Is Swaruu a Real Direct 4D STO Contact?

Disagreeing with someone and doing things your own way does not necessarily mean you are self-serving.

But isn't STO about striving for objetivity? If there are two positions (these guy's and the Federation's) wouldn't it be wise for them to consult 6D STO or Zindar council or whoever is "above" them to help them solve the disagreement so that all can do the best aproach together?
Instead of doing an intervention that would prevent us from learning the pending lessons?

And they are quite direct about the "horror of the situation" (the likelyhood of genocide on Earth), unlike the New Age channelings. There were also live Q&A sessions with questions from viewers to this starship crew in real time on Youtube.

Probably because many people got tired of new agey style and they had to adapt the speech to current potential readers; making it a kind of Ashtar Command 2.0.

I'm still working my way through the new sci-fi/fantasy thread.

I get the feeling that rather a lot of cultural programming has been seeded in that field. Fiction and philosophy are closely related.
Woodsman, I started that thread to try and draw out those influences on our popular culture today. I was going to ask the question on this thread when did the first reference to a Federation come into the current zeitgeist but you beat me to it. I think one of the people who helped promote the concept of the Federation was Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the Star Trek franchise. I was in fact thinking of doing a piece on him. Although he is not renowned as a science fiction writer, he did write some of the screenplays to Star Trek episodes himself. He also helped to create other science fictions shows such as Andromeda, which had a commonwealth rather than a federation.

Where did he get the concept of the Federation from? Well we know he was involved in the channelling sessions of entities that described themselves as the Council of Nine or the 'Ennead' in the 1950's. If you are interested, Ancient Aliens did a whole show on them in season 11: episode 8. The man at the centre of these channellings was Andrija Puharich, US Army Captain and author of a government paper on the weaponisation of ESP. He was in fact a government scientist, who may have worked for the CIA and been involved in the MK Ultra project. He certainly did expirements on psychedelic substances and may have been one of those involved in creating LSD, which was used with disastrous results in the Vietnam War (see the film Jacob's Ladder for a reference). Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett's book 'The Star Gate Conspiracy' contains a very detailed account of these channellings

Gene Roddenberry was supposed to have incorporated many of the things he learned in these channelling sessions into his Star Trek series. For example, the idea of warp speed travel, teleportation, the 'Prime Directive' and, of course, the Federation.
I was going to add the following but my system crashed before I could. Back in 1960 NASA commissioned the Brookings Institute to do an analysis on the implications of peaceful space activities for human affairs, which when published became known as 'The Brookings Report'. One issue Brookings considered was what would be the effect on the population should NASA reveal news of the discovery of alien artifacts within our solar system. The view eventually taken by the Brookings Report was that such an announcement could lead to world wide chaos, which could seriously damage the world's economy. They were especially concerned for the impact on religious believers. Hence, they took the view that the public needed to be prepared by introducing science fiction related themes, aliens etc. into the social consciousness (mainly by way of movies and TV) to give people some foundation or point of reference when and if such discoveries were made. Please be aware that the science fiction films of the 1950's were mainly B Movies and considered pop corn fodder with a few notable exceptions such as 'The Day the World Stood Still' and 'Forbidden Planet'.

Hence, Gene Roddenberry, may have been one of those producers used to sew the seed for the possibility of advanced alien life existing beyond our planet. You should know that he had a hard time selling Star Trek to the studios, so toxic was science fiction to TV chiefs at the time, and ended up pitching it as 'Wagon Train' in space (Wagon train being a popular cowboy TV series of the late 1950's early 1960's). Star Trek would, of course, be followed by Star Wars, Star Gate etc. and now science fiction is established as a popular genre on TV and in the movies but this certainly wasn't so before the 1960's. You could say mission accomplished because it is doubtful if people today would be so shocked by the revelation of advanced alien life in our galaxy as they would have been prior to the 1960's. Just think of the impact Orson Welles 'War of the Worlds' radio broadcast had on the 1930's American public to get some sense of the panic that might have ensued. Indeed, was Welles broadcast a planned psyop to guage the public reaction? Some ufologists think so. Perhaps the Canadian TV producer, Sydney Newman, did a similar job in the UK with the long running BBC TV series 'Doctor Who'. Food for thought.
I read some of the stuff on their page and my BS meter went haywire. I trust my BS meter. It’s just a more modern variety of the ‘Our Space Brothers will save us all’. It’s more nuanced than that, but that’s the bottom line, IMHO.
Space fighter pilot? That one really sent me rolling on the floor.
I was going to add the following but my system crashed before I could. Back in 1960 NASA commissioned the Brookings Institute to do an analysis on the implications of peaceful space activities for human affairs, which when published became known as 'The Brookings Report'. One issue Brookings considered was what would be the effect on the population should NASA reveal news of the discovery of alien artifacts within our solar system. The view eventually taken by the Brookings Report was that such an announcement could lead to world wide chaos, which could seriously damage the world's economy. They were especially concerned for the impact on religious believers. Hence, they took the view that the public needed to be prepared by introducing science fiction related themes, aliens etc. into the social consciousness (mainly by way of movies and TV) to give people some foundation or point of reference when and if such discoveries were made. Please be aware that the science fiction films of the 1950's were mainly B Movies and considered pop corn fodder with a few notable exceptions such as 'The Day the World Stood Still' and 'Forbidden Planet'.

Hence, Gene Roddenberry, may have been one of those producers used to sew the seed for the possibility of advanced alien life existing beyond our planet. You should know that he had a hard time selling Star Trek to the studios, so toxic was science fiction to TV chiefs at the time, and ended up pitching it as 'Wagon Train' in space (Wagon train being a popular cowboy TV series of the late 1950's early 1960's). Star Trek would, of course, be followed by Star Wars, Star Gate etc. and now science fiction is established as a popular genre on TV and in the movies but this certainly wasn't so before the 1960's. You could say mission accomplished because it is doubtful if people today would be so shocked by the revelation of advanced alien life in our galaxy as they would have been prior to the 1960's. Just think of the impact Orson Welles 'War of the Worlds' radio broadcast had on the 1930's American public to get some sense of the panic that might have ensued. Indeed, was Welles broadcast a planned psyop to guage the public reaction? Some ufologists think so. Perhaps the Canadian TV producer, Sydney Newman, did a similar job in the UK with the long running BBC TV series 'Doctor Who'. Food for thought.
Right about 2011 I was watching RH videos and his Coast to Coast interviews. I cannot remember in what context he went ahead of himself mentioning that GR was a freemasonn, but being part of the ‘good guys’, but I founded gratuitous and it put an attenuation filter on his communication. Whether he was one or not, it is not important. I do not think he was or is because of his excessive verbosity. As you said before, MJF, it is important to know the background of authors and in specific for the culture starter ones. Even the Prime Directive, as a concept, it is quite close to a modus operandi of accomplishing an implicit or covert agenda without any explicit or overt means in situations where the counterpart is considered inferior, aka no warp capability. Best example of real application of Prime Directive - Star Trek Insurrection.
So, there is a primer or more (?) , put in motion by members of private covert networks that gives clear conditions and maybe even timing for first contact. Let us not forget about the ACC Childhood’s End and the botched series, where the Prime Directive was enforced only to prepare the ground for the ‘ascension’ of the ‘pure and significant’, fact that was not communicated in the Series which looks like might have had a really low budget, and I will not dwell on its missforunes any longer.
It seems that the prmer was innitiated to coincide with the Apollo missions, missions thought or wished to have had a much more glorious future than achieved to date at least for what everyone knows. For all intents and purposses, the primer had worked, to what end however, appart from an entire space nut culture, perhaps we’ll never know. My speculation is that due to the success of Voyager and DS9 there had to be a counterprimer deployed via the New Age circus, with the councils and the oppressive notions of federation and of course laced with the central theme that anyone can relate to from the credit providers of ‘Ts and Cs apply’ morphed into the versions of humanity saviors mushroomed all over the net. Not only that but one can clearly see the ‘dark’ Star Trek New Age ( literally on the Kelvin timeline) transitioning from TNG through Enterprise and ending with the Discovery megaflop of Season4. (Picard, IMHO, is a pre mortem monument to Sir Patric Stewart, and should not be considered part of Star Trek, unless a late primer could be found within it, thus converting the whole movement into an ouroboros which I’d really find it really sick.)
I was going to ask the question on this thread when did the first reference to a Federation come into the current zeitgeist but you beat me to it.

Keep in mind that both the C's and the Law of One material confirm the existence of a Federation.

But isn't STO about striving for objetivity? If there are two positions (these guy's and the Federation's) wouldn't it be wise for them to consult 6D STO or Zindar council or whoever is "above" them to help them solve the disagreement so that all can do the best aproach together?

The source of the disagreements may be that 4D STO does not mean everyone is 100% STO. There are probably various misperceptions and STS tendencies in 4D STO people. I don't know how the 6D guidance works for large 4D STO groups or organizations - it may well be that the preservation of free will and allowing them to learn on their own by "making mistakes" is necessary for 4D groups as well.
Keep in mind that both the C's and the Law of One material confirm the existence of a Federation.
Mentioning about the existence of Federation which I personally interpret, as a some kind of a federative assembly with order making capability, is a possibility. I also understand that humanity in its current format is not part of this assembly. Maybe I am wrong. Hey! Maybe we are part of this grand assembly but as we are all at the Joe Soap level we do not need to know, and just go along with the program and experience the lesson of ‘free will’. I am Orthodox. Christian orthodox. In my faith God helps he who helps himself. Personally I wish a big Be Well to the Federation. Everything is possible.
However, what if this Federation is not what we all tend to think it is?
Can we really picture legions of 'good guys' installing radiation belts around the planet to keep humans on Earth? (As if there's an actual chance of us infecting the rest of the galaxy in our tin can space ships pushed along with rocket fuel?)
Sci fi fantasy?
Humans standing on the moon in 1969?
We can't go back, lost the technology?
Never made it there in person?

Or is the Vanallan Belt a figment of imagination? Is it a real thing?

It's no wonder flat earth gets traction.

My thoughts are that it is a real thing, keeping humans within earth's space. Who is responsible? Who would like to keep us locked down? STS? Playing out near you!
According to wikipedia it seems very unlikely that the Van Allen Belts were put into place by 'aliens' of whatever denomination to confine humanity onto earth:

The term Van Allen belts refers specifically to the radiation belts surrounding Earth; however, similar radiation belts have been discovered around other planets.

Radiation belts exist around other planets and moons in the solar system that have magnetic fields powerful enough to sustain them. To date, most of these radiation belts have been poorly mapped. The Voyager Program (namely Voyager 2) only nominally confirmed the existence of similar belts around Uranus and Neptune.
According to wikipedia it seems very unlikely that the Van Allen Belts were put into place by 'aliens' of whatever denomination to confine humanity onto earth:
Sci fi fantasy?
Humans standing on the moon in 1969?
We can't go back, lost the technology?
Never made it there in person
I was also going to post that link. Thanks

After more thought about those questions. It occurred to me that something else has been put in place to answer the third question. Can't lose technology that you do not have!
The source of the disagreements may be that 4D STO does not mean everyone is 100% STO. There are probably various misperceptions and STS tendencies in 4D STO people. I don't know how the 6D guidance works for large 4D STO groups or organizations - it may well be that the preservation of free will and allowing them to learn on their own by "making mistakes" is necessary for 4D groups as well.
Well, here's where I think you're beginning to "twists facts in order to suit a theory", and so we're moving in the wrong direction.

Which leads me to the question, do you want them to be a 4D STO group of helpers? and if so, why?
That was an amazing reminder, @Alejo

Alone that sentence "twists facts in order to suit a theory?".

I mean even in any case, when one tries to understand, scrutinize, assemble, order, figure out “facts from fiction” and everything in between... one of the most difficult tasks is, that space deep within - to learn to discern what you said can/could or even does "twists facts in order to suit a theory"

Because it can occur even to the most skilled one. The energy attached to that, can come in the most silent, subtle way, barely noticeable, altering the outcome.

I have encountered this many times myself, to various degree - and thought about it - endless times. My thinking is - that the sentence must be considered at all times - the possibility that something color ones mind, to favor certain theories, out outcomes, results.

But I mean it more in the sense of exercising discernment, by simply following up “the path of ones emotions and thoughts” where they go, what they favor, and why.

Not as a primary goal to judge, avoid or change it - but instead to only to observe it - in order to identify it.

Because change comes from deep, inner observation - if one truly walks the path of loving truth !!

In my personal pursuit, i sometime felt that if i focussed on trying to avoid making errors or doom it negatively - it would paradoxically enlarge the effect of not discerning. (Awakening the ego ?)

But if i only observed or just asked “could it be possible that i favor a theory over facts” ? By asking my thoughts/emotions, listening to where they truly go, and being deeply honest and neutral about the inner response - it was easier to discover, to admit to myself “yes, there is something to it... I seem to put effort into defending a theory because it just feels good/most plausible/preferable”

As I often write about other themes here in the Cassiopaean Forum - I do have noticed within myself - in a quiet way - that there is a power in the background, making me sometimes wanting to favor certain aspects in the arguments I put forth.

It is not an easy task. You know, what we hold dear, we tend to protect/excuse.

The task is to dare, to go beyond oneself! And to do it.

Does this make any sense ?
I felt physically ill as soon as I read the first post but I reluctantly looked at their website... again, felt ill when I looked at a couple of links (just in case I was being a judgemental jerk). My head was already hurting but it just started pounding.

No offence, but IMHO it feels to me like more of the same horrible garbage I’ve heard many times in the past.

Often I notice these ‘enlightened folk’ do seem to have some truth mixed into their ‘download’ which I suspect is what is part of the ‘resonance’ some souls experience when ‘receiving’ and this allows them to become confused (I’ve experienced it myself). This can be hard to decipher if you are new to this stuff or see ‘validation’ when comparing it to information you feel or know you can trust. Especially if you have been researching a multitude of subjects trying to verify stuff yourself.

Why the need to be so ‘spacey’ and ‘galactic’ and glossy? That’s all just flimflammery to me. Looks/feels like it’s designed to pull in a younger, lost and very confused generation, or the desperately wounded... admittedly I didn’t look at everything on their site, sorry there is a limit to what my stomach can take.

I completely concur with “Revolucionar” my bull-dust detector went into hyperspace over that one. Can I get those nice galactic sparkles all over my face or does that just happen if you are a good looking ‘space fighter pilot’ who looks more like one of the cast off the TV series ‘humans’?

I’ve heard vampires sparkle sometimes too, hey. 🤔
Well, here's where I think you're beginning to "twists facts in order to suit a theory", and so we're moving in the wrong direction.

Why don't you explain where you think I am "twisting the facts"?
The source of the disagreements may be that 4D STO does not mean everyone is 100% STO. There are probably various misperceptions and STS tendencies in 4D STO people. I don't know how the 6D guidance works for large 4D STO groups or organizations - it may well be that the preservation of free will and allowing them to learn on their own by "making mistakes" is necessary for 4D groups as well
So, someone points out that the theory that these are 4D STO beings needs to be revised because the fact that they are coming down here admittedly because of their own disagreement, which is self serving, is responded with “well maybe not because maybe being self serving beings doesn’t make them not STO”.

Which sounds to me like you would like them to be who they claim to be, and my question was why?
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