Is Swaruu a Real Direct 4D STO Contact?

Well right, and in that sense they do have this role of activists who disagree with the federation, and thus serving themselves.

I do not see the connection between "disagreeing with the Federation" and "serving themselves". According to them, all of the Pleiadeans agree and would like to help humanity more. If some of them respond to calls for help from humanity, is it not STO just because other Federation races decided that it is best not to respond for now?

The disagreement is supposedly with Federation races that are less emotional than humans, Pleiadeans and others.

The '10 June 1995' session then goes into the nature/profile of 4th density STO being in 3rd density. Which leads to the idea of Walk-ins via incarnation or a 4th density STO soul entering a 3rd density body that a 3rd density being has vacated. Which once again at least for me indicates a living human on the earth that has a 4th density STO soul. I think it ends up that the person could look like just about anyone and probably has experienced physical, emotional, psychological trauma like most everyone else.

Thank you for looking up those sessions. It seems that what the C's were talking about is similar to the concept of the "star seeds" or higher density STO people incarnating on Earth - and that this is supposedly the help for humanity that the Federation has allowed.

Are you asking if this human crew making the purported contact is the possible 4th density STO contact or are you asking about the extraterrestrials they are contacting might possibly be the possible 4th density STO contact?

My question was about this supposed starship crew, whether they are actually 4D STO.

Regardless of this I went to the SWARUU website. I couldn't get past the first page. Why is the most advanced other realm extraterrestrial, Yazhi Swaruu, a fighter pilot? Who is she fighting as a fighter pilot?

They are fighting the "regressives" or STS forces. Here is a quote from the C's (July 30, 1994):

Q: (L) Will there be atomic war?
A: No.
Q: (L) Will there be a war in the sky with the aliens?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will it be between Orions and the Federation?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will it be visible on earth?
A: Oh, yes.

It both confirms that there will be no nuclear war under any circumstances and that there is fighting and wars between 4D STO and STS.
I would venture a guess and say that no, they are probably not the 4D STO contacts, I just skimmed through their website and I must say that, after reading some of the work that John Keel put forth decades ago about the contactees and how they're manipulated with grand claims, and fantastic stories, by a benevolent group of extraterrestrials that are here just to help us "evolve into a higher state of manifestation" so that we may be finally admitted into a galactic neighborhood, I got the same sort of taste from it. Take a look at some of the following:

So, it's bad news because humanity is manifesting its enormous powers but it is being held in place by a cabal of negative forces of the federation, but do not despair because the positive forces of the federation are here to help, just in the nick of time! and that's not all, but it just so happens that this girl is the special guide to the other guides on earth.

It has happened countless times before, a message delivered to make the contactee feel rather special and unique.

As Keel would say in Operation Trojan Horse, these ultraterrestrial entities always know just what to say, with enough truth and enough prophecies, and not only that, but they also know how to say it so the their message matches the times in which it is delivered. That might explain the activist flavor of their vocabulary "We refuse to play the game! We will fight for minorities of the earthly creatures! they have rights too!" type tone.

And I am not disparaging the polish girl, because the really sad aspect of this, is that such contactees truly and sincerely believe in the message of these entities and are really committed to them. So for her and her group it's truly a reality and she might have been given enough "proof" to cement it.
I have been in contact with higher STO beings pretty much my entire life. They have never suggested that I am special or selected. It has always been my choice to do or not.

The primary concern was my wellbeing throughout my choices. Without suggestions.
In general, it seems almost impossible for this to be just a hoax done by people. For one, the spiritual-type information seems to be of high quality and goes deeper in some respects than others sources of information, eg. "you don't have to reincarnate to pay off karma, it is a choice" (Link).
Where might that choice leave a soul?

As always the choice is ever present. The results of this choice are what must be taken into consideration. There have been many wrong choices throughout my life. The big one was choosing to never do that again. Lessons, not condemnation.
I do not see the connection between "disagreeing with the Federation" and "serving themselves". According to them, all of the Pleiadeans agree and would like to help humanity more. If some of them respond to calls for help from humanity, is it not STO just because other Federation races decided that it is best not to respond for now?

The disagreement is supposedly with Federation races that are less emotional than humans, Pleiadeans and others.

Thank you for looking up those sessions. It seems that what the C's were talking about is similar to the concept of the "star seeds" or higher density STO people incarnating on Earth - and that this is supposedly the help for humanity that the Federation has allowed.

My question was about this supposed starship crew, whether they are actually 4D STO.

They are fighting the "regressives" or STS forces. Here is a quote from the C's (July 30, 1994):

It both confirms that there will be no nuclear war under any circumstances and that there is fighting and wars between 4D STO and STS.
I guess we are just on entirely different wavelengths. The information I was trying to get across was that the C's sessions seem to indicate that this help would come from a real live human being walking the earth during this period we are in and that the individual has a 4th density STO soul. This entirely contradicts other realm extraterrestrials orbiting the earth. Since 3rd density human beings walking this earth are not other realm extraterrestrials orbiting the earth. And 4th density is off the hook means the only way to communicate with one is if a 4th density STO soul is a walk-in or reincarnates into 3rd density earth and is a real live person you or I could actually speak to.

Then again that is my understanding of things only and a lot of things are possible.

My question to you would be why do you think this question of yours is appropriate if it would undoubtedly have the possibility of endangering lives?
here's a contradiction, they have disagreements over how to best respect the free will of humanity, but only if the free will of humanity is not to have nuclear war, because if humanity freely decides to have a nuclear war, then no free will may be respected.
It would seem dumb for people to wish annihilation on themselves. It would more likely be at the hands of a small group making that choice for the whole. Thus intervention is not interfering with the wishes of all, only a selfish few.

Look at the COVID issue. What the majority of people are willing to do in order to avoid death. People in general are afraid to die.
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The information I was trying to get across was that the C's sessions seem to indicate that this help would come from a real live human being walking the earth during this period we are in and that the individual has a 4th density STO soul. This entirely contradicts other realm extraterrestrials orbiting the earth.

From what I understand, the C's were talking about 4D STO help for this group in particular. Which does not mean that other people or groups cannot have other types of 4D STO contacts.

My question to you would be why do you think this question of yours is appropriate if it would undoubtedly have the possibility of endangering lives?

How is the confirmation whether this is a 4D STO starship crew or not endangering lives?
According to my understanding, we are STS, and the whole earth is a STS realm. Us, all humans, all the way to psychopaths are STS. So, if someone from 4D, says to the other 4D being who are you communicating with? And the answer was: this group on the planet earth (us), Then asked: are they STS or STO? Oh’ they are STS. The rebuttal: oh they are bad then, because all STS are bad. I believe the C’s also have spoken about STS and STO working together at higher densities. So, my point is, this STS=bad is a slippery slope, especially when discussing higher densities. Maybe it's a good "rule of thumb", but nuances are needed, when digging further.

I have never understood the “nuclear war will never be allowed!” statements which seem to be ubiquitous in these space brothers’ circles. We have already had nuclear war, Japan. And the nuclear tests on the Bikini Islands (long term torturous deaths for multiple generations, devastation to ocean and air. Other nuclear test “bombs” that are still in the atmosphere today and probably affecting us and the planet negatively. So, I don’t get it. What is this…”no nuclear bombs allowed” about. It seems, that ship has already left the harbor.
I have never understood the “nuclear war will never be allowed!” statements which seem to be ubiquitous in these space brothers’ circles.

The C's have also said that there will be no nuclear war (July 30, 1994):

Q: (L) Will there be atomic war?
A: No.

Notice that the answer is not "the future is open" or even "that is unlikely", but "No, no nuclear war." This can only mean that nuclear war will not be allowed.
From what I understand, the C's were talking about 4D STO help for this group in particular. Which does not mean that other people or groups cannot have other types of 4D STO contacts.
That is a possibility I guess, but not from the C's information if they have indicated 4D STO can not communicate with 3D humans except by natural incarnation or walk in to 3D as 3D beings that honors free will. I did not take that as just this group.

You could try to ask the Cosmic Agency to ask the Galactic Federation if they are 4th Density STO or not. If other groups can have other types of 4D STO contact then I think these other groups should be responsible and able to determine that and whether it is valid or legitimate.

How is the confirmation whether this is a 4D STO starship crew or not endangering lives?
Can you not imagine what a yes confirmation could lead to? Millions of new age folk flocking to the human contacts, the attention they could receive and the wackadoodles? I don't think it is a stretch of the intellect to foresee the turmoil that could cause including violence upon many from the wackabots.

Maybe the 4th density STO do not want to be identified. It's kind of hard to ask them if we would be violating their free will by identifying them.
The C's have also said that there will be no nuclear war (July 30, 1994):

Notice that the answer is not "the future is open" or even "that is unlikely", but "No, no nuclear war." This can only mean that nuclear war will not be allowed.
Session 3 September 2008

Q: (L) Okay. Why do you introduce tonight's adventures with "US is headed for destruction"?

A: Passed the point when anything could possibly be done to change the outcome.

Q: (L) What is this outcome?

A: Increasing inner turmoil. Review what happened in Germany.

Q: (L) Well, what happened in Germany in what period?

A: Towards the end of the war. Hitler's madness and the hatred of the world towards Germany.

Q: (L) Wasn't a pretty picture, was it? (J) In Germany, the rest of the world bombed Germany...

A: Yes. Expect it in the USA ultimately.

Q: (J) Would that be nuclear bombs?

A: And more.
That is a possibility I guess, but not from the C's information if they have indicated 4D STO can not communicate with 3D humans except by natural incarnation or walk in to 3D as 3D beings that honors free will.

I don't think the C's said that - this is just your interpretation of what was said. And considering that 6D beings directly communicate with those who ask, why should it be any different with 4D STO?

Can you not imagine what a yes confirmation could lead to? Millions of new age folk flocking to the human contacts, the attention they could receive and the wackadoodles? I don't think it is a stretch of the intellect to foresee the turmoil that could cause including violence upon many from the wackabots.

Do you seriously think that the C's confirmation of a 4D STO contact would send "millions" of people to that group? And even if it did, why would that be a negative if more people get 4D STO information?

Q: (L) Wasn't a pretty picture, was it? (J) In Germany, the rest of the world bombed Germany...

A: Yes. Expect it in the USA ultimately.

Q: (J) Would that be nuclear bombs?

A: And more.

Yes, and the question is how to reconcile these two seemingly contradicting statements from the C's regarding nuclear war. Maybe there won't be an all-out nuclear war, but a "limited" use of nuclear weapons is possible in a few places.
I don't think the C's said that - this is just your interpretation of what was said. And considering that 6D beings directly communicate with those who ask, why should it be any different with 4D STO?

Do you seriously think that the C's confirmation of a 4D STO contact would send "millions" of people to that group? And even if it did, why would that be a negative if more people get 4D STO information?

Yes, and the question is how to reconcile these two seemingly contradicting statements from the C's regarding nuclear war. Maybe there won't be an all-out nuclear war, but a "limited" use of nuclear weapons is possible in a few places.
It would have to be a very limited nuclear war since if all the major nuclear powers fired their nuclear weapons at each other, the world would not survive. My father worked at the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston in England and told me once that if the Soviets dropped a major hydrogen bomb (10 megatons or more) on London, it would take out London and the whole of south-east England killing upwards of 10 million people. FYI Russia possesses in its current nuclear arsenal a 50 megaton bomb that could wipe out the state of Texas on its own. The trouble is that once one side starts using these weapons, the other will feel forced to retaliate in kind. Hence, the doctrine of mutually assured destruction ('MAD') that relies on the fear of mutual annihilation from stopping this scenario from happening. That being said, all it would take is for one side to call the other's bluff in the ultimate high stakes game of poker! Worryingly on this score, my American brother in law, who has worked alongside retired senior US generals and admirals, has told me that there are still senior US general staff members who think you can actually win a nuclear war. How crazy is that!

On a more cheerful note, I have followed UFO related topics for many years now and one thing that stands out is that ET's have shown a great deal of interest over the years in nuclear installations including missile silos and weapons facilities. There are well documented cases where ET's have actually shut nuclear missiles down. Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana is one famous example where UFOs were seen flying over the air base, which controlled a number of ICBM missile silos in the local area, and all the missiles were suddenly turned off or deactivated. Similarly, at one of the USSR's key missile launching bases in the 1970's, the staff to their horror one day found their nuclear missiles were suddenly activated and primed to fire. They desperately tried to shut the missiles down before they launched but to no effect. It was only at the last minute that the missiles suddenly and without any intervening action on the part of military staff shut themselves down. Evidently the ET's were sending the soviets a very powerful message that must have had a profound effect. Let's not also forget that Roswell Army Air Force Base was the only nuclear bomber base in the world in July 1947. Was it just a coincidence therefore that a flying saucer crashed in the vicinity.

Whether the ET's responsible for these incidents were STS or STO is not known. However, assuming for a moment that it was STS aliens, if they have designs on taking over this planet, as the C's and others have suggested, then they sure as hell don't want to inherit a pile of nuclear cinders.
That is a possibility I guess, but not from the C's information if they have indicated 4D STO can not communicate with 3D humans except by natural incarnation or walk in to 3D as 3D beings that honors free will. I did not take that as just this group.

You could try to ask the Cosmic Agency to ask the Galactic Federation if they are 4th Density STO or not. If other groups can have other types of 4D STO contact then I think these other groups should be responsible and able to determine that and whether it is valid or legitimate.

Can you not imagine what a yes confirmation could lead to? Millions of new age folk flocking to the human contacts, the attention they could receive and the wackadoodles? I don't think it is a stretch of the intellect to foresee the turmoil that could cause including violence upon many from the wackabots.

Maybe the 4th density STO do not want to be identified. It's kind of hard to ask them if we would be violating their free will by identifying them.
Perhaps the Galactic Federation have tried in the past but mankind was not prepared to listen. I am attaching a link to a short film on the mysterious Valiant Thor who claimed to be an ET emissary and, strange as it may seem, actually lived at the Pentagon with VIP status from 1957 for 3 years under the Eisenhower Administration.
Stranger at the Pentagon - Short Film and

Apparently, he abandoned his mission after the US governement made it clear that they were not prepared to give up their nuclear weapons.
Apparently, he abandoned his mission after the US governement made it clear that they were not prepared to give up their nuclear weapons.

But information from the transcript, the nuclear missile sites are disabled by the 4th density STS.

October 10th 2015

(Perceval) There's something I've been saying to various people, and I'm wondering if it's true or not. The stories in Richard Dolan's books about US nuclear missile sites being disabled by UFOs at various places so that they couldn't fire anything way back in the 60's at the height of the Cold War. Was that a message to the Powers that Be that no nuclear war would ever be allowed? Did 4D STS send a message in that way that nobody would be allowed to push the button because you'd kill everybody. Since this world is like a farm, their cattle would all be killed. Is that anywhere close to the truth?

A: Close.
It may be the case that neither 4D STO nor 4D STS want an all-out nuclear war on Earth. Maybe that is why the C's said with certainty that there won't be one.
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