lot of truthful data and facts, but the way it really feels to me, without doing much digging through the material, is like that one revolutionary leader who points to real grievances of the population only to get into power, and keep the power structure the same even if superficially changed.
I don't know if I would call the message the same, It's very different to say to someone who has asked that they have potential and limitations and it's all dependent upon their choices and work. And another one entirely to flat out call them powerful and special guides to humanity.

I do not wish to be some sort of "defender" of this group here, but they simply did not say that. "Powerful" was referring to all of humanity and I do not see anything about "special guides to humanity" either. I think this is the passage you are talking about:

They do not leave humans alone, they have always sent guides. As you are today. You are the guides of other guides down there. We are yours. I am the guide of the Taygeteans here. And other beings guide me. It has always been like this. For millions and millions of years. This is how interstellar races are born. All of them have passed their severe and painful tests of great suffering. There is nothing new here. Only for those who were unaware of this.

This is said in the context of the Federation supposedly sending "star seeds" to incarnate on Earth and who then can hopefully act as guides to others. By this point, they had already been in contact for a couple years and I suppose that this Polish woman's group had already done some work that can be called guiding.

And here's a contradiction, they have disagreements over how to best respect the free will of humanity, but only if the free will of humanity is not to have nuclear war, because if humanity freely decides to have a nuclear war, then no free will may be respected.

Yes, of course it is a contradiction. And the disagreement between these Federation groups seems to boil down to whether the same kind of exception as in the case of nuclear war should be made to stop a genocide by other means.

But from what I have seen, they're also subtly placing the only hope of humanity outside of itself, on a group of 4D activist who are rebelling against the mandates of the federation. The C's responded to a request, and are here as such, they did not come because they disagreed with how tings were being handled on earth, or because they disliked it. Someone asked and thus they responded. These folk seem to be acting on their own behalf because of their disagreement, in that sense it's just as self serving as the federation mandates they claim to be rebelling against, so I don't know if I could call that STO.

Do you really know how their contact came about? Maybe someone asked, maybe not. Maybe your assessment about placing hope outside of ourselves is correct, but then again they do not really claim to have that much power to influence events. If anything, they claim that the Federation is so large that even the close-by Federation council of the Pleiadeans disagreeing is not enough to change the decision of the whole Federation.

Also keep in mind that these are supposedly 4D people and not much more advanced 6D beings. And there are not that many contacts that talk about densities at all. Ra, C's and that's about it, as far as I know.

I do not like to dismiss things out of hand, and while I do think that it is possible that at some point we might encounter legitimate messages from 4D STO, I do not think they will come as easy and they will sound as pleasant. When you actually think about it, the message is a rather pleasant one of problem-solution, and all you have to do is trust us, we're on your side.

It is quite interesting that someone here was calling their message "fear porn" while you are saying that it is "quite pleasant". Again, they do not really have a solution, but supposedly decided to share and lift the veil of secrecy some more. As well as give some spiritual type guidance.

If you do not wish to pursue this contact or source of information further, that is fine. And as I said, I do not want to be some sort of defender of this contact here - but some things apparently needed to be clarified more.
I looked over the stuff on their site, this is my take of what is says... The Federation for good or bad is our planetary overseers and are doing whatever they want. They are current running the illuminate and the cabal to teach us lessons. They also created the Van Allen belts to trap us here so we don't mess up their neighborhood. They manifested the negative reptiles, but already stopped doing that in their area, but somehow the negative reptiles made its way to Earth now we have to figure how to stop manifesting it too. Sorta like they have reptile shit in their lawn, threw it in ours and then said look at those shitty people lets wall them in.
Do you really know how their contact came about? Maybe someone asked, maybe not. Maybe your assessment about placing hope outside of ourselves is correct, but then again they do not really claim to have that much power to influence events. If anything, they claim that the Federation is so large that even the close-by Federation council of the Pleiadeans disagreeing is not enough to change the decision of the whole Federation.
Well right, and in that sense they do have this role of activists who disagree with the federation, and thus serving themselves. I think the initial question on this thread was whether these could be 4S STO contacts, and from reviewing some of their material, we could answer that question with a “no, it doesn’t look like it”

I think everything else is details, can some of them be true? Yes. Can they be part of a group that is vying for power as we do down here on 3D earth? Perhaps, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to determine.
How did you recognize the help from 6D STO (C's) as real?
If we look at the density levels( as C's put with understandable example as minerals, plants/animals and humans), the conscious levels ( our ability to understand the realities) are very complicated and difficult to understand the dynamics. It is quite possible we may not understand immediately. It is like "saving dog/cat" video's on the social media. animals in pain doesn't trust immediately, but trust is built in to the process of capture. Even after they are rescued, we may not even know the fate of the animal for sure. We can go with a hypothesis, experiment and see how it goes.
Is it more difficult to recognize 4D STO help than 6D STO help?
We have minute understanding of the dynamics of those realities. IMHO it is better to be cautious. one thought is, If the STO help through natural processes, it may be after the planet completely moves to 4D and survivors gets extra genes and capabilities for the help to be direct.
The claims:

- They are supposedly in contact with a Galactic Federation spaceship in or from a higher density currently orbiting Earth with about 30 human-like people on board. These are Pleiadeans (or Taygetans, which is one of those stars). The leader and most advanced of them is called Swaruu.

- This Taygetan group is not happy with how the Federation is dealing with Earth affairs. In fact, the biggest claim they made is that the Federation is in full control of what goes on on Earth and that they allow the cabal and dark forces because it is humanity's current free will decision. (Link: Truth about Federation)

- This spaceship group stresses that despite being in a higher density (and some of them having much more insight) that they are also just regular people and not angels. And that the same applies to the Federation as a whole, which has some form of politics in the density above us, while there are also even higher density members and levels of the Federation.

The obvious red flag for me was that of dissension, disagreements, even them coming across as a splinter group of sorts. Even at 3D, Gurdjieff speaks about the consciousness levels of man the machine, and forms of communicating that prevent misunderstandings etc.
The C's say they are at 6D level and their communications seem to bear this out, as well as their elevated intentions and advice. There is no mention of disagreements among themselves, nor would I think there would be if they are at the level of practically all seeing/all knowing.

What would there be to disagree about at the level? The Universal facts would be obvious to them all at 6D, or what would have been the point of all the lessons, learning and experience gained to have reached and be accepted to 6D in the first place?

Personally I would not choose to follow those who disagree among themselves, whether they were part of the same 'Federation' or not. Plus the information they are giving must surely be available to all who can access the information field anyway. Whether they have the consciousness levels to interpret it correctly or use it for their own purposes with smatterings of truth is a lesson of discernment for us as to 'who is talking here' and what are their true motives.

As I see it the C's give clarification over consolation, but with due encouragement when it is maybe felt needed. Concentrating on the 'Help' aspect can become a diversion, and a path to wishful thinking and negative thought loops, when we have already been given the Faith, tools and advice we need for these times.

Holding Love, Joy and Connection with DCM and being 'happy go lucky' intentionally is the best 'help' we can give ourselves IMO.
If we look at the density levels( as C's put with understandable example as minerals, plants/animals and humans), the conscious levels ( our ability to understand the realities) are very complicated and difficult to understand the dynamics. It is quite possible we may not understand immediately. It is like "saving dog/cat" video's on the social media. animals in pain doesn't trust immediately, but trust is built in to the process of capture. Even after they are rescued, we may not even know the fate of the animal for sure. We can go with a hypothesis, experiment and see how it goes.

We have minute understanding of the dynamics of those realities. IMHO it is better to be cautious. one thought is, If the STO help through natural processes, it may be after the planet completely moves to 4D and survivors gets extra genes and capabilities for the help to be direct.
I agree with most of the comments made above that suggest we should show a high degree of skepticism as regards this new source of information.

Seek10, You rightly point out that the higher density levels are very complicated and it is difficult for us to understand the dynamics. However, the C's have given us some clues in the past and have indicated only recently that 4th Density forces are getting involved in what is happening right now on the big blue marble.

For example, they said on 31st December 2020: "In any event, a titanic struggle is taking place behind the scenes and at 4th density!"

As to how this struggle may possibly intensify in the near future, the C's had this to say on 30 July1994:

Q: (L) Will there be a war in the sky with the aliens?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will it be between Orions and the Federation?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will it be visible on earth?
A: Oh, yes.
Q: (L) When will this be?
A: It has already started. Will intensify steadily.
Q: (L) Why are we not aware that it has already started?
A: Disguised at this point as weather. Fighting part still in other dimension. Will go to this one within 18 years. Anytime within this period. Not determinable exactly when. Could be tomorrow or 18 years

In some of the very earliest sessions the C's also referred to the Council of Zendar (Saturn), which is a sixth Density council that seems to have some oversight control over what happens here on Earth and presumably has a major say over 4th Density interventions:

Q: (L) What is the Zendar Council?
A: Zendar Council is a sixth level density council which spans both
physical and ethereal realms and which oversees dramatic
development points at various civilizational sectors in lower density

This reference also ties in with comments made in the 'Ra channelings' about the role of the Council:

Questioner: How were you able to make the transition from Venus? Did you have to change your dimension to walk upon the Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. You will remember the exercise of the wind. The dissolution into nothingness is the dissolution into unity, for there is no nothingness. From the sixth dimension, we are capable of manipulating, by thought, the intelligent infinity present in each particle of light or distorted light so that we were able to clothe ourselves in a replica visible in the third density of our mind/body/spirit complexes in the sixth density. We were allowed this experiment by the Council which guards this planet.

Questioner: Where is this Council located?
Ra: I am Ra. This Council is located in the octave, or eighth dimension, of the planet Saturn, taking its place in an area which you understand in third-dimension terms as the rings.

BTW: For those who may be interested in what could be tangible evidence as to something alien occurring within the rings of Saturn, I attach a 2013 article from Dr. Joseph Farrell's website 'Giza Death Star' concerning NASA Cassini probe pictures of the rings of Saturn. His article also refers to an earlier book written by the former NASA scientist Norman R. Bergrun entitled 'Ringmakers of Saturn', in which he proposed that large alien machines/vessels were doing something within the rings of Saturn, possibly even helping to make them.

If there is a war for Earth going on at present with 4th Density forces, then we should probably expect all manner of distractions and misinformation as happens in our own 3rd Density wars .


In Romanian we have a proverb.
Când doi se ceartă al treilea câştiga. The meaning. 1. two dogs strive for a bone and the third runs away with it; 2. to play both ends against the middle.
It might mean nothing in the context of the thread, however remembering the advice we get from the C’s perhaps we should watch with detachment.
Are there any lessons we can learn from direct contact with our 1D and 2D cohabitants or in other words our direct relationship with nature?
Should we at our ‘primitive’ 3D level of consciousness recreate the rules of cohabitation among ourself and between ourselves and the 1and 2D beings?
If the So above so below, is true, is the inverse, So below so above also true? That should be a simple mathematical deduction should mathematics transcend densities. Because if it is true then, the 3D humans might stand a big chance to change the game at higher levels.
And here's a contradiction, they have disagreements over how to best respect the free will of humanity, but only if the free will of humanity is not to have nuclear war, because if humanity freely decides to have a nuclear war, then no free will may be respected.
In one of Cass’s earlier sessions, they said that nuclear explosions cross the border / curtain of our density or dimension (I don’t remember exactly). In other words, we enter someone else’s “yard,” so my understanding is; in your yard you do what you want, but you do not have permission to enter ours.
The obvious red flag for me was that of dissension, disagreements, even them coming across as a splinter group of sorts. Even at 3D, Gurdjieff speaks about the consciousness levels of man the machine, and forms of communicating that prevent misunderstandings etc.
The C's say they are at 6D level and their communications seem to bear this out, as well as their elevated intentions and advice. There is no mention of disagreements among themselves, nor would I think there would be if they are at the level of practically all seeing/all knowing.

What would there be to disagree about at the level? The Universal facts would be obvious to them all at 6D, or what would have been the point of all the lessons, learning and experience gained to have reached and be accepted to 6D in the first place?

From what the C's have said, 6D is quite different from 4D. One of the major differences is that STS does not even exist as such in 6D. 4D is just "one level above" 3D and as such I think it is possible or even likely that disagreements exist between different 4D STO races across the galaxy.

From what this spaceship group has said, there is agreement among the Pleiadeans (who they are a part of). The disagreement is with other 4D STO races that are a part of the Federation. Which is why some form of politics and councils are supposedly necessary.
I am not sure what you are asking? Are you asking if this human crew making the purported contact is the possible 4th density STO contact or are you asking about the extraterrestrials they are contacting might possibly be the possible 4th density STO contact?

Either way it does not seem to me to be in accord with the information of the C's transcripts.

The transcripts info on this seems to have started around 25-26 years ago.

Session 4 March 1995 -

A: We are providing invaluable information which becomes knowledge, but you are under attack, therefore, you could maybe use some direct power from the same density as the attack is coming from.

Q: (F) But, until you have total knowledge... (L) You don't have the kind of power we are talking about needing. (F) Right. We would would need 500,000 pages of transcript to have that kind of knowledge, to get to that point. (L) Okay, what is the phone number of the Orion Federation? (S) Laura! (T) That's what I was going to ask. {Laughter.} (L) How do we get ahold of them?

A: Off the hook!

Q: (T) Uh oh! (L) They're busy? (T) Getting a lot of calls. (L) Okay, guys, what do we need to do here?

A: Find a "Nordic." They are on Earth posing as humans.

Q: (T) They are 4th density. I thought they...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) I thought that 4th density couldn't hold the frequency that long and that is why the Lizards have so much trouble. (J) They're STS.

A: Not STO!

Q: (T) Very good, Jan hit it as they said it. The STS can't stay, only the STO.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay guys, you are telling us we are under attack, you are telling us it is going to get worse, you are telling us that maybe some of these other guys can help us out, what can we do in the meantime?

A: Prayers help but more is needed.

Q: (T) More than prayers is needed. So, we are on our own until we get contacted?

A: Find an Orion!!!

The answer - 'A: Find a "Nordic." They are on Earth posing as humans.', seems to indicate a living human on earth with perhaps some Nordic heritage.

The '10 June 1995' session delves further into what this 4th density STO individual's nature/profile may be like.

Session 10 June 1995 -

Q: (L) We have been looking to make contact with a fourth density individual as we were advised and we would like to know if there are any specific ways or means that we can go about seeking out this individual, and how would we recognize said individual if we found them?

A: All of that will fall into place when the situation is right for you.

Q: (T) At the time of that session you advised us that we needed to find this 4th density individual. Are you now saying that...

A: The message given was merely to prepare for eventuality. Remember, knowledge is important because it is protection. Think of it also as a foundation for progression to further knowledge and experience. Therefore, gaining of knowledge can sometimes best be facilitated by giving information which prepares one for more important events in succession, understand?

Q: (T) I believe so. The context of that transmission was that we were under attack and it would be best to facilitate, as I understood the information, to finding this individual. Is the level of attack not that sufficient that we need an immediate intervention by this individual, but that the timing will come on its own, in the future, as we reference time, that this individual will contact us?

A: All of that statement was correct with the exception of the very last part. The individual is not necessarily going to contact you. Most important element of the experience has been the foundation that the original statement allowed. In other words, you are now prepared for the eventual meeting of one of a 4th density STO nature, and because the information was given, you are, in fact, aware of the possibility of this occurring. Therefore, you are more on the look-out for those individuals who may fit that profile, and they are prevalent in your midst, though you were not fully aware of that prior to the information being given.
The '10 June 1995' session then goes into the nature/profile of 4th density STO being in 3rd density. Which leads to the idea of Walk-ins via incarnation or a 4th density STO soul entering a 3rd density body that a 3rd density being has vacated. Which once again at least for me indicates a living human on the earth that has a 4th density STO soul. I think it ends up that the person could look like just about anyone and probably has experienced physical, emotional, psychological trauma like most everyone else.

So if the contact is a living human on earth with a 4th density STO soul I am surmising you are asking about the human crew making the contact with the extraterrestrials. But then who are the extraterrestrials these people are talking to ( 4th density STO is off the hook, except for natural incarnation and walk-ins in 3rd density earth )?

Regardless of this I went to the SWARUU website. I couldn't get past the first page. Why is the most advanced other realm extraterrestrial, Yazhi Swaruu, a fighter pilot? Who is she fighting as a fighter pilot? And she is also an 'expert in time manipulations'. Why would any 4th density STO soul be manipulating time or even focus on methodologies of manipulating time to become an expert in it. It just all sounds very STS to me. Then again what is this site's definition of what time even is? A recent C's transcript indicated that space-time is really space-consciousness.

It is probably just me, but I don't think any of this has to do with the 4th density STO Individual help.

If the individual with the 4th density STO soul does or has already come along with some form of help, I don't think the C's would tell us who that individual is. I think there are probably dozens of clues in the transcripts for validation of that eventuality and the event will probably be gobsmacking. I think Ark, Laura, and crew will know it and be able to validate it. What I am sure will not happen is the C's or the core crew telling who the individual is or what the help is. Can you imagine what would happen to the 4th density STO individual if it was just broadcast who they were? To me that would be ludicrous and an affront to the individual's privacy big time and might even endanger them and the group and everything. Strategic Enclosure to the MAX!!! There may come a time when it is appropriate for all to know, but only Ark and Laura I think will know that time.

With that in mind, whether some part of this Galactic Federation contact or Gosia and the like are the 4th Density STO help, I don't think the C's or anyone in the group would ever say.

That is my take on it anyway and I also realize as a good possibility my take on this may be utterly wrong and narrow minded.
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