Is Swaruu a Real Direct 4D STO Contact?

I am not sure what you are asking? Are you asking if this human crew making the purported contact is the possible 4th density STO contact or are you asking about the extraterrestrials they are contacting might possibly be the possible 4th density STO contact?

Either way it does not seem to me to be in accord with the information of the C's transcripts.

The transcripts info on this seems to have started around 25-26 years ago.

The answer - 'A: Find a "Nordic." They are on Earth posing as humans.', seems to indicate a living human on earth with perhaps some Nordic heritage.

The '10 June 1995' session delves further into what this 4th density STO individual's nature/profile may be like.

The '10 June 1995' session then goes into the nature/profile of 4th density STO being in 3rd density. Which leads to the idea of Walk-ins via incarnation or a 4th density STO soul entering a 3rd density body that a 3rd density being has vacated. Which once again at least for me indicates a living human on the earth that has a 4th density STO soul. I think it ends up that the person could look like just about anyone and probably has experienced physical, emotional, psychological trauma like most everyone else.

So if the contact is a living human on earth with a 4th density STO soul I am surmising you are asking about the human crew making the contact with the extraterrestrials. But then who are the extraterrestrials these people are talking to ( 4th density STO is off the hook, except for natural incarnation and walk-ins in 3rd density earth )?

Regardless of this I went to the SWARUU website. I couldn't get past the first page. Why is the most advanced other realm extraterrestrial, Yazhi Swaruu, a fighter pilot? Who is she fighting as a fighter pilot? And she is also an 'expert in time manipulations'. Why would any 4th density STO soul be manipulating time or even focus on methodologies of manipulating time to become an expert in it. It just all sounds very STS to me. Then again what is this site's definition of what time even is? A recent C's transcript indicated that space-time is really space-consciousness.

It is probably just me, but I don't think any of this has to do with the 4th density STO Individual help.

If the individual with the 4th density STO soul does or has already come along with some form of help, I don't think the C's would tell us who that individual is. I think there are probably dozens of clues in the transcripts for validation of that eventuality and the event will probably be gobsmacking. I think Ark, Laura, and crew will know it and be able to validate it. What I am sure will not happen is the C's or the core crew telling who the individual is or what the help is. Can you imagine what would happen to the 4th density STO individual if it was just broadcast who they were? To me that would be ludicrous and an affront to the individual's privacy big time and might even endanger them and the group and everything. Strategic Enclosure to the MAX!!! There may come a time when it is appropriate for all to know, but only Ark and Laura I think will know that time.

With that in mind, whether some part of this Galactic Federation contact or Gosia and the like are the 4th Density STO help, I don't think the C's or anyone in the group would ever say.

That is my take on it anyway and I also realize as a good possibility my take on this may be utterly wrong and narrow minded.
You mentioned the 1995 sessions in which the topic of 4th Density Nordics first came up. I looked back on the session transcripts and found this, which is what I think you were referring to:

March 4, 1995

A: 4th level STO!

Q: (L) Is that the title of the topic?

A: You have only thought of 4th level STS.

Q: (L) Ahhh! What Susan was talking about, we need to ask about the good guys.

A: They are the only ones who can help you defend yourselves against 4th level attack!!!! We give you information which is invaluable in nature, but remember we are 6th level STO, Beings of light, and on this density level there simply is no interference with free will no matter how detrimental to you!!!

Q: (T) 4th density STO beings can actually help in a meaningful way! We knew there was both sides, but we never asked. We have been concentrating on the Lizards. (S) Yeah! There are 16 groups on both sides, and noboby has ever asked... (J) And by concentrating on the Lizards, we have been feeding their f______energy. (F) Their damn energy. (J) Their damn energy. (T) That DARN energy! Who are these 4th density STO beings that we need to contact? Obviously we need to talk to them because they can talk to us. Sixth density "Us" can't.

A: Orion Federation.

Q: (L) And who are the members of the Orion Federation?

A: Not yet.

A: We are providing invaluable information which becomes knowledge, but you are under attack, therefore, you could maybe use some direct power from the same density as the attack is coming from.

Q: (F) But, until you have total knowledge... (L) You don't have the kind of power we are talking about needing. (F) Right. We would need 500,000 pages of transcript to have that kind of knowledge, to get to that point. (L) Okay, what is the phone number of the Orion Federation? (S) Laura! (T) That's what I was going to ask. {Laughter.} (L) How do we get a hold of them?

A: Off the hook!

Q: (T) Uh oh! (L) They're busy? (T) Getting a lot of calls. (L) Okay, guys, what do we need to do here?

A: Find a "Nordic." They are on Earth posing as humans.

Q: (T) They are 4th density. I thought they...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, we need to find a Nordic, do we know one?

A: Have seen them at meetings and such.

Q: (L) What kind of meetings. (J) MUFON meetings?


So the C's indicated that Laura had already encountered them without knowing at a MUFON meeting. Again we see a reference to the Federation but now they specifically refer to it as the ''Orion Federation". It is interesting that the C 's would not go into further detail about the Orion Federation at that time. Have they ever done so since?

I appreciate your hypothesis about 4th Density STO beings possibly being walk-in's or 4th Density souls reincarnating in 3rd Density bodies but I still lean towards them being 4th Density beings living among us at 3rd Density, since they can do so without concerns for the frequency level unlike 4th Density STS beings.

Years ago I used to read the UFO books of Timothy Good. His books were full of accounts of contactees, abductees and UFO encounters of all kinds both STO and STS. I don't know if his work has been discussed before on the Forum. I did a quick check and could not turn anything up. However, he seemed to be aware of 4th Density Nordics and recounted a couple of tales involving them. I am quoting from memory here since I do not have the books with me at the moment.

The first was his own direct contact. He thought the best way to meet with them was to send out a message through his mind. Soon after doing so he claimed that he had an encounter with an attractive blond woman in what I think was a hotel lobby. She came and sat down next to him and without saying anything let him know telepathicly that his request had been heard and was now being answered. This may, of course, have just been wishful thinking on his part but the C's did say that 4th Density does normally communicate telepathicly.

The second example concerned a man who had been in a military hospital where one night a young GI was brought in with very serious injuries that would almost certainly leave him scarred on his face for life. The young man was screaming and shouting all over the place and clearly in a deeply distressed state and in great pain. It ws then that he noticed a young tall blonde male medical orderly taking the young GI away for treatment and calming the injured soldier by his soothing and reassuring words and manner. This, of course, would not be extraordinary in itself as medical staff are trained to do this. However, what was extraordinary was the fact that the next day the narrator of the story found the young soldier resting in bed asleep but with no signs of the serious scarring that would have been expected for injuries of the nature he had sustained. From my recollection, he subsequently followed the orderly when he had finished his shift. The orderly seemed to know he was being followed but rather than confront the narrator he just turned and smiled at him. As far as I recall there was no verbal exchange between them. If this was a 4th Density Nordic, it shows that they may live among us performing quite ordinary functions but also seeking to help the human race wherever they can.

The last example is not from Timothy Good but something I read in a UFO article some years ago, which has stuck with me since. Unfortunately, I can't recall the source. It involved a US scientist or technician working at a top secret nuclear facility on a project alongside some humanoid aliens. It was not Area 51 but either Los Alamos or the Sandia Research Laboratory. He maintained a good working relationship with the aliens but one day he decided to ask one of them what they really thought of we humans. The alien thought for a while and then said: "you stink". When he reflected on what the alien had said, he thought that the alien had not meant that you stink as in smell bad but that he had meant you spiritually stink. If the aliens were 4th Density STO, then I guess we as 3rd Density STS beings would spiritually smell to them given our self serving egos. If I can track the story down, I will post the link.
So, someone points out that the theory that these are 4D STO beings needs to be revised because the fact that they are coming down here admittedly because of their own disagreement, which is self serving, is responded with “well maybe not because maybe being self serving beings doesn’t make them not STO”.

Which sounds to me like you would like them to be who they claim to be, and my question was why?

I am trying to get to the truth, whatever it may be. Knee-jerk rejection seems just as counterproductive as wanting to believe.

It seems that a common misconception is that 4D STO must be 100% STO like 6D beings. I already explained my reasoning why that is likely not the case:

We graduate when we are 51% STO, according to the C's. Which means that even after 4D STO graduation, we would still be 49% STS. As I said, 4D seems to be more of a mix where people who are primarily STO may still have minor STS aspects or tendencies as well.

The same would apply to a large organization of 4D STO people. It would probably also have some minor STS aspects or tendencies in it.

Did the C's say that people become 100% STO after a 4D STO graduation, despite having been maybe only 51% STO and 49% STS during the graduation?

Do you disagree with this?

Furthermore, the content of the C's transcripts are not facts - even the C's themselves confirmed that parts of it may be inaccurate due to the people present, their beliefs, etc. We also have specific predictions such as the Nephilim ships supposedly being sent here as enforcers, which apparently cannot be taken at face value and need to be interpreted as psychopaths on Earth being the enforcers.

When you are talking about "twisting the facts", the truth is that we have hardly any actual facts about 4D - only what was said in the transcripts. A lot of other things from the transcripts have been verified through research, but topics such as 4D are much more difficult to research and verify.

The transcript MJF posted above shows that the C's held back talking more about the Orion Federation for some reason, but have also said that 4D STO are the only ones who can help us defend against a 4D STS attack:

March 4, 1995

A: 4th level STO!

Q: (L) Is that the title of the topic?

A: You have only thought of 4th level STS.

Q: (L) Ahhh! What Susan was talking about, we need to ask about the good guys.

A: They are the only ones who can help you defend yourselves against 4th level attack!!!! We give you information which is invaluable in nature, but remember we are 6th level STO, Beings of light, and on this density level there simply is no interference with free will no matter how detrimental to you!!!

Q: (T) 4th density STO beings can actually help in a meaningful way! We knew there was both sides, but we never asked. We have been concentrating on the Lizards. (S) Yeah! There are 16 groups on both sides, and noboby has ever asked... (J) And by concentrating on the Lizards, we have been feeding their f______energy. (F) Their damn energy. (J) Their damn energy. (T) That DARN energy! Who are these 4th density STO beings that we need to contact? Obviously we need to talk to them because they can talk to us. Sixth density "Us" can't.

A: Orion Federation.

Q: (L) And who are the members of the Orion Federation?

A: Not yet.

I am actually more skeptical now about this "Swaruu" than when I first started the thread and right now I think it is more likely that it is an STS disinformation source. For one thing, STO and STS do not appear as topics at all in their talks - only indirectly when they say that we need to see all as one, the necessity to not be attached to anything physical and what a society like that looks like.

Then there are what appear to be possible smear attempts regarding the Federation, such as the claim that they are responsible for the destruction of the planet in our solar system (they call it Tiamat) or the claim that they ultimately have full control over Earth and even guide the cabal in certain directions. Which this starship crew claims to have "only just found out" last year.

So overall, several things point towards this being disinformation - but there is also the possibility that all of these claims may be true.
I am actually more skeptical now about this "Swaruu" than when I first started the thread and right now I think it is more likely that it is an STS disinformation source. For one thing, STO and STS do not appear as topics at all in their talks - only indirectly when they say that we need to see all as one, the necessity to not be attached to anything physical and what a society like that looks like.

Then there are what appear to be possible smear attempts regarding the Federation, such as the claim that they are responsible for the destruction of the planet in our solar system (they call it Tiamat) or the claim that they ultimately have full control over Earth and even guide the cabal in certain directions. Which this starship crew claims to have "only just found out" last year.

So overall, several things point towards this being disinformation - but there is also the possibility that all of these claims may be true.
That's where I am at with this group, they strike me as STS and I have not see any STO signs in their communication or their stated purpose.

I apologize if it feels as though my reaction is a knee jerk, by default, skeptical. It's not, it's what I honestly think about their material and what I can gleam based on what I have seen.

As far as the truth in their claims, there might be some truth in there, that's the best way to disinform, wrap your lie in several layers of truth. And the reason I do not wish to entertain them is because even if some of these claims happen to be true, their orientation of self serving, can ultimately lead to manipulation from higher densities.

So, even if there's some entertaining details about the structure of a galactic federation that stimulate the imagination, that is all that they offer, and if that's the case, I'd rather read fiction, personally.
That's where I am at with this group, they strike me as STS and I have not see any STO signs in their communication or their stated purpose.

I apologize if it feels as though my reaction is a knee jerk, by default, skeptical. It's not, it's what I honestly think about their material and what I can gleam based on what I have seen.

As far as the truth in their claims, there might be some truth in there, that's the best way to disinform, wrap your lie in several layers of truth. And the reason I do not wish to entertain them is because even if some of these claims happen to be true, their orientation of self serving, can ultimately lead to manipulation from higher densities.

So, even if there's some entertaining details about the structure of a galactic federation that stimulate the imagination, that is all that they offer, and if that's the case, I'd rather read fiction, personally.
I understand your arguments and thinking. And of course, everything could be, rigth.
Yes, it is true. I am glad that some group received information from 4th density STO.
Kay Kim thanks for adding the quote about the Allies of Humanity in the transcripts. I read those books some time ago. My recollection may be hazy but I seem to recall that they spoke of pulling back from our solar system, which didn't sound too encouraging for our prospects at the time. Have I got the wrong end of the stick?
Sci fi fantasy?
Humans standing on the moon in 1969?
We can't go back, lost the technology?
Never made it there in person?

Or is the Vanallan Belt a figment of imagination? Is it a real thing?

It's no wonder flat earth gets traction.

My thoughts are that it is a real thing, keeping humans within earth's space. Who is responsible? Who would like to keep us locked down? STS? Playing out near you!
WIN52: Well this famous EBE encounter (which some may think could be straight out of an episode of the old TV show, The Twilight Zone) may be an answer to your question if true. Please note that the events mentioned below are just a truncated version of the story and other sources may contain a fuller account of what Janus had to say. Incidentally, Prince Philip the Queen's husband, who is now 99, is in hospital at the moment and there are real concerns about his condition.

Date: March 28, 1954

Location: London, England

There are many reasons to believe that they, UFOs, do exist. There is so much evidence from reliable witnesses. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, London Sunday Dispatch Prince Philip, March 28, 1954.
Both Prince Phillip and his Uncle Louis Mountbatten held a keen interest in UFOs. Perhaps they knew something that has remained a royal secret for decades. Both were military men. Mountbatten had witnessed a UFO whilst serving in the Royal Navy and this inspired his lifelong interest.
Once the embers of World War II had finally died down across Europe, and the Cold War began to chill, both men were indirectly involved in very strange alien encounters. Back in the 1950s Prince Philip was keen to meet the famous contactee, George Adamski, who claimed he had been taken on a tour of the solar system by aliens from Venus. The meeting was never arranged of course and Prince Philip was denied his chance to discuss space travel with the Polish American. Unless a clandestine liaison was arranged that never entered the public record. But Prince Philip’s interest in the UFO subject remained. Nick Pope the former Civil Servant in charge of the UFO desk for the MoD has confirmed that the Duke of Edinburgh kept a map at Buckingham Palace with the locations of UFO sightings on his wall. The Duke even asked the British Air Ministry to send him a copy of their UFO reports. He also encouraged his equerry, Senior Attendant, Sir Peter Horsley, to discreetly study UFO cases and to bring UFO witnesses to the Palace for private discussions. This is where things get seriously weird.

Sir Peter Horsley was a former World War II pilot and squadron leader. He entered the service of the Royals in July 1949 before returning to the RAF in 1956 where he rose through the ranks. His final role in the RAF was as Deputy Commander in Chief RAF Strike Command in 1973 before he retired. In 1954 Horsley was invited, by a British Army General Martin, to meet an extraterrestrial being in a flat in London. The property belonged to a Mrs Markham at the time. Sir Peter was taken to a dimly lit room where he encountered one very mysterious Mr Janus. Horsley recalls very little about any features of Mr Janus in his autobiography 'Sounds from Another Room'. What is strange is that I have no lasting impression of him. He seemed to fit perfectly in his surroundings. If I have any impression it was his quiet voice which had a rich quality to it. He looked about 45 to 50 years old and was wearing a suit and a tie. He was quite normal in every way except that he seemed to be tuning into my mind and gradually took over the conversation. …by the end of the meeting I was quite disturbed really.

The conversation started with Janus asking Horsley about everything he knew about flying saucers. Janus explained that man was going through a Dark Age. Humanity was using technology like a child with new toys giving scant regard to his surroundings, nature and his fellow humans. He explained that in 20 or 30 years (remember this was 1954) that rockets and satellites would become commonplace and miniaturization of our technology and advances in communication would grow rapidly. Janus spoke at length about the subject of interstellar travel, the existence of God, contact with ETs, and the destruction of Earth. However he stressed that Earth was in a backwater of the galaxy, inhabited by half civilized beings who posed a danger to their neighbours. Earth was visited from time to time but mainly by robot controlled probes. Occasional physical interference was necessary but that a general rule of space exploration applied throughout the galaxy. At the end of a long conversation Sir Peter asked Janus what his specific interest was. To which Janus replied: You do not interfere with the natural development and order of life in the universe. Horsley made a full verbatim report of his meeting. He was disturbed by the fact that Janus could seemingly read his mind and had a significant knowledge of nuclear installations in Britain. Michael Parker, Prince Philip’s private secretary, treated the whole affair as a joke but commented that the Duke of Edinburgh had actually kept an open mind to the whole affair.

Horsley felt throughout his encounter and even until his death that Mr. Janus was not of this Earth. In his autobiography he wrote “What was Janus? Was he part of an elaborate hoax or plot, was he a teacher, an imaginative prophet of the future or what he had insinuated – an observer?”

When Horsley published his memoirs in 1997, a senior official at the Ministry of Defence commented: How unfortunate that the public will learn that the man who had his finger on the button of Strike Command was seeing little green men.

N.B. Please note that I have added the bits coloured in blue to the above narrative from another source in order to flesh out the account which Horsley gave, as the full scope of the conversation with Janus was far more extensive than that presented above. If anyone has the full account of the conversation, please feel free to post it.

Hello MJF,
I also have read that book some years ago, but I don’t remember anything nowadays.
But because Cs said that their messages are from the 4th STO predominates,
I just wanted to post for let axj know that some group already have connection with 4th STO.
Hello MJF,
I also have read that book some years ago, but I don’t remember anything nowadays.
But because Cs said that their messages are from the 4th STO predominates,
I just wanted to post for let axj know that some group already have connection with 4th STO.
There are four books in fact. The one I read, the second volume to me it seemed much like a brochure on 300 pages. Maybe it is just me.
I am trying to get to the truth, whatever it may be. Knee-jerk rejection seems just as counterproductive as wanting to believe.
Hey ajx 💛 am I correct that we are simply discussing something you have raised and put it out there so you could receive feedback from the group? I apologise if I have offended you in any way, I can feel some disgruntled energy there.

Respectfully, not everyone is going to view this material the way you do and not everyone needs to investigate it deeply to have an ‘informed’ view. We all receive guidance and information in different ways. We also all have wounds and blind spots and filters around different subjects. From my experience, a knee jerk reaction can be one of the best safety mechanisms that your higher self can offer. Your higher self is highly protective for a reason. Let’s remember you are a being of light and consciousness and a lot of energy has been invested in getting you this far. You wouldn’t be here paying attention, listening and learning otherwise.

If you personally share something you are exploring and seek others perspectives, and I see the post, I am going to offer you my most honest intuitive response because I care about you... and I care about the group.

Please know if anything I share below is a ‘projection’ and inaccurate I apologise deeply. I am still learning.

No matter what others say, happily at all times we have that awesome pathway of free will to explore things we consciously or subconsciously know may harm us, because “all there is, is lessons” but in this instance personally I am not willing to explore this group at all, because of the instant physical illness and discomfort transmitted to me energetically via your message, before I even got to their webpage. There could be many reasons for this... I certainly don’t consider myself an authority on anything and my ‘knowledge’ on a conscious level is limited but my guidance has always been pretty strong. I could be very wrong because of my own wounds, I am not saying I am right. Just offering a genuine response.

Personally I feel the energy of the beings behind this group have already got their ‘hooks’ into you energetically, for me to feel that ill just from your first message... I could feel a part of you was quite curious on multiple levels (because like many here you are asking questions and looking for genuine answers) but I felt you were also energetically uncomfortable with some things you possibly could not clearly identify. Sometimes it’s good not to be too ‘cerebral’ about these things... sometimes it’s good just to trust your gut.

I noticed that rather than reaching clarity around these issues yourself, you felt to seek validation, deeper truth, insight, feedback from the group, yet at the same time, appear to take offence at intelligent detailed observations from others who are taking a lot of time and energy to support you and offer feedback.

This is just meant to be a general discussion about the material, is it not? I felt a part of you was quite heavily invested in wanting this information to be true, otherwise you would have been a lot more relaxed about your responses to others, it’s like you feel that generally you personally are under attack.

If anyone has a less than favourable response about this group, it’s absolutely not a reflection of how we feel about you, beautiful one, it’s more a case of our own response to the energies BEHIND this group. The ones feeding this information to these nice shiny sparkly people. I suspect many here pick up on these energies on levels they are possibly not consciously aware of, hence some strong responses.

Already I note you are saying that now you THINK it is probably STS oriented and disinformation... but what do you feel, sense, intuit? I know it can be hard to tune in sometimes... but have you tried? Also, if you look back you may see that alarm bells were ringing for you some time ago, even right from the beginning. How objective were you really being? I feel to also ask you to consider how you discovered this information and what series of events or connections led you to it? perhaps there is something to learn by reflecting upon these questions.

I see you are paying attention as best you can, and asking questions and doing exactly what the C’s recommend - not simply trusting one source for your information. I fully honour and respect your efforts in this.

I have to trust my instincts / my own guidance because every time I don’t my life ends up in disaster. I’ve been exposed to a path in the past that seemed to be full of light, and very detailed, complex, specific information and teachings that had been brought through a very sincere soul, offerings that were promoted as the ‘highest for humanity’. they were all very nice people and it was all very professional and shiny and all that magical stuff but energetically it turned out to be the complete opposite. I learned many very harsh and painful lessons around exploring something that looked like genuine lightwork. I am still paying the price for this years later and fully acknowledge how utterly devastating it can be. I am only just starting to rebuild my life, with deep gratitude for being able to trust the genuine authenticity of Laura, Ark, the tribe + the C’s and the very powerful radiant frequency they hold and transmit together through the core of this group.

I felt none of this genuine radiant energy in the group you discussed. Instead I had the exact same feeling about this group as the one I was previously connected to... it came up for me instantly... not only that, I could strongly feel your own doubts and deeper parts of you questioning their validity.

Your energy came up immediately for me this morning when I woke up and I was guided that I needed to explain why my reaction was so strong. I would never intentionally be dismissive or rude, sometimes I just have a strange sense of humour (especially when I have a headache). We all need a sense of humour to get through these very challenging times but perhaps not so warped as mine.

In gentleness, with love and respect ✨🍃🌸
This is a supposed direct contact with some members of the Galactic Federation through some sort of messenger software and is not a channeling, as they like to stress.
I don't understand how they are talking to these contacts. Do they mean they are using something like email or WhatsApp? I had a look on the website but I could only find a vague explanation about contact via the Internet which raised a red flag for me.
I don't understand how they are talking to these contacts. Do they mean they are using something like email or WhatsApp? I had a look on the website but I could only find a vague explanation about contact via the Internet which raised a red flag for me.
Indeed. And in what language? English?
Extra argument. In South Africa, Eastern Cape Province just recently, several villages cities and airports changed their name from English to Xhosa, one of the South African official languages.
LISTEN | How to pronounce Eastern Cape's new names - and why East London won't be joining the party ... yet | News24

A couple of examples:
old: Port Elizabeth new: Gqeberha
old: Maclean new: Nqanqarhu

That is happening on Earth.
Indeed. And in what language? English?
Extra argument. In South Africa, Eastern Cape Province just recently, several villages cities and airports changed their name from English to Xhosa, one of the South African official languages.
LISTEN | How to pronounce Eastern Cape's new names - and why East London won't be joining the party ... yet | News24

A couple of examples:
old: Port Elizabeth new: Gqeberha
old: Maclean new: Nqanqarhu

That is happening on Earth.
The website said English and Spanish.
Haj axj,
I have questions:
1. Do you have any project / action for which you need the help of 4D STO beings?
2. Do you feel we are; you / we (human beings) victims, so you ask for help?
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