Is it possible that many people could dissappear soon ?
Have the cassiopaeas talked about this ?
Should we be worried ?
Good question.Is it possible that many people could dissappear soon ? Have the cassiopaeas talked about this ? Should we be worried ?
(from Session 14 January 1995)A: Now, blockbuster for you: 3rd level beings who reach total STO profile automatically and instantaneously go to 4th level at moment achieved!
Once the cycle happens we will all be together again and again! I for example fear the idea of losing my children, my parents, but the more we go forward the more I feel my (God love them) lost grand-parents, so it feels like a cyclical turmoil that always works out for the best, if you understand where I am coming from. Great question and something a lot of us are thinking about for sure. Good to read you!
Is it possible that many people could dissappear soon ? Have the cassiopaeas talked about this ? Should we be worried ?
January 14, 1995
A: You are a 4th density candidate.
Q: (T) So, we are 4th density candidates but that doesn't necessarily mean that we will make it into 4th density, true?
A: Partly.
Q: (T) As 4th density candidates, anyone that is, when the wave comes, if they have reached the correct frequency vibration, and have raised themselves up to the point that the wave will take them, they will, at that point, move into 4th density, true?
A: Close enough.
Q: (T) Now, when those who move into 4th density make the move, will they experience a completeness or merge with all other densities of their being, at that point, even if it is for a short time?
A: For one immeasurably small instant, this is what is meant by "illumination"!
Q: (T) But, for that small instant, because there really is no time, maybe an instant or an aeon, depending on how any individual might measure it, we might experience oneness with ourselves?
A: It may seem to last "forever."
Q: (L) Is this what is known as the "rapture?"
A: Some have attempted to explain instinctive thought patterns this way.
A: Now, blockbuster for you: 3rd level beings who reach total STO profile automatically and instantaneously go to 4th level at moment achieved!
Q: (T) They just vanish? Have people done that before here?
A: Yes.
Q: (F) Yeah, I've heard of that. (T) Sure, people disappear that all the time. (L) Well, I don't think it happens that often, but I think it happens... (F) It has happened. (J) People disappear and you never hear what happened to them. (F) There have been cases where people have suddenly vanished, where a flash of light has just hit them and Poof! (T) Like spontaneous combustion... (F) No... (J) Not spontaneous combustion because the body is left behind. (F) There have been cases where people were actually sitting with other people and suddenly everybody present suddenly sees a blinding flash of light and that person is Spffft! Gonzerooni! (L) Gonzerooni? (F) Once and for all! (T) I want to ask this question, if it has already been asked, somebody stop me, what is the total STO profile? (L) Total lack of concern for self.
A: Yes.
A: So many questions rolled up into one. But, one way it might go is that all of a sudden, everything that ever was is new, everything that IS is new, and everything that will be is new. Programs change, oh we suppose, what an awesome event indeed!
Just like others and C mentioned above the rapture is an event when earth cross the border realm/different density. You already notice the earth is changing frequency as in lots of natural disaster (earthquake, storm, etc) As earth move to 4DSTO realm souls that don't vibrate in acceptable operating range will not be able to reincarnate on it. Don't worry you got 1000 yrs of transition. The disappearance will appear naturally, like sickness/covid, moving away to other places/refugee, starvation, injury/death due to chaos, natural disaster, etc. Nothing to be worried about just do your best to increase your chosen polarity. Only few get to be harvested to STO realm, tiny in STS realm, majority will reincarnate to other 3D planets to continue their spiritual journey.Is it possible that many people could dissappear soon ? Have the cassiopaeas talked about this ? Should we be worried ?
They said one could disappear immediately to 4th density upon reaching a certain percentage STO, maybe cross 50%, something like that. Unfortunately, I can't remember any rare-enough keywords or precise phrases that would allow easy location of the passage.