Is Swaruu a Real Direct 4D STO Contact?

I think the proof is in the pudding. By their fruits shall you know them. The fruits of the C’s contact are this forum, all of Laura’s work, including SOTT, etc.

What information has this source provided that led to observable development of people who received and/or applied it? Can you provide evidence of this development, if any? Can you please share what works they (the source and the receiving team) produced that empower people to see the truth in a sea of lies - both external and internal?

I’d think a true STO source would result in massive undeniable growth for all who apply it. Most channeling is just a space opera - it achieves nothing, and in fact, you’d get more from watching Star Trek instead. So far I haven’t seen much substance there.
I think the proof is in the pudding. By their fruits shall you know them. The fruits of the C’s contact are this forum, all of Laura’s work, including SOTT, etc.
Agreed. That and the transparency there was about the source of the material from the get-go. The first book from this work I read was High Strangeness, and the methods were explained in detail, they made sense, and as the reader I wasn't asked to just "take my word for it".

That's what I find so off-putting about sources like this, I'm being invited to not think and just believe that this lady has STO beings slide into her DMs. It's not an idea that I can get on board with if it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.
I just want to offer some subjective feedback on this topic. Back when I was first on this forum back in 2006 as Skystalker, I was hopelessly hamstrung by my early onset symptoms of schizophrenia following a UFO sighting in 2004. Back then, I thought I was in league with an STO entity, which was very verbose (hence my loquacious postings back then), but it was a presence which faded away due to lack of belief on my part. I noticed that it was always the tip end of intellectual affairs that exclusively interested this "self", as it were. The vibes were always a little grandiose, and there was very little intellectual flexibility which I have come to associate with the soul. That and being in sync with the understandings of the inner child.

Back in 2006 my postings on here were largely speaking very self-obsessed and lacking in worldly understanding. It frustrated me at the time, because I could hear a voice of insight within, but it was crowded out by this omniscient tone which always reminded me of 4d STS more than anything. It often switched to a female voice also, which was strange. And, like was mentioned above by SAO, it is by their fruits that they are known. There's something of the preening rock star narcissist about 4d STS in terms of how I guage their "signature". They're shallow in their messaging, but they always try to blow you away with a special experience. Personally I think that all so-called STO connections are not what they are understood to be. I don't think 4d STO communicate with humans, we're not in sync with their FRV. Plus their conveyances would in all likelihood of being an abridging of free will, ie- the right to learn at one's own level of progress, so STS by definition.

I think fertile egos are running amok here. I don't mean to attack anyone here, but I can't help but think that this whole subject is a storm in a teacup. Belief as a self deceiving binder is what largely springs to mind.
I am trying to get to the truth, whatever it may be. Knee-jerk rejection seems just as counterproductive as wanting to believe.

It seems that a common misconception is that 4D STO must be 100% STO like 6D beings. I already explained my reasoning why that is likely not the case:

Do you disagree with this?

Furthermore, the content of the C's transcripts are not facts - even the C's themselves confirmed that parts of it may be inaccurate due to the people present, their beliefs, etc. We also have specific predictions such as the Nephilim ships supposedly being sent here as enforcers, which apparently cannot be taken at face value and need to be interpreted as psychopaths on Earth being the enforcers.

When you are talking about "twisting the facts", the truth is that we have hardly any actual facts about 4D - only what was said in the transcripts. A lot of other things from the transcripts have been verified through research, but topics such as 4D are much more difficult to research and verify.

The transcript MJF posted above shows that the C's held back talking more about the Orion Federation for some reason, but have also said that 4D STO are the only ones who can help us defend against a 4D STS attack:

I am actually more skeptical now about this "Swaruu" than when I first started the thread and right now I think it is more likely that it is an STS disinformation source. For one thing, STO and STS do not appear as topics at all in their talks - only indirectly when they say that we need to see all as one, the necessity to not be attached to anything physical and what a society like that looks like.

Then there are what appear to be possible smear attempts regarding the Federation, such as the claim that they are responsible for the destruction of the planet in our solar system (they call it Tiamat) or the claim that they ultimately have full control over Earth and even guide the cabal in certain directions. Which this starship crew claims to have "only just found out" last year.

So overall, several things point towards this being disinformation - but there is also the possibility that all of these claims may be true.
Axj. Tiamat is the name the Sumerians gave to the planet the C's have called Kantek. The Sumerians lords/gods were the Annunaki.
Lovely. ’Do research. Make up your own mind.’
Ina, I think by "You do not interfere with the natural development and order of life in the universe" that this person called Janus was sending a warning to mankind not to blunder out into space and start upsetting the existing order and natural development of the more primitive alien societies we might encounter. In some ways I think it may be an early reference to the 'Prime Directive' already discussed in other postings on this thread.

Although I was not able to find the fuller version of Janus' discussion with Sir Peter Horsley, my recollection is that Janus was very concerned about man's warlike and destructive tendencies. In 1954 we were just on the cusp of the space age but the Cold War was already on in earnest and nuclear destruction was a very real threat. For example, General McCarthur had wanted to use nuclear weapons on the Chinese forces during the Korean War (until President Truman sacked him) just a year or so before this meeting took place. It struck me when first reading the full account that mankind came across to Janus as a fairly infantile species just taking its first baby steps towards bigger things.

Who knows who or what Janus was (he may have been 4th Density STS or STO or just a hoaxster in the Space Brothers tradition of that period). However, Sir Peter Horsley did certainly meet with him and that meeting had a lasting impact on him. The fact that he was prepared to write up his account of the meeting says a lot about him as references by military men to UFO's and possible alien contacts at that time would meet at best with ridicule or at worst represent career suicide.
I felt none of this genuine radiant energy in the group you discussed. Instead I had the exact same feeling about this group as the one I was previously connected to... it came up for me instantly... not only that, I could strongly feel your own doubts and deeper parts of you questioning their validity.

Relying on intuition or guidance from the Higher Self is definitely a valid approach when dealing with new information or people. The difficulty is of course in getting clear guidance and not letting other things (personal mental and emotional "baggage") interfere with it.

In this particular case, some or even a lot of what is said by this contact seems to ring true, while other things seem to be "off". As @Alejo said, this is probably due to how disinformation usually works: by mixing truth and lies.

The parts that "rang true" are the reason I decided to look deeper into what they are saying - and the more I did that, the more I saw claims that seem to be "off" or questionable. I also talked on their forum with one of the two people who have this contact and asked him about STO and STS not being mentioned in their material. His replies further confirmed that their ideas are very questionable, to say the least.

As I said, at this point it seems much more likely that this is a disinformation source that has some truths mixed in with lies.
I think the proof is in the pudding. By their fruits shall you know them. The fruits of the C’s contact are this forum, all of Laura’s work, including SOTT, etc.

What information has this source provided that led to observable development of people who received and/or applied it? Can you provide evidence of this development, if any? Can you please share what works they (the source and the receiving team) produced that empower people to see the truth in a sea of lies - both external and internal?

I’d think a true STO source would result in massive undeniable growth for all who apply it. Most channeling is just a space opera - it achieves nothing, and in fact, you’d get more from watching Star Trek instead. So far I haven’t seen much substance there.

This is a good approach, but to be fair, their contact has only been going on for a couple of years. How much could be seen of the fruits of the C's contact after just a couple of years in 1996 or 1997?
It is probably just me, but I don't think any of this has to do with the 4th density STO Individual help.
If the individual with the 4th density STO soul does or has already come along with some form of help, I don't think the C's would tell us who that individual is. I think there are probably dozens of clues in the transcripts for validation of that eventuality and the event will probably be gobsmacking. I think Ark, Laura, and crew will know it and be able to validate it. What I am sure will not happen is the C's or the core crew telling who the individual is or what the help is. Can you imagine what would happen to the 4th density STO individual if it was just broadcast who they were? To me that would be ludicrous and an affront to the individual's privacy big time and might even endanger them and the group and everything. Strategic Enclosure to the MAX!!! There may come a time when it is appropriate for all to know, but only Ark and Laura I think will know that time.
With that in mind, whether some part of this Galactic Federation contact or Gosia and the like are the 4th Density STO help, I don't think the C's or anyone in the group would ever say.
That is my take on it anyway and I also realize as a good possibility my take on this may be utterly wrong and narrow minded.
You were prescient, christx11
Yes, and that is supposedly the official stance of the Federation - while some within it disagree. I do not claim to know all the details on what this group has said on this, but I think they disagree with this stance due to the destruction that "learning this lesson" would entail.

They are saying that the Federation will not allow a nuclear war, which is also "violating the free will decisions" if people wanted to start one. So there seems to be a sort of double standard there, or maybe the question of free will decisions is more complex than it seems.
“they disagree with this stance due to the destruction that "learning this lesson" would entail.”

so they disagree with life? Life’s dynamic? That is life learning the lessons. Sounds like the federation is coming from a place of fear and little faith also they may think they can do more than what is in their ability. IF YOU TRY TO STOP OTHER PEOPLES LESSONS YOU ARE THE LESSON. You become your own lesson. You can’t stop evolution. AXJ the crying the smiling the scamming the prosperity the disappointment the perseverance it’s ALL evolution here in 3D this Federation is not above or bigger than the density they are in! If they are interfering with a density without being asked to it’s STS...

For YOU not to see this means that your being may not be up to your intellect you know what is the best way to evolve your being is? Lessons experiences. Your mirror is the WHY are you attracted to this federation why are you still entertaining them talking about them.

Dose a teenager still drink out of a bottle. It’s time to move on? Or maybe it’s not it’s your being and level that your at ... your choice is your free will let me remove myself and let you decide where to go.
For YOU not to see this means that your being may not be up to your intellect you know what is the best way to evolve your being is? Lessons experiences. Your mirror is the WHY are you attracted to this federation why are you still entertaining them talking about them.

Dose a teenager still drink out of a bottle. It’s time to move on? Or maybe it’s not it’s your being and level that your at ... your choice is your free will let me remove myself and let you decide where to go.

There are many possibilities and I do not pretend to know the definitive answer to a topic such as “would 4D STO prevent a nuclear war on Earth?“

The answer is we don't know. At best, we can talk about possible reasons for and against this idea.

For example, the free will decision of humanity as a whole is probably against nuclear war, even if some group decides to initiate it.

Furthermore, you are replying to an older message without taking into account what was already said after that.

Even if you have no doubt that you are correct on this topic, do you consider your denigrating comments about my “being level“ as helpful to anyone?
Axj can I please ask how you came across this original message/connection with this group? I went back to check what you said, I thought there was some mention about ‘messenger’ as the source? But maybe that was from another thread.

I feel you may have been directly ‘targeted’ in some way and perhaps it was to raise awareness about more than this subject given what has occurred with Mememe45 and the history there.

Otherwise you may wish to consider others whom you are communication with outside this forum about such subjects. I’m not familiar with much technology or apps but I feel this didn’t just randomly come to you.

Just a thought.

And a hug :hug2:
Ok well back to the original topic.
I also came across this group last year.
This is a supposed direct contact with some members of the Galactic Federation through some sort of messenger software and is not a channeling, as they like to stress. The "Cosmic Agency" is a small group lead by a Polish woman named Gosia
I watched maybe two YouTube videos but I found the lady to be incredibly annoying but I’m always curious about “new” channelers etc, just to gauge what the current new age trends are. Why? Well because I’ve realized most act as psyops to trap any souls with questions but who lack knowledge for adequate discernment. One needs to be self aware enough not to get hooked in through emotional hooks etc. Before finding this forum, I joined some fb groups and there are a lot of especially young people searching for answers. They’ve fallen for the “starseed” “space brothers are gonna save us” narrative quite badly. I tried for months to get them to exercise some discernment but alas they’re too far gone.

Anyways, this new group run by Gosia has become quite popular amongst these “starseed” types.

Are they providing some truths? Maybe. But again if you lack knowledge, there is a large chance of entrapment. Most people can’t discern pearls from mud. Maybe only someone like Laura has enough knowledge to work out what could be “truth” but going through it all would just take too much energy.

My theory is that the trap is maybe that in the future these “aliens/space brothers” will warn of a catastrophe, like nuclear war or comets. They’ll say, oh your only chance of survival is to join us on our spaceships. Well a lot of these people in this starseed/ascension community will jump for the opportunity and then bam you’ve used your free will to become a Lizzie slave. This could just be my overactive imagination but I’m wary of any “space brother” help. That’s just me.
They’ve fallen for the “starseed” “space brothers are gonna save us” narrative quite badly. I tried for months to get them to exercise some discernment but alas they’re too far gone.

Anyways, this new group run by Gosia has become quite popular amongst these “starseed” types.

Yes, it has over 100,000 subscribers on Youtube. Keep in mind though that the C's have also said that "starseeds" (Wanderers) exist, as well as that only 4D STO can help us protect ourselves against 4D STS attacks. Reposting again:

March 4, 1995

A: 4th level STO!

Q: (L) Is that the title of the topic?

A: You have only thought of 4th level STS.

Q: (L) Ahhh! What Susan was talking about, we need to ask about the good guys.

A: They are the only ones who can help you defend yourselves against 4th level attack!!!! We give you information which is invaluable in nature, but remember we are 6th level STO, Beings of light, and on this density level there simply is no interference with free will no matter how detrimental to you!!!

Q: (T) 4th density STO beings can actually help in a meaningful way! We knew there was both sides, but we never asked. We have been concentrating on the Lizards. (S) Yeah! There are 16 groups on both sides, and noboby has ever asked... (J) And by concentrating on the Lizards, we have been feeding their f______energy. (F) Their damn energy. (J) Their damn energy. (T) That DARN energy! Who are these 4th density STO beings that we need to contact? Obviously we need to talk to them because they can talk to us. Sixth density "Us" can't.

A: Orion Federation.

Q: (L) And who are the members of the Orion Federation?

A: Not yet.

The wording "can help you defend yourselves" suggests something different though than the usual "someone will save us and we don't have to do anything" misconception.
There are many possibilities and I do not pretend to know the definitive answer to a topic such as “would 4D STO prevent a nuclear war on Earth?“

The answer is we don't know. At best, we can talk about possible reasons for and against this idea.

For example, the free will decision of humanity as a whole is probably against nuclear war, even if some group decides to initiate it.

Furthermore, you are replying to an older message without taking into account what was already said after that.

Even if you have no doubt that you are correct on this topic, do you consider your denigrating comments about my “being level“ as helpful to anyone?
I was replying to your last comment to my comment. Is that wrong? I am replying from factual knowledge given on the forum here and in other work and the work and the Cs.

why my comments are not meant to be denigrating and come from objectivity. See below:
1) it is objective that there is knowledge and being . At times being (comes from experience/wisdom) falls behind or is ahead of knowledge and the inverse is true knowledge (mostly gained in the intellect) from reading or hearing stories is too ahead or behind being. In the work (on a forum about the work where this post is posted) it is said that the person in life operates best in life when being and knowledge are equal. This is what I am saying and I am saying it to you because you replied to me and we are engaged in posting. If you can remove yourself and not read my comments from emotion but like I am not talking to you they are just words on a screen - you may see I am talking about an important aspect in the work.

It is objective that STO does not help unless asked if one helps without being asked that is STS. If STO was asked to prevent a nuclear war then they CAN

it’s not about me having no doubt or doubt about anything I am replying from knowledge gained from the work and from others replying to what you are saying
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From Candice:

My theory is that the trap is maybe that in the future these “aliens/space brothers” will warn of a catastrophe, like nuclear war or comets. They’ll say, oh your only chance of survival is to join us on our spaceships. Well a lot of these people in this starseed/ascension community will jump for the opportunity and then bam you’ve used your free will to become a Lizzie slave. This could just be my overactive imagination but I’m wary of any “space brother” help. That’s just me.


Your scenario is already in the works. I recently watch a video of a space brothers galactic federation type, warning of a great “event” or cataclysm coming soon, and that people who are “open” will start to hear voices telling them where to go, to be picked up by the ships in different locations, they say just wait, remain open and you will hear voices. Makes me wonder if 5G / satellite system may make the voices possible.
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