Is the Matrix a hyperdimensional arithmetic operation?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Before we start this thread, a couple of clarifications. I know that the forum as a living entity, is an ocean of information that is constantly evolving. Such is the rhythm, that it is very difficult to keep up with it and to be up to date. For that reason, and in spite of the search function, sometimes it is difficult to find a specific topic or comment. I also know that perhaps the topic in question has already been discussed and similar questions and hypotheses have already been developed. But I don't know, so whether the topic exists or not, I have to give it a try, since the idea of the forum is to share information from the different perspectives that networking offers.

That said, I'll start this thread with the subject of the title.

Well, to begin this it starts after reading the Wave books (1 to 4) when Laura narrates all her research on the Kabbala, code 353535 etc.

One of the things that caught my attention (and that has already been deduced in the forum, both by the C's and by the exchange between forum users, that the code is part of the time loop, as a restriction that they want to impose the 4D STS) is that this code repeats the 35.

Looking at it closely, I wondered why the constant, and there's no 4 between the two. It would seem a silly question, but using the axiom "as above so below" I thought about the code in terms of density. That is, the 3rd represents the 3rd Density and the 5th represents the 5th Density.

That made me think about what the C's said:

A: Lord of Serpent promises its followers infinite power which they must seek infinite knowledge to gain, for which they pledge allegiance infinitely, for which they possess for all eternity, so long as they find infinite wisdom, for which they search for all infinity.

For me this means that one of the components of the matrix is to create a cycle of incarnations between 3rd and 5th density constantly. That is a milking mechanism. Now, the important point here is that it is the details that we may not have discovered yet, but I venture to theorize. As far as we know, the 4D STS uses the manipulation of space-time using the capabilities of the 4th Density.

Reading The Wave, I had noticed that the number 33 is repeated but that repetition was not the deliberate use by the occult circles, secret societies, etc. What one has to see is that the number is repeated or appears not as a code enclosed in any specific document. What is repeated as such are the historical events that result in a triplication.

We see this when Laura analyses the bible and in the commentaries of the scholars we see how the documents that make up the bible have duplicated and tripled the same events! Could we say that the bible is evidence of a constant Mandela effect?

Yes, we know that repetition of text and commentary obeys the coming and going of myths, legends, real history, its inversions, and particular agendas but since 4D STS forces manipulate events and there are periods of blurring and recounting, we know that historical events do NOT obey the ARROW OF [LINEAL] TIME.

What do we know about the vectors?

As Laura commented in her book, a Matrix is a two-dimensional arrangement of numbers consisting of abstract quantities that can be added to and multiplied with each other, and that can be used to calculate vectors.

The term “scalar”, in mathematics, is synonymous with “real” as in real number or real function. A vector is a directed line segment and, as such, has magnitude and direction. Many physical quantities such as velocity, acceleration and force, are vectors. What this means is that, using a matrix, one can establish vectors, which can then be used to calculate a scalar product, which is simply a number that can mean anything depending on how it is used.

“It is important to remember, however, that human consciousness - individually and collectively - can shape microcosmic reality only within limits, due to certain characteristics of our phenomenal realm. One of these limits appears to be the direction of the stream of arrow of time. [...] This seems to indicate that we cannot arbitrarily change the nature of a phenomenon while a particular directionality is maintained. To change a vector (velocity combined with magnitude and direction) of anything requires the application of a greater force. [...] Only a power beyond our universe can mitigate the influence of its inherent arrow of time.

We also see how the vector is mentioned when talking about Agents and how they are an EM vector:

"Then there is the constant projection of the "suicide" program by the many EM vectors"

And also:

Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays.

Now, how does this relate to code, space-time manipulation and vectors?

My theory is as follows:

Number 33 and code 353535 is the result of a hyperdimensional arithmetic operation, which is based on the manipulation of the vectors that define the 3rd density by using the 4th density when traveling in space-time. Since 4th density supersedes 3rd density thanks to the capacity of physical variability, i.e. it can alter the vectors and therefore the unit, then it is possible to create a space-time loop between 3rd and 5th density. And for this arithmetic operation to work, one of the vectors to be manipulated is intimately associated with how human beings perceive the world, that is to say in a LINEAR way. The concept of linear time that we have been lied to in our heads IS A VECTOR!

Dear users, I hope that this information I share can be discussed, reviewed, refuted extended, etc.
I remember one day as a kid, I was travelling with my Grandmothers boyfriend (he drives a semi through out BC). I was looking out the window staring at the country side whizzing by me. I was thinking something I couldn't comprehend or to put it this way, I processing data, some complex stuff but incapable of observing my thoughts because I'm a kid and it's just foreign to me, but it was happening and I was letting it. At the time, it was just a symptom of my being bored and I didn't stew on it.

Every so often I remember that moment and I can't help but realize that I wasn't thinking, but instead I was remembering stuff that didn't happen yet. Do you get what I mean? I know somehow I was remembering something that I did in my present life as an adult in the current time, all the way, 'back' there, in that semi truck as a little kid, whizzing by the electrical poles down the highway. I couldn't comprehend it then because it didn't happen yet, but here I am, still tapped into the same mind as I was tapped into back then, all my past, future and present experiences spilling out through the cracks in random thoughts, connecting and interweaving.

It's as if we refuse to remember events as they really are and have some live editing technique to prevent spoilers.

But they still get through.
I remember one day as a kid

Well, I seem to remember that as children, there is still a certain capacity to remember or see, since we are not yet programmed by culture, social rules, our parents etc.

But anyway, what do you suggest with your commentary? Because my idea is to check if this theory results in something true or not. Which, of course, may not have much of a hold. Still, I can't help but notice the pattern of double (11-22) or triple (33) events in human history, as a result of time travel and altering the past.

What I can tell you, and if this is what you mean, is that our consciousness, if projected in a linear fashion, is transformed into a vector, and that vector is added to one of the vectors of the third density. The C's have often associated linear thinking with 3rd density. When we are children we are not yet so affected by linear thinking.
Well, I seem to remember that as children, there is still a certain capacity to remember or see, since we are not yet programmed by culture, social rules, our parents etc.

But anyway, what do you suggest with your commentary? Because my idea is to check if this theory results in something true or not. Which, of course, may not have much of a hold. Still, I can't help but notice the pattern of double (11-22) or triple (33) events in human history, as a result of time travel and altering the past.

What I can tell you, and if this is what you mean, is that our consciousness, if projected in a linear fashion, is transformed into a vector, and that vector is added to one of the vectors of the third density. The C's have often associated linear thinking with 3rd density. When we are children we are not yet so affected by linear thinking.

You're right! That's what I meant.

This is the best I can do under present circumstances to explain, sorry if it's a bit of an avalanche:

I was able to suspend myself or my processes under hypnosis from the highway, and some how can tap into it from here if I stare at the strobe of my screen without focusing on any specific pixel. But its not on command! it's just random. It's also half imagination/belief, but the vision from the image is still imprinted into my mind, and these vague impressions ripple back and come to me in the past through stream of thought abstraction (drifting into the din). I also note, that I have to be relaxed and sitting to connect to my mind. There were also times I remembered as a kid when I would drift and 'stare off' and form connections and my Grandmother would tell me to "stop that!".

I feel dreams also confirm this where I have a very mundane dream where I'm doing essentially nothing but lounging or fixing food or doing monotonous/routine IT stuff, etc, but eventually, perhaps 6 years later, I get to live that event in nearly perfect sync with the dream. The tunnel requires complete belief or faith of some type to form and a lack of complete focus on any one thought if that makes sense. It's like you have to find the right calibration (fvr?) in your nervous system/brain to sync, and then you catch a snippet of something that just isnt in the same room as you, or year, but it's you.

I find myself layering much the same way when I walk. I feel some how when I walk alone that I'm walking with every other version of myself in that same manner where I was or will eventually be walking alone, depending on the circumstance. Walking up hill for example under strenuous circumstances, instantly connects me to other times I've been walking under such circumstances, and the resulting thought processes or connections that I make are typically profound, but I find for that to happen, it has to be a sweltering hot day and it has to be a steep long hill. I actually live on top of a hill and walk it every day to the point where it is no longer strenuous, I can practically run up it without breaking a sweat by this point. But taking that hill certainly had a pleasant effect on just how many connections I can make other other walks, at other places and ages, and I can instantly get an authentic sense for being there at the moment, and at that moment then, being where I am presently observing, like a feedback loop.

Music also helps to a degree, but I've formed too strong of an emotional connection with a lot of the musicians I listened to for that to be effective anymore, so I've been listening to it a lot less so I can focus more on being (or connecting to myself) so I can understand this new reality better, because not only are there changes in our physical reality, I can sense some how our spiritual or supernatural realities are some how changing too.

Rooms with over head neon type office lighting can help produce the same drift as the screens. The strobing is everywhere now unless you're outside. Perhaps my so called prophetic mundane dreams could have actually been more meaningful and nuanced if I wasn't under constant attack from flickering lights these days?
I can't help but notice the pattern of double (11-22) or triple (33) events in human history, as a result of time travel and altering the past.

What I can tell you, and if this is what you mean, is that our consciousness, if projected in a linear fashion, is transformed into a vector, and that vector is added to one of the vectors of the third density.
If you really get into the math of vector spaces, things will get quite messy for you. Here's sort of a not overly messy starting point. Ark's conformal infinity model uses SO(4,2) and you can have SO(4,2)/SO(3,1)= 8-real=4-complex dimensions. 4+2=6 says we are hyperdimensional aka more than 4 (it's what the C's hint about hexagons led to). The 3+1=4 is our normal spacetime. Thus this vector space math kind of turns a real number spacetime into a complex (real plus imaginary) number spacetime. This kind of makes your spacetime circular (rim of the cylinder actually torus aka donut as I believe Scottie mentioned). So yes it is very time travel portal-like.

You then have to think of gravity, electromagnetism, and the nuclear forces in terms of force particles (bivectors) and spacetime (4-vectors) and add in matter/antimatter (spinors which as Wikipedia says are like the square root of vectors). Then you have to look at the really messy details of the portal-like structures (Ark is currently looking at Einstein-Rosen bridges which could relate to consciousness too).
If you really get into the math of vector spaces, things will get quite messy for you.

I take that for granted! My approaches are not so much about pure mathematics, but about those things in which I can relate them and from there formulate an idea that can give some useful object.

For example, yesterday I was thinking what is the intrinsic property of 4th density? As far as we know it's the property of physical variation, but how does it do that? Then I remember Coral Castle and the Dervish dances and the principle of spinning. That brings me to the rotation matrix. Objects in rotation by centrifugal force and linear acceleration (for example a space station) produce artificial gravity.

In linear algebra, a rotation matrix is the matrix that represents a rotation in Euclidean space. In three dimensions, rotation matrices represent rotations in a concise way and are frequently used in geometry, physics and computer science. Although most applications consider rotations in two or three dimensions, rotation matrices can be defined in spaces of any dimension.

Now, you mention that:

This kind of makes your spacetime circular (rim of the cylinder actually torus aka donut as I believe Scottie mentioned).

A cylinder, a donut, are objects capable of rotation, on a symmetrical axis. One could hypothetically think that the 4th Density has as its rotating property. And that's when the image of the Tesseract appears.

And of course, a rotation matrix uses the special orthogonal group SO(n).
I must admit that I have a limited ability to comprehend things that are not simple.

From Geometric Algebra it appears thar Matrices (and their algebra) are the fundamental building block of hyperdimensional math. But, my math is primitive and I defer to John G and Archea on this topic.

It is rare for me to comment on a topic where I am not confident in my mastery of the subject, but I believe this is the area where we will see 4D manifest before all else.

For some reason I feel we are close to a solution that we can all understand!
I must admit that I have a limited ability to comprehend things that are not simple.

From Geometric Algebra it appears thar Matrices (and their algebra) are the fundamental building block of hyperdimensional math. But, my math is primitive and I defer to John G and Archea on this topic.

It is rare for me to comment on a topic where I am not confident in my mastery of the subject, but I believe this is the area where we will see 4D manifest before all else.

For some reason I feel we are close to a solution that we can all understand!

I'm not an expert either, nor do I have the deep mathematical knowledge like John G and Archea. But I'm pretty confident in my instincts and seeing the patterns. I hope that we can come up with an explanation that is understandable and allows us to better understand the universe and give humanity a tool for true liberation.
Yeah, I think so too. But I can't help but notice the periodicity of the number. That's where the time loop seems to be. I recently started reading the part of Laura's books that talks about Game Theory and Economics. There you can also find matrices and vectors, and I assume that by looking into economics you will find the mathematical arrangements that manipulate economics. Imagine for a moment that you extrapolate the operation of economic manipulation to the manipulation of the 3rd Density, by means of the 4th Density. Because after all, money is also ENERGY. And that monetary energy we know is related to surplus value, that is, the exchange of work for money. All work, even physical work, is given by an investment of consciousness in that work.

Hey Bluegazer,

I figured I'd reply on this thread.

Perhaps the 353535 code is a gene sequence which keeps us trapped in linear time.

Another possibility is that it's a gene sequence carried around by OP's and psychopaths. Turns people into robots controlled by 4DSTS or something.

Just some speculations.
@Archaea I think it might be very, very related. And this if we have found that during the fall of Eden, (lizard takeover) our brain apparently by act of that genetic manipulation was divided into hemispheres and one hemisphere took control over the other. One of the hemispheres is linear and the other is cyclical. That is why the Cs have been insistent on relating linear thinking to 3rd Density.

If suddenly your way of thinking or seeing reality is, let's say, "multi-vector" and therefore not limited, your spatial perception changes radically.

What I perceive is that while our perception is linear, that linearity is contained within a series of loops resulting from the interaction between 3rd and 4th density. Linear thinking does not let us see the loop in which we are constantly being inserted and re-inserted, and linearity makes us predictable and therefore a simple operation of a mathematical matrix, which again works between linear thinking and loops.
this stuff below is really deep, but as long as we are on the topic of "The Matrix"
3rd September 2019
intro to her blog at
Find The Light's blog. Read about Rebecca's latest discoveries.
Becky Barron

I discovered that within the matrix, are layers and layers of streams of consciousness. It looks like layers of clouds. Each person is connected to a layer; Each layer determines what life path you are going to take. Therefore, your life path is chosen BEFORE you enter into this reality. When you meet someone, whom is attached to the same layer of consciousness as you are, then you’ll completely resonate with them. You may have a feeling like you’ve known them before meeting. You would have had very similar exsperiences, similar understandings, and therefore can understand one another.

Before entering into this reality, or any reality within the matrix, your light body is scanned. The beliefs (programs) you have, which are imprinted onto your light-body, will determine which consciousness stream you are connected to. That particular consciousness stream that you are hooked up to will dictate what experiences you will have. The perception we hold says that the higher up in consciousness, then the more evoled one is and eventually, hoping we leave the matrix altogether. However, this is a con! The “higher up” in consciousness you travel, the more trapped you become, as our BELIEFS trap us here. The belief of having to live through many, many lifetimes in order to be freed is complete crap. The lie that we have to live these life paths and all of these other programs in order to be free is absolutely manipulation and those two beliefs is what keeps us entrapped within the matrix.

What exactly are programs though? you may be wondering. Programming is everything from insecurities and personality “types” to false beliefs. The list goes on. These reside on your light-body much like tattoos on our skin.

“Moving up” in consciousness is just attaching to “higher” layer in the matrix. When one has a spiritual awakening, it’s merely your consciousness attaching to another layer of consciousness inside the matrix. “New” knowledge and understanding is automatically given. We never “move up in consciousness”, that is a con. Consciousness IS all-knowing, it does not have to move up!! We have been made to believe that we have to live lifetime after lifetime to gain “enlightenment” and to eventually “be freed.” We have been made to believe that we need to experience all of this suffering and pain in order to be “knowing ” Consciousness doesn’t have to relive past life events nor subject itself to these shitty, false programs. We have been made to believe we have to and WE DO NOT!!

I want to touch on the twin flame theory, too. Considering my girlfriends’ experiences, was my relationship destined to fail? I wondered, as it was part of the life path I was on. For many twin flame relationships, this is the case. These relationships are designed to bring all of our insecurities (programs) to the surface. They are designed to bring all the shitty programs to the surface and that makes life very difficult. “Twin flames” is a program. And that program is the most difficult to have play out, or it has been for me anyway. Talking to a being from outside of the matrix, they explained that the whole thing is set up. It is not chance that you meet, it’s completely designed. Both of you have programs that trigger each other, to exsperiences all the difficult programs and we have been made to believe this is a good thing. We have been made to believe that we have to go through this in order to be free. Sadly that is a lie as we are just playing along the matrix manipulation.

I’ve also discovered that the repeating numerology that the awakened see and talk about is intended to keep us on the life path that we are on. When you see the repeated numbers of 111 or 333 or 777 etc. I use to think, oh I’m on the right path every time 1:11 would come across my watch. Yes, you are on the right path. What you are seeing is actually the matrix pulling you back into your designated life path. Like a hypnotist, whispering a trigger to keep your consciouness in check.

I also discovered that spiritual “guides” that we have are in fact guards who keep us on the designated life path. If we start to steer off, their job to get us back on track. Also, if a consciousness wants to start creating for itself, then a guide will try and stop this from happening. Why does consciousness need guides in the first place?

Most psychic are just reading your consciouness path, the one that is already planned out for you.

Consciousness inside the matrix is rarely in a state of freedom, creating for its self. On a good note, the matrix is disintegrating; we also need to start to believe that we are free. We need to believe that we don’t need to repeat exsperiences or carry AI programs.Consciousness without matrix interference is peaceful and in harmony. Consciousness resonates with all consciouness. Nothing seperates us. No dense emotions is felt. No insecurities. No pain. No worries. No drama. All of that is the matrix at play. All dense emotions we feel is just AI programs.

and a recent short video ,, i don't know what to think about as well ???

21 minutes video,,,,,,,, Nibiru Has Lost Power and Female Consciousness Is Free
this stuff below is really deep, but as long as we are on the topic of "The Matrix"
3rd September 2019
intro to her blog at
Find The Light's blog. Read about Rebecca's latest discoveries.
Becky Barron

No. I'm sorry. I don't buy it. You think it's logical for an article to be titled Rape And Paedophilia Is A Reflection Of The God Program

Which god? I ask.

Before we reincarnate we are stored in a massive container inside the matrix. There is a metal mesh that surrounds the consciouness like a net holding it all up. The number one machine has many tentiticles inside this container attaching itself to many consciouness within it. This attachment stays with them while they enter into the women’s womb and stays with them through childhood and adulthood until they die. All the consciouness being raped by this machine will exsperience rape and sexual abuse in their reality. Rape and paedophilia is a reflection of this in our reality.

WTF!?!?! Something smells bad in there. Blame the matrix but not the offender????

I think you should read Laura's work first and then compare and get a broader reading. Also Castaneda, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Sufis and related.

On the other hand I believe that it is better to work with the clues given by the Cs in the first place and combine it with real research work based on factual knowledge of physics and mathematics.
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Well, to begin this it starts after reading the Wave books (1 to 4) when Laura narrates all her research on the Kabbala, code 353535 etc.
One of the things that caught my attention (and that has already been deduced in the forum, both by the C's and by the exchange between forum users, that the code is part of the time loop, as a restriction that they want to impose the 4D STS) is that this code repeats the 35.

For me this means that one of the components of the matrix is to create a cycle of incarnations between 3rd and 5th density constantly. That is a milking mechanism.
Here is the first piece of infobit you were waiting for..

In Linear Time:
In the morning we wake up and we plan ahead and imagine our day as a neat line, with the tail end being right now with us sitting on the bed and as our day progresses, the line also goes forward and expands in a nice, straight line - just as our normal day-plan is imagined to progress.. from left to right. Then at the end of the day we reach the arrow-head and we are again sitting on the bed at night and we are happily celebrating the completion of our plan, because everything - Our Perfect Day - went so amazingly well! All according to our plan! :D :D :D All in a Neat Straight Line!
Just how Master Gurdjieff liked to phrase things. :D I already explained to IIRC => Niall couple years ago that in reality, our linear time, this Neat Splendid Straight Line we so happily like to imagine and representing our Daily Plan in Linear Time... how it looks in harsh-brutal REALITY -- where the Lizards are constantly messing with our linear time the Outcome -- so that beautiful straight line of our Linear Time for just one of our day.... I think it rather looks like this:


Also I think, our day = our "Linear Time Experience" is not only manipulated, but also LOOPED at least 6x times over! So we are forced to do extra runs each day like a hamster, that is made to drive a giant "Energy producing Engine". No wonder we are so tired at the end of our each [manipulated] day.

So - I propose - that with each passing day, we are ran like hamsters in a hamster-wheel, in an artificially locked, ~6x times repeating time-loop and we have scant little awareness of this blunder!
Except.. (this happened around 2001 frequently enough) usually by Wednesday one of the helpdesk agent girls at my workplace began to complain that she already has a "Friday Feeling".. This feeling of course was shared among us frequently enough that I did notice it being strange.. Now I think we are experienced "Time Flow Discombobulations"

If the above is true, this results in the SHORTENING of our REAL 600 to 800 year LIFE SPAN in such a dramatic way, that although the Lizards are running us like slaves for 600-800 years [extra years above 60-80 we have to loop-run in the Lizards' Zero Time "dimension"], but as a result: during our entire consciously remembered life, we only remember to have lived 60-80 years.. in our normal human environment. This exploitation process of robbing us of much of our real Life Span, I propose, is "the greatest Lie" the Lizards presented us with so far..
. . .
. . .

The second piece of infobit I wanted to share here, is a related experience to your explanation, one I had last year, which I think was experiencing a Vector Destruction. In the context you framed here.
I'll describe it later, as I'll have to go to sleep..
Hey Bluegazer,

I figured I'd reply on this thread.

Perhaps the 353535 code is a gene sequence which keeps us trapped in linear time.

Another possibility is that it's a gene sequence carried around by OP's and psychopaths. Turns people into robots controlled by 4DSTS or something.

Just some speculations.

I just thought of interesting... Earlier, I tried to make a haiku in a different thread. I think I did it right, with 5, 7, 5 syllabic meters, but after reading your post, I recalled another thread where the Cs hinted that words contain energy, I think the word in discussion was Barry or Berry. I wonder how these syllables impact the words, and what is the most common syllabic meter patterning in english?

Also, the recent thread and discussion in one of the last sessions regarding 4D geometric shapes and how they can appear to us in 3D, being wholly different in 4D. How do certain words create these shapes inside our larynx?
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